Stream UFC 300 on ESPN+ ESPN MMA’s Brett Okamoto speaks with Renato Moicano about …
to see you in Las Vegas anato um it’s Tuesday a fight week and you’re going with the the Casual athletic wear but uh I was curious to see if you’d be wearing an expensive watch on your wrist and that’s that’s pretty much always the case with you huh I don’t know I like watches what what about watches has that like always been your thing or when you got some money you started no no uh I I think people use watches and some stuff like to keep value because this these things like uh on the great Market they can you can make money of it and and if you get from a ship you can sell I’m not selling I’m just telling if you look the charts like SP 500 and Rolex index you’re going to see the prices are going up so you’re not spending money you investing money so here I thought you just like the look and you like the having something nice on your wrisk but you’re just always thinking about Investments and value and and that kind of way of thinking huh yeah I think I think I think you should not care too much about the watch is something that I like but at the same time if they offer me a good price for that I sell on the same time yeah um this fight came together pretty quickly I feel like right like they called you the day of that Miami card and you agreed and then they announced it basically right it was very very quick um can you kind of just talk about where you were at were you expecting that like were you very comfortable taking the fight right away because that’s that’s not usually how it works right is that a fight comes together four weeks before and they just announce it immediately yeah I was not expecting at all to fight in UFC 300 I was of course training because I always do but at the same time it’s opportunity and I’m not getting any younger so I have to take advantage of the opportunities and it’s a good fight for me uh is a fight them I’m really comfortable uh I think I have everything to beat Charing Turner and when they offer me uh to be really honest with you I wanted the fight to be on Brazil because I would have uh of course the crowd by my side then I will be fighting in Brazil but in the end of the day being UFC 300 is uh it’s something special too you said you felt like you have all the skills to beat Jaylen Turner is is there just like I mean I think of him as like uh maybe one reason you would want more time is just to get used to a very tall long opponent is that right or you just F you just feel comfortable with his fighting style what about him just made you think like yeah I can win that fight in four weeks because we were supposed to fight uh like two years ago one year ago because we are on the top 15 we we know each other everybody know I know who I can fight who I can fight and he always on my side so uh my last fight I fought Dober he’s a soft power too he’s a striker too of course he’s very tall uh I wanted more time but at the same time I think the time is perfect because I am always training I just had to do some adjustment and and then we are here uh the the problem was like the weight cut you know five four weeks five weeks the the the big the biggest problem is the weight cut but I did everything right and now last week I was little be heavy but today I’m perfect what uh what did you have to do to make up on the because it was a little bit shorter than you used to to cut the weight what did you have to go through to to get it down because usually when I don’t have a fight I start the camp doing a lot of um cardio like running a lot like preparing myself on the bag uh like building the base for the sparing and for the training sessions but since I I only had like four weeks to I jump in on the spings and I didn’t do the like the preparation the base but at the same time I fought like February so I’m still uh coming off the the whole training camp so I’m okay one I mean obviously UFC 300 arguably the most stacked card in the history of the UFC which is fantastic that also means a lot of competition for like performance bonuses I’m not even caring about them yeah who do you think is your biggest competition to get a a performance bonus stuff go against Charles andar Max hallway Alex perir that is so even a guy like even guys like 125 like 13 no it’s 25 right fig three five three yeah yeah so even guys on 135 like figed and C Garand foring Champions they could get a bonus so I hope Don White uh show the money this Saturday did you uh do you think about that sometimes like going into a card like yeah I’d love to win a performance bonus but with this one you were like I’m not even thinking about it on this I’m not even thinking about if they didn’t they get the bonus on apex they’re not going to give me on UFC 300 of course depends on the performance but I’m really focused on the fight right now you beat Jaylen Turner what do you think that uh opens up for you what what do you think the options that come along with beating the top 10 guy he’s ranked number 10 right now there is a lot of options uh but again I’m not I’m not too crazy about the rankings you know I’m I I want to build a fan base that’s for me is the most important right now because they’re going to get you on the big fights I don’t know let’s see I I don’t have a I I I like Dan hook I like I like to fight Ben darush I like Patty pimble I like all these fights like the bigger the name more popularity they have it’s going to be better for me so I’m I’m that’s my mindset right now you got your postf fight speech lined up because you deliver some good ones do you practice those things do you have an idea of what you want to say not at all not at all not at all not at all I have I have some I like to read and I like to to do other stuff and sometimes I I am with that [ __ ] on my mind and then I speak because my English is not very well so it’s it’s not very good so it’s very hard for me to articulate the way that I want so sometimes I just rant but but but I don’t I don’t have a particular thing that I I will say that because I I can ask you imagine you have to fight 1550 minutes and remember something that you that’s that’s hard so I just I just talk what is coming to my mind who do you think you’re like talking to when you give those post fight speeches are you talking to like the arena I talk to myself talking to yourself I talk I I am talking to myself I don’t know why you know I talk to myself it’s crazy that’s interesting um last thing I’ll ask you is because lightweight division is always like one of the most interesting divisions is one arguably the deepest Division and right now it’s kind of like going through that time where it’s like Charles is fighting Armon Dustin just fought s you know Justin gatei had to fight phiv it’s like uh you’ve got like kind of the new guard fighting the Old Guard who do you think if we fast forward like a year from now who do you think are the top five lightweights what’s the top five right now it’s it’s still Justin obviously Charles is is up there I believe arman’s right behind him darush is still up there just who do you who in your mind like do you think it’s still going to be like some of the names that we know or do you think we’re going through a period of like we’re going to see some new names at the top five in lightweight I hope we’re going to see a good name new names like H moo that’s a name that I want to be on the top five even though like I say I’m not caring too much about rankings of course being on the top five going to get you on the title conversations and stuff but at the same time I feel sh Oliva Ahad they are not going anywhere in a year any soon and even D especially if he fights to Islam even even if he loses he’ll still be on the top five so the top five of the division is very hard because they fight for the belt and then they fight each other so it’s very hard to get a crack at the top 10 and the top five and I hope I will get after this fight let’s see well it was a pleasure speaking with you man were you uh you going to go with like the athletic look for the the whole week or you got something you got something planned for the Wardrobe I I get a a good outfit for the yeah for the press conference of course I found a i sponsor for that of course I’m trying to monetize everything of course but I don’t know I’m just trying to have a good time this this fight we who would have known that just wanting money really bad could be a way to make more money like that’s why people are like are are being entertained by you is because you’re just so I want money money more con I want money so just wanting the money is getting people to like like you more and you making more money yeah but I I don’t think it’s just because of the money because like money money doesn’t really exist money is idea of we trading stuff so this camera or this or this watch people perceive the value of that and they give you money so when I talk about money I’m talking about trades voluntary trades people trading and I and my thing with money is money can buy time money can buy uh uh security right can can can can buy uh healthy for your family so that’s what I wanted that’s what I want to people realize because if you don’t understand money if you don’t understand how how how they create money the value of money you don’t care about that and you’re never going to get money and and that’s why people that have money they will get more money and people that don’t have because these people they understand the idea how to sell how how they how they contribute to the society and how like uh how how the the the things work you know it’s it’s very hard for me to say in in English but that’s the idea to have the money to live free and to have a good life you know and to not and to don’t because look wealthy somebody is they don’t give a [ __ ] about anybody because you know they don’t need they don’t need and I want to be like that I want to be uh all about my family