Tony Ferguson cut his weight to 155 lbs after his 2020 title fight vs. Khabib was canceled #shorts (via @tonyfergusonxt) #ESPN …

Puna man when he lets those hands go he is dangerous I didn’t know what I was expecting I was just trying to put my paws on his face and uh luckily it landed Puna Hal Puna daru bites off the challenge and excels as usual looking like eight in a row I don’t care if I have to win another 10 fights before I get this belt I’ll do it B die [Applause] o welcome to UFC uner please tell me that’s on video I’ve never been happier I’m made for a podcast we’re dangerous listen to me we’re out of [Music] here just get this party going we got talk about a lot of we certainly do and the N were off first show back after Thanksgiving uh Puna haly Serano who’s a opening fight uh against uh Dustin stolfus on the uh on the card this Saturday he’s the opening uh the opening fight what a card this is Matt coming up benil darush is our second guest against Arman serian what a great great this it’s like a paperview card almost oh no it’s a fantastic card we’re going to talk about the card in detail um but hey we also got we gotta talk to Puna in a second because he’s in the waiting room Puna he’s coming off uh a loss A KO loss but before that he got a knockout yeah he doesn’t have his back against the wall as listen nobody wants to lose or even lose two in a row but he Dustin uh stus I hope I pronounced that right yeah yeah yeah he’s he’s lost four five yeah he lost he’s w one and one and four in his last five so he’s got he he’s definitely a little bit more desperate and I want to hear what Puna thinks about that yeah he’s lost to some good opponents um you know he’s not losing to bad Fighters but still when you’re when you’re what is it like but then again I I mean UHA Hy has lost three out of four so again both of these guys are probably hey look you know I want to make sure that I’m secure in the UFC for a while so that’s got to weigh on you a little bit I’ve lost before my career I’ve definitely dropped two in a row you know but uh you know you bounce back you know what I mean but it definitely every loss adds a little bit more pressure you got a real mental it could be a real mental F so you have to really try to um you know I started remembering what I got into it why I got into the business in the first place I enjoy fighting and yeah I I I boiled it down to that it’s like you Jimmy let’s say you bombed a couple of shows in a row you might start to question yourself or you start just just accepting that you’re a shitty ComEd again I would say that’s more the more of the outcome is I just realized let’s bring in Puna Hal uh yes and you’re a fantastic comedian Jimmy I’m joking oh stop it thank you that’s that’s jokes right there yeah ah there he is how you doing man I’m good I’m good I’m glad to be here yeah it’s good who was it that you thought it was coming off a knockout and you made me laugh because you in the uh in the postf fight you’re like yeah I was just really glad it landed he’s a scary dude who are you talking about shoot it could have been D dala was scary uh could have last knockout oh yeah dala super he’s still scary yeah but I like hearing Fighters talk honestly about that like I I I love to hear when guys talk about being nervous or scared or just you know hey that guy’s a scary guy because it makes the rest of us feel human like yeah all right I’m not crazy to think that no for sure for sure it’s funny I feel like uh the fights I’m not scared is the fights I don’t do good really right now Puna how are you the night before and how are you in the locker room before H how’s how’s the nerves uh in my head I feel like I’m I’m pretty nervous um but it’s weird as soon as like well on the way to the venue I’m super nervous um but as soon as I get there I I weirdly like I take a nap like right when I get there and as soon as I wake up from that nap I have like no emotions I like I’m just ready to go wow you’re a I’m fascinated because I’m a bad sleeper and I don’t fight I don’t know how guys fall asleep right before a fight but you could how long do you taking that for half hour maybe most yeah half hour to 45 minutes yeah and it’s it’s like a broken sleep right you’re in the locker room yeah yeah yeah hear somebody cracking pads you open up an eye or two yeah now so I mean I’ve seen guys in the locker room throwing up before they go out I’ve seen other guys they have to wake them up to get the warmup so it is funny how you know all and they’re all tough guys just it’s funny how totally act differently it’s one of those things where you know I mean I’ll I’ll I I’ll I’ll equate it to not a lot of guys probably done this but I did it on the Dana White Show riding a bow when I jumped on a bowl you know it’s not going to end without getting touched without some it’s not gonna just end smooth that smoothly usually like you know what I mean totally totally and it could be the best night of your night life or the worst night it’s I mean me your last two fights one night is phenomenal other totally right yeah 100% that’s the game it’s it’s uh yeah like you said either the best feeling or the worst feeling really is you said when you’re not nervous the those that’s when you haven’t fought as well have you when you go out and you’re not feeling any nerves at all are you aware like oh I’m not feeling anything or is it in hindsight that you recognize it I I think it’s more of like a in Camp thing like maybe uh I don’t feel the danger like going through the camp you know maybe I like just thought they weren’t too dangerous or maybe they’re more of a certain look that I don’t think poses a threat to me um but now I just assume everyone’s uh everyone’s the scariest guy in the world yeah I imagine no you go back goe buddy no I was gonna ask him um you know you had extreme Couture how long you been there for I know your buddies with Dan eay were you there because how long you been over there yeah I’ve been there about maybe six seven years now um Dan went there and I I went one year after him just tagged along and now and and it just it just fit you this the place fit you the coaches and yeah I mean I never in my athletic career um have I ever been to a place where I was like H I’m just gonna switch teams like I I feel like in errors or like things where I do wrong I I take the responsibility on me and um I feel like that’s the only way I can get better so you’re saying you like to stick with a place for as long as possible yeah yeah I mean um if if it was like drastic and really needed to change I’m sure I would but I I love extreme I love the people there the team Vegas is Fun the surrounding states are fun everything about it I love and how do you feel you match up with uh with Dustin on Saturday obviously the UFC you know the first fight of the main card uh it means they they’ve seen something in both of you guys that they really like they seem to be very careful about who they put where um I think Klay Guida is the final fight of the prelims which is of course no shock CU he’s always even though this is not a paper action it’s it’s it’s action and but this is stacked like a pay-per-view card this is one of the best non- pay-per-view cards I’ve ever seen in my life um isn’t it crazy I mean uh uh Bobby green against uh Jaylen Turner nowain yeah so uh what are you expecting out of Dustin and what do you think he’s gonna try to do to stop you yeah you know I think he’s gonna be a tough guy I think he presents a lot of uh problems I think he’s going to try and get me to the floor maybe put me on my back you know look for his offense but um I I think I’m a problem for for anybody really I’m gonna do what I always do I’m going to come forward I’m going to fight him as hard as I can in every position not give an inch and you know be a little more tactical in in my Approach in in areas I need to now I was gonna ask you what was it like growing up to in Hawaii and then when and when did you move to Vegas I you might have said that before I’m sorry no no you’re good um growing up in Hawaii it’s kind of funny like you would never think I I would be a fighter if you see me growing up I was always the kid like playing around laughing joking my way out of any confrontation like I was so scared of every fight I just found a way like to avoid it at all costs um and uh yeah I think I moved to Vegas in like 20 16 shortly after I started training so wait let me ask you you were scared of these con we’re all scared of confrontations how do you make the jump into now I’m going to do this fulltime like what in your mind changes where you’re like I’m no longer scared of this or I’m scared of this but I want to do it I think like um so after I graduated college and finished like my athletic career at the time I was wrestling in college and I was just living life and I was not happy in anything I was doing um Dan luckily invited me to the gym I started training and like instantly I knew like this is my passion this is my love from the first day I was there and um I felt like wrestling went so quick and I didn’t want to give give this up as soon as that went so I just wanted to cling on to this as long as I could now you’re saying that you w you weren’t known as a fighter like in high school or anything like that her obviously your your old classmates must know you know be killed this this this wrecking machine what are they shocked are they like what that’s the same old paa from history class seriously how what what is their response to this uh a lot of them think it’s hilarious like I think it’s funny too but uh like I went home recently and a buddy of M well he was kind of mean in high school to be honest but um I’ll say he’s a buddy of mine now I seen him at at a fighting event and he was like you know I’m so happy to see that like you’re still like the Happy playful kid or like the Goof he said goofy actually I’m still happier the goofy kid that was like the same guy in high school but you’re just doing it on a big stage like it’s awesome well when you gr up Hawaii because everybody has this oppression of Hawaii that it’s just it’s this tourist place and it’s all beaches and Paradise but I’ve heard that there’s another side to Hawaii too that’s not as pleasant did you grow up in a a really nice area or is it not nice yeah I say it’s a pretty nice area I grew up on like the NorthShore of aahu and um it’s pretty much known for their beaches surfing and um I sucked at surfing I still don’t even know how to surf like so like that was out of the out of my like options anyway so that would be great though if Jimmy asked you that question and you said ah shut up hoe got’s you know what what’s a Howie a howy you don’t know what that is with you man you’re not a local me and laughing at your ass if we saw you down at the Ser listen paa paa I love it I love it let’s say you see Jimmy show up with like the things on the floaties he gets nervous he’s afraid of the water and he has a boogie board not a real surf board well you and the guy’s kind of like you know even though it’s not your thing would you be like oh how right uh maybe if it was taking the attention away from me getting picked on I would do it but uh what does Howe mean Howe is like a good-looking guy right uh you could say that if if it makes you feel better what does it mean though I mean yeah kind of a derogatory term for a white guy but it could be used for like you know anything kind of gross like you see somebody just like eat a candy bar you throw it on the ground like freaking how leaves throwing the rubbish on the ground oh okay I don’t know hey did you did you have to deal with tourists all the time living where you lived or do you were you away from them yeah I was pretty far away I was in the country side they call it um a lot of the tourists go to like Wy key area whatnot um if you came to the NorthShore like it was pretty rare I’d say um did you have any volcanic uh activity where you were I wish no I wish though um I think that would be super cool but unfortunately no I haven’t how’ you out about mixed martial arts like over there was like BJ Penn very popular there oh 100% um he was like it’s kind of in the culture honestly like I grew up watching fights um I remember watching your season of The Ultimate Fighter like I grew up watching that it was super cool to me and it’s super cool to be talking to you now like full circle oh how old are you now you’re 31 just turned 31 but I’m a I’m a young 31 if I can oh that’s young I uh a little bit of uh information I didn’t even get like um I didn’t get pubes or armpit hair until I was like a junior senior in college so I think I’m a late bloomer Jimmy wow get the pbes I still haven’t gotten them oh really lucky yeah I’m very lucky I look I’m boyish I don’t think Jimmy was ever able to grow a beard ever right Jimmy not a good one like I can grow a beard but not like a real full like you know like the type of a man’s beard yeah hey when you by the way if you wrestled in high school right like no you said you would joke your way out of fights I imagine people didn’t really with you though if they all knew you were a wrestler uh not really because I kind of sucked like when I first started uh I only started wrestling because I didn’t make the basketball team and in my high school if you wanted to play football you had to play two or one or two sports outside of it but yeah I didn’t make the basketball teams I was like crap I guess I got a wrestle and I was I sucked my first year but um just got better and better somehow you had to play two other sports to play football what was the thinking behind that just keep you in shape keep you athletic um oh okay so you’re not just yeah then that makes perfect sense so you’re not just waiting for football season to Star and and uh and getting uh fat do you watch a lot of tape on on other guys uh do you watch all their old fights or or you allow coaches to do that how do you handle tape more so I let the coaches do that but like I watch a little bit just to kind of see what I need to see I feel like but I don’t study too much of them I like to focus on myself and in my game hey Puna what do you like to do when you’re not when you’re not training like on a day off no act either no no you know I like to do a light jog I don’t want to hear about that I want to hear what kind of books you’re reading I want to hear what you’re watching on Netflix I want I want to hear that kind of stuff sure sure um as far as books uh I I barely know how to read I’m an audio book guy yeah yeah nothing wrong with that people when people I it kind of irks me though when people go yeah I don’t mind when they’re like yo I heard this audio book but when they’re like yo I read five books meanwhile they’re listening okay dude really I watch this many movies same I don’t know yeah go ahead no I’m with you though I like the AUD yeah yeah um I don’t know I’ve been listening to this book called uh I think it’s like the power of wi or like something about we just together it’s from Duncan Trussell he’s a comedian but it’s like psychology and uh things like that him and uh Ragu Marcus I think but uh besides that I do a lot of like I have this electric skateboard and I just take my three dogs skating pretty much all day wait what do you mean an electric skateboard is that like a hoverboard that no it like goes by remote and it’s it’s nice it’s the only way I can keep up with them that’s so cool man yeah I can picture you on a little electric skateboard yeah me too I I I never liked skateboards I was never good at them I would always my balance was so yeah I never liked a good skateboard so yeah if any they have those things now it’s just one wheel have you seen I don’t know how they work where you just stand on the wheel and it just takes I don’t know how guys steer or yeah that looks impossible to me I don’t know get that unicycle I you know what you know what didn’t take off what I thought everybody thought was going to take off was that Paul Bart thing the oh no way all those Segways that looks like a that looks just like that’s kind of like giving up like I got a new 100% you know what I mean I would never caught be caught dead on one of those no way no way you even like make put rims on it or make it look cool kind of it looks like fun though so you fall probably probably good for fat people yeah and living in uh in Vegas which is a town that’s really is it hard for you to stay off the strip or uh I don’t do as well in Vegas if I’m there a long time uh how hard is it to not get distracted by just the I mean the fact that there’s a million things that’ll distract you um I mean shoot it’s like I think it’s like sink or swim you know like it’s gonna weed you out eventually or or you’re gonna find a way to survive like the strip’s pretty expensive so I try to stay away from it and it’s like hella crowded I hate traffic I hate like not being able to walk freely um and I live kind of far away I live like 30 minutes away kind of like in the mountains mountain man oh can you see the strip from where you are yeah like great view of the whole strip oh okay but but it’s not you’d have to make an effort to get there yeah yeah for sure hey I want to hear about pickle ball you do pickle ball yeah admittedly I haven’t played in like this whole I haven’t played this whole Camp to be honest but you have played tell me listen you can’t get a worse name if it’s if they called it something differently it’s like I love playing cornhole but it sounds like dirty like Jimmy would be playing but it’s not innocent game you play with like with you know the bags and you put in all but cornhole sounds really like dirty but you know pickle ball just sounds really yeah you know it just sounds really weak but it’s not is it it’s like tennis fun no it it’s super fun like I think it’s like one of the funnest Sports I’ve ever played and um it’s also kind of like ego deflating CU I’ve been Smoked by like Granny’s and old ladies on the ports before how do they do that though I could even though I have a new knee my knees aren’t good enough to do that I can do Jiu-Jitsu but I’m not that lateral I’m not chasing it any balls no it’s crazy they don’t even move they just like kind of stand in line and like the reactions are insane they just kind of they’re in there you like it because there something isn’t it weird just takes your mind off everything right you probably don’t think about fighting or anything else when you’re doing that totally and it it’s surprisingly a good workout like your lateral movement super good you ever have you ever feel bad though like uh when you beat the out of like an old couple and you just at them how’s your reflex his here granny I play pickle ball the same way I fight as hard as I can just we step on the court with you it’s their bed I’m with you pickle ball JY well P look uh good luck on uh on uh Saturday it’s a great fight and uh you know I’m really happy for you that they put you on this card yeah yeah and this is again and benil um is such a dangerous guy and him against suian is a great there’s G be a lot of people watching this as you know yeah I’m excited I’m it’s an honor I’m really happy like you guys said earlier to be opening up the main card I did it one time in Abu Dhabi and I felt like it was such an honor and I blew that up and hopefully I can get the same kind of results yeah it does mean something I mean there’s no they don’t do that by accident I mean they put you in a place and they feel you belong there and that means that they have a lot of faith that you’re gonna give him a good fight so have a great fight on Saturday man and uh not to bring it up but Jimmy often brings up about opening up a card sure UFC 109 opened the card knocking out Frank trig Jimmy I don’t I don’t want to up again well that’s why I mention unconscious some drool bua nice to meet you bro yes sir thank you it’s an honor to finally meet you and we’re gonna have you back again man all the best dude yeah good talking have a great fight appreciate it thank you [Music] guys Jimmy you always embarrass me bringing that I can’t help it you know I want to I want to mention the Frank trig thing and I just figure if I I know I’m gonna have to really pull teeth to get oute of you yeah Jimmy I seen his life go out is that was that a nice feeling oh oh Jimmy listen how are you buddy I miss you I feel I miss you too I’m a little tired I didn’t sleep well last night so it Tes my first day back to radio so I’m suckered um again we have also um the next podcast we have another podcast before the weekend so we’ll talk more in detail about all these fights we got benil coming soon yes soon uh this weekend I was gonna be in New Jersey because one of my um my fighter is Lauren uh she was going to be fighting and ring of combat which is Lou neglia show which is this Friday in AC Tropicana um but now I’m not because the fight is called off so I’m not happy that that the fight’s called off because of her but I am happy that I don’t got to go to AC because I got my my wife and my kids doing a Jitsu tournament in Jersey yeah so that’s good Jimmy you know and uh my youngest never competed before she’s jumping in oh first time good yeah she was adamant about doing it and I’m like all right she’s only 10 it’s cute how long are those matches hers is like it’s only like three minutes you know how about your wife’s or or the or the ones the how I’m pretty sure she might be five minutes or something I’m not sure the total yeah I gotta look I gotta look with my wife because she’s gonna be in the Masters um I gotta see I’m gonna call the guy today I’m GNA look again I would get so tired it’s crazy how tiring it is isn’t it funny like but I got guys now like um uh um like these some some of the guys are older they around my age but they’re just starting you know what I mean and their white belts at 50 and uh they weren’t able to to make it through uh in the beginning no way neara doing a five minute roll or anything like that but now they’re able to yeah so listen how often do you see a five minute street fight when never so I mean listen I tell them you got this much time until the backup gets you you know what I mean the 911 calls going through you know what I mean sometimes it’s not about just dominating somebody it’s about just making it through that five surviving you know it’s a beautiful thing and these guys are getting exhausted and uh they could be getting just as exhausted doing something that’s not going to make them a more dangerous human being that’s right yeah I get I get a little redundant with that Jimmy but no you’re right though you’re right I was very I I went I train I was very uh very tuckered out and uh he makes me do he makes me do this thing where like for like he won’t let me like for especially like the last 10 or 15 minutes who’s he oh Mike who Mike who’s training me uh Professor Mike he’s uh he’ll make me go go through the whole he won’t let me stop because go even if you’re doing a a slow pace you have to keep moving even if it’s slow because he go in a street fight you can’t stop like if if you’re tired you have to train yourself to just keep making movements uh so he he makes me do it it’s it’s I hate it though I really do it’s uh you hate it but when you’re done you shower you leave you feel like ah you feel good I shower when I get home I don’t shower there I feel gross I should shower there but I have to get back and do this yeah well make sure you shower when you get home don’t be a dirty little boy no no shower wash my gay yeah wash your ass you don’t want you want to be clean Jimmy yes I shower so much I wash so much that that my hands are starting to get chapped this is very no a little OCD mat no no no I just use the bathroom a lot so I’m So Clean oh I must shower Master henzo told me long Master hzo taught me a lot about life and one of the things he told me early on he go he say he’d always shower if he took a and I go hzo that’s annoying no he goes man if you take a how do you clean your ass I go what I go what do you mean they go they go you don’t use the water and you know this is early back with his English wasn’t the best I go well you know I go if there’s a a sink there or wet something but he go man if you got let me ask you something if you touched a piece of with your hand would you clean it with a piece of paper I go well no he goes yeah what’s the deal you want a dirty ass so ever since he said that yeah it was in my head and I’m like I have to just and I do have a clean ass yeah I do too mine is immaculate ready for fingers but I can’t always get to a [Laughter] shower come excuse me Jimmy I can’t wait till December 22nd for Rebel moon to come out because that’s the new Zack Snider film that’s GNA be on um I’m surprised you’re not looking forward to December 16th oh Jimmy do you can we say what we’re doing well we’re gonna be watching TV together yes we are they must like the way we do it I mean they ask us every six months I guess that’s good right guess is that not good every six month I mean I wouldn’t say not exactly knocking the doors down I I well you know what it was they watch we do a watch part for the people at home what we do is we do a watch party so wait is that the Tony Ferguson card versus Patty P let me see uh yes oh we’re gonna watch that together they’re gonna film it this you know what’s funny Edwards Covington yeah wow oh wow wow that’s great that’s gonna be fun Ian Gary Vicente luk is the opening fight can I can I say something that’s maybe a little TMI but I don’t want you to get sure now listen okay I’m very clean but I might have the we’re gonna eat at your place my my stomach’s been getting worse you know I might have to use your bathroom I will not make it messy I will clean myself I will clean up but now you don’t live alone now so I feel a little guilty but if it was just I blow up your bathroom and be like ah I laugh at it you know but now you’re not alone so I feel a little bad well the bathrooms are all broken but luckily we have a bucket you could take out onto the Terrace and use a bucket well I plan on going on that Terrace and she’ll go with you I’m sure watch the twoy out there I like it I like it all yeah it’s nice hopefully it won’t be raining said he showed a commercial of um at MSG of me uh doing the um the HSS uh building why you making a face I no was yawning I’m just I’m very tired oh I’m sorry that was that was some that was that was oh no no I’m listening so anyway they did a um they showed I told you I went to the HSS building the h hpit special um surgeries is that right y for my knee and I interviewed the doctor that did my knee Dr I didn’t know that you didn’t know that no they showed the commercial at MSG so I’m trying to get them to send it to me and every time oh very nice had a hard time getting it though where are they gonna show it uh well they showed it at MSG but I’m sure they’re gonna show this I believe it’s going to be I don’t know where it’s gonna be I know I’m only Kidd I believe it’s gonna be a UFC Fight Pass but uh I think it might be on ESPN I’m gonna find out sure and when I find out oh here’s the commercial want to watch it with me sure oh no no no you know what I’ll watch it after but it already looks exciting Now Matt De what’s up Jimmy sorry is he in the waiting room no he’s not I want to say the opening fight Matt the early prelims our pal Randy Brown against Muslim salikov this card uh Dustin jacobe Alonzo menifield um oh he just hopped into the waiting room okay and by the way uh Giga chy against Josh EMT is the main fight of the preim card what a Cody is fighting Brian kellerer hey let’s get baled let’s get benal Daran okay sorry I don’t know what to say now [Music] sorry yeah benil hey benil yeah what’s up gentlemen how are you I’m good buddy how are you good to see you bro good to see you as well dude benil you don’t even give an S I clean it up but B’s very CL yes I like that thank you for cleaning it up I’m not gonna be my regular poty mou with you been but seriously you don’t I don’t even think I just think you say give me whoever on this date because you’re not afraid of fighting a guy like who like Armen uh sh Shuki Shian yeah Shian shukan it I mean because he’s not as well known as some of the other guys you you beaten but he’s extremely dangerous you tell me your thought process on when they offer you a fight well you know last fight didn’t go so well I I get uh done with it and uh I just say I’m going to do better next time so I call my manager and I say hey who’s available and uh we go through the list this is the guy who’s available and I say all right let’s do this fight after a fight like uh against Ola because everybody knows what a good fighter you are you everybody has one of those what what is your thought process like after that or like what what are you going through right after that happens you know um it was it’s tough losing for me is really tough it’s something I take uh it’s just something I struggle with right so I I spend a lot of time uh working through it there’s prayer there’s just meditation and just just figuring it out and um I I think that’s just that’s normal for everybody everybody has to struggle through losses we can’t just walk through them like they’re nothing so that’s what I did I I I did the struggling part I did all the all the difficulties that I need to take care of with the loss and then I said okay I’m ready to fight and so now we’re here kind of important I’m sorry Jimmy sure to struggle with the losses if it was too nonchalant I don’t think you’d have the success you’d have do you agree with that yeah I definitely um I’m I’m very obsessive so you know some people are like I don’t watch my losses I watch that fight probably 10 times the night I lost you know and just kind of seeing what’s going on and and how I can make things better and it’s a tricky one because it just I don’t feel like I did anything well that day so it’s one of those things where I need to um kind of come out and and and make sure I I just you know how Fighters say they don’t show up this is this is one of those first times where I felt like I just didn’t show up I didn’t perform well and it was very disappointing because it was at the most important time you could say that’s why sometimes I’m sorry Jimmy good like I know as a fighter what would stress me out leading up to a fight like sometimes after a hard night of sparring it feel sometimes it just feels like a rough night of sparring like an off the timing’s off that much and you’ve had nights of sparring like that leading up to a fight you’re like well what if this happen happens the night of the fight like that so it’s like sometimes you could just you just it’s like in other words it might have just been like you an off night you and you know it might you don’t have to just reinvent your whole self I mean do you am I explaining that the correct way yeah I agree with that you don’t want to reinvent yourself but at the same time you also wanna take everything into consideration and see how you could just dig deeper and make everything better so that’s what I did I went back and looked at what I could make better and I I I Tred to make that better did you feel it that night walking into the cage sometimes guys will just feel like this I’m just not where I need to be right now or how did you feel walking in and when the fight started I’m not sure I don’t really remember my coaches uh definitely felt like I was off but I I didn’t I didn’t feel that way when I was walking in I just felt like it’s you know let’s get this uh let’s get this fight going and and get this over with always over analyze sometimes because there’s times I have a fight and I’m like now if that fight didn’t go right I felt a little off in the locker room but there’s times in the locker room where I’m like do I really you I don’t know maybe I don’t feel great and then I’ll go out and have a phenomenal night so I don’t know sometimes you it’s so important to examine why what went down but there is also I think some people just like ah this went wrong let me fire the whole staff and start from scratch so it’s a fine line there you know yeah I agree with you I I’m not I’m not a big ho uh fire the whole staff and restart because I think we’ve done so well so far it’s just you know uh work keep working the details out yeah um and how do you feel about suuki because like Matt said he I mean you know obviously uh he had a a loss to uh I think gamrot was his last loss if I’m correct um my memories go yeah camera and uh I mean he’s beaten some really really good Fighters um and he has looked very very dangerous what are you expecting out of him you know he’s really good and he’s really young so you know how young Fighters they they grow fast and they get better it’s it’s it’s hard to look at that gamrot fight and be like okay I’m gonna fight the same guy I’m preparing a for a better version of that so that that’s kind of what I’m what I’m looking at and uh man he’s he he in my opinion is is similar to gamot they’re going to be be the future of the division right so I’m I’m just just ready for uh what I need to do this Saturday and what do you think you need to do I I I know you want a shot at the title I know you want it what do you think you need to do after a little setback I mean you’re still at the top of the division what what do you think you need to do to get that I think I need to win this fight that’s for sure and then um maybe get a big name uh one of the bigger names easier said than done but maybe get one of the bigger names and you’re feeling obviously you’re feeling good about this Saturday yeah I feel great looking looking forward to it you know the the the one thing I I added was um I started working with a guy named Sam calab from the from the training lab you know my my whole career I I’ve kind of just ate whatever and kind of figured out the nutrition stuff on my own I wasn’t really big into supplements I was like you know I drink plenty of milk I’ll be fine that was kind of my the way I looked at it but um that I just figured you know let’s let’s let’s see what he can offer and and he’s someone I’ve known for a long time he lives very close to me and uh I know he’s a super smart guy so started working with him and I I have to say uh I wish I had done it sooner he’s really good what is it you were doing what like what’s something that he’s showing you that you’re like oh God I was doing that really wrong so for example you know I eat out a lot and um my wife likes to eat out a lot too because it’s less work for her and stuff like that but one thing he explains to me like if you eat out a lot the food actually is less nutritious because of the way it’s prepared even if you go to a place where you would consider more healthy it’s still the nutritious uh nutrition aspect of it is is less valuable and then supplements I had no clue what I was doing so I just wouldn’t do it I was like well if I don’t know what I’m doing I’m not going to do anything plus usada you know yeah so uh that that was another thing and also understanding how to uh really Peak well I would say I was kind of just winging it um you know training as hard as I can and then when the fight comes go he he he’s really good at dialing you in for peing so you don’t you don’t have your best week the week before the fight or two weeks before the fight yeah yeah I mean I I never even thought about it before but yeah because you know I as a Jiu-Jitsu competitor there’s no such thing as like peing you you you were competing year round and at least now it might be different but back in the day I I I competed um 12 to 15 times a year in terms of tournament so it’s there’s no getting out of shape you stay in shape year round and and you compete so this is one thing that that he was really particular about is how to Peak properly is there anything you were eating that he told you that’s terrible and you thought it was great ah man he’s actually not a big fan of milk which which crushes me crushes my heart I love milk I drink Dairy no no just just milk he he says one he says it’s really high in calories and how it’s prepared and I explain to him I always get the best milk I get the raw milk blah blah blah I try to give him the whole spel about how good it is for you and he’s like no and then it’s really high in calories right so in Camp you drink it glass of milk you just missed out on like 3 400 calories of food so that’s that’s a lot of food when you think about it uh I drink a lot of milk by the way so that’s why so I was missing out on a lot of nutritious food that I could have been eating so that was the one thing that was really tough but besides that oh also coffee he’s not a big fan of coffee really yeah he’s like we got to take it easy on coffee and I love coffee I’m a coffee nerd I like study how they process the beans which beans is the way I like it and you know so I I’ve even I I roast at home but I I have a crappy roaster I’ve thought about upping my game but it’s like this if you want to up your uh coffee game you can roast for couple of hundred dollars machine but then if you want to go to the next level it’s like four to $5,000 machine there’s no in between it’s an expensive hobby yeah so it’s an expensive Hobby and I said all right we’ll we’ll stick with where we are but I really love coffee and and and he been not about it I can’t believe milk doesn’t mess you like that’s what I do if I drink milk it clogs me up and it makes me feel awful nothing huh no I I drink a lot of raw milk I don’t drink regular milk I I still eat a lot of yogurt he’s good with yogurt but raw milk I man I let’s just say I was going through a gallon a week which is quite a bit yeah that’s a lot of milk you’re you’re lucky that you can you can drink it without a problem what’s what is raw milk compared to just like regular pasteurized so the the way they pasteurize it especially the ultra past pasturized stuff what it does it kills the what the prebiotics and the enzymes that helps you actually digest the milk and allows your gut to have better health so you know you know how you just mentioned the whatever yeah that’s because your body’s have struggling to digest it properly and it doesn’t have the enzymes that it used to or or or the prebiotics necessary for the probiotics to live things like that so that’s why I like raw milk and everything you know I’m big on Dairy I grew up on a farm so that that was a tough one but I I get I still get to have yogurt and things like that so it’s not too bad and then once the Camp’s over it’s going to be a gallon a week maybe go right back to it yeah did you ever drink it like so you GRE up on a farm would you milk cows yeah yeah we we milk cows and and like milk C if you milk a cow and you want to drink the milk you you have like a very short period so you can drink it right away or what you could do is you could heat it up which is pasteurizing it slightly and then put it in the fridge then it’ll last you like a little bit longer but if you’re going to drink it right right from the cow you you got to do it immediately I would recommend well B let me just tell you if Jimmy had a farm all he would do is milk the cows I can’t wait to watch you fight chimy I’m sorry uh you notice he didn’t ask if you had chickens or anything this little freak uh do you have a chicken by I heard your own eggs is a great thing uh not not in California it’s tough man I don’t have a big backyard if I had a big backyard I would have chickens but yeah chickens are easy they’re actually pretty easy you just have to make sure they don’t get sick they they eat they sleep and they don’t do much are they friendly chickens they always like they Peck at you friendly I mean they’re they’re pretty dumb so sometimes they’re friendly it’s weird there are chickens that will be friendly but overall they just move around and just eat and fight with each other oh okay they’re it’s a dumb Bird yeah right well look Bal obviously congrats on you’re you’re main Eventing an amazing card I mean we’ve talked before about this this is like a pay-per-view card um how many good fights uh are on this I mean jayen Turner Bobby green as as a a com unbelievable yeah so that that’s one thing that that really stood out to me when I saw the card and the messages I was getting about the card I I reached out to Hunter and I was like hey man thank you for you know putting me on the main like making me the main event of this card I I thought it was a privilege you know I I I know a lot of people will be like oh you’ve been in the UFC for so long you deserve it blah blah blah blah blah blah I’m I’m of the a mindset that we don’t deserve anything so be always be thankful for what you have yeah and and it’s again it’s shows how they feel about you because I mean Shan Brady and Gastelum is on this figuro is up to fight Rob font I mean this is just an incredible card yeah everyone before me could headline a card they they could and it’s without a doubt so that that’s why I considered it privilege benil that’s why a humble humble Warrior benil I appreciate it this Saturday December the 2nd um it is this Saturday right wait that is correct I am correct okay I’m losing my I don’t know what day it is uh 4:00 is the prelims and then the main card starts at 7:00 p.m. on ESPN ESPN plus which is perfect nice and early benil thank you is always we’ll have you again of course you’re regular on the show and always good talking to you yeah I love talking to you guys too thank you all right buddy have a great fight take care buddy [Music] bye man that’s amazing to me somebody who likes drinking milk I I hate milk and the fact it makes my mouth dry you want to milk a cow Jimmy I do not I like I pet a cow they’re very nice um they just sit there and let you pet them but I don’t want to reach under it and grab its stinky uters awful I don’t belong on a farm I don’t belong on a farm I’m just making that that that that’s the end of the St I didn’t I thought we had the show listen else we got Jimmy that’s it Matt I think you’re right I mean that should be the end of the show uh uh Matt does not belong on a farm and we’ll be back on Wednesday we’ll be back in a couple of days a bless is anything you want to um promote Wednesday night Fat Black Pussycat the first three Wednesdays of December I’ll be running my hour and I’m back on tour in February for real so good stuff that’s great hey I’ll be talking to you in a couple of days I almost had too much fun this was a blast yeah thank you to uh pun and uh and thank you to uh um uh benil I’m that’s how tired I am by the wayred um what’s that I heard that that by way pun did I say Puna Le Puna Hal I’m so tired I don’t even if I said his right if if I said his name wrong I apologize he’s a nice kid I like him I heard yes and by the way I just watched the 1980 whatever it was version of Dune I never watched it before so I made it through it and it’s pretty bad but it wasn’t great but anyway the new Dune Dune part two whatever I found out that they moved it back up I heard to March so I’m excited about that sorry Jimmy I could just could have wait till Wednesday I or I mean or till April goodbye everybody goodbye everybody see [Music] you