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mother no that’s a Jesus walks by Kanye West I’ll never miss I’ll never miss an Alex pra fight what’s up everybody I’m Nina Danielle here at the Ronda Rousey room at UFC headquarters and this is fight check okay cool ready to start what would your nickname be uh okay my fight name Double D pause Nina Double D did three people in my corner uh Abdul manov for discipline one Gordon Ryan cuz he’s the goat too SOI Jitsu and uh David Goggins so he can yell at my ass if you live in a glass house don’t throw fing Stones stay hard what city or country would you want to fight in oh New York that’s where I grew up New York City Madison Square Garden Spring the house down live from the soldout Madison Square Garden in New York City Nina Daniel I’ll never be in the Octagon but I can’t say I haven’t thought about it like what if that was me if it was Madison Square Garden I saw ACDC there they were really good okay what’s your favorite UFC fighter in life ah there’s too many honestly anything with hzza I’m excited for I’ll never miss I’ll never miss an Alex Pera fight ah I don’t think I’ve ever I I think I’ve seen almost all of his UFC fights in person some of my favorite Fighters Charles Olivera some of them on he’s a great great guy um Mor Rob is one of the nicest funniest people I’ve ever met whoa oh my goodness oh oh out of nowhere uh Connor’s hilarious you got great personality all over how can you not be entertained this guy is a genius there’s just it’s endless there’s too many there’s too many how did you become a fan of the UFC I started watching boxing about 15 years ago I mean I trained when I was a kid I did Karate for a very long time I want to say maybe 10 years ago I started watching UFC cuz boxing is rigged and it’s just not nearly as entertaining oh no this guy look at that they knocked the bucket over this is the goddamn fre stes what are you freaks doing everybody’s booing now there’s even more pressure oh then now they’re sweeping it out that’s good who is the goat JN Jones can I get a call Adan always says you put two men in a room and the only one to ever walk out Jon Jones you throw two guys in a room and who comes out yeah crazy UFC moment you can remember I was there when I saw Connor and khabib fight oh massive right from noro medov and a KNE from McGregor now and khabib jumped the cage and tried to beat the out of Dylan dannis and that is the greatest UFC moment to ever go down in history look at him oh no no no no and Dylan’s the homie but I’m just saying that’s hilarious intense it’ll never be recreated security was off the chain the crowd went wild holy thanks for having me I’m Nina Danielle this was fight check check out my YouTube Nina drama if you’re home and alone and bored and you have no one around to judge you