UFC Light Heavyweight, Tyson Pedro answers questions ahead of his co-main event against Vitor Petrino on Saturday at UFC …

how are you good good thank you that’s good good all right Tyson obviously a vicious win in September kind of back to the violent ways uh I mean talk to me about that performance and kind of you know what you thought of yourself yeah uh it doesn’t get much better than that it’s going to be hard to beat with the home crowd the finish the celebration the talk you know uh being with family having all my fans there and supporters it was uh it’s going to be a very hard to beat yeah it was a memorable moment for sure and then five months away um I wonder if that’s tough for you I mean knowing the time that you missed right is it difficult for you to have this kind of time before fights or is this okay the time off I I’ve actually wanted to fight a lot earlier I was trying to get an earlier fight so um uh it just worked out how it was supposed to but you know it’s a Not a Bad Thing uh I was still keeping up my training so is what it is just keep going and then it ended up being a short Camp anyway so four-week Camp that’s weird that works out like that but I wonder if that’s challenging for you like because you said you get time to heal you get time to get better right but you think about the years that we missed do you get anxious like man time’s running away from me n I’m just I’m just getting there like I’m I feel good where I’m at right now so um yeah just going with it let f one man I’m getting better with age and and by the way I should say uh you weren’t fighting but you were staying busy being a gladiator right how did that whole experience unfold yeah that was cool I I think my manager hit me up and was like do you want to be a gladiator I thought it was like the new Russell Crow movie or something like I was I was pumped cuz that’s but uh yeah it ended up being um a really good experience uh met a lot of good people met uh production and uh people that were Gladiators and it was just cool to like hit a couple civilians uh did you watch that show Growing Up yeah like uh um a little bit like um the Vulcan he he was uh it was cool to see another like Pacific Islander on there so I think that was one cool thing just you know to be a Polynesian up on TV and uh mainstream so something different and uh also like you know my daughter and when they watch my fights is very different it’s like it’s hard for them to watch so when I was on the TV like and doing cool things and not getting punched in the face it was uh like I was a superhero so it was a cool dad moment that’s awesome they guys enjoy that one a little bit more awesome all right well we’ll get back to what you do best not that you weren’t great at that uh The Undefeated VTO Petrino they call you with him just four weeks out I guess what was the thoughts when they when they give you this name bring it that’s it let’s go it’s like um I I was a hype train at once like and just takes a better fighter to beat him so I’m ready to take that zero it’s kind of funny cuz that’s what it does feel like right like he’s the guy that’s got all the hyp and they give them to you and that that was you that that was you at one point 100% I like being the underdog you think you think people are counting you out in this one I I think I I saw something that I am the underdog so I’m happy with that it’s more pressure on him I’m just coming in there to fight nice do you feel like the experience in the time that you have I mean you’ve clearly matured in the organization you think that does give you advantage of this where he is that guy that’s kind of just making his way in the UFC I think I’m the most more like probably most tested opponent he’s had so like I’ve been around the block now uh check my resume uh so it’s uh yeah it’s just he’s going to it’s going to be hard for him like you know I’m going to come out there to test him we’re going like see if he deserves at zero which I’m happy to take it like I said I love uh you said four weeks is that a challenge for you at all or do your lifestyle make that easy it was actually better like one I didn’t have to spend as much time away from my daughter and two my body feels amazing so maybe maybe that’s the new I don’t know if I can try and convince you Jean uh we can do four-week camps but even if you know like four months out like let’s just wait till there’s like four yeah yeah yeah 100% uh does fighting in the states appeal to you or is it a challenge to you uh man I love fighting in Vegas like the reason why like as as good as well as much as I love fighting in front of the home crowd the reason why I started fighting professionally was so I could travel around the world and fight the best in the world so I’m trying to like conquer different countries you know get the Brazilian get the American like and that’s my way of doing the Conquering I like it man uh all right look on paper look this looks like it’s going to be an absolute Banger like are you expecting that type of fight or is this you know you feel like maybe you got to take a more strategic approach because you know what he’s going to try to do yeah yeah have to be strategic of course uh as long as they came to the game plan keep the basics hit don’t get hit he looks like he hits hard I hit hard as well so let’s bring it I love it last thing for me uh plan with the victory here I mean you said you wanted to fight soon or is that kind of thing is let’s keep it rolling a little bit more this year 100% plan on staying active guys I got a quick one um I guess how does it feel to finally be active again and fighting twice a year you know obviously you had that long break of injuries and I’m and you shared you know several times I was very hard on you but now that you’re active like how’s the feel feeling like just man doing doing what you love every day is there’s nothing that compares to it so uh that break made me appreciate it more and the break was also supposed to happen like the men that I became in that the lessons that I learned getting over hardships it’s all part of it and it’s helped build me into the fighter I am now I one of your thoughts on um Alexander’s loss at uh in in in in Anaheim I just wanted to know um what were your thoughts on the performance and just everything like that he was looking amazing it’s uh you know you know I call him a friend and it’s sad to see him go down but it’s a crazy game that we play it’s you know it’s uh it shows it happens to the best of us it’s only you’re only ever one punch away and uh it was definitely sad I it was a sad day but had to go eat some food after that it’s like but uh yeah it it is what it is and I’m sure he’ll be back uh yeah and then um um in your division the title is up for grabs at usfc 300 as want your early early pick for the winner of that between prayer and and Hill uh to be honest I haven’t been looking but I don’t know I think he’ll might get him thanks but thanks for taking that time no thank you this is uh it’s a brutal sport the highest of the highs lowest of lows but take me back to to that big win last that had to been Perfect You’re In the Zone even down to putting the store into the you know like how what do that rank as far as your finishes like that’s that’s for the one top two for sure I I would say top one but nothing ever beats walking out to a packed house the first time when you get into the UFC so it’s uh it’s definitely a big moment but yeah just that’s being done now just go to concentrate on this fight build off of it right yeah um sometimes we have cards moved and shifted and you know one side of the world to the other not only with with that in mind and the short notice is this like an advantage maybe even you could flip it and say you know what that four weeks I’m more chill I’m ready to go now so this is yeah um I haven’t really thought about that I’m ready to go so it wouldn’t matter if it was on one day notice but I’m just uh I want to fight excellent look forward to it on good luck on Saturday shout out to Junior [Laughter] toer thanks for the