Grab your popcorn because DC & Chael are rolling out the red carpet and handing out hardware for the best of the best, with their …

so we get these notifications I think it’s called twostep security chil have you ever heard of it yes yes I have it’s a two factor tication it’s not really needed it’s an extra step it’s annoying unless you get hacked [Music] what’s up guys welcome to a brand new episode of good guy bad guy I’m Daniel Cormier that’s the bad guy CH Su CH so last week you get hacked I actually reach out to ESPN and ask what is happening because you’re such a bad guy I thought you might have gone off the rails but chill how crazy was it seeing all that coming from your Twitter account was like oh my God my boy has lost his mind our sweet show was doing so well people were watching they were tapping into what we were doing and now it’s all over CH what were you thinking when you saw that you feel helpless Daniel there’s a sleep aid called ambient and it will do its job like it’s going to make you go to sleep whether you close your eyes or not it’ll put you in this weird State I got to tell you I wasn’t feeling well went to take a nap my mother takes the kids to apologize my wife takes the kids to gymnastics she sees the tweets Daniel she thinks it’s me she thinks I had taken get an ambient and that I didn’t go to sleep she gets the kids and she rushes home to say what are you doing I didn’t do this I didn’t even take a nap I wasn’t feeling all that bad I took a cough trop I’m just sharing with you like it’s it’s a little hard to backtrack when your own people think that it’s you can I tell you what the hacker did that was brilliant he deleted some of the tweets he put out some really nasty tweets but then he deleted them now when he does that he does make it look like me what hacker that took your device to do bad things feels bad about the things and deletes them right it’s there’s an MMA reporter named Jesse Holland he wrote a story on this but he wrote it from the perspective not that cha is hacked and look what the guy put out he wrote it from the perspective of Cha’s claiming that he was hacked should we believe him here’s what he put out they were and I’m even reading that going oh wow I didn’t know anybody would I thought when you said you were hacked the whole world just believed you were hacked I didn’t know it got called into question dude it’s so stupid I was like no I swear I was like I ESPN like what is happening right now please guys because if there’s anybody that has been treated fairly it’s you and I and we don’t bite the hand that feed you so when they say Hey you like e the UFC you love ESP well guys they pay me pretty big checks I don’t know why I would not like these organizations they provide a living for me but chill in terms of providing a living right we work every week on ESPN we work or I call fights you do the desk we do so much to make money there are other people that know how to make money and they know how to make it quickly but right after that we’ll get into our midyear Awards some of them chill are pretty tough but before some people like I was saying know how to just make money one of those people is Conor McGregor last weekend Nate has fights George madol I did not think there was a Poss ability for Nate to win Conor McGregor on the other hand goes I think Nate’s going to beat him bet $500,000 shill wins $1.6 million on Nate DS so essentially uh CH Conor McGregor is so good at making money he was the highest paid fighter on a card last week that he didn’t even fight on he made 1.6 million betting on Nate Diaz is Conor McGregor a genius is this guy just the smartest MMA mind and we don’t give him credit for hey I’ll tell you what scared money don’t make money as the famous line says but I’m a little surprised I mean Conor I I don’t know if I was that rich Daniel I don’t know would I get a charge from that would I risk a half a million to make him it was one of those things that I thought wow Connor’s still a fan Conor still likes it you want to know what I really liked about it aside aside from the money that was kind of cool to hear for somebody he backed his guy gu like there is a camaraderie you got it with Jon Jones whether you’ll ever admit it or not and I got it with Anderson whether I’d admit it or not when you fight a guy there’s a camaraderie you might go through life and have sour grapes and even be mad but there is something to it and when push came to shove he backed his guy and by the way Nate was an underdog it was a bit of a surprise bet by McGregor considering nateon Diaz had already fought one time so I thought that that that was also interesting from that perspective Connor is tipping his hand to the respect that he felt for an Nate as he’d fought him in MMA he done some boxing himself he came to his opinion he put his money where his mouth is I mean there was a lot to it there was a lot more to it than just a rich guy making more money you know I saw that and when I first saw it I didn’t really pay much attention to it I kind of just moved on you know you just kind of go oh Conor McGregor’s betting a bunch of money on Nate Diaz he’s just showing that he has a lot of money and he’s going to make a bet look every single show there is people that have these m mive bets right where one guy goes one guy bet 500,000 or 800,000 to win 300,000 on Israel atna they’re risking so much more so all these guys with big money A lot of times they want to play with it they want things that make them kind of live on the edge Conor McGregor the ultimate living on the edge is fighting right a rich man that steps into an octagon with another more dangerous man much less rich man much more motivated man is very dangerous it’s very scary Conor doesn’t have that he was supposed to have that a few weeks ago he does that a few weeks ago and he kind of scratches the itch I don’t know that he makes that bet but by sitting there watching that fight with that amount of money on the line the ability to lose it it makes him feel alive or a part of the fight for a very short period of time so I remember when Don F Floyd I bet a big sum of money on somebody in that fight and I’m telling you I was on vacation in Hawaii and the whole time I’m watching the fight not because I was wanting to watch the fight but because I wanted to win that money now I feel like yes he backed his guy but Conor McGregor also needs to scratch that itch and I feel like that that is edgy enough to scratch that itch at least for a little bit and Daniel I like that about him I like to see that side of him and I do have to ask myself sometimes when Conor’s got a fight coming up and we’re trying to break down how’s he going to do and how’s the training going I got to ask myself man is he still involved in the sport is he still SP part of our our community all of a sudden he’ll pop up on TV at a at a pfl or Bellator event and he’s doing an interview I like that kind of stuff all of a sudden he’s tweeting out during a main card of a UFC pay-per-view showing that he’s at home watching all of a sudden he’s paying attention to these boxing events and I’m just sharing with you like he is part of this community he is not left you and I can relate to that though our time in the cage has ended our time as fans and supporters we’re still there man we’re having more fun in some regards when you see Conor at a distance he’s making movies he’s doing other things he’s getting involved in in in the bar and Whiskey Business for example you wonder if he’s still attached to the sport if he still got that little kid inside of him that once a time you know had a sparkle in an eye in his dream might not sound like it would a guy’s out betting a half a million dollars but I contend for you paying attention above everything else he knows what time it is he follows the sport he likes it he likes the guys he wants to be part of it he does his marketing on the side it can make him seem distance but look Conor’s one of us he really is and I always think about how that kid that when he won 50gs and he was yelling 50 G’s baby to now betting $500,000 on a boxing fight it really does tell you what this sport can provide for you um Jil in terms of the fight I thought Nate looked much better than he did against Jake Paul he looked in better shape and I I I didn’t think that he would beat George Mao I thought there was no way he’d win a striking battle but uh I was pleasantly surprised to see Nate Diaz get the job done all right CH so after the fight Nate Diaz in classic Nate Diaz fashion please air please air don’t take chill’s face off this camera please not yet oh he’s gone okay so the Nate goes and my objective my main objective like it’s always been is to be the best fight in the world so I want to go back to the UFC and get the title Jake Paul Leon there was anyone you’re dead all right CH now that was Nate on the microphone CH in classic Nate Diaz fashion he asked for a UFC title fight I mean he wants a title fight chill what do you make of this type a call out you win against Tony Ferguson you leave right and Tony Ferguson is essentially I don’t know man I don’t like to take shots at Tony Ferguson but Tony Ferguson is Tony Ferguson today you go and you beat George mozal in the boxing match and you say you want to fight Leon Edwards like Leon Edwards is the best welterweight in the world what did you make of this call out man Nate can’t be happy and I fully understand I have that same mindset where the grass is greener on the other side of the fence until you got to jump over and mow it and the reason I say that is this call out that you just gave us 3 days ago but let me just remind you from a couple of years ago when he finished up at the UFC after that Tony Ferguson fight he called for a boxing match with Jay Paul right so he’s in the UFC he’s saiding he wants to box he gets over to box and realizes hey man I want to get back home to the UFC I like it I like the whole thing it’s a little bit confusing it’s a little bit fun but there is something that’s very consistent like Nate had is the only athlete ever but he had a public offer made to him and a public offer that would have made him the highest paid fighter of all time and he didn’t take it he he has a different code and I must admit for you I don’t fully know what it is but he is not looking to just do things for the money he had a personal beef with George mozal Daniel I don’t know how much I believed that I really didn’t know how much of that when that BMF match Madison Square Garden was done and you know Nate was saying that he wanted to rematch him I don’t know how much of that or what juices you get flowing when you s sport to boxing but it turned out when you saw what kind of good shape was in when you saw the aggression that he went after George you know he was showboating a little bit to the crowds but that’s cuz he was having fun because he didn’t like that man across from him it was everything that he told us it was and I just found that compelling Nate Diaz who is known for its condition if I can just speak about this fight real fast who’s known for his conditioning yes about every fight that Nate has he wins the fifth round the last round that’s true about every fight that Nate has he loses the first round on purpose he gives it away and one thing I always think about that Nate if this conditioning business is real if these rumors are real why are you getting such a slow start and I only bring that to you because he did not do that with mozal he wanted that fight he wanted to control it he went and won the first round he won the second round but he was doing in dominant fashion he was walking George down and while I’m giving Nate his flowers it would not be fair if I didn’t tell you that was one of the better influencer fights I’ve ever seen and that was because of mosal mosal could have checked out of that fight many times he did not do it I know he was tired I know he was hurt he stay in Southpaw for 30 minutes with a guy that he’s never done it for digging to the body coming upstairs George moal looked great yeah you know both of them did you know from everybody telling me that the uh the fight was fun and like you said General it was the best boxing match we’ve seen from two guys that aren’t Pro I’m not trying to knock yours and well it was the second best you and Anderson I mean that was very very entertaining that was the best fight I’ve ever seen thank you d i digress I digress Jill I almost made a mistake there but truth is your match was much better but that was a fantastic fight between those two and hats off to Nate man Nate did fight a very good fight and it was the best showing that he’s had in a really long time because you could have said Nate Diaz is done I think Nate Diaz can box and I think he could be very successful at boxing as long as he’s boxing the right guys but Nate Diaz extended his career last weekend and I’m very happy for the guy chill George mazol on the other hand did land the more damaging strikes he did look like the guy excuse me that had more uh intent on his strikes because Nate is more of a pitter patter type of guy he wants to overwhelm you with that volume and the amount of strikes he throws that led me to thinking CH are you ready to fight George moall are you really ready to stand on the end of those punches if you guys get stuck in a ring together together because he was throwing hard jail do you really want to fight George mazal or did last week and scare you off of it I I I got to tell you I felt when I had my thing with Anderson coming up that every interview I had I I was plugging George right I me whether I got to heat with him or not but I did felt like I was serving him he had a fight coming up Danel he never did that and I don’t know if that was to be a jerk or if he has just changed his mind but in all fairs when George bosro called me out and as soon as I came on this show and told you I accept I have not heard him say my name and I did think after he won that fight with Nate maybe that would be the opportunity and he didn’t take it I mean I just felt like that was the closing of the book perhaps I have that wrong but I’m not going to rebr this thing with George miles up that was his idea and if he’s good and has moved on or he’s got his focus on somebody else I’m completely fine with that but to your question could have I done that with George I thought he looked pretty good Daniel but I I don’t know that those shots would have the same effect on a Juiced up 220 pounder as they would on a on a 170 pounder you’re just way too honest sometimes man you’re way too honest chill that is actually the perfect segue to our midyear Awards this is the inaugural good guy bad guy midyear MMA Awards so chill this is what we’ll do we will choose now and then we will choose at the end of the year our female fight of the Year our male fight of the Year our KO of the Year submission of the year and fight of the year I imagine we will always start with the ladies go first let’s go ladies go first right because that’s like the rule in life I always tell my wrestles on my team when it’s time to eat ladies go first CH so if you had to choose right now who your female fighter of the year is to this point who would that be Kayla Harrison for multiple reasons but her signing with the organization Kayla Harrison going down to 135 lbs if I may put that for perspective for you I would assume when she won the Olympic Games she’s in the athletic Prime of her life she won the Olympic Games at 172 lbs I mean this is remarkable discipline remarkable drive you talk about somebody that sets a goal and doesn’t let anything get in the way I was quite frankly stunned this changed all the hype getting in there and having mismatches and getting your shine in front of the camera and acting like you did something that’s called aggression that’s not called fighting fighting is when you have the resistance back how do you deal with it she had resistance that we did not even see she changed her lifestyle just for the opportunity to stand against possibly the most decorated female of all time like what kind of a reward is that you got to go fight Holly Holm in a steel cage it was at UFC 300 there was so much focus on that we had World title fights we got the BMF title just for example it kind of sucked the air out of the room the great fights were later on that card one of the Great Performances it might have been her she might have performed better that night going through Holly going through a world champion going through a future Hall of Famer going through a girl who’s proved it at this weight class when you’re sucking and pulling down to a lighter weight than you were when you were a junior in high school in all fairness she looked great and I felt like she really never got the credit yeah you know Kayla Harrison for me is a great pick I think we got to tip our hat to Jang way Lee because she did beat Yao xaan on UFC 300 also um Raquel Pennington became the champion this year but I was very surprised at the limited options we had in terms of the important female fights this year but when looking at the important ones right because if we want to just say a female fighter is someone that’s competed the most there are other women but in terms of the importance of the fight Jean Way’s fight Pennington’s fight and Kayla Harrison is what you boil down to and then when you look at it and you look at what it matters and what means the most to a division it has to be k Harrison I mean coming in like you said CH all the reasons you gave UFC 300 and fighting Holly Hol like that that to me is probably what spoke the most to me in terms of what she is going to mean to this division because so many believed that it would be a matter of time if she got down to this weight class that she would be competing for or becoming the UFC champion and I believe cha and I don’t know if you agree with me but there you would have a hard time finding someone that would tell you after that that they would think that Raquel Pennington would beat Kayla Harrison if they are matched up for the UFC bantamweight Championship that is why she’s the fighter of the Year this year because in one fight against one great opponent she has made it almost a matter of time in most people’s eyes that she holds UFC Championship it was it was amazing to see her do that in her UFC debut uh it was tremendous all right chill time to move on let’s go to male fighter of the year I think this is pretty easy chill but go ahead who’s your male fighter of the Year all right and I apologize I think I was supposed to to give you that one partner but when you’re looking at the male fighter of the year I’m going with sha Ali but I am factoring a couple of things in first off when sugar Shan fought Cheeto Vera I did not know Shawn was that good I believed that Shawn was the best guy in the world I thought it was competitive there’s guys that could beat him but he could beat them as well when he fought Cheeto be and he dominated that I was there at their first fight at the Apex and they could talk about the leg and the injury and it ended a little unsam all all that they want those guys fought for several minutes Daniel before that injury happened and to watch the growth that Shawn had not to mention the pressure that he has going from the Apex to the top of the Bill a $14.1 million gate and you got to follow the show uh that Dustin pory just put on for example there was so much pressure on this young man who is a showman he’s making a show as he’s going to the ring he’s not totally focused on the fight I mean just for example he offers a lot of what OS Sonia offers and then you’re held to the highest standard of can you back up what you say and not only did he do it he did it for 25 minutes 15 minutes in he could have put the brakes on he could do the math all he’s got to do is run out the clock wasn’t good enough for him he tried to finish that fight he did it with the Straits he had to call it a a Rob I thought it was a total package I’m going Shan Ali but I’d love to hear who you got I have a feeling you disagree sometimes my kids do stuff and I’m like this Daniel why I just Daniel I don’t I don’t get it like I’m tapping my head at that this is my stress point right here chill it’s right in the middle of my forehead that’s my stress point and I tap it whenever Daniel or Marquita is just wrong and right now chill I love that I love sh that was a great performance but chill it’s come on chill the male fight of the year last year is the male fight of the Year this year it’s Pereira chill wow Pereira it’s Pereira chill did you I mean he headlined UFC 300 and knocked out uh Jamal Hill then he goes back and tried he tried to headline UFC 301 UFC goes well you got a broken toe you can’t do it then he then UFC 303 they go well we need somebody in two weeks he headlines UFC 303 and knocks out Yuri J it really is no question as to who the male fighter of the Year this year it’s Pereira chill and I will chill look I’m giving you the floor walking back CH I never asked you for apologies walk it back chill right now walk it back say it’s Pereira chill you know it’s Pereira you gave all those great reasons why it was om Al but walk it back jail right now you’re acting like Michael Chandler you’re being overly you’re’ being overly positive you’re making reasons in the dark walking back jail it’s perrera you know it Daniel that is such high praise particularly coming from you pertaining to a guy who was champion of that Division and by the way the biggest compliment that you gave here I think was on accident you slipped in that he was the greatest fighter of last year and if you look at the fact that he held the 85lb belt and the 205 pound belt last year I agree with you he was my fighter of the year last year even though one of those uh didn’t go his way let me tell you something that isn’t fair but it’s a psychology of a fan and I’m guilty of it when a guy goes out and he starts knocking people out there’s a part of me and a part of other people go he caught him he got lucky he’s on a roll there’s something about momentum like that’s one piece of this I mean I remember Mike Tyson went through that he go knock out five guys but instead of crediting Tyson we go oh they’re giving him they’re giving him bumps that most certainly is not happening these are not bums I’m just sharing with you when I watched om Ali I watched the total package I got to see how he does in Championship rounds I got to see how he does when he hasn’t uh have to do well and I thought that was growth and part of my factor for fighter of the year was a was a growth and Improvement I see something special in uh prer for sure but I tend to agree with you I thought he was a fighter of there last year as well so I didn’t see that growth and for my my own interpretation I made that part of the criteria but I certainly would not disagree with you J right now we have started our midyear Awards voting on uh where people can reach out and vote and uh CH listen to this Pereira has 100% of the votes right now I mean that’s listen 100% of the votes right now are to Pereira because and you know man we as a country we can’t all agree on there is not one thing in the world that everybody agrees on except that Alex Pereira is the male fighter of the year to this point 100% of to vote now one person voted against Pereira all right chill so let’s go submission of the Year let’s go submission of the year right now as we head and finish our Awards who does that go to all right I’ve also got to go back to Kayla Harrison I I really do want people to just notice that performance and and and it was so by the book I’m going to close the distance push her in the fence I’m going to take her down I’m going to go to work from there if I can advance my position great if I need to strike and do d damage Holly home did not look bad Holly home is not a step behind this is not a work that Holly home can’t do that is a misunder understanding by so many people when I when I talk uh to her coaches when I talk to Greg Jackson specifically on top of other teammates that she had said she looks phenomenal in the gym they actually told me made a comparison right it’s very hard to quite know how you do but there’s some things you can quantify how fast you can run one mile how much you can bench press by example those are actual numbers and you could compare today’s results to yesterday’s results the M they said she actually did it in her fasted time and and I only share that for you like this is not an older fighter that’s just clinging in or hanging in there this is a top fighter of the world she wanted to test her scal that might have been the true World title match or the true number one contenders match I mean it was a very high level thing and I I’m only defending Holly’s performance as a way of demonstrating just how good Kayla looked when you’re winning a fight like that in your dominating you get as an athlete very tempted and very seduced to just stay with what you’re doing I’ll look good next time tonight I’m just going to win she never did that she was looking for that submission she missed it a couple times the opportunity wasn’t there in the first round she kept pushing until she found it and I have to think she wasn’t feeling wonderful cutting down to35 lbs even if it was a day before weighing I have to think is not something that she is fully used to considering she’s never done it and if that was not her best performance and she still could do that Daniel I think we had something very special there my submission of the year goes to Kayla Harrison imagine if like as it becomes more normal for her to make this weight right because like you said it was the first time that’s not the best time the best time is time two three four and five whenever you kind of get it all locked in so if Kayla Harrison is you know what I also love the most by Kaya fights is that for years bro when she was still in the pfl Ryan Clark and I would bring her on this show and boy would she talk we would bring her because she would talk her talk and every time we’d be like okay champ okay Kayla she talked the talk and she walked the walk whenever she got in the UFC by beating the former Champion Holly Holm but me CH my award is gonna go to because here’s the deal CH Dustin porier fought Islam mahv close I believe that because Dustin is so beloved we love him just as much as everyone else that’s what’s lost in that whole fight is the way it ended in the dominance that Islam had because Islam was winning four of the five rounds and then he ultimately submitted Dustin porier in the fifth round that chill is why I’m giving him the submission of the year it goes from the takedown where he swings the leg puts Dustin down right into the DAR in the fifth round of a world title fight against a guy that is as primed as he’s ever been in his life a Brazilian jiu-jitsu black belt to go out there under those circumstances compete the way Islam competed not only win the fight but get a finish show you just spoke about Kayla Harrison over three rounds saying I’m going to continue to find a way to finish this fight Islam did it over over five and I believe that it’s a bit unfair to Islam because everybody is giving so much credit to DP which he deserves that what’s getting lost is Islam’s dominance in the actual fight this was not a close fight chill this was a four rounds to one fight and this was a finish very rarely does the guy that’s on the receiving end of the loss in that manner get the love that Dustin gets Dustin deserves it because of all that he’s done but what’s lost and what should be appreciated is that with a minute and a half left in a five round very tough fight Islam mahat won that fight by submission by Dar shoken because of all that the stakes the the the the the intensity of the fight the arena all of it is why I’m giving Islam my submission of the year grip strength grip strength is something people don’t talk about but this is a lactic acid to keep your hands and do them TI that you have to build over a course of a lifetime Dustin porier commented when he joined you and I live uh in Las Vegas he commented he couldn’t believe how tight Islam could be when you’re that fatigued and he actually shared something he said Not only did he tap out he said he went out he said he tapped in that millisecond it took the referee to he said he went out and he was just paying a compliment to how quick Islam put it on but how tight he was still able to be be that late in the fight which is I think exactly the point you were making Jil knockout of the year goes to come on come on Daniel everybody’s gonna I feel like come on Max Max over gatei this turned into one of the Great Moments not only are both of these guys future Hall of Famers that fight is a future Hall of Fame that finish is a Hall of Fame that round is going to go into a Hall of Fame and somewhat because of what you’re seeing there with Max Holloway in it this was a Babe Ruth moment where you walk to the mound and you tell the crowd where you’re going to put the ball and if you don’t you look like a fool and more times than not you can’t do it but that one time that you can Max calls Justin gagei to the middle says let’s stand right here Justin said man that’s just my game they go to war and Max the very one that said where he’s going to put the ball did it was an incredible thing not to mention the unexpectedness Justin gatei doesn’t get knocked out for One Max doesn’t really floor people and fold them up quite like that for two and most importantly the smaller guy does not knock out the bigger guy so we just had all of the unexpected factors not to mention Max and a lot of people forgot this even even in the short two months he was a two and a half to one Underdog so when I talk about it really wasn’t supposed to happen it was very special I got to give the knockout to Max there it is Chill you’s made a great point on that comment so my knockout of the year is that but what I’m going to do is fight of the year next and for me it’s both Max Holloway Justin gatei was the fight of the Year for me Max Holloway Justin gaty was The Knockout of the year so the fight for me was great even though I felt like Max Holloway was in control of the fight for the most part but Max gets dropped for the first time in his life never gets dropped he said Justin hit him harder than anybody’s ever hit him in his life then the way the fight ended and I believe the point that you made about how tough Justin gatei is is why for me it’s the fight of the Year Justin gatei doesn’t get knocked out chill Justin gatei doesn’t go down Justin didn’t even go down Justin went down face first like it was one of the most brutal Knockouts that I have seen in the UFC and what’s most interesting is that Max Holloway had won just about every round Justin gatei threw a right hand that barely missed his chin with two seconds left in the fight it could have gone the complete opposite way so for both of these guys to take the risk that they took the BMF title on the line the BMF title being on the line and being fought in a manner that speaks to the BMF title it was all things perfect the ending W these guys are buddies of mine sucks to see but in terms of what you want from a fight it was the perfect ending and it was the perfect fight so for me my midyear award for knockout of the year goes to Max Holloway over Justin gatei and my fight of the year goes to Max Holloway and Justin gatei for the classic that they put on at UFC 300 all right Daniel I love that and for the audience we have trans transitioned to fight of the year you I had that same thought I really did I’m thinking about Max and Justin but the one reason I didn’t put it Forward is because Max was dominating the fight I believe that he had won every single round from an entertainment standpoint and a wow what am I watching here and hey I don’t want to stop watching cuz I feel like something’s going to happen man it had all of those things but that was the one thing it didn’t have the judges it didn’t have that back and forth and ultimately I had to give fight the and I like yours I had to get fight of the year to Conor McGregor versus reality that has been one of the ones that I have been most impressed watching here we are armed with the fact that Conor McGregor missed the Michael Chandler fight allegedly because of a discolored pinky toe that may or may not belong to him he took a picture of the toe he had a caption but he did not include himself in the caption it was kind of like gambling ticket that he won there’s something out there called Photoshop and if you walk up to the window and the window’s got stacks of of money they’re pushing to you when you’re giving them a ticket now I’ll believe that it was your ticket but if you don’t have that it kind of sounds like a marketing idea and not for nothing when they went over to Ireland to hold a press conference the cameras were there and we know that from inside information because it was Charlie and Ray Ray right we know it was set up we know that venue was booked we know everything was in place we didn’t hold the press conference and I cannot for the life of me figure out how a press conference gets canceled over a discolored pinky toe even if you were in the emergency right room right then getting your bandage and aspirin you can still come in Via Zoom I held a press conference one time opposite van Silva who didn’t make the plane yeah or tried rightel because they were saying that he wasn’t out on that day they said Conor still tried with the intention of fighting why not let the press conference just go on maybe he has a slight limp but he goes out there and he does the press conference and he’s lets people at least believe that he’s going to fight at the end of the month so yeah and that’s one of the things Daniel and you can’t keep a secret in this industry you can telephone Telegraph or tell a fighter the word’s going to get out but they have kept that one like when I’m coming in and I’m giving you speculation that I don’t believe I don’t actually have evidence everybody has kept their mouth shut I’m just saying this story has problems but I don’t have another one that I can offer you and that’s another part of the battle that I’m enjoying Connor is showing up to events he’s declaring that he’s going to fight in a month and or two and that’s the reality check that I’m here to bring you that simply is not going to happen now whether it’s because that ttin pinky toe isn’t healed or whether it’s because those dates already have athletes I can’t fully tell you I can just share for you the urge and the appetite to go and rebook a guy who missed this is he missed two he missed the press conference Andy missed the fight right when you got a venue and you got tickets sold you’re counting on a guy now this is special red pained night is still real I’m just sharing for you the rules that once applied where he’s going to make an announcement and they’re going to get a show together and bring in cowboy Cerrone just to have McGregor in the ring those rules have now changed and the fact that his very opponent Michael Chandler is now publicly being offered different fights shows us the evidence that we need that reality versus McGregor’s statement are not the same thing yeah chill that’s that’s that yeah that’s a great point I’m I find myself just listening to you that was that was good my guy all right so you’re good on the microphone another guy that was good on the microphone was John Cena he was also just like an allout Entertainer my son when he started watching WWE just loved John Cena for the Jorts and the bright colors and the thugonomics and the rapping and it was just all things John Cen he enjoyed he retired the other day he’s going to compete through December of 2025 CH it will be like the year Kobe decided he was walking away it’ll be like the year that a lot of NBA guys decide they’re leaving and they kind of get the curtain call in every Arena that they go to what do you make of John Cena retiring from the WWE all right I must tell you in all fairness that he he had already made his walk I can remember a couple of WrestleMania ago in fact it was exactly two years ago and Cena went out there and he does the J O and it was kind of early on the card it was a s after match I watched it I couldn’t even tell you who the opponent was I’m not looking to be a jerk right now I was surprised that he went under and the the the dirt sheets and the rags and the Dave Meltzer of the world set well y cuz he’s not taking a schedule this is a sendoff he’s doing the right thing he’s passing the torch and he’s putting uh this athlete over that was two years ago he he comes in the most recent year he does the same thing with the same story and now we get the announcement I just thought he had had gone that that’s all that I’m sharing with you and if a guy’s going to go or he’s not it is one of those things like I love Ric Flair but if we’re going to see 30 retirement parties we’re going to feel like we were duped at some point Shawn Michaels same boat took his Rolex did his walk I mean certain guys mean it in a different way can I tell you one thing about John Cena make a wish that Foundation that will go into hospitals and have sick kids and then give them a wish and largely that is to meet somebody famous John Cena has won the award from them nine years in a row for the most wishes and the most time that he puts in and for a guy that travels in front of our face as much as he does to still book that and still keep that schedule that guy something special so I didn’t mean any of this as a way of putting him down I will support it I’ll watch his last matches I’m just telling you the truth I thought that was two years ago it it was it was at WrestleMania Hollywood he wrestled in the middle of the afternoon against Austin Theory I was there it was him versus Austin Theory Austin theory on Saturday usually the biggest names are reserved for Sunday night or the main event on Saturday he was like the second match on the card and he got beat by Austin Theory uh then this year he did the job to solo AA so what I think he’s he’s done as he’s gotten out of that Championship picture jail is he has done for the business what the business was intended to be where when you’re on your way out you help to elevate the next guy right you open the door you let those guys use your name and all that Goodwill that you made to work their way up to the top of the card that would seem like a very common thought but that is not the case there are a lot of guys in wrestling today they that won’t do the job for the younger guy they want to hold on to the Belt they want to hold on to that placement because I could only imagine living in a world of Make Believe where they make believe that you’re the absolute best 16 times and then when they say yeah that’s over but when you look at yourself you still see the same guy hey I can still pretend I can still pretend to be the man they tell you it’s not the case anymore you accept that and you say okay I am going to help this business that has done so much for me that to me is John Cena and that is why John Cena does so much at make a wish because that is John Cena he’s giving he’s a caring guy he’s a guy that loves the business that loved him and gave him his life and I believe that when he’s done it will be a blow to their business because he’s meant so much hey and that PG arill when they went from risque to family it never would have worked if they didn’t have John Cena true that’s how important he was to the WWE but chill you didn’t always have those great words for John Cena for a while you on Twitter trolling John Cena you said this quote is so stupid I don’t know how to make fun of it it seems to be ridiculing itself like a perfect organism of stupidity that requires no outside factors to survive when jnan said we do not have to choose to be either strong or sensitive just choose win Jill why were you messing with John Cena man come on chill you got nervous when you said organism you you almost you almost yeah I almost I you been in science class when you sixth grade you’ve never seen that word the teacher Mak anything in the world the teacher makes you read out loud every that’s happens all that nobody knows the D I remember doing that at home and my mother said no that isn’t the word this is it I go what is what does that one mean is she’s like just just don’t say it if you’re reading out loud and she didn’t tell me she didn’t tell me what it was I was in the sixth grade somebody should have taught me about that by then all right DC let me tell you this that was from jealousy I I think like any mean tweet that anybody puts out that’s where it comes from I was trying to build my social media and I had done a good job and I had a little stick and I don’t follow anybody and I only put out so much this was my little stick and it was catching on I go check out John Cenas he had 11 times the followers I did but the problem with it it very clearly was not him come on putting out these motivational quotes that you ripped off from some fortune cookie somewhere like this wasn’t even him he’s got a fake account doing 11 times the numbers that I’m doing with a real account that’s where that came from I was just sticking all budg all all all bunch of these down his throat now I had done that a number of times nobody was really bothered by it they didn’t care they were like responding knowing it wasn’t him and still respond hey had a boy John oh you got me up in the morning H John I’m going to go do my workout because of you he probably doesn’t even have Twitter downloaded on his phone and that created a jealousy by me that’s the real answer that is a uh very common emotion jealousy and we all experien a Time shell so I will not hold that against you my man Jill once again bro great episode I was happy with the awards yeah that’s it man doesn’t go fast it goes fast whenever you’re having fun it goes you want to know why you do not need to feel bad for me for being hacked do you want to know why you don’t need to feel bad for me because In fairness if I had that ability I think that I would use it like if you talk about superpowers when you’re a kid oh I wish I could fly I wish I was invisible something like that I think I would like to know how to hack I would like to think that I would use it for good and not to like get into Bank of America and move a decimal I’m just sharing with you that would be kind of fun and if the dude wanted to get into my DMs I hope he had a good time there’s some pretty juicy stuff in there CH if I would hack people I would just send out all positive messages to the world be like yo this is a terrible hacker he’s just sending everybody like I would send everybody those same tweets from the same fortune cookie that John Cena got that one from that he tweeted that one time guys Jay and I are here every Monday and Thursday ESPN MMA YouTube wherever you get your broadcast also on ESPN 2 at midnight Eastern for the bad guy CH Sun I am Daniel Cormier and we will catch you on the next good guy bad guy