Rewatch the full fight rematch between Sean Strickland and Israel Adesanya ahead of Strickland’s fight against Paulo Costa in the …

ATA barking at him all right here we go with our middleweight championship fight Strickland is in the white is realna wearing the red for the first time in his UFC career is he changing it up red shorts in the blue last time I believe y Strickland repeatedly acknowledged to us how difficult he thought the first 10 minutes of this fight could [Applause] be and this is where Sean’s going to try to be all fight all night long try to be right in the grill of Edna he does reach with his hands to try to find his distance and then he tries to go the one thing stri will not do is tire but Ed will constantly give him this faints and fakes to try to back him up inside leg kick for Strickland not much on it sometimes the heavy faint game of Izzy isn’t always entirely appreciated when he does it for long stes but facing a guy like that can be exhausting because just constantly reacting you’re so on edge exactly and you can see sea already I mean his defensive structures are are so unique to the way that he fights we saw him struggle with reacting to the faints in the Pereira fight but I feel like he’s learned a lot from that as probably a better Fighter coming into this fight because of it just like with everything else in his life the Downs have allowed for him to rebuild and be better forward and he’s going to try to use what happened against p to benefit him in this fight with one thing he cannot do is he cannot reach for the punches of Izzy that is what ultimately got him caught by Alex Pereira Shin just out of range with that right hand two minutes gone by round one one of the things that Izzy does so well right here the way that he physically controls the air between he and his opponent whoever is hand fighting and has the high hand is winning in that moment and he’s preventing sha from being able to use the Jab which is one of his best weapons Eric Nicki Dy Davis chiefing the corner of Shan [Applause] Strickland Izzy’s just constantly making reads you wonder if Izzy is going to start popping that jab to the body trying to bring the hands of Strickland down a little bit right now Strickland’s being very disciplined with his hands trying to keep him up so make sure that he’s not taking much damaging shots like right there he blocked that one that off that he has such a unique way his guard is unique DC the way that he has sort of like this modified shoulder roll Philly shell but when you fight in a Philly shell normally you’re very very bladed whereas Shawn is extremely square and it does at times present the opposite side of his face to where he’s parrying the kicks yeah the kicks also that’s usually how you could take advantage of strickly because he’s fighting in position or a Philly shell type of fighter the kicks are what normally will land for you just like caner yes very much there you go there you go the champion measured early on Main connection for sh counters with a [Applause] JB you got to be careful when Izzy starts playing posum though that’s exactly what he against did against Pereira just shelled up yeah but much has happened right so when Izzy starts to play posum if strickling can just get active he might win the [Applause] round cters out of attack that lead stri that appear to raise it to check under a minute to go in the round [Applause] back to his spe world cires on a major moment round one to the Challenger and hopefully Sean Strickland didn’t blow too much in that exchange he will not get tired I heard stories that Strickland is sparring 15 20 rounds in preparation for this but he’s got to stay patient he’s got to stay to the game plan because s will now be a little bit more aggressive in his [Applause] approach so a wild wild end to round one has changed the complexion of this middleweight Championship Main Event we’ll see the extent to which aagna has [Applause] recovered well some observers may not have like the body language from Shan Strickland walking out perhaps looking a little bit nervous but he has been focused from moment one of this championship fight yeah I was one of them I thought he looked a little tense on the wall Sean stles a man on a mission is what that was [Applause] [Applause] one of the things that standing so upright like Shan Strickland allows him to do is check those leg kicks pretty effectively he has done a good job of checking kicks either checking or just not being there which is even better I mean he’s just constantly on the pressure he’s under the pressure but he’s being very measured in the way that he’s attacking that asna it’s when get desperate to start throwing too much is when Izzy finds his shots yeah but Sean Sean never fights like that he will even when he sees the Finish coming he’s very measured in the way that he follows at the Abus Mago fight he didn’t rush that whatsoever he just allowed the Finish to come to him and watching osna he gets right back to fighting in the way that you expect him to right back on the face back on the popping and moving you just imagine or wonder how much did getting knocked down affect him because I can’t imagine he expected trickin to get anything off on him in that way oh that’s as clean a right hand as we’ve seen alagna absorb for sure well the story on Sean Strickland is that he doesn’t have the most powerful hands either so you come into a fight not necessarily expecting to meet that level of power dude I watch this Sport and I’m always like how much I love it I just love MMA man it is the best Eric mixi looking for Strickland to use some faints to get his way inside big right hand over the top now for The [Applause] champ is he still in this sort of figuring out process as well he’s making reads but he’s having to deal with a lot of offense as he’s making them I just actually saw him get make a smirk at sh Strickland after he landed the right hand it feels like he’s starting to kind of find Strickland now like he’s settling into the fight a little bit Strickland has the final way to interrupt that before Adis starts to flow too much osia working off that jab effectively here Midway through round two now the low leg [Applause] [Applause] kick by and now a low leg kick is there as well go that was a beautiful jab there by Strickland that’s one of his best shot Flor that straight jab it’s fast and it’s very powerful yeah he lives in Breeze by that jab and that allows him to operate in this really what is it a close distance especially oh big shot from AIA yeah starting to get reads on strickler about to do something to try to change this good response thus far in this round by The Champ under a minute now to go and that’s exactly what you expect from Israel we talked about how he’s lived in these moments and all these moments have not been great or easy for him he’s had to deal with adversity and once again he’s showing how he sits on that stool takes a minute and resets and now he’s winning this [Applause] round nice job defensively there by the champ as well I was just going to say I love how is he stances as he Retreats a lot of times that opens up the body kick or the head kick for him as he floats back into Southpaw looking to fake a spin good jab on the right hand by Shin right in [Applause] round 10 minutes in the can potentially 15 to go calculating some sort of setup some sort of trap for you and you’re just behind a lot of times I I I call it taking pictures right you’re watching you’re in all of Israel adna and then you can’t go I’d like to get the numbers in that round because how much do Sean Strickland actually throw after winning round one against the [Applause] champion nixi also calling to get a little bit of grappling going at least show the grappling get him thinking about something else other than this beautiful jab round grappling right yeah sorry Johnny said that when he throws the jab at lands he’s just not throwing enough he threw 31 in round two it’s going to take a little more than that to take the belt off [Applause] atag Strickland does a really good job of seeing the kicks and just kind of stepping back half an inch making Iz he miss he’s so hard to hit clean I mean that’s what Shawn does so well is you can you can touch him but you’re not touching him with much because he’s deflecting everything with his hands and with his shoulders and with his posture there are the numbers you see the efficiency from Sean strickler but not much in terms of output in round two well in os’s accuracy I mean way down from what we’ve seen him again I mean Sean just so good at defensively forcing his opponents to you know Miss but just being on your heels the entire time is not fun no never get an opportunity to control the [Applause] engagement St seeing things pretty well defensively but osna mix it up his targets here round two three excuse [Applause] me on that [Applause] not really much in sequence nor combination for Strickland trying to create an angle [Applause] here Strickland’s defenses are on point right now but it’s got to be more offensive edisa will win on activity if strick continues to just follow him without putting much activity out right hand landed for and then a counter partially for stri that lead like of tremendous super tricky the way that he throws it well right after this Main Event don’t miss a recap of all the action on the UFC 293 post show on E Rashad Evans and Dean Thomas hanging out with Phil Murphy Megan’s here to interview all the big Winners it is only yours on e+ [Applause] [Music] Shin just out of range with that right hand sort of a pedestrian round through three minutes and it’s a round that each of them can win four of 16 for Shan Strickland Shan Strickland is doing left hand got forland I think I saw Izzy made a little bit of the face at the end of that one I think that one got through a [Applause] bit all right so here’s that 902 Mark we’ll see if Strickland and you just heard the imperative from Mi it we’ll see if we see some grappling out of Strickland late in the [Applause] [Music] round strong jab there from [Applause] [Music] [Applause] strickman B on the left hook Shin taking advantage of some moments late in the round Land good left hook there off the last minute high low he’s trying to come around and you may have caught Eric Nix dropping that all important word Optics in a close [Applause] round yep he’s on that word right in a very close round that like stuff like that that jab that was a good jab he said that’s why he felt like he lost the Jared caner fight he out struck Jared on the numbers but he felt it was the optic and the fact is that the scoring criteria does to some extent favor a power puncher it’s the big shots that are going to get you the most points but you can certainly argue the bigger shots in this third round were landed by the Challenger absolutely this one is getting very tight this one scorecards could very well be all over the place at least in that third round 10 minutes to decide it let’s throw up some of those scorecards from the internet like we usually do so we can get an idea of what’s going on because man it’s a close fight and if you think it’s 21 Sean Strickland that is not a bad read no because he landed some good shots in the second round but you heard Eric ni Nick Nick I’m so nervous man Eric Eric was saying we didn’t come here to lose a boring decision get after him it’s like I’m in there fighting [Applause] again seems like a lot of the scores out there are 21 Strickland we’ll populate some of those for you now adani goes High partially blocked by stri wow got counter on I didn’t expect the majority of them you know usually it’s it’s kind of everywhere but if Strickland won that third round he cannot have another round like round two where he just didn’t do much he needs to start countering immediately off the kicks of aania because there are moments where Israel’s open as he’s finishing the kick process I think Izzy needs to kind of sit on something a little bit he’s moving a lot right now I think OS needs to put something on strippin to try to back Strickland off of him well and he’s so good when he operates in the pocket like he did against Robert Whitaker Israel can land power from strange angles when his b right here and a big left hand count my goodness Sean strick landed a big left hook there and now the right hand partially gets through out’s body language not great as he presses forward and lands a right hand good body kick by The Champ but I think we’re all feeling the tension of this fight here three to go round four and like you said izzy was a minus 600 favorite massive number that jab of strickling it must be very long because it gets to osna even when osna is leaning back and that’s a position that Izzy does and not many can really pull off and look at those numbers in terms of the misses forced upstairs by Shan stri has missed over 100 attempts to the head that was wild I don’t think off the top of my head I can’t think of anybody else who has made him miss this much oh from stri didn’t look like Pome playing there it just seems like when Sean lands there’s more to it than when lands Sean would be smart to mix it up maybe go to the body once I he starts guarding up like that Shing up oh nice switch right hand there by the champ that was beautiful Strickland stalks and lands a jab good body kick from [Music] [Applause] osna the champ just hasn’t consistently found that flow State and stri deserves credit that’s what he does he just makes guys uncomfortable forces them to operate in a way that’s outside of their natural style he does it to almost everybody you don’t want to fight like this I I don’t care how good a counter Striker you are you don’t want to be on your heels the entire time especially with a guy in front of you that’s in a a bit of a Philly shell it’s tiring to fight off the back foot as well especially I mean when you think about the hours of training for Israel aagna how many hours do you think he spent going backwards consistently for four three rounds four rounds the whole it’s been four rounds of this fight for sure Izzy has not been able to dictate to Shan Strickland and that has allowed Sean Strickland to not only be in this fight but possibly winning this fight and I know some fans have wondered aloud If eventually as both guys land there the break NE schedule of aisna would one time catch up with him you said he was a minus 600 favorite John yeah- 675 those live numbers don’t look like that anymore that much this is a sport that will make fools of anyone yep you can never think you [Applause] know waiting seconds of round four Strickland lands a jab now kicks the body to the final round we go it could be two to two it could be one to three it could be 3 to one Strickland and if it’s 3 to1 Shan Strickland and he’s winning three rounds against Israel asagna nobody would ever expected that dude there was some frustration and worry in the corner of isra asna he said he can’t find his jab Eugene bman told him he’s going to have to take some risk but there is no risk in him throwing the right hand champ I find it hard to believe osna could be leading 3-1 on any cards you never know you just never know but I’m just saying I’m just throwing all options out there but I can’t imagine this 3 to one Edis honestly I think it’s three to one strictly [Applause] yeah looked like was loading up and partially caught Strickland’s arm I mean Sean Strickland’s defense when he reaches with his arms it makes Izzy his right hand missed cuz he hits him on the arm and the shoulders the way that he hides behind his shoulder those shoulder I mean it’s no one does it the way that sha Strickland does it in MMA it’s a boxing thing but you just don’t see it that often in the sport that someone does it so effectively and what I love is sea is still pressuring and he he may believe he’s up on the scorecards but he’s not going to fight any different he’s not going to play it safe and start skating around he can’t Laura if he allows Izzy to start dictating to him he’s going to get in trouble he’s got to continue to do what’s allowed for him get ahead in this fight well 100 pay-per-views ago in Melbourne Australia Holly Holm turned in the biggest upset UFC Women’s Championship history might we be in store for more history 100 pay-per-views later tonight [Applause] man I just I guess I’m just amazed that Strickland has found a way to make Ed asagna play the mouse the entire time he has he has never never allowed for him to play the cat one of the things he’s done really well is the way that he’s hacky sacking against those CF kicks that’s been an issue for Shawn in the past and he’s not allowing Izzy to have much success when he’s attacking the Cal you know we talk about Sean Strickland and some of the things that he went through in his life right and how he said that it helped him to become the man that he is he got knocked out by Alex Ferrera he went and trained with Alex Pereira so this is a man that for no matter what you feel about him is always trying to improve himself Y and he will humble himself to do that takes a big ego check to be able to go learn from the person who who knocked you out and let us also acknowledge that he put his number four ranking on the line against an unranked Alex P when no top five middleweight Contender was willing to do that Iz he just landed a good right hand and M stri landed a good jab there Izzy’s going to have to let it get a little dirty now yeah seems like Iz stands the urgency of the moment just over 2 minutes to go is he’s going to have to stand on a coin man he’s going to have to stop [Applause] moving oh good jab from [Music] [Applause] aagna H Eric mixi asking for Sean Strickland to VAR his targets you know what’s crazy is Sean Strickland outside of those push kicks hasn’t thrown one kick oh I know he’s boxing the entire turn he has a jab and a two and he’s winning a championship fight with him and there is that jab again 90 seconds to go against one of the greatest Strikers we ever seen inside the octagon and N A taked down attempt from Sean stricklin who lands another jab and partially connects with the right hand that right hand got the Champ’s attention and it doesn’t look like he’s doing much but look at how beat up is he is Izzy’s face is battered man and trick doesn’t even look like he’s breathing [Applause] hard is he’s bloody and he’s swollen The champ is going to have to sit and throw man he’s going to have to fire we’ve seen is he sorry John stuck right over you I was going to say we’ve seen Izzy in these tough spots before though the Kelvin gastan fight brings back [Applause] memories oh good connection by Strickland and once again osna on the ret [Applause] treat 30 seconds to go this is crazy this was not how I expected this fight to play out and now Shri is talking to him holy cow shcking flapping gums late final 10 seconds adna lands a kick to the body likelihood Sean Strickland oh my go has produced one of the biggest upsets in UFC championship history we await the all important scorecards but Sean Strickland in all likelihood is heading back to the United States of America as the Undisputed middleweight champion of the world Sean Strickland just came to Australia in one I cannot believe it he beat him bad I’m my jaw is open right now Sean Strickland is exactly who he said he was my goodness l s I mean I’m I’m looking at I’m I’m literally like seriously I love to talk and I have no words cuz that was a fantastic performance wow well bet on mix Mar log at your own Peril perhaps one thesis statement let’s take a look at some of the work early on I mean that right hand from Shan Strickland knocks down Israel osaga the follow-ups did a lot of damage but it’s the the pattern the onew no recoil Shan Strickland all over Israel osna in this exchange I he survived this though gives a thumbs up at one point to the referee but later on in the fight the jab of sha Strickland I mean Israel aagna certainly had his moments but he was forced on the back foot the entire fight and it’s very difficult to Counter Strike or kick and this right here that is Shan Strickland in his El loving life fighting like a man oh my gosh it was a long time coming for Shan Strickland he repeatedly stepped up for the company got his title shot made the most of it Bruce Buffer with the official decision ladies and gentlemen after five rounds we go to the judges scorecards for decision all three judges score this contest 4946 for the winner by unanimous decision [Music] and new Undisputed UFC middle w champion of the world Sean [Applause]