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[Music] all right gentlemen we’ve been over the rules protect yourself at all times follow my instructions going to keep it clean touch gloves let do it they had to wait one extra week they get two extra rounds song and Ricky Simone scheduled for the co-headliner last week now they’re shifted to the main event here tonight ready ready let’s fight Ricky Simone the small favorite is in the white s Yong is in the [Music] black Simone very much known as the grinder he has landed 14 takedowns in a single UFC fight that was with three rounds to work he says he’ll get better with having five rounds the cardio not an issue for [Music] him [Music] those Ricky Simone showing a lot of respect for S dong not really charging in there like he normally does s is building his read right now trying to figure out how he wants to approach this challenge Simone also trying to get his mind ready for this five round Pace as well so I think we’re seeing a little bit of a different patience out of him got a long fight for a leg and that’s the first strike thrown by song the leg kick one of the few blemishes on the record of Ricky Simone came against Uriah Faber who’s in the corner of s Yong when he just I think made a a rookie mistake even though he wasn’t a rookie but he just kind of charged in there didn’t really respect the power on the other side perhaps more calculated as he looks to throw himself in the fire here absolutely in Sacramento too you know all the all the recipe for just a very difficult Victory and uh IAH Faber kind of steamrolled him there but Ricky Simone as he has said time and time again he doesn’t lose right he gets chances to learn and that was a chance to learn dance switch and song claps the body you could tell you Dong’s team knows that Ricky shoots after that right hand because they’re looking for that back knee right up the middle you saw song L the calf kick and then come with the right knee he’s looking to time that right knee when Ricky changes levels that’s why he’s sitting and waiting for Ricky right now he wants to meet him at that level change fingers up he’s looking for an uppercut or a knee something to scoop Ricky Simone’s head up when Ricky changes level that’s what you can see out of sedon right now bit of a layoff ending for each of these Fighters since they were last in action for song it was a main event against Cory sandhagen right here at the Apex last September that was called after the fourth round because of A Cut Above the left eye of s Yong that was pretty gnarly took him a month to heal up from that and get back to training for Ricky Simone it was Long Island last July when he took out Jack Shore clinch along the fence first time tonight they lock up that was a beautiful double jab right hand landed for Ricky Simone song tried to get a little more aggressive and Ricky dove into the clinch how about song here he’s doing really good job of controlling that clinch Simone reverses position and shakes him off 90 seconds to go round one oh big clubbing right hand from Simone and that’s both of them have a super good right hand and they’re both going to be dodging that the whole fight from it one another Simone lands the first right hand though a smile after eating the leg kick from song I think when you look at song I think he believes he checked it and hurt Simone on that one y quick left from song that time when song Yong explodes into his strikes he is so fast he gets right in your face Simone right now is level changing every time he’s got to be very careful that s doesn’t throw a knee up there right up the middle and you may have overheard the Team Alpha Mel corner of song I think Simone’s starting a bik bite on some of these faints perhaps it provides an opening 25 seconds to go in the first round o big swinging a Miss twice Corner Ricky Simone liking it we should shout out the team at Team oyama calling oyama the lead corner for Ricky Simone trains in between camps at at Portland American top team Portland up near his native Vancouver Washington but he’s been working with Colin oama the last several fights and it has paid off Fernando Padia out of that camp tonight as well getting the big win over Julian Arosa a few fights ago song believes he found an opening kicking and little trash talk as we start round two that jab is going to be huge for both these gentlemen cuz they’re so good at landing and finding that power shot a jab will really help them find one another especially because they’re close to the same height Tomy surprised at all only two takedown attempts from Simone in the first round didn’t land any of not surprised at all because it’s a five round fight you got to be careful with your energy expenditure for five rounds especially against a guy like s also the fact that song Just defended it so well yeah right that was much harder than oh heard a bad s try to pounce here K attempt from song with Simone locking his hands and he’s out of it turns into a taked down for Simone Oh that was just a beautiful transition for Simone there you have to give credit to him cuz he got hurt he got rocked and then dropped down to a double at the perfect time when you saw Yong attack you got to change levels in those situation all right we’re seeing oh wow okay so that that KN down as it were that was a clash of heads as they came together we just saw on our replay monitor here in the booth and we just saw no contest last week after a fight ending sequence between Bobby green and Jared Gordon and then Kelvin gastam had a clash of heads against Chris Curtis in round two which perhaps played an influence in the judges scorecards nonetheless we play on here three minutes to go yeah we just saw the Clash of heads with Bobby green as well recently in in the last card so that happens all the time these guys were able to keep it together nice repping oh Body Work s Dong Song throws so hard his point he is not holding anything back when he gets in the range and he lets his hands go he is throwing to try to finish Rick Simone every time that exchange with the head Clash led to the only taked down of the fight for Simone but of course not a lot of Ground Control time now song sits under that left hand that was a beautiful setup he went right hand to the body first then he come back with the left hook song’s found his Mark he’s found the timing of Simone in this round he’s a he’s landed a lot more and not just Landing he’s Landing significant strikes and you’re seeing the T kicks start to land that’s setting up the power shots he’s using the T kicks as the jab to find his range against Simone and discourage Simone from Level changing he keeps showing him things up the middle he’s also showing that knee and then going to a southpaw right hook left overhand that one right there very clean he shows the knee to stop Simone from going underneath his punch and then he follows it up from a southpaw stance it’s very creative oh they come Together [Music] Again song walking a back to the fence great balance by song on these punches as well he’s keeping his balance not falling over at all he never overthrows D he just throws it from the right position up final minute round two came close with the counter now he goes left hand to the liver those body shots are hurting every time Simone gets caught along the fence and he starts to lose him he doesn’t go to the head he goes to the body Simone’s going to have to do something to get some respect to get this guy from just walking him down that’ll help you called it DC four Tak Downs it’ll help Ricky Simone top half and Simone trying to score here in the final seconds as is song Yong from bottom position with some Hammer fists how about that for a frantic exchange to cap the second round let’s check out some of these replays right hand and The Clash of heads followed it up hurt Simone and then he was able to follow up after that get the take down right here nice onew from song and that tep kick right there really has been helping him a lot to find Simone in this second round nice triple jab and you see Ricky he’s been firing that jab really well and pulling song into these takedowns beautiful job timing that and then finishing strong as well at the end of the round with the ground and pound F third round underway and after being an even money Underdog s Yong has swelled to being a favorite in near minus 300 after two rounds one thing Ricky is doing really well too nice shot down the pipe but what he’s been doing so well is not backing straight up Rick’s always going laterally side to side he’s not going in straight lines that’s really helping him so far with setting up those shots as well 32 from song that time here at the corner Ricky Simone tell him that they beli he’d be able to get a take down and that time his left hand got two low ouch not a body shot it was below the belt nice on the money you rarely see that from a punch luckily Simone right over here right there appears to be dealing with it well s s there you ready okay hold on stop we’re right there I know you came after a break of under one minute action will resume good that’s it [Music] [Applause] [Music] good a chest match going on on the feet right now 90 seconds into round three step in from Simone that [Music] time Simone punching into a takedown attempt song was ready for it he telegraphed that one a little bit you can see him starting to level change S started to defend before Rick even got down into his stance to shoot show that one far too early I think song knows that Simone pretty much is just looking for the Tak down behind the hands it’s not really like throwing the hands just to land the hands and so it’s keeping s being able to just see that second piece of the transition and that’s why he’s not and that’s why he’s not respecting the hand because he’s not throwing things to hurt him right now he’s throwing it to set up the shot yep oh we saw that again in round two what do you think he should do do well he’s doing that right there double jab faint in and then when sadang or when sorry excuse me when s reacts then time your shot but you got to put two together hit him hard some you might just need to bite that on the mouth guard throw a right hand with some intent to let song Yong know that I am going to tag you hard if you don’t show me some respect and you stay in my face the entire time eventually you got to stand your ground and just let a nice six punch combination go to the body and header ending with a high kick to show him I’m here to knock you out too something like that well because look at what song thr yep right he knows that he is under attack from the Tak down oh oh oh left to a reaction from Simone who circles away bring to you keep Hur Simone wore it well and recovered well but that wobbled him for a moment I like the bodyw work of Simone that would really support him just to keep faking up high and then go to the body of s cuz that’s what’s Landing for him it’s hard to hit s in the in the head he’s having a tough time finding [Music] [Applause] him oh and some starting to find the timing a little bit when Simone [Applause] enters there’s a combination that backed him up final minute of round three I think we’re going to see Ricky try to really pick up the pace in the next two rounds if I’m going to be honest I think that’s part of the plan it could be wrong but if I’m Ricky I’m I’m kind of like looking at this style he’s kind of conserving a little for only four and five but I don’t know do something different because I’m judging the fight he’s down three rounds to zero y I agree I mean that’s the only thing I could think of that he’s believing is okay in the second in the four and five I’m going to pick up the pace on the takedowns maybe got to do something and song doing so well moving forward and back pressuring the right way and really defending takedowns nice Lean Back by Simone too I mean those leans aren’t easy got great eyes he’s got great eyes those aren’t easy to time we head to the main event rounds yeah Ricky Simone has a gripe there right here you see Simone beautiful level change into the Tak down got his hips to the far side but look at song pushes his head down right away to get back up nice jab here by Ricky Simone now we got some of this another jab by Simone into a level change song defends it overhand right by song to the left hook then right here straight left left by S Yong good third round this was the warning from Herb Dean oh man yeah sadong LED with his head there and Simone protested at the end of the round and there was a warning from Herb Dean kind of dip the crown of his head hey well earlier it was a clash of head that that dropped exactly yeah right then you saw that one Simone has a legit right to say hey man we got to fix this and the other thing is you can’t walk into the pocket with your chin up so it’s kind of a mixture of this is a [Music] fight flying knee for Simone Oh body shot from song who puts together a combination song’s boxing is sick man counter right hand from song Simone’s Corner asking him to continue to move forward in level change there it is and song with a nice sprawl Simone second effort backs him to the fence but that’s about it he did exactly what his coaches asked they said when he defends take down one hit him with another one this time he went three Tak Downs deep and none of them work and perhaps the grappling uh approach and preparation of s Yong going down to Austin te Texas is paying dividends now he’s been able to keep the fight where he wants it for the duration so far and again look at how Rick is circling instead of going straight back he’s trying to pull song into something I mean song’s not biting though he’s staying balanced he’s doing a good job being prepared for what Rick’s trying to set up so far yeah Rick’s doing a good job of moving off the line but Dominic this is new right this is not the Ricky Simone that we’re used to Ricky Simone is usually the guy going forward so what song has done is pretty much changed the way that he approaches a fight by just pressuring him and moving forward into him and putting so much damage on him that he doesn’t want to run the risk of taking anything too big because he knows son Dong’s too powerful when in reality I feel he would have more success on the take Downs if he was more forward shorter man generally wants to move forward right d youc yes in these fights with kicks and everything else the wrestling guy wants to be moving forward oh ni big swings nice counter from Sona dong two minutes too round four Simona has done a good job this round landed some Jabs though and honestly all night his jab has landed because I don’t know if song respects it it’s also not a full commitment to throw that jab and it sets up his doubles so the jab can get through you just got to make sure you’re stopping that double A yeah you don’t want to eat the big shot that was a good check by Simone on that one nice slip from song evading damage on the retreat that time and then goes right back into the fire and for Shong 13th fight in the UFC looks to be evolving still just 25 years old so deep in his fight career long on experience without a doubt China’s best hope for a male UFC champion and proven that he definitely belongs in this bantamweight shark tank in the top 10 oh man counter shot and he’s starting to draw out some big reactions from Simone nice straight left there Ricky s Simone hanging in he’s stuck the jab a couple of times but Sonya dong has absolutely stifled where Ricky Simone is best oh that sets him down right at the horn hurt him bad and the biggest moment of the fight happens in the final seconds of the fourth let’s see how this punch landed for S it’s a nasty left hook I mean it just sits Ricky Simone down right at the end of the round look at this back step back step left to boom on the money I mean just beautiful beautiful punch by song there and you see right when the time expired on the clock on the Octagon side Ricky Simone has his work cut out for him with 5 minutes to go needs a stoppage to keep his five fight win streak intact Corner told him as much too you’re going to have to go hit this guy you got to get him out of there Ricky Simone trying for a big comeback Victory and he lands a big right Simone’s team knows he’s got to land a big shot and get song out of there he’s behind oh nasty right hand timed by song and you wonder how recovered Simone was able to get with that 60 seconds as son dong perhaps looks to pile on he’s got the timing of Simone’s jab and now he’s just throwing an overhand right over the top of it clipping him in the ear every time he throw see every that’s it followed it with another left hook Simone is down that was nasty song your doong pouncing on him and he WS him again that’s it and that’s going to do it him a good shot to finish in the fth round that great you fight is absolutely at home with the best pantom weights in the world and what a response for Sona dong after his main event last time out he was able to show grit and toughness this time he showed skill and the ability to put it away in the final rounds yeah right here you see songy dong Landing a shot that puts him out but watch here guys this right hand boom Another left hook that just starches Simone I don’t know if Ricky Simone ever recovered from that shot before the end of that other round look at him slip watch him come back with the left hook nasty right on the chin drops Ricky Simone jumps on him and gets the Finish song needed to make a statement and that is exactly what he did with that performance he looked fantastic tonight and how about that to come in the fifth and Final Round it’s one thing to get a first round finish catch your opponent land the big shot it’s another to go into deep Waters and end it in the fifth something that wouldn’t happened if this one went down in just three rounds ninth win by knockout for song Yong after a great performance throughout the fight he put an exclamation point on it here’s Joe to make it official ladies and gentlemen the end comes officially 1 minute 10 seconds of round number five referee Herb Dean puts a halt to the fight for your winner by TKO the kung fu kid song [Applause] yes