From UFC Connected, Ultimate Access gives an exclusive look at the 30-year reunion of the fighters from UFC 1 for the UFC …

in November 1993 eight Fighters stepped into the Octagon to find out who was the baddest man on the planet at the very first UFC event 30 years later the fighters from UFC 1 were reunited for the recording of the UFC original series fighters of the Roundtable we take a look at how it all went down in this very special edition of ultimate [Music] access I say we just get the cameras up this part of today we are setting up for a huge shoot this is the second episode we’re shooting of Fighters of the Round Table it is a really big undertaking for us we have on our guest list the remaining living fighters of UFC 1 this is the first time that all six of these remaining living Fighters will be joined together at a table talking to us that’s too much we want we want rematch rematch we first did this thing uh who knew who knew you know we nobody knew and um we thought it would last like two or three years you know it’ll just fade out cuz it’s so barbaric now it’s to the point where it became a real sport where people actually know what they’re doing you know here we go Hoy Gracie it’s me art Davey uh P Smith Zan Fraser dadoo so I’m going to have Ken Shamrock and tat Tula this is the only glove in the world to have all the signatures how cool is that how you doing man how you doing man good beast beast beast beast one of the best fighters come out of UFC [Music] one he guys nice to meet you guys nice to meet you thank you it just feels good just to be here it’s a good feeling hey brother how you doing man everything good good it’s like is this really happening like I mean we’re here with all these guys 30 years ago and all these guys that are here it’s special and I think as the night goes on it’s going to be more special to be able to talk to these guys talk about stories and stuff that happened way back when and not have to be competitive about it oh it was like me when I first saw a voice walking around I thought wow what’s this guy walk around his pajamas for man next thing I know I’m looking up in the ring being choked by those pajamas I’m like man I got to give me some of those jammies man exactly I’m happy I’m here I see all the guys yes I like it look at that two 30 30 lb heavier now Kev had all that vaseline on him he had like a two tubs of Vaseline on couldn’t grab him for nothing I’m bust this dude up is what I was thinking I’mma bust this dude up come on man let’s get it on Bo Bop left hook miss the left hook though this one is what the one broke his jaw though pop bam that one I remember thinking the shot there but no I couldn’t he’s too big it’s too big anybody knew new jiu jit then jiu jit comes out comes out that’s what people don’t realize so at this time we don’t know to go to the ground and fight off our back that dude’s too big to be on top of you in the street that’s why we looked at it hang on man we got one more my how are you my friend how you doing brother I don’t know one glove one glove I got the oh watch I wasn’t I wasn’t watch my fights but lately they’ve been showing more often and showing up on Instagram and and YouTube and so I’ve been watching more get the best of each style and put them in a cage and let them go it’s a crazy idea we knew it was going to work but a lot of people was against on the beginning in five 4 3 2 go this looks good oh man he didn’t age at all I didn’t really want to tell you at that time but I was like oh man you’re going to be in trouble yeah that’s what we all said hey brothers it’s been 30 years man let’s get a toast yeah let’s raise a glass man and God bless hey guys there’ll never be another UFC one there you go cheers you are the first fight of that I was the first fighter the first UFC and the first knockout I’m sorry I’m sorry guys oh my guys you guys are the first fight of the night yeah yeah yeah well thanks to you yes you see how Bloody the sport is my blood is the first blood in the octagon thank you I know it was your pleasure we we did something man that that just shocked the world man we did something that we don’t to this day I don’t think we understand how much our presence in that ring affected the whole Sports Legacy we did it all best guys we are the pioneers and the best of the world best of the best best of the best thank you guys thank you thank you come by all right thank you everybody that’s rate it was awesome to see those guys I haven’t seen some of them for for 30 years Ken and I for a long time we like couldn’t stand on the same room guys that fought in the very first UFC voice graci right without fighting without choking each other out yeah we’re we’re we’re acting talking we’re we’re okay sh go do we made Beast long time ago overall was a very good experience I had a great time thank Jesus man this is awesome something I’ve been waiting for for years not only for me but also for them guys look at him he’s going to steal my job to be a part of this is so much more because I’m back like brothers man I’m saying we like brothers [Music] perfect