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that win streak started here in Singapore when he was 23 years old back in 2014 he said it’s full circle and he meets the Korean zombie here tonight as mentioned hallay in the red for the first time in his career chance Sun J in the [Applause] black So speaking to the zombie this week I think it’s clear that he was alluding to us that he’s going to try and wrestle a lot I think that’s probably a smart idea we know how good the boxing is of Max holay but zombie said even though this potentially might be my last fight he’s still just as motivated to go out there win and then beat somebody like Max Hol maybe even more so correct given the location as well also a story line entering this fight after the win over Dan EIG a couple of years ago in a main event the Korean zombie said he’d like to fight Max Holloway believes he has a clear Edge and punching power and that Holloway has good skills but he doesn’t hit hard and Holloway of course not getting into a war of words that’s not his style said we’ll see on Saturday night zombie already landed a nice left hook there he’s got to watch rushing in to close the [Applause] distance this the second UFC appearance in Asia for the Korean zombie the other one in his native South Korea Frank Ed dur in the first round nice land there yeah oh a big right for zombie and now he’s got Max Holloway on the retreat oh Holloway with the counter has Korean zombie wobbles there’s some power I tell you what this is very interesting Holloway was just wrong that’s not something we see very often then immediately Rock zombie back Holloway to the body two minutes in and that is something we will see Max utilize throughout this fight if it last long is mixing up his attack man zombies loading up on these shots yeah counter right over the top of the JB that landed for zombie kind of the top of the head [Applause] oh that was nice that was a big left hook there from Max fainted low and came up with that hook and you see the redness on the chin as well but they call him zombie for a [Applause] reason [Applause] thanks for the body clean land up top for Holloway yeah that was really slate kind of switching stances as he went forward real nice sharp stiff job that right hand is dipping low quite often from the Zombie Max is taking advantage of it both men seem to be lunging in quite a lot second appearance of 2023 for Max Holloway turned back Arnold Allen over five rounds in April and that’s what Max does I mean listen we know the champ is Alexander banovski Great by name great by nature but I tell you anybody else Max Holloway just has his way I mean Arnold Allen was on an 11 fight win streak and looking ridiculously impressive Max holay was just too much but this is a very competitive opening round oh that’s a great shot that’s that’s the max is having so much success with so far as that left [Applause] hook and you know it listen given as I said the devastation and the heartbreaking situation in Maui that’s a lot to carry into a fight it really is I can only imagine the Heartbreak the sadness the anguish that not only himself his family and the entire nation going through you know it’s to be able to fly here to go through a weight cut stepp in here After experiencing you just just the pure heartbreak and to fight somebody like the Klean zombie it’s a lot for anybody to ask but he’s doing this and showing up because he wants to inspire his people 20 to go zombie has had moments through the first round significant strikes in favor of Holloway who is landing at a higher clip as well lond bigger power as well for the right hand gets the target as the horn sounds and we head to a round two unofficially 31 to 29 total strikes and significant strikes landed in that first round in favor of Holloway very close as we enter round two oh nice faint low same thing that Max is landing with Brian zombie just executed it well there too where he almost faked that takedown came up with his left hook I thought one of the things that would really give oh he’s down Holloway doesn’t want to follow up if he doesn’t have to now how about this trying to lock up a submission you might have it this is that’s it he’s Ping On the hips that’s the way to alleviate the pressure Max was being too nice too kind for his own good Z still with it I think Holloway was wondering if he was out still works on the ground he’s still pushing he should have just jumped on him and give him one more for good measure that’s why you got to love match Hol oh man I don’t know how the zombie is staying with this this is this is tight but he on it the quite correct zombie doing what he does staying in a fight but still eating some punishment here correct well up Brendan and now back to his feet outside position I mean the noise in this building everybody’s on their feet wow I mean talk about living up to your [Applause] nickname Big exhale Wags the tongue and says let’s keep going he’s like w that was a bit crazy massive left hope for the zombie though for the record the last win by submission by Max Holloway came in 2015 against Cub swans it’s been eight years oh uppercut for zombie as Holloway dipped in yeah yeah Zombie’s got a mean uppercut well the zombie certainly recovered you know he was kind of in shaky legs but as I say seems with it now throwing decent shots a lot of power solid [Applause] job that was beautiful the movement yeah the movement goes into the shot that took gets through there for zomie Max eats it man we got to remember how good Max’s chin is as well it’s one of the best chins in MMA pound for pound just doesn’t get dropped no it’s [Applause] insane I mean look at that he’s he’s rolling under that lead left hog counter him perfectly each Landing in close had a couple to the chin that time with the zombie fires [Applause] back and Max is showing great patience as well even when he hurts him he knows that those big counters are coming back he gets hit with a couple and he gets out of there [Applause] kick you guys talking about the chin much has been made about Max hollow’s kind of unique approach the lack of sparring to get ready for fights well says you know football teams do walkthroughs they don’t do full tackle and practices and he has certainly Found A system that has kept him fresh after so many fights he just missed with a massive uppercut a second and go I mean they call him the zombie but you can only take so much and he’s been dropped a couple times already and zombies can be killed head shot b double [Applause] tap nice body shot there from Max that’s going to open up that just trading Big Shots final minute of round two the speed of Max though that one two there just a second and goal was [Applause] lightning all the way to the body finishes the combo up top yeah really nice rips to the body comes upstairs you know I’d like to see the zombie maybe go for a take down it’s only a matter of time because Max I mean listen he’s Landing shots but Max is faster seems to have bigger power as well what an atmosphere in here in Singapore man this is it’s incredible it’s [Applause] insane that’s what makes this sport so amazing the [Applause] fans right hand from Korean zombie horn sounds in round three upcoming that Korean zombie looks pretty good considering it’s his first action in 16 months his last fight was in April of 2022 against vulcanos the title fight at usfc 273 this is 10th straight main event and he opens up round three with a big one I mean that’s a big start to your PR looks phenomenal especially right now wow empty in the tank is the Korean zombie now oh man all the way one and done on the counter right puts him to sleep the Blessed Express through Singapore immediately to his wife Alessa in the crowd and Holloway sending a message tonight I mean careful what you wish for you want a war you want to go to [Applause] war what a fight so this is the craziness that led to the finish the zombie just throws caution to the wind goes forward and says you know what let’s just do it let’s just throw down and what we’ll be will be and they come up and was that he hit the canvas face first but not before he landed a few shots you know woring a lot of Max Holloway fans both Landing massive wild blows but that is the one face down on the alagon canas easy stoppage from Mark Goddard on that one clean right hand for Max Holloway who landed some Big Shots throughout the fight unreal what a fight and you know and let’s take a listen as it happened in real [Applause] time ladies and gentlemen the end comes officially 23 seconds round number three we we have your winner by way of knockout Max BL [Applause] Hall