Get ready for the show of all shows at UFC 300 as we revisit previous monumental landmarks in UFC history. UFC legends …

and all the other fighters in the card but I know I’m ready to show up get my hand raised and get the interim [Music] title my goal is to erase all doubts my goal is to show once and for all that I am the best fighter in the UFC I think it was a a mistake for buck to come back he should have stayed retire cuz he’s not going to have the outcome he’s looking for I’m not scared I’m just coming into this fight ready to have fun and and mix it up and and uh you know and get my hand raised at the end of this deal I’ve been waiting for this moment my whole career and I’m we going to do everything to be a champ tonight Amanda Nuna lack what I have and that’s mental strength and I just want this more than she does I know that and I will walk away with my hand raised [Music] tonight time to end this offer I need a minute to myself you will me can’t I’ll [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] dool you will to me I’ll do [Music] [Applause] [Music] myself [Music] the one of the longest 10e fighters in the UFC Jim Miller has been battling the best for years and tonight he faces Japanese Superstar takori G an icon of Japanese m MMA former Pride Champion takori G has thrilled UFC fan since 2010 whether it was fight of the night battles with M danig and Isaac B flag or crushing Knockouts of Tyson Griffin and EG mituoka tonight the fireball kid returns to Las Vegas for the first time since 2011 to take on Jim Miller a respected veteran who is closing in on the UFC record for most wins in the lightweight division the blue caller Miller is prepared to Bight down on his mouthpiece and work for all 15 minutes to get the victory over GOI coming up next the fireball kit takori GOI meets Jim Miller at one point in his mix Mar martial arts career takanori gy was considered the most dangerous and the best lightweight fighter in the world tonight gy fights in the Octagon for the 11th time yeah takanori gy is a real legend of MMA in Japan and when he was the king of Pride he had some absolutely spectacular Knockouts he has a very wild aggressive fan friendly style he’s just a really fun guy to watch fight takanori gome fights almost always end in some kind of chaos and the power that this young man possesses is quite extraordinary this UFC 200 card Joe is loaded with Champions GOI a pride and also a shudo champion 48 professional fight for the fireball kid [Music] he defeated the legendary Rosato for the shudo title in [Music] 2001 taka Nori G his opponent the pride of Sparta New Jersey fighting in the UFC for the 23rd time Jim Miller Jim Miller one of the most exciting young guys in the UFC today and another guy with a tremendous skill set Brazilian jiu-jitsu black belt very good standup skills and tremendous experience inside the Octagon I mean Jim Miller has fought some of the best of the best in the 155lb division and has some very impressive victories under his belt including a submission victory over Charles Oliva and just some some great performances in his career I’m a big Jim Miller fan always enjoy watching those Sky fight Jim Miller his big brother Dan a combined 35 UFC fights coming in to tonight most career wins at 155 Glon t b 6 Donald Cerrone 15 Jim Miller and the former Champion papel dos anos [Music] 14 rilan ji- Jitsu black Bell Jim Miller our taale of the tape for this lightweight bike Jim Miller 32 years old gy w a Japan’s best 37 years old everything else is virtually identical let’s check in with Bruce B ladies and gentlemen this fight is three rounds in the UFC lightweight division introducing first fighting out of the blue Corner a boxer and a wrestler holding a professional record 35 wins 11 losses one no contest he stands 5′ 7 in tall weighing in at 156 lb fighting out of Tokyo Japan presenting the former Pride Grand Prix and lightweight champion the fireball kid taka nor go and now introducing his opponent fighting out of the Red Corner a mixed martial artist holy professional record 25 wins eight losses one no contest he stands 5’8 Ines tall weighing in at 155 and one half PBS fighting at of Sparta New Jersey Jim Miller and when the action begins our referee in charge Mark Smith so Mark Smith our referee for the first fight of this history UFC 200 event Jim Miller takori G [Music] thank Tako ready Jim ready fights on here we go red trunks for gy blue and black trunks for Miller southf against Southpaw and you will notice that takan orom has a very unusual striking style keeps his hands very low and throws wild looping shots he was a former baseball pitcher and has a similar delivery in the way sometimes he throws his punches but packs a lot of power behind them and they come from really awkward angles Jim Miller really really talented Grappler lots of submission finishes but he’ll stand and trade with anybody we’ve seen that many times Joe he certainly will but what what you see from G is he gets very flat footed and he gets very wide and he really depends and relies upon that poweres it yeah good shot by Miller Miller’s got his back this is terrible for gy Miller is very very good on the ground 14 career wins by submission for Jim Miller we mentioned he submitted Charles Oliva who’s a very high level ground game specialist and also Fabricio Cy who is a hoer Gracie black belt so he’s got real ground game skills real Jiu-Jitsu skills he’s on the back here with great control see how he’s utilizing his legs here Mike really clamping down on the legs of gy to maintain this position a little high on the back maybe he’d like to scoot back a little bit but where G is right now he’s trying to just control his body and make sure G doesn’t shake him off the top now he attacks the arm and that he’s going to use that to go deeper into the back now he’s in a perfect position he’s got a full body lock with the triangle from the back and he’s got his arm around the neck of takanori gy and he’s got plenty of time he does and G’s in a bad bad position here with a guy like Jim Miller Jim Miller is an expert at closing the show Once he’s got you in a bad spot and Joe this is one of his best positions we’ve seen this throughout his UFC career he’s got the hands clamped together G’s in big trouble now but G got to really fight those hands and as he does Miller just sinks him in the other way also look if Miller may may decide at one point in time to engage his legs and try to trap one of G’s arms with his legs giving up the body triangle if he doesn’t feel like he could get past the defense without it now he’s got him flattened out oh in great great position for Jim Miller looking to end this fight right here right now that’s it he’s it is all over Jim Miller finishes takori beautiful beautiful performance by Jim Miller we saw excellent back control beautiful grappling [Applause] let’s take a look at the taked down first he catches the kick takes him to the ground immediately gets on his back and then you see that razor sharp back control by Jim Miller just did a fantastic job of controlling the position looked for the submission and then once he got him flattened out he said he’s just going to pound him out here and so just ferocious ground and pound from the top and put takanori gy away 15th career Victory inside the Octagon for Jim Miller his brother Dan and the corner of one of New Jersey’s finest Miller with the victory Bruce Buffer to make it official ladies and gentlemen referee Mark Smith is called a stop to this contest at 2 minutes 18 seconds of the very first round declaring the winner by TKO Jim [Music] Miller showcasing the best form of his career Thiago Santos has won three of his last four fights by knockout and he will be looking for more of the same against gar [Music] musasi two of the most dangerous middleweights in the world Thiago Santos and gagar musasi enter tonight’s bout on the fast track to the top of their division but will it be the Ferocious finisher or the poised and precise veteran who emerges Victorious long scene is The Quiet Man of the middleweight division the Netherlands Gard musasi is staying in the shadows no longer as his wins over Mark Munoz Dan Henderson Costas philipo and Talis ladies have him in the top 10 and hungry for even more as he chases down a world title opportunity but Brazil Santos is getting the biggest fight of his career at the perfect time as he’s won four in a row in the octagon with three of those wins by knockout coming up next Thiago maheta Santos faces gar [Music] musasi 13 and three in his professional career Thiago Santos just fought 56 days ago as we mentioned earlier Joe vicious left kick knockout of a true veteran in Nate maror yeah he has looked spectacular in his last three victories inside the Octagon The Knockout of Steve bosi again the unanimous position over Elias theodoro he’s just a very skillful very dangerous Striker and this is a big test for him tonight coming in here against one of the most technical guys in the division in gagar musasi so it’s going to be interesting to see how Santos’s standup skills stack up against musasi who’s a very skillful kickboxer Brazilian Army paratrooper eight years he trained in Kapaa and Thiago Santos was a competitor on season two of The Ultimate Fighter Brazil eliminated by the eventual winner Leandro Santos born and raised in Rio De Janeiro [Music] Brazil spend some time training in South flid at American top team does most of his training at home in Rio de Janeiro with TFT TAA fight team [Music] [Music] and you see Brazil well represented on the trunks of Thiago Santos the new design of the UFC B kit shorts maintains the original silhouette while driving a connection between athletes and fans through a celebration of national pride the proud Brazilian Thiago [Music] [Music] Santos his opponent born in Iran training in the Netherlands for many many years 38 professional wins 21 by knockout Gard musasi yeah you want to talk about a guy with International experience gayar mousasi has fought all over the world and fought some of the best fighters all over the world he’s got wins over Hector Lumbard cyborg Santos Dennis Kang Melvin manook I mean outside of the Octagon had a spectacular career before he came to the UFC and has remained as we said in the top 10 and is a threat to virtually anyone at 185 lbs on any given night you could stack him right up against the best of the best in this division this is a dangerous fight for him um a very a fight that like I said a lot of people are looking over but a very skillful fight between two guys who can shut the lights out Gard musasi being a very technical and patient Striker with a very good ground game as well Thiago Santos most likely will try to avoid the ground game in this fight and stay standing former Strike Force flight heavyweight champion dream middleweight Grand Prix Champion Dreamlight heavyweight champion he has fought Pride K1 and many other organizations and gate guard musasi has been in the main event here in the Octagon four times tonight he’s on the UFC 200 card against the Brazilian Thiago Santos our taale of the tape for this middleweight matchup 30-year-old gigar musasi against Thiago Santos two years his Elder buasi 2 in taller yet the reach is identical all right for the official introductions once again here’s Bruce Buffer ladies and gentlemen this fight is three rounds in the UFC middleweight division introducing first fighting out of the blue Corner a striker holding a professional record 13 wins three losses he stands 6 ft tall weighing in at 186 lbs fighting at a Rio De Janeiro Brazil tho Metta [Music] sanos and now introducing his opponent fighting out of the Red Corner a mixed martial artist holy professional record 38 wins six losses two draws he stands 6’2 Ines tall weighing in at 185 and 1 12 lb fighting ad aaden Holland the Netherlands presenting the former Strike Force light heavyweight champion and the number eight ranked middleweight contender in the world Gard Musashi and when the action begins our referee in charge Mark Gard Mark Goddard our referee for our second fight of the night here inside the T-Mobile Arena jlet Vanessa Chrissy Britney arani five five count them here for UFC 200 okay J here we go you ready you ready come on let’s do it musasi and Santos here we go white and black trunks for Gard mousasi as we mentioned earlier Brazilian colors for Thiago Santos musasi dangerous anywhere a fight can go he certainly is but so is Santos particularly in the standup his ground game is very good as well but his stand up is devastating and he’s been very busy Joe this is his fifth fight since January of 2015 on a four-fight win streak taken on the veteran musasi both these guys trying to find their timing here being fairly cautious musasi opens up the right hand he got clipped punch lands Santos Santos caught him with that left hand yeah musasi fights a very patient standup game most of the time Mich goes up high with that kick but it’s blocked and as we saw with his you know first attack Joe he loves to throw combinations yeah he’s got a very diverse striking repertoire and again equally comfortable on the ground if there is an advantage mousasi should have it should be on the ground nice jab getting there’s no picn SOS very good takeown defense and some serious knockout power and you can see just by looking at him heavily heavily muscled young man Santos a black belt in Muay Thai in real deer we seeing more and more mu Tha coaches and gyms and schools going to the belt system and the black belt earned by Santos throwing some heavy kicks yeah it’s not really a traditional tie way of doing it but a lot of people have sort of adopted the belt systems that we have in Jiu-Jitsu and karate and other martial arts and applied that to Mu Thai it’s it’s kind of controversial oh tack with the left with the lift and mousasi is all over now big uppercuts Santos is in trouble he’s in big trouble and now musasi has a hook trying to get his back see if he gets him down he’s got him down good control that’s what I was talking about earlier though punches in bunches and now a great position Santos turning into him and he’ll wind up in half guard here Nasi still really wants to keep That back control doesn’t quite have it here he’s more on his back now but you see how Santos is keeping his right shoulder Up Against the Cage he’s doing that to make sure that mousasi doesn’t get behind him and sink that second hook in now he’s pressing his body up against the cage he’s going to try to walk up but the whole time he wants to do that he wants to keep that body press to the cage to make sure musasi doesn’t get behind him now he’s using his left arm to stop it as well but he just ate a nice knee to the body by musasi couple of big uppercuts by mousasi and now he’s trying to get a great position again side contr yeah beautiful take down right into side control and this is what we said if if musasi has an advantage it will be here his ground game is very high level strong wrestling great control and uh nasty submissions as well back in Berlin he submitted Mark Munos by rear naked choke earned himself a performance of a night bonus did that in the first round he’s going to need a belly here on Santos and just uh demonstrating excellent control here in this position slides it right in but now got trapped in the center he got caught in half guard he wants to get that left leg out so he’s going to try to soften him up here with some shots but he ideally wanted to pass over move into full Mount he wasn’t able to do that Santos caught that leg in the transition and picked up half guard Santos was rocked able to survive the early Onslaught trying to fight off these bad positions for another 50 seconds here in the first Santos did excellent job there again stopping that progression he’s he’s trying to pass that half guard and move into full Mount and now SOS actually in even better spot he’s in full guard closed up this makes it much more difficult for musasi to get off good strikes from this position and he’s up oh nailed him oh that’s it h is all over Gard musasi Santos on his way up he knocked him back down and the fight is over beautiful timing there by musasi nasty control on the ground and then in that transition beautiful timing with that shot this is a big step up in competition for Santos a dangerous fight for mousasi but really paid [Applause] off let’s take a look at it again here on the transition as he’s coming up boom caught him with an uppercut and a left hook afterwards and that is enough for Mark Gard steps in and rescues Santos from any further beatings Thiago Santos fought off bad positions on the ground started to get up and get back into a standup battle which is what he wanted to do not bite on the ground and Gard musasi with perfect timing ends the [Applause] fight to make it official here is Bruce Buffer ladies and gentlemen referee Mark Goddard has called us off to this contest at 4 minutes 32 seconds of the very first round declared the winner by knockout Gard mus Gard musasi another knockout finish his 32nd Pro finishers Joe I’m here with the winner gigar musasi first of all gigar congratul on a fantastic performance this was a very dangerous fight and a fight that I think kind of got lost in a sea of amazing fights tonight but you really put on a spectacular performance well I believe he’s a guy who can beat five top 10 guys so he he doesn’t have a well recognizable name but he’s dangerous I agree with you as well let’s take a look at your Victory here you got him to the ground and had some fantastic control from the top position but once in the transition between him trying to get back up that’s when you caught him clean and were able to put him put him away but you had heard him several times in that first round well uh I believe I have one of the best stand up fight uh stand up in the middleweight so and obviously I felt I was better with him with wrestling and jiujitsu so I was able to fight him anywhere the fight would go well congratulations on an excellent victory over a very very good opponent we look forward to seeing you soon guard musasi ladies and gentlemen so as I mentioned earlier 32nd finish 32 of his 39 wins finishes 29th career finish in the first round 22nd career win by knockout Gard musasi all right Joe we have one more matchup here live on UFC Fight Pass and what a matchup it is I mean I can’t believe these two men are finally going to meet they’re going to do so here on this historic night at UFC 200 the bonus King Joe loan and the original Ultimate Fighter that man Diego Sanchez yeah and Diego Sanchez if you’ve never seen him before he is ferocious I mean he’s one of my favorite all-time Fighters it’s cuz he’s so aggressive so game and very very skillful as well and this is a big fight for both of these guys look we this is the third fight in a night that could have easily been a headliner of a fight night I mean either one of those three fights that we’re seeing so far on Fight Pass could have been a headliner fight this is a unbelievably stacked card but if you had to pick one fight where you said well guaranteed you’re going to see some fireworks this might be the one Joe Lozan is intelligent aggressive a really fun guy to watch very skillful very explosive takes wild chances and you couldn’t ask for two guys that are going to get after it more than these two too if you asked UFC fans what fight could steal this historic show all signs what point to action heroes Joe loan and Diego Sanchez the first Ultimate Fighter winner Diego Sanchez is still going strong more than 11 years later after that seminal moment and tonight he faces New England Action Hero Joe Lozan in a lightweight bout that many believe will be a fight of the Year candidate F Diego Sanchez is awesome because he’s one of those guys I’ve been looking up to since the ultimate fighter one and I’m glad I get to test myself against him everybody knows that Joe’s got a huge heart I got a huge heart and we’re not going to play patty cakes we’re not going to try to play tag and we’re going to go in there and we’re going to try to take each other out one of the top post fight bonus winners in UFC History New England’s Joe Lozan has won three of his last five bouts including a fight of the night winning effort over Michael Kessa and with his grappling gain and finishing instincts he’s confident that he will add to his win total tonight when he tackles the nightmare I’m motivated to win this fight it’s always about sacrifice sometimes you have to sacrifice your face if I have to bleed in the cage I will but I’m going to win this fight Diego Sanchez is fought the best of the best in the Octagon from middleweight to featherweight and the Albuquerque native is still going strong at 34 years old The Ultimate Fighter winner most recently kicked off the latest chapter of his story career at5 lbs with a win over Jim Miller and now it’s time for one of his most highly anticipated fights ever against Joe Lozan it’s now UFC 200 we’re the classic fight that the fans want to see and it’s going to be good the pride of Bridgewater Massachusetts Joe Lozan made his UFC debut at age 22 at UFC 63 he knocked out Jen’s hulver in 48 seconds now 3,577 days later that’s 9 years and 9 months he’s going to fight Diego Sanchez Joe Lozan has had so many bonuses and been so fun to watch over the years I think some people forgot about the way he entered the Octagon yeah he’s a wild man he’s a real risk taker and that’s one of the reasons why he’s so exciting to watch he knows that you have to take risks sometimes to close distances and to land shots and land submissions as well he will fly on you flying techniques divon Kimura I mean he’s ridiculously fast and explosive and again it’s an intelligent decision when he’s doing it he’s wild but he’s also very calculated very skillful he’s got a very very good ground game very good striking and he’s just an exciting guy and when you just look at this fight on paper I mean we’re we’re a couple minutes away from a treat my friend Joe Lozan knocked out Jen Pulver then he competed on The Ultimate Fighter Team Patton against team Pulver as a member of Team pen and he was eliminated by Manny gambiran who fought Nate Diaz in the finals two Ultimate Fighter competitors Joe Lozan 32 years old about to take on one of the original Ultimate Fighter winners bis Griffin and Diego Sanchez there seems to be an issue with the tape being too high up on the wrist it appears that they’re having to trim some of the uh outside edge of the tape I don’t I don’t recall ever seeing that happen before it’s uh kind of an interesting little situation but Mark Goddard uh wants to make sure that everything follows the rules here here you see the trimming that excess tape I’m not exactly sure what advantage or disadvantage that would that would ever have but the rules are the rules so here we go and Joe’s inside one of the all-time UFC bonus leaders behind Nate Diaz Joe Loa the best mean face in MMA yeah there’s not even a second place maybe crocop when he stared down vanderlay Silva in cried that was a pretty good mean face that was a stone cold killer mean face Diego Sanchez is a werewolf he’s like a a wild man man mean face and he means it you know what what’s what’s really hilarious is watching Joe Lo’s on reaction to it at the weigh-ins Joe just started cracking up this Diego was telling him I’m a nightmare I’m a nightmare Joe just Joe just couldn’t help L now statistically there’s been some studies done in guys who smile at staredowns tend to lose uh it’s not always it’s not a hard fast rule but it’s something that people who dork out on statistics like to bring up and Diego Sanchez will not smile at a weigh-in folks come on seriously that that’s a study yeah no the Diego Sanchez study no but about guys smiling at weigh-ins during stay Downs St Downs not a study as much as people have compared and Diego Sanchez has a very good psychological game because you know looking at that guy he’s coming and he’s not going to stop unless you take him out and that’s DED when you’ve seen Diego fight before especially in fights like the Martin campman fight third round his face is literally hanging off he’s a mask of blood and he’s not taking a single step back that is Diego Sanchez he’s a Madman from yoga in the rain to tonight Diego Sanchez our tale of the tape for this lightweight battle 34y old Sanchez 32ye old loon everything else is virtually identical let’s check in with Bruce bu ladies and gentlemen this fight is three rounds in the UFC lightweight division introducing first fighting out of the Corner a mixed martial artist holding professional record 25 wins 12 losses he stands 5′ 10 in tall weighing in at 156 lbs fighting at a Bridgewater Massachusetts Joe loan and now introducing his opponent fighting out of the Red Corner a mixed martial artist holy professional record 28 wins eight losses he stands 5′ 10 in tall weighing in at 155 5 lb fighting out of Albuquerque New Mexico presenting The Ultimate Fighter season 1 winner 34 00:35:08,440 –> 00:35:11,300 nightmare [Music] SZ and when the action begins our referee in charge Mark Smith Mark Smith our referee back two great finishes thus far here on UFC fight pass don’t blink in this one Diego Sanchez Joe loan all right Joe first round Diego first round fights on here we go Blue trunks for Diego Southpaw stance black trunks for Joe loan Diego with the kick to the body early 24th UFC fight for Sanchez over at the top Diego landed a little uppercut there as well Jim Miller fought for his 23rd time in the UFC earlier tonight and won a nice win here on Fight Pass Diego looking to change levels early nice nice inside leg kick good combination there by lo oh left hook look finish it right here again H him again caught him with that uppercut now possible submission attempt oh dieo is [Applause] up change he he is in big trouble Mike and loan’s being very accurate here again oh punishment coming from loan all over Sanchez those uppercuts Joe and that left hook as well that last one hurt him bad he’s in trouble oh he out of it anything to survive and it’s all overow Jo Lo on finishes Diego Sanchez wow what a performance by Joe Lozan that was Sensational when you when you watch Diego Sanchez fight and you see some of the wars that he’s been in it makes it even more impressive the way Joe loan was able to take him out in that first round I mean just accurate precise devastating power punches by Joe loan most finishes in UFC history that’s the 12th for Joe loan and perhaps the most impressive that was one of the most impressive of his career for sure and especially considering who he just stopped I mean Diego is notoriously durable here’s the first one he cracks him with that left hand and and Diego’s in all sorts of trouble there he’s trying to recover he’s reaching for Joe Joe grabbed a hold of the guillotine there for a moment and teed off here here’s a left hand here’s the uppercut that missed and there’s a nice left hook a right a left that left hand perfectly on the button just swarmed on him here and he knew he was in trouble here referee had seen enough and rescues Diego from any further punishment just mendous performance by Joe loan Joe Lozan finishes Diego Sanchez early in the fight in the first round here is Bruce Buffer to make it official ladies and gentlemen referee Mark Smith has called a stop to this contest at 1 minute 26 seconds of the very first round declaring the winner by TKO Joe L I am here with the winner Joe loan Joe that was one of the most impressive victories of your career not just because of the performance but because of who you beat and how you beat him Diego is notoriously durable to take him like that and to take him out in that first round that has to be very satisfying super satisfying you know we talked about you know maybe having a TR water a little bit uh you know draw into a bra a little bit but right off the bat we hit him with a good right hand let’s take a look at it you stunned him several times with combinations before he eventually went down but man you just caught him clean and early with these boxing exchanges uh you know always working on my boxing with my coach Steve ma uh fought G didn’t want to trade hands fought Evan Dunham banged up my hand I was healthy I was happy tonight and I think it show this is a huge huge Victory congratulations enjoy it sir Joe loan ladies and gentlemen Joe Lozan the first man to stop Diego Sanchez by strikes tonight was Diego’s 37th professional fight in fact never been submitted only stopped new to cuts that man makes history in many ways the first to beat Diego by strikes and he did it in just one minute and 26 [Music] seconds former Champions burgeoning prospects and Fighters seeking Redemption take to the Octagon for the UFC 200 four fight prelims in the featured bout the returning cat zingano squares off with Ultimate Fighter winner Juliana Peña with over a year away from the Octagon former title Challenger zingano is back and ready to make up for lost time but she’ll have her hands full against the fast rising star paena who’s never tasted defeat in the UFC plus welterweights Clash when former UFC champion Johnny Hendrick tries to Halt the rise of Young Gun Kelvin Gastelum and two Elite bantamweights lock horns when former divisional King TJ Dillashaw looks for revenge against third ranked hael sunsal but first super Sage northcut puts his highflying athleticism up against the Spanish submission machine Enrique Marine the FS1 UFC 200 prelims from Las Vegas start now [Music] now what a day a day that is finally arrived you’re are looking live at beautiful Las Vegas Nevada the fight capital of the world and inside this brand new state-ofthe-art arena is the world famous octagon this is UFC 200 and these are the FS1 UFC 200 prelim our rules of the Octagon three Jes score the bout the bout duration three 5minute rounds tonight’s two title fights are scheduled for five 5 minute rounds a 10-point more scoring system is in effect with the round wi gaining 10 points his opponent nine or less judges will score the bouts based on effective striking and grappling followed by aggression and to gone control in that order Let’s Get It Started Sage north cuts rise through the UFC ranks is very well documented but tonight Enrique Marin wants to show everybody that he’s Spain’s New Rising Star looking to get back to his winning ways after the first loss of his career super Sage North Godot makes his octagon return tonight and he’s back at 155 lb pounds to take on Spain’s Enrique Wasabi Marin you know uh my last loss I wasn’t my normal self but tonight I’m looking to go out there in front a great show and be victorious most recently a finalist on season 2 of The Ultimate Fighter Latin America unri Marin is a Muay Thai specialist who has nonetheless ended six of his nine professional wins by submission tonight he’ll do whatever is necessary to stop northcut and start his own run to the top a 20-year-old lightweight venom out of Texas sage northcut soared to a 7-0 record that included UFC finishes of Cody Fister and Francisco Travino before an upset loss to Brian barbarena at 170 lbs now eager to put that defeat behind them northcut will be tested by fellow Prospect Enrique Wasabi Marin so tonight when I step from the Octagon I’m looking to go out there and be Victorious and uh finish my opponent [Music] Enrique [Music] [Music] spe [Music] up [Music] up [Music] the [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah see [Music] for [Music] all [Music] [Music] all right let’s go CH let’s [Music] go are taale of the tape for this lightweight fight the youngest fighter on the UFC roster Sage northcut nine years younger than his opponent 2 in taller Len will have the reach Advantage with the official introductions here is Bruce Buffer ladies and gentlemen we are live from Las Vegas for UFC 200 P versus Nunez and now this fight is three rounds in the UFC lightweight division introducing first fighting out of the blue Corner a mixed martial artist holding professional record nine wins three losses he stands 5′ 10 in tall weighing in at 154 lbs fighting out of Huntington Beach California by way of Seville Spain Enrique Wasabi [Applause] Marin and now now introducing his opponent fighting out of the Red Corner a karate fighter holding a professional record seven wins one loss he stand 6 feet tall weighing in at 155 lbs fighting at a ktie Jes super sage [Music] northc and when the action begins our referee in charge Mark Godard Mark Godard our referee first preliminary matchup love being here on UFC 200 great to be here four of the five octagon girls watching sage norcot and Enrique Marine here we go Blue trunks for super Sage black trunks for Anri Marin was very emotional tears in his eyes coming for this great moment to fight on this great card this is a huge moment for him and a huge opportunity he knows that Sage North cut carries a lot of attention oh nice high kick by sage and a nice left hand behind it super Sage coming off a tough fight in Newark let’s see how he comes out his psyche his skills we know he’s Ultra talented well he’s a young man still learning the game but tremendous karate ability and there you see that high kick beautiful striking looks very loose and relaxed in there t t t and you know at a 20 years 20 years of age just looking to gain experience and get comfortable enough to utilize his full skill set inside the octagon and maren has a clinch on him here looks like double underhooks and he will try to grab this fight and bring it to the ground which is where sage northcut has had problems in these last two fights of course submitted by Brian barbarina in his last one but again this is an area of Sage’s game that he’s working very hard to shore up Marin coming back to his normal weight division lightweight after competing on season two of The Ultimate Fighter Latin America at 170 Marine almost got the take down there but good adjustment by Sage Up Against the Cage here changing some [Applause] knees and maren training at Kings MMA under the mentor the great professor hael [Music] this is important that Marine stay busy here doesn’t want them to separate this he drops down I like that there he goes he gets the single nicely done Sage looking for the guillotine here trying to capture that neck does not get it Marine stays up Sage goes for the leg lock very nicely done by sage and sage uses it to sweep and now Marine is attacking his leg Marine’s got to be careful as he attacks that leg in this position now Sage is on top of him trying to get to side control yeah it’s one of the things about exchanging leg lock positions Fighters will often use them to get sweeps Sage’s got his back now Sage is looking for a hook wants to get that leg in position he does he gots that first hook he got the second hook he’s got him both he does have three career wins by submission could this be number four Marin’s in big trouble here yeah softens him up here with strikes he’s looking for a head and arm choke Marine stuck North got that arm free good job by Marine getting that right arm free he was locked up in a bad position there but now North cut on top of him here in half guardin of course Mark northcut part of the corner of super Sage don’t let him scoop your leg where Marine has the lock down on the left side he wants to get an underhook on that side as well he has that now and he’ll use that to try to stand back up to his feet he’s going to scoot his left hip out and try and Sage is trying to stop him here he’s trying to stop him with that hard overhook or excuse me the yeah the hard overhook and it looks like he’s trying to set up a dart see how he’s trying to push his right arm through Mike he wants to clasp his hands together and perhaps turn into a choke and Marine back up to his feet and again he used that same side that he had the lock down with half guard and the underhook that’s the way he got back up to his feet minin winner of seven of his last eight fights North cut spins around and throws another knee now wants to work in the clinch now it’s northcut trying to initiate a Tak down and good taked down defense by marine marine bleeding out of his nose Mike and Marine spins to the back but he doesn’t have good control of the back and Sage might die forward and crash Marine down and there he goes he just shook him off the front yeah Marine did not have good control there technical battle back and forth here in round one and again Sage looking to lock a hold of the neck good shot there by S two good shots 30 seconds again looking to try to get those hooks in and marine trying to defend trying to protect against that back Mount we’re really seeing the depth of the karate kids Arsenal here in round one Joe well again he’s only 20 this kid has massive potential and he’s learning and growing and every time we see him in these kind of exchanges he’s gathering information and learning lessons round one in the [Applause] books good work buddy good work relax squat down or have a seat I get your stool you forgot the stool here relax you’re okay you’re okay breathe give me your mouthpiece all right let me have it yeah [Music] yeah don’t don’t let him pin you against that cage move off that fake one way and come back out ice yeah it’s ice much more [Applause] born in Seville Spain fighting here in Las Vegas For the First Time Enrique Marin and the young man who was on the cover of sport karate magazine at age nine the youngest ever and the youngest fight fighter on the UFC roster super Sage North cut round two the battle took place on the ground for the majority of the time in our first five minutes good jab there by Sage nice and light on his feet and from this distance that’s where Sage really shines he’s got that sport karate background so he’s excellent at moving in and moving out leaping out of the way avoiding being hit there he goes nice onew combination by Sage his father Mark is his boxing coach North good actually got into karate because his older sister Colby absolute stud multiple time world champion karate runs in the family they exchanged shots there and Marine landed a little bit of a left hand there’s that front leg sidekick to the thigh by Sage looking for another taked down a good defense by marine marine trying to spin him around down here and Sage gets the clinch and Sage drags him to the ground but he might wind up on the bottom good exchanges here Marine on top though this is not what Sage [Applause] wanted side control farad wants to get his arms free and work and again you’re seeing like Sage he’s learning the ground game in front of our eyes he’s getting better at it getting better at takedowns but still has a few holes in his game and that’s why we see him here with Marin on top of him norcut has finished all seven of his victories Marin had won seven straight before the finals of season two of The Ultimate Fighter Latin [Applause] America sold out Arena cam attempt here kamur attempt and possibly an armar Marine’s going to turn into an armar now he’s going to try to break that arm free he’s got it he’s got it Sage is in big trouble arm is across the face he’s hooking the leg Sage is in big trouble Sage is getting that right leg in play it makes it a little bit more uncomfortable but his arm is in Jeopardy if Marine can straight Marine really wants though he wants this right leg across the face not under the armpit got it he does have it cranking on it now Joe Sage is battling oh boy oh man wow wow Sage is spinning over he’s going to get free he got free wow he got it it out Mike a little Dan Hardy GSP he gutted it out there that was a extended arm we don’t know how bad his arm is hurt from that but boy that was a straight armar for sure super Sage fights through a potential armar finish two minutes and keep an eye on that arm we we really don’t know if it was damaged he throws the elbow utilizing it now on the neck of his opponent postures [Applause] up super Sage trying to pull the neck now up nice elbow looking for some opportunity to pass arm he’s looking for the armar and Sage a little too slick for it sees it coming now Sage out and almost beautiful transition by maren and he is on top now inside control passing over those legs bad momentum shift for sage northcut here Marine on top now he was looking right at his Corner Joe too he’s got some time to work here stepping over to the north south position got the knee he’s looking for the kamora again this is the position he wanted before wow he’s got to really crank it more he’s got to crank it [Applause] more he wants to put that wrist up towards Sage North Cut’s head and he looks exhausted Mike and that’s one of the reasons why he’s Los in this position he’s going to go back to the armar again it’s the left arm this time one more time attacking that armb this time though he’s trying to get that leg across the face and does not get it winds up on the bottom good job again by Sage northcut great scrambles good elbow by northcut and another and another listen I want you to stick him and move from a distance okay I want you to pick them apart from a distance you’re winning this striking battle lots of heavy hands are landing I don’t want you clinching up with them okay you’re doing great on the gr and pound but he’s taking it he’s good he’s fine the I want you to clip him apart from a distance stay stay good range dance move you’re hitting him right anytime he shoot on you throw him over okay don’t let him get if he gets on those legs throw him overage doing great Sage listen you’re not commanding to Stage he’s back you up against his cage I need you to move and just relax move and take you’re out striking him beautifully use it let’s take a look at how close that armar was I mean that is really extended but Sage continue to gut it out and keep rolling and did not tap and managed to escape this showed tremendous Poise in doing so third and final round the corner of sage northcut said you are out striking him use your standup game mine with good opportunities to finish the fight by submission multiple times [Applause] up the middle four wins by knockout three by submission northcut has finished all of his wins they working the clinch Marine looking for the trip does not get it Marine though is the one who has had the opportunities on the ground other than the sage North cut leg lock attempt which allowed him to sweep but marinees got the Tak down [Applause] now trying to step over the legs of North [Applause] cut sage just took a look at the big screen and the time Sage northcut turned professional in 2014 he fought at 17 years old he was still in high school Sage tried to uh get back up to his feet here he’s almost there he’s on his knees now on his knees and pressing down on maren marine trying to go around the back got to get his uh head free there see his his neck is trapped and now his head’s free look at that top position time very close nearly identical tough fight to judge three minutes left and Marin one more time trying to take Sage to the ground sage back to his fre wants to separate those hands and get free and spin out of there wants to pop those hands free and then pop his hips forward and get out and Marine staying on him like glue Sage trying to get off the cage or at least throw some strikes from this position Marine’s got the hands together now he’s going to get him down one more time with this Sage’s got to really separate those legs to stay standing Marin works hard for these takedowns oh those are hard elbows by sage and another and another oh nasty elbows and Marine does not like it now he’s in desperation mode there’s a lot of blood Mike and I think he opened him up with those elbows Sage on top now Jo you said sometimes you pay the price trying to get the take down too long norcut trying to choke him out yeah Sage looking for the choke here and Sage looking to spin behind him but when he’s done this in the past Marine’s been able to capitalize these exchanges in transition El and another hard hard elbows by Sage mine working so hard for that take down he left himself in a vulnerable position northcut taking a huge advantage of it 90 seconds Mark Goddard reminding Sage northcot to watch the angles of the elbows so far so [Music] good Marine gets him down again traps those legs with a minute to work and uh this is all right in front of sage North Cut’s corner so they have the opportunity of shouting instructions out at him but Meen is on top pressing him and moving to full Mount if he can get past those knees he’s almost there just awkward in the position because of the way they’re stacked up against the cage but Sage does a great job of using that cage he’s got to make sure he doesn’t give up his back got to make sure he keeps that right side pinned to that cage and he rolls but rolls right oh nicely done by saves right on top right in front of his Jiu-Jitsu coach Chris mango a black beling Jiu-Jitsu Judo and karate big shot from the top by Sage big opportunity here to leave a lasting impression in the judge’s Minds 15 seconds four reversals for super sage and Final seconds of the fight not just that Mike but excellent defense on the ground as well got put in some threatening positions managed to get out of it they go the distance mine and ncut defal decision [Music] [Applause] next sage northcot and Rique Marin Go the Distance let’s get the official decision our first preliminary matchup here at UFC 200 ladies and gentlemen after three rounds we go to the judges score cards for a decision all three judges score this contest 2928 for the winner by unanimous decision super Sage northc well done super Sage move with the fight there was a high kick by Sage this was a very good fight for sage because he showed his ability to work his way out of bad situations he capitalized on some good scrambles on the ground showed the skillful striking technique that we always knew he had but showed improvements in his grappling winner of seven straight papela sunsa hopes that need is now just one wi away from a title shot but to get there he has to beat the former Champion TJ Dillashaw again former UFC bantamweight champion TJ Dillashaw returns to the Octagon tonight tonight and it’s for a about he’s been waiting to get for a long time as he’ll have the opportunity to avenge a bitter 2013 defeat to fellow 135lb star papelis sunsa he’s a tough opponent uh I just think I’ve been in there for a long time and I think I’ve seen it all uh I expect a tough fight but uh I expect a you know a good victory super excited to fight how fil since out tonight you know prove how much better I’ve got in the last three years and get a win back over a split decision loss I feel like I didn’t deserve one of the hottest contenders in any weight class Brazil’s haela sunsa has won seven in a row against the likes of Dillashaw Brian caroway and Pedro Munoz with only injuries getting in the way of a world title shot but now that he’s back a sunsa can secure that long awaited crack at the ground if he can turn back down a shot again so my one goal is to get the title shot and uh getting past TJ is going to solidify that shot winner of four of his five bouts since his lost to a sunow a stretch that saw him earn his first world title TJ Dillashaw will be making his first start since a controversial five round Split Decision loss to Dominic Cruz that cost him his 135lb crown tonight there’s no better time to begin the road back than against a sun sou I believe I’m so much better than I was three years ago when I fought hael for how much I’ve grown through being a fighter I think I only had eight fights when I was fighting him you know very fresh to the to the game and now I’m feel like I’m a veteran been in there been done it and feel [Music] good [Music] ready [Music] I [Music] foree [Music] [Applause] [Music] spee [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] know [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] go [Music] [Applause] our taale of the tape for for this Phantom weight rematch the former Champion 30 years old Java sunow 3 years his Elder everything else virtually identical and once again the veteran voice of the Octagon Bruce Buffer ladies and gentlemen this fight is three rounds in the UFC bantamweight division introducing first fighting out of the blue Corner a mix martial artist holding a professional record 23 wins four losses he stands 5 6 in tall weighing in at 135 and 1 12 lb fighting out of alfaretta Georgia by way of recea Brazil he is the number three ranked bantamweight contender in the world hael a and now introducing his opponent fighting out of the Red Corner a bang muai fighter holding a professional record 13 wins three losses he stands 5′ 7 in tall weighing in at 136 lb fighting out of Denver Colorado presenting the former UFC bantamweight champion and the number one ranked bantamweight contender in the world TJ D Shaw and when the action begins our referee in charge Mark Smith Mark Smith our referee for this second preliminary matchup here live on FS1 the beautiful arani it’s a rematch the first fight took place 644 days ago and that man of sunau won the fight very close fight over TJ Dillashaw here we go again the Brazilian trunks yellow and black American trunks for TJ Dillashaw TJ’s movement is spectacular the Sun the longest active win streak in the bantamweight Division Seven string in fact unbeaten as a bantamweight yeah TJ’s movement has always been excellent under the tutelage of bang lwig I expect it to be even better since his fight with Dominic Cruz when he got out moved and I I think that’s a fight where he could learn a lot from he’s very motivated to get back in there and this is a dangerous fight for him a sunsa is a guy that a lot of people aren’t talking about but one of the most skillful guys in this 135lb division that fight was in Brazil in 2013 Split Decision fight of the night between Dillashaw and a sunow who lives in trains in Atlanta Georgia over the many years of his MMA career he spent a lot of time training with Brian stand now he and his two brothers have their own gy they both exchanged leg kicks nice right hand very good right hand by TJ Brian said Hoff’s one of the most naturally talented martial artists he’s ever trained with he’s up against a super athlete in TJ Dillashaw son Sal’s older brother Freddy fought in the UFC [Music] his twin brother Junior part of their new gy Dillashaw looking for an open you will notice that Dillashaw constantly switches from Southpaw to Orthodox dance right leg forward left leg forward to and can fight very well from either side and uh he’s one of the best guys in the world at that constant switching constantly keeping you guessing nice inside leg kick there by TJ there’s a nice outside leg kick by TJ and switch stances first before he landed it you know that constant switching and and then attacking from those switches you really don’t know what he’s going to do next very unpredictable there’s a good leg kick by sunw and you can see the marking on the right leg of TJ Dillashaw that one really landed home oh in going to check my calendar Joe sorry a sun out this is his first fight in one year and 9 months because of ankle surgery the first fight between these two men 2 years and 9 months pardon me duck Thunder nicely 23 career wins for a Suns out Dillashaw 13 good exchange there good kick by TJ and a nice return with a knee by a sunow and another hard inside leg kick by TJ [Applause] oh TJ interesting exchange there TJ landed the high kick and a Suns out almost took him down the Suns out countered with a right hand there in that exchange TJ’s coming over the top with that right a lot but H sun is ducking right under it well he’s staying in the pocket too and firing right back [Applause] and TJ looking for the taked down here good defense by sunau the only thing Dillashaw has done since the first match up of these two men is become the UFC bantamweight champion and of course as we all know lost that split decision to Dominick Cruz he wants to get right back in that position bang lwig owner of the fastest knockout in UFC history 6 seconds catching counter TJ’s brother Casey in his corner has always as well our way in open 35 seconds [Applause] TJ good back and forth first round [Applause] [Music] oh there’s a nice right hand there by TJ big swing in a miss and a high [Applause] kick there you go he’s not knowing what to do he landed two kicks on you just complicated his life man tag legs a little bit but again it’s the distance we’re pulling which is fine we’re hit not getting hit but let’s return a little bit sir that’s up I don’t care when it happens one take down this [Applause] round second round coach out fight dillas Shaw now fighting out of Denver Colorado under the tutelage of Dwayne Bang Ludwig Suns outw with the kick TJ doing everything he can to get back to the top his diet has been so clean trained his whole Camp Joo at his natural weight and his weight caught was seamless working with perfecting athletes Michelle and Paulina our Fighters are really taking it to the next level because there’s so much talent and it’s so close so closely contested oh nice counter right hand there by TJ right on the button and he get a little nod to hael Suns out TJ very light on his feet here I really like really like his movement and he’s sort of highlighting some of the problems with the flat-footed style of a sunell a sunil’s staying in the pocket and waiting to counter but TJ is able to throw him off with faint and unpredictable movement and snipe him from the outside and he’s just landing at a far more effective rate than a sunsa is and he’s blooded him up the nose of Hell sunsa bleeding but he comes back that was a beautiful right hand then slid right out of the way of a counter there’s a nice kick by TJ and then whoop right out again it’s all Dwayne bang lwig 101 here oh very nice attempt he’s got to stop blowing his nose Suns outw keeps doing that his eye could close up what a guys a broken nose they they have to resist that urge we saw in the Gilbert Melendez Eddie Alvarez fight was one of the worst examples we’ve ever seen out of it another kick by the Brazilian oh good right hand there by TJ look at the distant distance head strikes all about TJ Dillashaw and he’s ped himself nicely and created different angles to get inside and score against Dillashaw yeah he’s never giving you the same look Southpaw Orthodox hands down hands up coming in moving away just a really interesting performance by TJ so far but make no mistake about it aansa was always in it and look at there that’s one of the reasons why big Power looking for those counter shots this is the first fight for jaela sunow that since his ankle surgery 644 days one year 9 months under two remain in round two closing distance so quickly again the former bantoid champion again with the kick heavy kicks from a sunsa yeah I would like to see more of those from a sunsa to deal with some of the movement by TJ especially attacking those legs he had some good success attacking that right leg we can see the welts on it but you know TJ doesn’t give you a lot to hit oh look at that beautiful taked down by S excellent timing right back up to his feet like a cat outstanding good right hand there by a sunow and then moved away got got the better of that exchange tried to throw the knee Dillashaw now fakes the shot changes [Music] levels you can seeed the athleticism that Brian San was talking about with the sunell they’re going to check sunell is this go right there come here come here I’m confused here if this is about the cut the nose there was a war somewhere in there about a poke he spitting blood too no no good all right doctor says he’s okay the rematch continues well sunal working very diligently on his Muay Thai for this fight there’s another hard power kick by sunow again I’d like there’s he goes high that arm now TJ on top of him and up nasty good scramble by a sunal back up to the feet under 30 seconds now in round two Dillashaw in a three round [Music] fight TJ’s been in a lot of five round fights the last couple of years well Sun sou trying to stay right in this [Music] come let him go let him [Applause] go just breathe relax you don’t have to say anything to anyone man just do your work I don’t want to know you just lost round because of the take down that’s it you [Laughter] [Applause] winning [Applause] TJ Dillashaw hael AA all right guys third round third and final [Music] round the corner of a sunal Joe said you just lost that round because of a takedown I don’t know if I would agree with that I think they’re just trying to to pump him up I think TJ has been the more effective Striker he’s been pushing the action and we’re seeing a big difference in the TJ Dillashaw from their first fight and the TJ dillas shov tonight we see big improvements but it’s sunsa again still dangerous last four fights for Dillashaw have been five round fights oh good kick to the body there by Suns outw excellent timing TJ moving in but sunow still has a lot left in the tank he’s always dangerous Mike and and especially with his kicks yeah there’s another hard leg kick by a sunsa and again I would have liked to have seen more of that from him to try to slow down some of the dynamic movement of TJ he caught him there though TJ caught him there with a left delashaw actually has grown more L kicks and that works exactly to Joe’s point it seems like when a Suns out’s throwing him there’s more horsepower behind him but TJ’s Landing more and he’s more relaxed there was a nice left right by a sunell the sunell brought in Manu natal seven time Muay Thai world champion to help him with his striking fantastic Muay Thai Fighter and a very good coach as well over the top of that right hand we saw it a lot earlier here’s a shot wow he drove through that absolutely boy tremendous defense there by sunow because there a lot of Drive behind that longest active Phantom weight win streak is on the line first fight just over a thousand days ago TJ been way more active due to the ankle injury to haala sunza pass the Midway point of the third and final round excellent kick to the body there by TJ and he’s getting out of the way of those kicks by Sun now getting to be sense of urgency time isn’t it yes it certainly is for a Suns out and for TJ fighting very technical very smart I like the way he landed that combination with the leg kick and then just slid out of the way of any potential danger afterwards Sun’s looking to load up Mike and that’s not going to help him that’s what he needs he needs more kicks especially in these exchange go to the legs but he’s looking for home runs and often times when you do that he showing yeah he’s showing that sense of urgency but we haven’t seen him swarm Dillashaw yet here’s the shot can he completed no excellent defense by TJ Collegiate wrestler Dillashaw looking for his ninth UFC win one minute left in this fight there’s another there’s a couple good kicks there by a Suns good right hand there [Music] nice take down by TJ that’s huge that is absolutely huge especially if he can maintain his position and he does he’s trying to step over in half guard this is big for TJ absolutely huge and a fairly close fight although a fight that I do have TJ winning and a sunell scrambling to try to get back up and he does but under 20 seconds now [Applause] [Applause] Joe They Go the Distance [Applause] again and there’s a beautiful counter right by TJ Dillashaw there’s another one boom right on the chops and another one Dill sha Sun sou gold the distance who has won this fight let’s find out here’s Bruce Buffer ladies and gentlemen after three rounds we go to the judges score cars for decision all three judges score this contest 3027 for the winner by unanimous decision TJ Dillashaw gets his revenge and defeats HAF Johnny Hendrick is a classic matchup between a rising star looking to take his career to the next level and a former world champion on a journey back to the top of the division Johnny Hendrick has been to the top of the welterweight Mountain but of the former 170lb Champion wants to get back there he will have to derail a Great Train in the form of hard charging Kelvin gastelo to be Johnny Hendrick will mean the world to me I’ve been working my whole life towards this kind of opportunities and I won’t let it slip by tonight I don’t know if Kevin has any weaknesses but I plan on exploiting it tonight in Underdog throughout season 17 of The Ultimate Fighter Arizona’s Kelvin Gastelum discarded that t when he won the show and began compiling win after win in one of the sports sp’s toughest weight classes tonight it’s his biggest test Jet and Gastelum is ready for it we’re on a stack card and I think me and Johnny could definitely steal the show he’s the former champion and I’m looking to get to where he was and so that entails for a great fight with victories over Robbie Lawler Matt Brown Carlos condid and Martin campman it’s clear that former world champion Johnny Hendrick elevates his game when the lights are at their brightest that’s bad news for Kelvin Gastelum as his bout with big rig is taking place on the biggest event of 2016 I want to get back to the belt and it begins tonight and that’s the most important thing is who holds the belt is the most important person let’s go [Music] go wa [Music] [Music] yes [Music] all [Music] [Music] [Music] on [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] B [Music] let’s go let’s go [Music] we Red Corner you can down there as soon as he go [Music] in [Music] [Music] [Music] our tale of the tape a former Champion 32 years old The Ultimate Fighter winner just 24 years old Kelvin Gastelum with the reach Advantage Johnny Hendricks did Miss weight so he gives up 20% of his purse with the official introductions Bruce Buffer ladies and gentlemen this fight is three rounds in the UFC welterweight division introducing first fighting at out of the blue Corner a wrestler and a boxer holding a professional record 12 wins two losses he stands 5’9 in tall weighing in at 171 lbs fighting out of Yuma Arizona by way of Huntington Beach California presenting The Ultimate Fighter season 17 winner Kelvin [Music] Gast and now introducing his opponent fighting out of the red corner of wrest at a striker holding a professional record 17 wins four losses he stands 5′ n in tall weighing in at 171 and one4 lb fighting out of Fort Worth Texas presenting the former UFC welterweight champion and the number six ranked welterweight contender in the world Johnny big rig head and when the action begins our referee in charge Dan merata Dan merata our referee for this matchup Vanessa Chrissy Britney ariani and jlet here for UFC 200 hris Gastelum here we go green and black trunks for Gastelum Mexican background Johnny henricks in the black and white Kelvin very light on his feet he’s got very good footwork and an excellent jab it’s one of the things that we’ve seen really improve pretty radically from him since his time of The Ultimate Fighter is his movement in his boxing second Camp Joe for Gastelum at Kings MMA with Jael Cordo Hendrick trying to get inside straight Johnny he’s falling straight back Johnny he’s looking for his two he’s looking for his two Johnny over the top nice left hand over the [Applause] top there’s a tiny bit of bad blood in this matchup these two had a couple sparring sessions back in the day and somebody got the other guy upset but they can solve every problem right now couple of good leg kicks by Kelvin really good footwork really visible and he continues to throw good heavy leg kick yeah he’s slamming those in there very light on his feet oh another nice clean left [Applause] [Music] hand HRI as you know an outstanding Collegiate wrestler at Oklahoma State two-time national champion Hendricks looking for the big left hand good kick across the body for Hendrick hendo’s got the right hand Hendrick has got the left hand good combinations by Gastelum just 24 years old fighting in the UFC here tonight for the ninth time another left hand over the top he’s been very successful with that punch but Hendrick landed a left uppercut there trip trip Hendrick with the left hand over the top got Midway points round number one good combination there nice and light oo oh two very nice onews in a row by Kelvin Kelvin called tonight’s fight show the biggest fight of his career and he looks outstanding thus far again one two one two oh super accurate he pun that right hand rocked in trouble stopped for the first time back in February by Steven Thompson Gastelum looking to become number two much better here for Hendrick he’s got him tied up here take a look at the numbers thus far total strikes broken down for you couple Knees by Johnny Hendricks Kelvin manages to get [Applause] free changing levels with that lead jab yeah he’s just touching him with that looking for the openings there’s a nice leg kick as well oh good left hand there by Hendrick Hendrick can end a fight with one left hand undoubtedly duck under HRI scores again with that straight left Hendricks just doesn’t seem to be able to get out of the way of that and kelvin’s using angles and footwork and he’s landing at a very high percentage he’s also not loading up with these shots Mike he’s just dropping them in there pop there it is pop again again and Hendricks came back there with a couple good left hands of his own oh and another one again final seconds of the round the battle will [Music] [Applause] continue deep breath got to wake up got to wake up come on all right let’s make this simple we’re letting him be first you got to get your combination low kick flow you way too long get into our wrestling he jumps 32 everything he’s doing in practice he’s doing right now he’s jumping is 3-2 we need our reactive takedown we need to put him on the cage and take from his explosiveness but don’t let him hop okay don’t let him hop threaten with faint he’s sping he’s Landing with that too he’s double Jab only CU you’re going straight back on First Contact go John on First Contact off first Contact go let your hands go a little grittier from you get into your dirty box and get into spots a little grittier no problem we got round one let’s go we need this round let’s go let’s go [Applause] down round two let’s go gentl fight round two Johnny Hendricks his coaches said you are letting him hit first he’s coming with the 3-2 he’s hopping into it use your wrestling let’s make this fight a little bit more gritty yeah Kelvin is coming with that 3-2 the right hook straight left and also the onew the jab and then the straight left and Johnny is really much more aggressive here at the opening part of this round landed two good combinations there that finish with the leg kicks oh nice left hand there by Johnny fake low fake the taked down attempt then came over the top of the punch and again keeps finishing that with the kick long jab by gasum Johnny’s he’s not freezing up when he gets up against the cage this time he’s he’s forcing the action and initiating these exchanges it was late in round one when it seemed Joe like Hendricks was starting to get loose catches the leg all over [Applause] gastal Johnny looking for the take down here a chance to be a little bit [Applause] grittier so he’s going to complete this taked down here let’s see if Kelvin can get back up again you’re talking about a very very high level wrestler and Johnny Hendrick and Kelvin up to his [Applause] feet good knees in the clinch gets out very nicely done by Kelvin and immediately puts pressure on Johnny Up Against the Cage again Johnny gets out of the way Henri Body by Kelvin and a good knee to the side by Johnny come right head fighting here Hendrick trying to control gets out a g good punch in the break there by Johnny Midway point of this fight oh good combination by [Applause] Johnny Kick from Gastelum HRI going to look to return He leads yeah he’s doing much better when he doesn’t lay back and allow Kelvin to initiate these exchanges when Johnny forces the action when he thinks Kelvin setting up he’s doing much better Gastelum with the double jab and then that left hand again and this South B verus Southpaw matchup spinning back kick by Kelvin wow what a difference round one and round two good combination there by Johnny Gastelum very busy in round one Hendrick’s about the same output Gastelum trying to turn it up here lot of time on the clock here in round two still Johnny made a very good adjustment in this round Mike listen to his Corner especially about these exchanges now he’s allowing Kelvin to get off first nice combination there by Kelvin Das through that elbow to the body to the body and over the top former Welterweight Champion Johnny just barely missed a Haymaker of a left hand in that exchange against a rising star who wants to fight for that belt good combinations here [Applause] and they break 30 seconds take it to your left keep coming our way 2 three here he’s [Applause] together big swing and a miss again from the former [Applause] champ Ron the first and this was very leveled we got a punch make points don’t come out with your head like this back with your head low and respond with this punch as soon as he come back out with another punch stop very well very well you’re doing good work you might want to get out there a little earlier take Downs might have G away that round it might be one one I think you did better on this you got five minutes here let’s execute the key is going to your left keep going to your left making that long a little bit more you better wake up you better wake up here let’s execute you know what to do go to your left combinations a low kick let’s get our take down let’s go [Applause] final round final round let’s go guys third and final round this fight could very well be tied 1-1 very un unhappy Corner talking to Johnny Hendricks they’re exchanging here good onew by [Applause] Kelvin G aggressive here early again Joe yeah really pushing it here putting a lot of pressure on Johnny front kick to the body and Johnny’s trying to fire back but he’s loading up on the the counters putting everything he has into those exchanges when he’s trying to fire back and doing so he’s really going to wear himself out even quicker Hendrick’s Retreat Pard of me Henrick going back in the retreat again he’s starting to fade Mike yeah take a look at the numbers throughout this entire fight tremendous pressure by Kelvin here and you see Johnny’s really loading up when he’s trying to come back and kelvin’s not he’s popping up beautiful leg kick there in that exchange Johnny to took a big deep breath we also have to remember that Johnny Hendricks was incapable of making weight yesterday drained himself in his attempt missed it by only a quarter of a pound and lost 20% of his purse but he had to give up to Kelvin so I mean he absolutely could be feeling the effects of that brutal weight cut cuz he looked horrible yesterday and just ate a hard left hand there by Kelvin body from hrx again he looked for the body shot went to the body and over the top very nicely done and there’s a nice kick by Kelvin exchange here nicely to the body there plenty of time pressure here in the third round from Das and Johnny again looks like he’s starting to fade swing in the and he got tagged great head movement by Kelvin Gast Kelvin mixing it up really well to the body and the head as well Mike and again over the top but Johnny fires back to your left just pass the Midway point of this third and final [Applause] round Dum as you see on our stat page certainly the aggressive well he’s been putting a lot of pressure on Johnny but Johnny is always in it you always have to remember the power that Johnny Hendrick possesses in his punches yep but he really has had a hard time Landing anything clean on Kelvin particularly in this round nice jab and then Johnny looking for the Tak down here good punches in the exchange here working very hard trying to take Gastelum down trying to get that shoulder in place and he gets the take down very briefly Kelvin right back up to his [Music] feet big elbows hard elbows to the body by Kelvin Johnny with a left hand on that [Music] break under a minute now let it go Let It Go Let It Go urgency in the corner of the former [Applause] champ Kelvin looking for the take down here 30 [Music] seconds good knee to the body but Kelvin slipped and fell down back up to his feet 20 they’re going to swing and land wow right to the Finish They Go the [Applause] Distance there we see that onew from Kelvin gasum there’s a very nice combination by Kelvin just seemed to be the more effic more fluid Striker tonight the official decision is in here is Bruce Buffer ladies and gentlemen after three rounds we go to the judges score cards for decision the judges score the contest 2928 3027 and 3027 for the winner by unanimous decision Kelvin [Music] G as the road to the women’s bantamweight title Aros Juliana Pena and cateno are set to collide in what Pena says it’s going to be a whirlwind of complete chaos with Knockouts or submissions in 15 of their combined 17 wins Katen Gano and Juliana Pena are two of the best finishers in the women’s bantamweight division so don’t expect the judges to get involved when these two top contenders meet tonight if you thought the 4th of July was amazing wait till you see this fight it’s going to be massive fireworks I beat Juliana Pena with complete will force and dominance uh everything that I I do I do with bad intentions and um I’m especially excited to just get my hands on her the first woman to win The Ultimate Fighter season 18’s Juliana Pena is undefeated in three octagon starts following up her Ultimate Fighter finale stoppage of Jess jica rosi with two more impressive victories where she knocked out Milana Duda and decisioned Jessica eye tonight she looks to secure a title shot with a win over zingano this is my night because uh this is my time this is my time to shine it’s my time to return to the octagon and to show the world what I’ve been working on a former World title Challenger Caden Gano earned that shot at thin Champion Ronda Rousey and 2015 with decisive knockout wins over Misha Tate and Amanda nunz but if a rematch is in the cards with either fighter Colorado’s Alphacat must make another statement by putting an end of Pena’s win streak I feel like with this being UFC 200 I’m extremely motivated extra motivated to go out and put on an excellent show um I don’t want mediocre I don’t want to just run that clock I want fireworks and that’s that’s what I plan to [Music] [Applause] [Music] bring [Music] baby [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] [Music] to put put it down I [Music] got [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] our taale of the tape for this bantamweight fight zingano 34 Pena 26 everything else virtually identical once again Bruce Buffer ladies and gentlemen this fight is three rounds in the UFC bantamweight division introducing first fighting out of the blue Corner holding professional record eight wins two losses she stands 5’6 in tall weighing in at 135 and 1 12 lb fighting at a Spokan Washington presenting The Ultimate Fighter season 18 winner and the number five ranked bamwe contender in the world Juliana the Venezuelan vixon paa and now introducing your opponent fighting out of the Red Corner holding a professional record nine wins one loss she stands 5′ 6 in tall weighing in at 135 and 1 12 lb fighting out of Denver Colorado presenting the number three rank bway contender in the world ala cat zado and when the action Begins the referee in charge her Dean let me now veteran Herb Dean this is our featured preliminary matchup here on FS1 zingano Pena three five minute round ready fight here we go white trunks for cat Zano yellow trunks for The Ultimate Fighter winner Juliana Pena zingano comes out aggressively zingano with the clinch in the knee looking it kicked out that leg and sweeper very nice taked down right into side control zingano 9 and one in her professional career that one was her fight against Ronda Rousey which lasted 13 seconds Juliana doing a good job of getting her knees in play and getting right back up to her [Applause] feet penya loves this type of fight Joe she loves to pressure and break her opponent well she’s very physically strong but so is cat Pena unbeaten inside the Octagon this her biggest fight another take down for cat on top in full guard Kon gell just finished her second full camp at Alliance MMA good scramble here P us using the butterfly to get back up to the the fake to the feet pull her there you go SP battle in the clinch here early and now Juliana Pena on top Juliana on top Tad has half guard here Juliana Peno was calling this a championship fight in its own rights noting that Sagano has victories over Tate and [Applause] nunz good pressure here by [Music] Juliana first female Ultimate Fighter earning an upset win over Shaina beas looking for the guillotine lost the position there did not have control of the head when she dropped down Juliana’s got very good butterfly guard Mike if you watch how she utilizes her shin and inep and upsets cat’s balance Michael Keta one of her teammates in Spokan Sam Sicilia strikes From the Bottom by Pena yeah good Palm strikes in the ear very uncomfortable trying to control the posture now [Music] Zing got to look out for the triangle Pena trying to set her up P’s doing a real good job of constantly slapping that ear here she does it again on the other side and cat does not like it both of these Phantom weight contenders had knee surgery and long layoffs both know the magnitude of tonight’s [Laughter] matchup look sorry mik julana is looking for an arm bar she keeps doing that she keeps shifting her hips she’s looking to attack the left arm of Kad Zen with a with a quick move with that left leg over the face she keeps Shifting the hit but cat’s recognizing it and stopping it but the point being that Iana is looking for attacks off of her back she’s not purely being defensive she’s trying to set something up and I was going to say to you Joe Zeno trying to posture up yeah she’s trying you see the pressure that Juliana is putting on her head hanging on to it like that she doesn’t want this gets it right back nice job on the bottom by Julian I want that one again I want it all the way up and I want that big punch again Juliana is constantly being active good shot from the top by cat look at the total strikes and Pena’s been on the bottom this entire round there’s the spin she AR she had a big shot there cat all over it here cat hanging out to the headlock back up to their feet final seconds of round number one [Music] [Applause] big breath big breath deep breath right here cat right here right behind you take a big breath sit down relax relax big breaths perfect round your round okay big breath little bit more active in that guard just we’re going to take that hand off her hand off her head posture up big punches give it water take a deep breath All She Wants To Do Is tie you up the guard’s TI here don’t like it working down this she’s got a grip on her head we want to break that grip first all the way up all the way back down up come out big space punch breath three knee is our entrance on this one slap with the three come in with the knee back to wrestling you got her you can grind her on the ground big slap with a hook knee we saw what she had deep deep breath perfect Perfect’s [Applause] the Venezuelan vixon against alpha cat zingano round two kick to the body beautiful take down Eric delier was very pleased with zingano’s round one what said what we talked about Joe posture up throw a strike posture up again yeah she doesn’t or excuse me he doesn’t want Juliana to control the back of the head of cat she keeps doing that grabbing a hold the back of the head controlling her posture and limiting her offensive opportunities and then cat is really getting wild here and try to drop elbows on her but in this wild exchanges that’s when Juliana capitalizes with her butterfly guard and tries to upset cat’s balance and perhaps sweep her or attack from the bottom so she’s constantly looking to try to elevate those legs she wants to go over that left shoulder of cat possibly but cat is aware of it and every time she thinks it’s getting close she postures up back up to the Feet Again beautiful take down by cap beauti beauti side control and this is interesting Mike because Juliana has shown some excellent excellent grappling in her career so far but cat is clearly out wrestling Z gonell Joe started wrestling at age 12 wrestled in college with left punch it with the left hand catch just stepped over into uh half guard here she had side control but she she must have not liked where the position was shifting she’s rolling over into a crucifix here Juliana going around her look at this cat attempting to lock up some sort of a triangle but she doesn’t have it cinched up at all what she wants to do if she can do this is take her left leg and she’s out completely now but she still got her back she doesn’t have control of the legs though she’s got this is a a weird touch and go sort of a position right now Juliana’s on top but cat has her almost locked up in a Dar position it’s not totally tight though though but cat might be able to use this to improve her position to see how she’s rolling her hips and legs she’s trying to attach her legs to one of Juliana’s legs so that in this in this scramble she can get to a better position she’s going to stand up but she’s got to be real careful she doesn’t get her back taken here she needs to get that underhook see her left arm is going up and around she’s getting cross paced here and Julian is about to take her back good reversal by [Applause] Pena Juliana spun to her back here now excellent position for her and cat is trying to control one of the hands of Juliana stop stop that choke from coming in and then figure out a time to get up and explode and get out of there she’s got two onone here on the right arm of Pena trying to at least constantly hand fighting here but she’s also got to be aware that Juliana’s in the dominant position Here and Now Juliana gets the hooks she’s got one at least and Cat did a real good job of getting that left leg in play and negating that hook but look at this Juliana takes her back fully very nicely done right into the body triangle beautiful that’s huge for Juliana is a big big position for her now cat’s trying to hook the left foot Juliana with her right leg she she lifted her leg up a couple of times cuz what she wants to do is separate that triangle that that triangle is keeping her in place now she’s going to roll towards the side where the triangle’s locked up putting pressure on the ankle of pena it loosens up the triangle on her now Juliana’s under the face squeezing hard yeah she’s just got the face she doesn’t have it under the chin punches trying to loosen things up so she can get under the chin yeah and Kat continues to battle that body triangle but Juliana is doing a really good job of holding it in place great control Joe Juliana’s again trying to trying to secure some sort of a choke or neck neck crank cat’s trying to get that leg free but so far has been unable to do that so just from a scoring standpoint a lot of times in a dominant position here for Juliana Pena here in this second round Zeno trying to survive the final seconds of round number two and she [Applause] [Music] does get your legs out you want to keep on your feet the body triangle good girl you can out grapple here now let’s get a scramble going call me heart breath now I want to see the breathing least let’s go how do you feel you want to take her down want to punch what do you want to do play that game you can ride her on top all you want we just got to get more active he’s Landing our guard we can finish her we just got to get active big post your UPS big punch don’t let her up if you get her back down there you stay inside her got you keep her there we finish her here these yes sticker yeah three power two I five minutes remain Pena’s Corner basically Joe said what do you want to do they’re very happy with the performance thus far well she certainly had a very good second round got to a great position on cat was able to hold it through the remainder of the round another taked down by Juliana very nicely [Applause] done really good grappling here by Juliana Pena getting that taked down holding this position here fighting off cat’s attempts to get back up to her feet and Cat’s trying to use that right knee to wedge in between her and Juliana create some space for a scramble hard elbow by [Applause] Juliana cat’s got to battle her way out of this position and for juli this is an awesome opportunity to continue what she was doing in the second round which is control the fight from dominant positions in the grappling and again into side control here well she’s got I guess she’s got half guard nice elbow a good control here by Pena pressure throughout this entire fight excellent elbows from the top by Pena and cat has got to get out of here yeah she’s got to push her off and get back up to her feet do everything she can to scramble and Pena did a great job there capitalizing holding her in position here back into side control first fight in 16 months since her fight against Ronda Rousey for Kat Zeno Pena has dominated the majority of this fight yeah P cat cat’s got to get out of this position Mike Pena has been doing a great job of controlling her on the ground and halfway into the round for cat for Pena this is clearly round which she’s most likely won the second round as well so looks good for her if she can continue this professional fight number 11 for zingano she’s only gone the distance once before this match up tonight wow look at that Pena has her back again she’s got one hook in really trying to get that second leg in play that left leg dominant round three Joe top position for Juliana Pena yeah she has really dominated the grappling exchanges in the second particularly in the third she’s looking to get that second hook in she’s almost got it there she’s got it nice very nicely done by Peña full back Mount she would love to get the finish right here she certainly would oh look at this look at this trying to lock it in and finish the fight got she’s got it whether or not cat can battle it out cat’s going to slide out of it wow gutted it out she’s still in big trouble though she certainly is she’s trying to get back up to her [Applause] feet representing the Spokan Valley Juliana Pena yeah cat’s got to separate from those feet and she’s got to do something really dramatic in this last 55 seconds and for Juliana this isn’t excellent opportunity to hold this position and try to get back to a uh try to get back to an opportunity to choke again flatten the route here she does not have the second hook but she’s doing a good job of holding her here good shots from the top by Juliana just a dominant round three completely dominant in this round I mean this has been all Pena from the takedown controlled every single aspect of it from here she’s Landing some good shots too outstanding performance in the biggest fight of her [Applause] life they go the [Applause] distance early in the fight a lot of aggression by Kats and Gano this beautiful Tak down some good ground and pound by C had in that first round but from the second round on Juliana Pena started to find some success and the third round came real close with his rear naked choke attempt with the official decision here is Bruce Buffer ladies and gentlemen after three rounds we go to the judges scorecards for a decision all three judges score this contest 29 28 for the winner by unanimous decision Julian the Venezuela Dixon p a great performance for the first female Ultimate Fighter for my partner Joe Rogan Mike goldbert saying saong until next time we see you right back here inside the octagon the day has finally arrived we are in Las Vegas the fight capital of the world serves as the backdrop for the biggest night in UFC history a live look outside the brand new T-Mobile Arena the fans are ready as they make their way inside this soldout venue over 19,000 in attendance for this historic night this is UFC 200 and it’s time me and Jose I believe we going to be the best fighter tonight you know it’s a tall mount in the climb considering all the other fighters in the card but I know I’m ready to show up get my hand raised and get the interim [Music] title my goal is to erase all doubts my goal is to show once and for all that I am the best fighter in the UFC I think it was a a mistake for Bach to come back he should have stayed retired cuz he’s not going to have the outcome he’s looking for I’m not scared I’m just coming into this fight ready to have fun and and mix it up and and uh you know and get my hand raised at the end of this deal I’ve been waiting for this moment my whole career and I’m going to do everything to be a champ tonight Amanda Nunes lacks what I have and that’s mental strength and I just want this more than she does I know that and I will walk away with my hand raised [Music] tonight [Music] time to end this off I need a man to myself you me I’ll do [Music] myself [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] me [Music] the weight is finally over this Monumental moment is now upon us this is UFC 200 take versus nunz let’s get things started hi again everybody Mike Goldberg welcome to the Ultimate Fighting Championship you know the magnitude of tonight’s event it is so awesome this is such a great thing to be part of because tonight’s event is not the biggest night in UFC history not the biggest night in just MMA history not just the biggest night in combat history this is one of the biggest nights and biggest events in sports history and my partner Joe Rogan and I man we’re blessed to be a part of it we certainly are and tonight as much as it is a collection of amazing fights it’s a celebration it’s a celebration of how far this sport has gone amazing that we are here and amazing that we have a card unlike any other before Misha Amanda Nunez the main event amazing that Misha Tate just a year ago was considering her options in the sport and whether or not she wanted to continue now she’s headlining as the champion in the biggest pay-per-view card in history her spectacular title fight winning performance against Holly Holm will go down in history as one of the most dramatic finishes ever but her opponent tonight is extremely dangerous Amanda Nunes has Dynamic striking she’s very explosive and she’s got a very high high level Brazilian jiujitsu ground game this matchup has been highly anticipated because Misha is on a rooll unlike any other and Amanda Nunes is very vicious she is trying to become the first female Brazilian to earn a UFC title and don’t forget Brock Lesnar is back and Joe he goes to his quote all the time and I just love it can you see me now yeah I saw him at the weigh-ins and I honestly forgot how big the guy was when you’re standing next to him he is a real freak of nature an enormous man who beat Randy cotor to win the title in his fourth professional fight and brought back healthier than ever and just wants to get in there and live up to the potential that he didn’t feel like he was able to accomplish in his first run but man what an opponent he has in front of him tonight one of the greatest Strikers in the history history of the heavyweight division former K1 Grand Prix Champion Mark hunt one of the best kickboxers in the sport look how big Brock is I mean he is an enormous man and Mark hunt also weighing in very close to the 265lb Limit it should be a barn burner I think somebody might just get knocked out and I know for certain fans we are set for a great night of fight and we start in the featherweight division for the interim Championship as the most dominant featherweight in UFC history former Champion Jose Aldo faces former lightweight champion Frankie Edgar who’s looking to become only the third man to hold UFC belts in two different weight classes and at light heavyweight the champion The two-time Olympian Daniel Cormier coming off to finding wins over Rumble and Anon Johnson and Alexander gustofson originally scheduled to face Jon Jones instead we’ll fight the greatest of all time Anderson Silva 3 and0 inside the Octagon at 205 the spider steps up on two days noce we take a look inside the locker room of Kan Basquez the man that some have called the top heavyweight in UFC history but the former two-time champion won’t be satisfied until he wears that belt again tonight he bites Travis Brown whose Talent power and tenacity has never been questioned and while his journey has at times been Rocky he can turn it all around with one win over the former chin our rules of the Octagon three judges score the bout the bout duration three 5minute rounds tonight’s two title fights are scheduled for five 5 minute rounds it’s a 10-point with scoring system is in effect with the round winner ging 10 points his opponent nine or less judges will score the bouts bced on effective striking and grappling followed by aggression and octagon control in that order Joe one of two heavyweight fights here on the pay-per-view card take a look at the rankings of course the champion Cleveland’s stie miic is going to defend his title against Alistair over at UFC 203 Velasquez and brown what a matchup yeah I mean this is a talent stacked heavyweight division it’s doing very well right now particularly after Juno Santos just outpointed Ben Rothwell a very interesting fight coming up between oim and mioi of course Fabricio just losing to mioi but still one of the best in the world and of course Kane versus Travis right now this is a critical fight critical for Kane of course because he’s a former champion and really wants to get another shot of the title and critical for Travis Brown because he has been on the outside of the top five it is without a doubt one of the best fighters in the division Joe Travis Brown takes great pride in his Hawaiian Heritage and lives by the fighting moniker of just scrap his opponent tonight Kan Velasquez knows that his path back to the top can be achieved if he can once again display the warrior Spirit of Mexican Fighters I just want to be known as the type of fighter that the classic Mexican Fighters are fight with a lot of heart we’re always going forward we throw exciting fights we’re always tough guys when we got there and fight that’s what I want to be remembered a UFC title would cify the fact that I’m as crazy as I think I am how can you not respect my power how can you not respect my striking ability this is a big fight for me K Velasquez the former UFC heavyweight champion is one of the greatest heavyweight Fighters that’s ever lived beautiful technical Muay tha’s in big trouble he also has outstanding striking now Kane has an opportunity to regroup and set his sights once again on a fight for the heavyweight title is all over victorious in UFC debut but he can’t look past Travis Brown Travis Brown is an incredibly explosive and agile heavyweight he moves very quickly and he is capable of exploding out of nowhere if you look at his Superman punch KO of stepin truth if you look at the front kick that he landed to the face of Alistar overing that’s itav BR or the beautiful uppercut that he dropped Brennan sha with if Travis Brown can beat Kane Velasquez it will not just be a huge feather in his cap it will absolutely set him up in line to be next for a shot at the [Music] title [Music] 66 and a half Travis haa Brown born in Honolulu Hawaii fighting out of San Diego California training in Glendale with the fight club with admin tar Verdian Travis is a very tall very agile heavyweight utilizes a very wide stance and has accurate power punches and [Music] kicks one of the interesting things about Travis’s defensive game is that brutal elbow that he is able to land and stop people when they’re attempting to take him down and he’s done it to Great Fighters like Josh Barnett I mean that was unbelievably impressive that he stopped Josh Barnett that way and also did the same thing to Gabriel Gonzaga he’s just one of the best in the world at that position a lot of guys actually call that the Travis Brown like utilizing elbows from takeown defense the Travis being long and having so much leverage just gets brutal brutal power in those elbows haa had only Joe about 6 months of training before his first pro fight he finished eight of his nine opponents on the local circuit seven of those by knockout tonight he fights once again in side the Octagon looking for his 10th career UFC win Travis haa R set to face the former champion [Music] [Music] [Applause] first fight in nearly 13 months for the former Champion Joe first fight since he was defeated by fabrio verdum and lost his heavyweight belt very very frustrating fight for him but I think a learning experience especially the fact that Kane was the guy who’s and still is a guy who’s known for his cardio and that is what failed him in that verum fight also just spectacular striking by verom we got to see the evolution of his striking game and you know for a guy like Kane it was a bitter pill to swallow but back to the drawing board overcome a few injuries he had surgery recovered now he’s in excellent shape fit and healthy and ready to make another one at the title 11 of his 13 professional wins by knockout two-time All-American wrestler at Arizona State his teammate Daniel Cormier who will fight later tonight once said of Cain Velasquez he is the scariest man in the world there is nobody in the world like this guy there’s Kane and then there is everyone else one of his coaches at Arizona State Aaron Simpson Kane was a quiet kid he was a got to prove yourself with great work ethic type of guy very loyal very humble very dangerous and Joe have seen very successful our tail of the tape for this our first fight of the night 33 years old both Vasquez and Brown look at the height difference he’s going to go with 67 now 5 in taller than the former Champion but just a 2 in reach Advantage weight almost identical let’s get it going here is Bruce Buffer ladies and gentlemen we are live from the team mobile arena in Las Vegas for UFC 200 Tate versus Nunes and now this fight is three rounds in the UFC heavyweight division introducing first fighting out of the blue Corner a mixed martial artist holding a professional record 18 wins three losses one draw he have 6 7 in tall weighing in at 244 lb fighting out of San Diego California presenting the number seven ranked heavyweight contender in the world Travis H Brown and now introducing his opponent fighting out of the Red Corner a mixed martial artist holding a professional record 13 wins two losses he stands 6’2 in tall weighing in at 242 and 1/2 lb fighting out of San Jose California presenting the former two-time UFC heavyweight champion and the number two ranked heavyweight contender in the world K [Music] the and when the action begins our referee in charge John McCarthy iconic referee Big John [Applause] McCarthy here we go Velasquez in the dark trunks Travis Brown in the white trunks 67 former basketball player oh Big Shot early big clean right hand by Travis perfectly placed over Edmond Taran saying you know he’s going to come over the top of that overhand right no worries immediate pressure as we expected by Kane but that was a brilliant counter punch by Travis came with a couple of Jabs Velasquez with that great wrestling background I spoke of the Travis Brown has really worked hard on his ground game working with Ricky londell Neil allanson a ton Kane goes up high nice knee to the body by Travis there’s a single attempt good defense by Travis nice knee to the body by Kane with a couple punches in the clinch Velasquez and Cormier fighting on the same night which means they put themselves in the same position and and really drained each other at times mentally and physically so they could Peak together tonight here at UFC [Applause] 200 cardio cane stting to go to work in the clinch now they break K just has unbelievable cardio for a heavyweight really just incredibly unusual yeah the pace he’s able to keep but it’s also because of the efficiency of his technique you never see him winding up and coming from way back with techniques everything is clean and crisp very efficient striking Dynamics two-time heavyweight champion no heavyweight showe in UFC history has ever defended the title three times amazing that is amazing good combination by [Applause] Kane of 18 career wins 14 bying knockout for brown whoa look at that wheel kick by Kan Basquez oh he got hurt oh he tagged him Travis shot Travis moved out of that oh again Vasquez on top big ground and pound landed two big bombs at least there he’s passing over that left knee wants a pass over that left knee of Travis Travis is doing a good job of keeping that in place keeping Kane off of him and Kane’s moving to half guard here on [Applause] top Travis utilizing that underhook on the right side’s going to try to get back up but Kane is really working to pin him down here look at the total strikes and Velasquez continues with the ground and [Applause] pound still a ton of time to work 90 seconds on the clock here in round one Travis has got to be careful here as he’s getting up he can’t be careless Kane’s got his face and Travis one more time getting those long knees into play trying to keep Kane off him tries to explode and Kane shuts him right back down good control by Velasquez Travis almost back up and Kane drags him to the ground again Kane is just the master at these kind of scrambles when Velasquez won the heavyweight belt against Brock Lesnar he basically tore his shoulder in the fight but became the champion Travis back up good jab by Travis oh hard left hook spin in a miss again he got him with the left uppercut nice knee to the body by Kane good first round for Velasquez and brown is feeling the effects 20 seconds John McCarthy right on top of the action Kane all over him here Travis is stuck Travis is in real trouble he’s eating some hard shots 10 seconds Velasquez might get the stop here it is all over King Velasquez the winner first round TKO very very impressive performance by Kan Velasquez looked like the Kan Velasquez of old put his combinations together well used his grappling his Pace just classic vintage Kan Velasquez 12th UFC [Applause] win and here’s something we never see from Kane wheel kicks not just one but two in that round really showing all sorts of new attacks but beautiful accurate striking look at the right hand boom dropped him with that one swarmed him ducked under there got him to the ground and this is the beginning of the end for Travis Brown just excellent performance by Kane really a classic Kane Velasquez Beatdown Kane Velasquez scoring his 10th knockout inside the octagon that moves him ahead to number one Andre Arlovski with nine most knockouts in UFC history overall vtor 12 Anderson will fight later tonight here is Bruce [Applause] buff ladies and gentlemen referee John McCarthy has called a stop to this contest at 4 minutes 57 seconds of the very first round declaring the winner by TKO Kane the [Applause] lasz I’m here with the winner Kan Velasquez first of all Kane congratulations on an excellent victory over a very tough opponent in Travis Brown how does it feel to be back and how good does it feel to be back on The Winning Side feels good you know um I have a lot of respect for Travis you know he fight he was out there fights hard um it just feel good you know just to come back and fight you know find everyone and get a win you know get a win thank you well this was a classic Cain Velasquez performance you put your pace on them your excellent striking how happy are you with this and where do you feel this puts you in the heavyweight division now ultimately gearing towards you getting another shot at the title you know um I’m always looking for Perfection you know like my time was off a little bit and that’s something that’s going to be coming with with more fights obviously I want to fight the best guys I want to fight for a title yeah what the UFC wants me to fight I’ll do it but I want to fight the best guys we’ve never seen you throw wheel kicks inside the Octagon you’re obviously adding new techniques to Your Arsenal that was very impressive as well fantastic night tonight Kane enjoy it and I guarantee we’ll see you again soon Kane Velasquez ladies and gentlemen congratulations Kane Velasquez Big Win still a top the elite inside the Octagon in the UFC heavyweight weight division what a night UFC 200 I worked really hard for a really long time and I’m not going to let anybody take that away from me especially not Amanda I’ve been Wai for this moment my whole career and I’m going to do everything to be a champion tonight Amanda nunz lacks what I have and that’s mental strength and I just want this more than she does I know that and I will walk away with my hand raised tonight to beat Mish tonight I have to be patient and let her make mistakes and finish her and I’m going to be the champion I don’t really care what a mana’s game plan is I have my own I’m going to go out there and I’m going to implement it in the Octagon tonight and I will come out the [Music] Victor Misha Tate winner of five straight Tate choked out Holly hle who just knocked out Ronda Rousey to earn the BT she will look for her first title to EV tonight against one of Brazil’s finest finishers Amanda nunz who has ined 11 of her 12 career wins nine by knockout and she has three career victories in under 30 Jose Alo unbeaten for over a [Applause] decade J Alo Remains the UFC featherweight [Applause] [Music] Champion for Jose Aldo the good news is he has an opportunity to regroup now against Frankie Edgar for the interim title if he can beat Frankie it sets him up to fight for the Undisputed title against Conor McGregor when Conor returns to the featherweight division the bad news is Frankie Edgar has gotten substantially better better since the time he beat BJ Penn to win the title better since the first time that he challenged Jose Aldo for the featherweight title if you look at Frankie Edgar’s unbelievable performance against Cub Swanson that’s it if you look at the way way he skillfully outpointed Uriah Faber if you look at the way he knocked out Chad Mendes in one round Frankie Edgar is one of the best pound-for-pound fighters on the planet Earth today I think when uh me and Aldo fought three years ago that was the best Aldo I think now when we fight he’s going to see the best [Music] Frankie I was in ch M when you taste gold you want it back immediately when you lose it ever since I lost it back in 2012 I’ve been thinking nothing but of being a champion again I train Like A Champion I act like a champion I’m just missing that belt now [Music] once again Frank the Edgar makes his run to the Octagon yeah I feel sorry for the security guards that have to try to keep up with guys we’re going to have heart attacks yeah Frankie likes to get after it quick he is in tremendous shape he pushes a pace like no one else in the division and we really saw that in the Cub Swanson fight just breaks people incredible work ethic constantly improving and refining his technique both in submissions and in standup he’s as good as he’s ever been and he is one of the best fighters in the world today Frankie Edgar’s teammate Joe became the UFC lightweight champion the belt that Frankie used to hold two nights ago congratulations Eddie alz incredible performance by Eddie Alvarez a fight he was a big Underdog shocked the world and came out with a first round knockout in a UFC title 5 and0 since the first time he fought Jose Aldo Frankie Edgar trying to become the third man in UFC history to hold a belt in two different weight classes Randy Couture BJ benen both in the Hall of Fame Frank Edgar made his UFC debut about a decade ago Joe it is just an incredible fight I can’t wait to see this happen again I can’t wait to see what adjustments he’s made and what strategies he and his crew have devised to deal with the lethal striking of Jose Alo so much history so many great Fighters experienced veterans great Maynard fighting on International fight week made me think back to what Frankie Edgar survived against grey Mayer yeah I mean there’s not a whole lot of human beings that would have figured out a way not just to survive those two encounters but to come back make a draw in the first fight and stop him in the second fight I mean it was amazing just absolutely amazing Frankie the answer Edgar set to fight for the interim belt [Music] [Music] [Music] one [Music] the most dominant featherweight in UFC history Jose Alo had a 10year winning streak 18 fights without a loss until a very disappointing 13 seconds against Conor McGregor Joseph Aldo if you look at his career he is without a doubt one of the greatest pound-for-pound fighters ever if you look at his amazing run in the featherweight division he beat a Who’s Who and he did it with spectacular leg kick some of the best leg kicks you’re ever going to see in MMA beautiful Muay Thai and an incredible Jiu-Jitsu game to go with it comes from that Nova unal Camp you see him there with head coach Andre pineres one of the top camp in the world particularly in the lighter weight division for the first time since 2006 we do not have a single Brazilian UFC champion VOR bfor lost to Randy Couture at UFC 49 August 21st 2004 not a single Brazilian was a champion inside the Octagon until Anderson Silva beat Rich Franklin at UFC 64 October 14th 2006 784 [Music] days I’ll tell you one thing Aldo looks physically much better than his last fight he looks very muscular very ripped looks like the Aldo of old and we know for a fact that he trained incredibly hard in preparing for this was very motivated very emotional about that loss to Conor McGregor and he ultimately feels that that loss and that set back is going to be a good thing for him we are about to find out our taale of the tap for this featherweight title bik the former lightweight champion 34 years old the former featherweight Champion 29 years old Jose Aldo will have a slight reach Advantage for the official introductions Bruce Buffer ladies and gentlemen this fight is five rounds for the interim UFC featherweight championship of the world introducing first fighting out of the blue Corner a freestyle fighter holding a professional record 19 wins four losses one draw he stands 5′ 6 in tall weighing in at 144 and 1 half lb fighting out of Tom’s River New Jersey presenting the former UFC lightweight champion and the number two ranked featherweight contender in the world Frankie the answer [Music] Ander and now introducing his opponent fighting out of the r corner of mixed martial artist holding a professional record 25 wins two losses he stands 5′ 7 in tall weighing in at 145 lbs fighting out of Rio De Janeiro Brazil presenting the former wec featherweight champion and the former UFC featherweight champion and the number one ranked featherweight contender in the world Jose and go Jor now when the action begins our referee in charge Mark gner okay gentlemen in other words you’re fighting under listen to me at all times keep yourself protected and I’ll say stop you stop touch gloves let’s do this Jose Aldo is all about business right now yeah he is very intense this is a very very important fight for him you have to consider the fact that he went on this amazing unbeaten streak only to lose in devastating fashion with a first round knockout he wants retribution interim title on the line in the featherweight division here we [Applause] go Aldo in the Brazilian colors Frankie Edgar in the black trunks Aldo Dynamic and he has vicious kicks yeah that right kick in in particular is just devastating the UAH Faber fight was probably the best example of that he’s some of the best leg kicking in the game and Frankie opens up with a leg kick of his on Frankie great movement great hands durable and dangerous more dangerous Joe than ever Alo said he went back to his Muay Thai roots for this fight what’s interesting because we’ve noted before that Aldo has an amazing Brazilian jiu-jitsu game but you very rarely see it in his fights because his striking is so lethal the first matchup was Frankie Edgar’s featherweight debut at UFC 156 fight of the night three and a half years ago all know by unanimous decision but a great [Applause] fight five five minute rounds [Applause] 90 seconds in ton of mutual respect these guys went to war oh yeah and it was a very close fight before and Frankie believes that he is just a much much better fighter now than he was then but you’re dealing with an incredibly motivated Aldo right now Frankie said he felt Joe that he fought the best Jose Aldo the first time and he believes that he’s the best Frankie Edgar tonight time will tell and also we need to find out and see psychologically where Aldo’s at absolutely right now he’s performing very well but that’s a devastating thing to come back from there’s a nice combination by Frankie mentally you need to weather an early storm or two and realize that you’re back durable and go to battle Brazilian colors on the trunks of Jose Aldo the design of the UFC fight kit shorts maintains the original silhouette while driving a connection between the athletes and fans through a celebration of national pride this Monumental UFC 200 a lot of movement by Frankie a lot of fainting just really not allowing Jose to set up on him particularly with that right leg kick which was a devastating weapon in their first fight Aldo hasn’t thrown hardly any of them if if any so far in this round look at this nice takedown attempt beautiful defense by Aldo and it’s been Frankie who’s been throwing a lot of kicks inside and outside on that left leg of Jose Aldo it’s been a while since Frankie in fact the last fight with Aldo since Frankie fought for the title but Joe he has been in four straight five round Main Events Aldo of course has been in five round fights throughout his UFC career that was a good combination there by Frankie he’s catching Aldo with his chin up and Aldo’s got to be careful of that as he pulls away from those exchanges cuz Frankie’s not stopping with one or two he’s continuing these combinations and catching them on the end lot of movement y just Frankie never allows him to [Applause] set and Aldo he’s got to establish that right kick they both went for a kick at the same time there both oh right hand by Aldo good right hand clean Bo Joe Brazilian jiu-jitsu black bels Frankie with a wrestling pedigree total strikes Edgar at about 50% final 30 seconds of the round oh nice knee to the body by Aldo that was a hard knee yes it was and it was a knee that finished Chad Mendes years goes to it Frankie avoids the big shot oh good kick to the body by Aldo great finish to round one F Faith perfect round perfect round spit get out perfect it was perfect breathe right now it was perfect the knees are going to start to go in he’s going to try to go to your legs your crosses are landing that’s what everyone said your crosses are landing I just need you when he steps back and here we see Aldo catching Frankie running in Edgar the lightweight champion from 2010 to 2012 three title defense seven UFC title defense at featherweight for Jose Aldo and the knees came late and Edgar avoided I’m very curious to see what adjustments if any Frankie is going to make in the second round and for Aldo really starting to find a home for both the right hand and that knee to the body Al those seemed to loosen up towards the end of that first round Mike nice leg kick by Frankie both men have highlight re finishes inside the octagon the moment when Aldo went into the stands in Brazil just such a great moment for him and his country and the Noble Team still remember when Frankie shocked the world beating BJ Penn to win the B Frankie’s been having some good success with leg kicks and it’s kind of interesting because we really haven’t seen any from Jose nor has he attempted to check any of them yeah and but that is that is his Forte yeah and when he opens up on them they’re devastating I’m wondering if he went to a strategy of avoiding the kicks because Frankie is so good at takedowns just doesn’t want to give him that there’s that knee again he caught him with it shook him right off very nice very nicely done by Aldo Frankie keeps the pressure on goes right up the middle he’s got to be real careful with those knees Mike those knees to the body have been devastating those are fight ending knees that Aldo [Applause] throats the Brazilian loosening up here in round two some blood from Frankie Edgar’s [Applause] face Alo nice head movement there good defense by the former featherweight [Applause] Champion well Aldo has been able to land some devastating shots particularly in that first round and I think he’s got his rhythm and feels confident now and Frankie because of those hard shots is a little more hesitant about closing the Gap he get got tagged there he’s a little more hesitant about paying the pr oh he he tagged Aldo there with a right hand that was an excellent right hand by Frankie Aldo not even close to getting that taked down went back to his Muay Thai Roots as I mentioned before brought in Emerson F Muay Thai kickboxing champion and again great takedown defense but we’ve seen that for years from Jose Aldo Joe yeah his takedown defense is outstanding and his ability to recover if you do take him down up up little bit of a cut over the right eye of Frankie Ricardo El made Mark Henry Mark Henry the Striking coach course UFC veteran Ricardo Al the hand Frankie F quicker hands out hands at him hands at him watch the spin watch the spin Frank you land that jab oh hard right hand by Aldo good combination by [Applause] Edgar Aldo again with good defensive [Applause] timing another good right hand by Edgar excuse me by Aldo Alo countering very well here Mike yes constant motion like always from Edgar about the take down but not even close he’s sliding back nicely and Landing that right hand little slipping rip switch kick 30 seconds left on the clock here in round two good Jabs by Aldo and a good kick by Frankie there’s a knee again caught it look at the take down defense by Aldo yeah and you know what Jose Aldo’s kind of throwing Frankie Edgar around Joe well one of the things that we said when he came into the Octagon tonight physically he looks better than his last fight he looks very strong obviously he’s been working on his strength and his conditioning at a very uh High level for this fight where’s the bucket the bucket already G round listen you miss the shot get up and hit it he’s stopping every time you miss the shot and that’s when he’s hitting after miss the shot you understand what I’m saying just keep going no the last 30 seconds is the only time he’s going start feeding hard the last 30 seconds don’t Flinch coming up if you’re going to shoot shoot on his pivot and don’t shoot head inside shoot head on the right hand by Frankie Edgar and there’s a nice jab in a right hand by Aldo and a good counter right by Aldo as Edgar landed a [Applause] shot backwards you’re going to get him let’s go a Monumental evening here in Las Vegas sold out $1,000 strong in the brand new T-Mobile Arena this fight for the UFC interim featherweight Championship the former featherweight title holder Jose Aldo the former lightweight champion Frankie Edgar Frankie’s Landing these leg kicks they they don’t seem to have a lot on them and Aldo isn’t respecting them he’s not checking them just absorbing them and they don’t seem to be bothering him [Applause] there’s a nice [Music] one Aldo is just planting his feet and looking to throw bombs and catch Frankie as he’s coming in and again right there it’s almost like he wants to do to Frankie what Connor did to him there’s taked down defense by Aldo just spectacular looks so fast explosive tonight Jose Aldo just looks so much more physically strong in this matchup than we’ve seen previously look at the distance traveled by these men constant motion especially for Frankie Edgar this is kind of the first time we’ve seen this [Applause] joke yeah Edgar deciding to try to take a new approach here and maybe grind him out against the cage try to take some of the steam away from Aldo a guy who when he was physically larger and this was one of the things that we speculated about Alo being smaller for his last fight when he was physically larger like in some of the other fights like Ricardo llamas he’s had a hard time in the fourth and fifth rounds maintaining that pace he’s a big featherweight 11 of the last 12 fights for Edgar have been five round fights lot of blood coming out of the nose of Frankie now Mike three minutes left here in the third every fight since June 2009 for Aldo has been a five round excellent exchange there Frankie landed Aldo [Applause] landed Frankie is going to stay in your face there’s no question about that Alo awarded the first featherweight championship belt back in November of 2010 defended the W version two times before 145 came to the Octagon Frankie is just having a real hard time reaching Aldo those just anticipating the movement better sliding out of the way better and doing something in in this movement that Frankie’s most recent opponents have not been able to do is out move him and avoid oh big right hand by Aldo and also the threat of Aldo’s punches and Frankie just caught Aldo out mov him Joe and avoid what we’ve seen the great combinations over the years by Edgar trying once again to tie Aldo up it was another big knee to the body by Aldo Mike and Frank working really hard here for this taked down but all those wrestling takedown defense have been on point [Applause] tonight break one minute here in the third well so far we’re in the third nice right hand by Frankie and Aldo shown no signs of slowing down no signs of fatigue we’ll see if that still holds true in the fourth and the fifth if we make it there he hasn’t taken a lot of damage no he certainly hasn’t I mean the most effective shots that Frank has been Landing have been those leg kick kicks and they don’t seem to be bothering Alo at all and we really haven’t had any clinch game very little and Frank is busted up you looking at his face you can see the effect of all those punches again just popped him and then slid back and popped him again with a jab LIF for that knee man that timing of that knee is amazing Aldo just lean is throws that heavy leg kick there’s the first one and man what impact Andre pineres UFC veteran you’re letting him get too close where’s the bench get out bumper Sit down you’re letting it get too close it’s not a problem if you move around you’re hurting him more but when there’s a minute or two left you have to go with all of you got you got to go listen if you miss the shot you’re punching right away you did it this round and it PID dividends so you miss the shot you punch right away head outside on the shot you what I’m [Applause] saying there we see Edgar with a right hand over the top and a nice uppercut by Edgar and boom beautiful right hand by [Applause] Aldo the championship rounds four let’s go once again for these two men 11 of the last 12 fights five rounders for Edgar we mentioned how many five rounders in a row Jose Aldo had Aldo is 6 and0 in five round fights that Go the Distance there’s one loss inside the Octagon was 13 seconds long that said Joe Andre paneris obviously wanted a little bit more certainty to the fact that Aldo is winning these rounds yeah I think he believes that Aldo’s just faster moves better and doesn’t want Frankie getting that [Applause] close Frankie’s been having a hard time Landing anything substantial M and because of that he hasn’t really gotten all those respects Joe I was going to ask you is this starting to get frustrating for Frankie Ed I mean it must be but Frankie’s used to that I mean he’s been in some Wars knows these one or two great combinations away from a sudden momentum change just kind of fakes the shot trying to get Alo to open up on uh the blue coach is Frankie Edgar’s Corner he’s pivoting on his son yeah toe toe toe toe toe toe s the S nice matches leveled batches leveled sun sunet sunet off the off the Mark Henry very vocal again striking coach for Frankie Edgar I don’t know what he yelling out because they develop these names for things and codes for techniques and he changes it all the time it’s one of the interesting things about Mark Henry’s coaching there’s a nice left hook by Frankie good Pace throughout this entire matchup thus far right hand by Aldo and another good combination by Aldo Aldo’s putting some heat on these punches Mike oh both men Exchange you see the damage on the face of Edgar Aldo looks clean look at the numbers head strikes Alo at about 50% eff ficient and a lot of blood now coming from above the right eye of Frankie Edgar as he lands a right hand on Aldo’s face and Aldo landed a right hand on him and then a left Aldo’s just looking at capitalizing the movement of Edgar and catch him coming [Music] [Applause] in the most dominant champion at 145 in UFC history and this is as good as he’s looked in a long time he looks outstanding tonight like you said Joe and he talked about it when you have that in inability go away and you got to go home and think about how do you rebuild this might be the answer against the answer Frankie Edgar yeah a loss like the Conor McGregor fight could have been the best thing for him and you’re looking at a really rejuvenated Jose Aldo here tonight but for Frankie he still got some time 20 left in this round and one more round to go he’s got to make something dramatic happen he got tagged there he’s running in and Aldo’s doing a great job of sliding back and catching him man just barely missed with that knee I saw a quick facial expression of disappointment from Frank de Edgar when he couldn’t land that last combination Joe kind of what we were talking about extremely frustrating for the former lightweight champ where’s the bucket can I have the bucket well on Slam go so let’s take him out this round you follow what I’m saying four punches I need to go goes against you follow what I’m saying kid go goes against finish off he’s going right down to the right to the body every time he keeps dipping to the T the right hook to the body that’s reach going every time get right there you follow what I’m saying he just countering with the overhead at the end go any punch you land he’s out of get take a punch but get him if she walks backwards shoot his legs kick his legs kick his leg and look at the intensity from Andre [Applause] paneris Fifth and Final [Music] [Applause] Round there’s that kick that was a highly emotional Andre penys it certainly was and this is a fight that all those winning it just shows you how important this is to them don’t leave it in the judge’s hands and Frankie has had some fantastic fifth round finishes but again we should point to all those conditioning he looks great and relaxed here in his fifth round doesn’t look like he’s slowing down at all and as we talked about Joe it’s been a a style of fight that has impressed his cardio like it would be if they were clinching and wrestling and working on the ground nasty left hand there by Aldo good kick by Frankie there will be a certain sense of urgency from Frankie Edgar here in the [Applause] fifth oh high take by Aldo the power he possesses makes every exchange diff very dangerous when you’re in there with Aldo 12th time Edgar scheduled for five it’s gone the distance seven times Aldo caught him with the left hand there Frankie 73 and one in fights to go 25 minutes Jose Aldo 6 and0 just over three on the clock oh good right hand by Aldo again but he is planting and bombing on that [Applause] shot deep in this championship fight and officially Joe now Frankie Edgar is the first fighter in UFC history to log 6 hours of octagon time and he is a bloody mess right now Mike a lot of blood coming out of that right eye and his nose and Aldo connected again iank a trip Frank need a triple triple any questions about the psyche and mental state of Jose Aldo answered quite brightly here in this five round fight yeah he might have taken a little while to get loose but he has looked Sensational in this fight very relaxed and again this is against a very very dangerous and skillful challenge in Frankie Edgar a Frankie Edgar who’s been on a rooll a Frankie Edgar who hasn’t lost since they first fought back in 2013 not only is he not lost he hasn’t lost many rounds yeah I mean this is the the worst performance of the last few years for Frankie and I don’t even think it’s you should say it that way I think you should say it’s one of the best performances of Jose Aldo’s recent career it’s the first time in a long time we haven’t seen the offensive strategy of Frankie Edgar W well Aldo just carries so much more consequence with his shots when he’s dropping them in on Frankie they’re hurting and Frankie’s punches and his kicks are sort of just kind of reaching Aldo and Landing but they don’t seem to have the same kind of impact one minute remains in this fight the champion Conor McGregor in the first row watching very [Applause] closely sold out 19,000 in attendance UFC [Applause] 200 a looking for that knee [Applause] late yeah I mean it’s just it’s very d dous for Frankie to move in on this guy he’s doing such a good job of countering and he is looking for those bombs that knee to the body into the face in that right hand as well spinning a Miss Al those looking with the knee [Music] 15 championship [Applause] fight and they go Go the Distance Aldo and Edgar fight the full 25 minutes once again this is an early shot by Frankie Edgar here’s a right uppercut by Edgar there’s a glancing onew there’s a nice left hook by Aldo he landed that punch many times in this fight there’s a right hand by Aldo and slides away from the counters some devastating knees to the body as well in this fight just an excellent performance by Aldo time for our official decision here’s Bruce paper ladies and gentlemen after five rounds we go to the judges score cars for decision the judges score the contest 4946 4946 and 4847 for the winner by unanimous decision and now the UFC it’s featherweight champion of the world Jose Aldo J we have ourselves the Brazilian Champion again and there’s the notorious one I’m here with the winner Jose Aldo first of all sir congratulations on an excellent performance performance one of your best in recent years how do you feel about this fight and how does it feel to once again have a UFC belt around your waist thank you I’m F I’m very happy but no figh man today for you my coach I love you the guys I love him my coach it’s not for me it’s for for him it’s for him thank Andre ped is one of the best coaches in the world who’s LED you through your career this was an excellent performance tonight against a guy in Frankie Edgar that had been on a long winning streak and it looked fantastic you shut down his offense tonight was there anything surprising about this fight Frank is a great athlete I respect everyone but I have one goal and it’s to beat this guy and you can bet the next time I come here I will beat him congratulations sir on an outstanding [Applause] [Music] [Applause] performance Brazil I’m stronger than the world I lost my father but I have a new father in him I owe everything to this guy right here he’s next to me all the time Jose Aldo ladies and gentlemen the leader of the noo un team in Rio De Janeiro Brazil and there you see Andre pineros who fought at UFC 34 Aldo the champion UFC 200 T versus Nunes this week’s drama has been well documented and the man it has directly affected the most is Daniel Cormier who’s gone from a main event title fight against his most bitter rival to a spectacular showcase against the greatest fighter of all time Anderson Silva who will fight on good evening what’s up everybody good afternoon the biggest baddest fight card in UFC history UFC [Music] 200 what my story will be is um a guy who was brought to his knees and a guy who made things right a guy who changed got his life together and became even more extraordinary sobering truth is his history dictates IND determines that the same thing is going to happen this kid will not change he won’t he will not change he’s the same guy and he will continue to up the UFC organization was notified tonight that the US anti-doping agency has informed Jon Jones of a potential anti-doping policy violation and therefore the fight has been removed from the fight [Music] card I really don’t know exactly how to to explain how I’m feeling right now more than more than anything just really disappointed I’m just here to fight and a fight he will get unbelievable Anderson Silva answers the Bell Daniel Cormier happy to sign on the DED line we’ve got to fight Anderson Silva stepping in for Jon Jones that’s an even bigger fight for me I think it’s more exciting this is the most dominant fighter of all time oh my goodness and it shows how much confidence he has in his ability that he’s willing to step in on short notice and fight such a dangerous guy in Daniel Cormier I mean I cannot even explain how happy I am about this fight I know Anderson’s going to bring it and I know I’m going to bring [Music] it I get to compete against the goat I get to go out there and try and impose my dominance on [Music] him I’ve reshift my focus it is solely on Anderson Silva and I am happy to be fighting him Jon Jones is in the rearview mirror right now I am moving forward [Music] [Music] [Music] let me just say this that man is the greatest of all time about to enter the Octagon for the 21st time let’s let him walk in let’s take in the [Music] atmosphere [Music] Joe the beautiful thing about Anderson Silva coming to fight Daniel Cormier on 48 Hours notices Anderson Silva is fighting tonight and when everything settles down in in the history of this sport is told we will know one thing there has never been anyone like that man right there well he certainly as of right now is the greatest fighter of all time in my mind at least and in many other people’s as well at one time the best fighter living pound-for-pound on Earth he has had ups and downs since then what I like about him coming into this fight first of all that he was very confident very relaxed taking it he likes the fact that he doesn’t have to to cut weight and he also likes the fact that taking his fight on short notice like this he didn’t have didn’t have to do any media no no obligations he was very relaxed didn’t have any pressure coming on him in this fight and he believes that stylistically he matches up very well with Daniel Cormier and at light heavyweight he has been spectacular in the three fights that we’ve seen him compete in that division three and0 defeating James Irvin in a minute and 1 second and both of the men who help to really put us on the map Forest Griffin 3 minutes 23 seconds Stephen Bonner 4 minutes and 40 seconds and Joe crazy Bob Cook Daniel cormier’s trainer said to me yesterday Anderson is faster but without the training camp in the media he said Anderson is going to be [Music] fresh he said he felt that Cormier was faster than JN Jones but now Daniel Cormier faces a man in Anderson Silva who Bob cook said is faster than the light heavyweight champion Anderson the fighter Silva the greatest champion in UFC [Music] history [Music] go [Music] how about the week this two-time Olympian has had he was about to Face Off With His enemy his Archen enemy his most bitter rival for the Undisputed light heavyweight championship then Dana White told him that Jon Jones was out and he said immediately no no Dana I worked so hard I worked so hard he wanted to fight he was willing to fight Anderson Silva he’s here because this man is a true competitor it’s a pretty crazy turn of events I mean obviously Daniel went through a gigantic camp and and prepared with pain and really wanted to fight feels like he’s at his best right now and wants to compete but what a difference in the opponents to go from Jon Jones to Anderson s on short notice like that I mean it’s uh it’s very rare that a guy finds himself in that sort of a situation as a professional fighter two days notice complete change of opponent and now he’s fighting one of the greatest if not the greatest of all time crazy Bob cook told me that the way cut Joel got emotional and and and what I mean is that because the emotions were up and down you know what was a great game plan that was going perfectly started to go Haywire a little bit and so the was tougher and DC had overcome the roller coaster ride and now wants to Peak against Anderson Silva if anybody can do it it’s this man well he is an outstanding wrestler and has competed successfully at heavyweight winning the strike force Heavyweight Grand Prix he’s just an outstanding competitor an excellent excellent Grappler very good Striker and again we really can’t emphasize this enough in going through his full camp with Kan Velasquez we saw what phenomenal shape Kane is in that is one of the secret weapons of Daniel Cormier success or I should say not so secret weapon Cormier one of 14 Olympic competitors to Grace the octagon and he is the UFC light heavyweight champion of the [Music] world [Music] [Music] our taale of the tape for this light heavyweight fight Daniel Cormier 37 years old Anderson Silva four years his Elder much taller and a significant reach Advantage look at Anderson no cut at all 198.50 once again Bruce Buffer ladies and gentlemen this fight is three rounds in the UFC light heavyweight division introducing first fighting out of the blue Corner a mix Marshall artist holding professional record 33 wins seven losses one no contest he stands 6’2 in tall weighing in at 198 and one half lbs fighting at a Cura Brazil presenting the former UFC middleweight champion Anderson the spider Sila and now we can you see his opponent fighting out of the Red Corner a mixed martial artist holding a professional record 17 wins one loss he stands 5′ 11 it’s just tall weighing in at 206 lb fighting out of San Jose California presenting the former Strike Force Heavyweight Grand Prix champion and the Undisputed UFC light heavyweight champion Daniel DC cor and when the action begins a referee in charge John McCarthy Big John McCarthy our referee Daniel Cormier Anderson [Applause] Silva here we [Applause] go the Southall out of cativa Brazil the spider he’s in the yellow trunks the Brazilian colors DC in the dark trunks now conventional wisdom would say that a guy like Anderson taking a fight like this on two days notice is not in the kind of shape he’s going to need to be to grind it out with Daniel Cormier for five rounds if that is the case he may look to try to close the show early absolutely and DC Joe knows that he’s going to try to get inside on Anderson early and embrace the grind there it is and he’s got it Brazilian jiu-jitsu black Bel Anderson Silva does not want to carry Daniel cormier’s weight he definitely does not Daniel is thick thick and powerful and has tremendous posture and it’s incredibly difficult to control him on the ground especially when he’s on top of you and fresh like this Anderson trying to set up the right arm bar throwing those legs up eating some punches here on the ground with DC Anderson 3 and0 at [Applause] 205 I should correct myself this is a three- round fight not a five round fight even so two days three rounds incredibly difficult for Anderson where Anderson was supposed to fight in his hometown of Kira Brazil back in May right before is going to get on a plane ended up having his gallbladder removed he’s getting stacked here by Daniel and big punches are going to come and Daniel can control his position here and get that right arm free Anderson holding on to that right arm Silva’s got a great ground game he’s got an excellent guard it’s going to be tested right here again he he’s utilizing it very well defensively here but now and now uh DC has move to half guard getting some good Solid Ground in pound off here getting those elbows to land and again Midway point of round number one DC on top half guard DC wants to stay busy [Applause] here he would rather not get stood up Anderson’s doing a good job of us utilizing the lock down on the right leg see how he’s elevating Daniel it keeps Daniel from being able to put any real power into those shots he’s taking that leg out of play and taking that side Anderson won the belt in his second UFC fight his reain as Champion was nearly 7 years long good ground and pound here by DC Anderson trying to avoid too much damage here early all DC so [Applause] far cormier’s first 13 fights were at heavyweight his record was 13-0 in those fights John McCarthy telling corm keep it going move keep the action going andon has done a pretty good job defensively up to this point and Daniel has gotten some shots in but a lot of them have been partially blocked and Anderson is has done a good job of controlling his posture he’s got his hand over his mouth now control the breathing yes and the big key to this position is really his utilization of the lock down but Daniel’s gotten some posture here he’s up he’s gotten some space we’ve seen so many magnificent striking displays from these great Brazilians but every single one of them Joe can fight on the ground they all bring to the Octagon that black in Brazilian jiu-jitsu J is crushing him here just sort of pressuring him making him carry his weight but nothing particularly damaging so far in this first round except perhaps the cardio of Anderson Silva relax relaxing three big deep breaths very nice on the deep can you do that up and down toest up and down onuse your knees when he’s coming in you can’t try to exchange hands with him don’t let him get too close [Music] move a little bit more Silva 5 and0 in three round fights inside the [Applause] Octagon round two oh my goes high with the head [Applause] kick oh good right hand by DC expect to see Anderson try to put on a show here but not a show to be showy but a show to finish the fight DC smiling at him here Anderson can come from anywhere DC throws him down to the canvas and take side control beautiful grappling by DC he’s going to trap him here he’s looking to step over but he got caught in half guard on the way Cormier has owned this fight all about top [Applause] position Jolie you pointed out Anderson not taking a ton of damage but he’s unable to do anything offensively and he’s tearing Daniel’s weight he [Applause] exhausting DC’s looking to try to pass Anderson’s just holding on to him here DC’s got to get that right leg free every time Anderson elevates that leg and throw DC’s balance off but Daniel’s done a great job of maintaining top position but Anderson you know every time he does that you see that lockdown has been very effective here and even though DC is still kind of beating him up there’s nothing particularly devastating going on Styles make fights and this style that Daniel Cormier utilizes Anderson’s got Anderson if he keeps going along that way and that’s why Daniel just dropped those Hammer fist on him he has that underhook on that right side and he was trying to keep sneaking around the side and then Daniel became much more active when he realized he was in a bad position here it is again if he can get that right leg free it’s a good position but if he can’t get that leg free Anderson can keep sneaking around towards his left side now Daniel’s concentrating on the [Music] Kamura the style that Cormier utilizes is bad for Anderson Silva especially on short notice yeah and with Anderson getting this lock down there’s two options he can try to sneak around towards the left and sneak around towards the right but the problem is Daniel’s just a bigger stronger better Grappler and every time he goes to make a move Daniel corrects and winds up on top I mean just he’s a mountain on you just can’t shake them these are some hard short elbows and Anderson’s trying to move trying to go to the Deep half trying to sweep here this is a guy who you know a little over two days ago thought he was going to just be a fan of this Monumental event he’s trying to hang in for the fans for his country and John McCarthy stands him up Anderson is exhausted it took him a while to stand up at the end of round one [Applause] [Music] [Applause] checked Anderson cannot let himself be taken down [Applause] again don’t forget Daniel cormier’s striking has improved exponentially over the years years good knee by Anderson Cormier Ducks out of danger Anderson with the left Cormier misses here we go good kick to the body by Anderson careful what game you play with the spider knowing Daniel Cormier as we do Joe I think there’s a part of him that wants to show the world I’ll strike with Anderson Silva for a little while here well I could certainly see him wanting to test his skills but that is the most dangerous game exactly exactly playing with fire for [Applause] [Music] sure head up head up deep breath deep now listen to me be smart okay now listen when you’re in when you’re in the guard and you’re in half guard finish let’s go to mount okay let’s focus on getting that4 guard all the way through the cross and the knee in the front just move a little bit more you’re going to make history tonight it’s a tough fight but let’s go he’s got nothing UFC 200 Kate versus nunz sold out T-Mobile Arena third and final [Applause] round for Anderson Silva It’s Time beautiful technique by Anderson he’s gone to that a few times the kick with the right then leaping in the air and kicking with the left again this is a dangerous game for Daniel Cormier oh good right hand by Cormier Anderson looking for that elbow knee DC again takes him [Applause] down not only did Anderson take this fight on 48 hours notice Cormier was training for a five round fight and he’s had top position and really no back and forth clinch game to try to exhaust his gas tank Anderson keeps going to that lock down on the right leg of Daniel Cormier and it’s made ground and pound much more difficult for Cormier it’s been good for him defensively but not offensively Daniel’s just kind of squashing his head here keeping the weight on him cutting off his breathing if the crowd keeps booing Big John might stand him up and wrestlers know how to make heavy even heavier and Daniel Cormier is great at smothering his opponents yeah his top game is [Applause] excellent he keep adding up for Daniel Cormier nearly 130 total strikes to the [Music] body DC trying to stay busy well if Anderson could just control his posture and grab a hold of him like right there it’s very possible that Big John would stand him up he keeps saying let’s go move it I mean all Anderson has to do is hang on [Applause] here Big John right there watching closely the audience is chanting stand them [Applause] up barier throwing down consistent strikes now all right 2 minutes on the clock two minutes now less than two remain in this [Applause] fight does the [Applause] spider have some magic left is there a kick up the middle coming like against RoR bfor or a knee under 90 seconds [Applause] [Music] now Anderson is looking for that one [Music] opening one minute remains Anderson’s looking for that opening but he’s got to take some chances I mean he is clearly looking for one big shot here that might be the kick up the middle you’ve seen it before chasing down Cormier swinging a Miss by DC good kick to the body he hurt 30 seconds Daniels hurt swarming him knee by Silva 20 seconds They Go the [Applause] Distance great job two days notice for the greatest of all time and that man is a real fighter folkman should be applauded Daniel Cormier says I’ll fight anybody even though I was supposed to be the main [Applause] event there we see a Tak down attempt completed by Daniel Cormier here’s some ground and pound by Cormier pretty good job defensively by Anderson of avoiding really big shots there’s Silva trying to open up with some shots but he gets taken down again really his best success was in the third that front kick to the body see it right there DC tried not to react to it but that hurt him Cormier and Silva nothing but respect time for our official decision here is Bruce B ladies and gentlemen after three rounds we go to the judges scorecards for decision all three judges score this contest 3026 for the winner by unanimous decision Daniel DC cor I’m here with the winner Daniel Cormier first of all DC congratulations this is a very difficult fight for you to take on such short notice give us your thoughts on the fight and how it went down the fight went had had to go Joe I’ve been training for Pacific guy for eight weeks the guy gets out of the competition I fight Anderson Silva I was a little nervous he’s so good and I mean I I did what I had to do you know it’s very difficult to switch opponents two days but Anderson did a good job of staying in there was there anything surprising about fighting him he did a very good job of locking down my leg on my back it was hard for me to Advance the position but that goes to show you man this guy’s the greatest fighter we’ve ever seen in the Octagon I can’t complain I did what I had to do how difficult was was this for you psychologically to take this on short notice and where was your mind when you found out that Jon Jones fell out of the competition I was I was sad I’ve worked hard to fight Jones I try to erase that loss but coming I most guys would not take this fight they wouldn’t do it but I felt I needed to mentally was draining everything was help congratulations look forward to seeing you again Daniel carmier ladies and [Applause] gentlemen I’m here with Anderson Silva ladies and gentlemen first of all Anderson enjoy that sir cuz you’ve deserved it what was it like taking this fight with such a great fighter like Daniel Cormier on such short [Applause] notice [Applause] this fight was a big personal challenge for me to be able to accept it and to be able to come in here and put into practice everything that I’ve done throughout the years you know this is a proof that you can do anything that you want to anything you put your mindset to Anderson it’s very difficult to fight a guy as big as Daniel Cormier you’re used to fighting at middleweight give us your thoughts on how the fight went down and was there anything surprising about it ra try your best to remember all that I’m used to training with heavier guys my master minaro roero Rafael F jakare who’s the next Champion here so I’m used to this I’m used to the pressure this was a great test and I have to put this fight is for my teammates everyone that’s always been helping me I really wasn’t able to uh train my best for this I haven’t been really training since the surgery but it was a good test thank you Anderson and thank you for taking this fight on short notice hey ladies and gentlemen thank you for everything thank you this is great time for me I respect you people thank you Edison s ladies and gentlemen miday he had his gold bladder removed two days notice he just fought Daniel Cormier that man the greatest of all time Anderson the Spider Silva all right the time has come Mark hunt 2001 K1 World Grand Prix Champion fighting the real Brock Lesnar who is back to cement how long have I been thinking about coming back to the UFC ever since the day I stepped out of the Octagon when I retired the first time I was the UFC heavyweight champion of the world due to my illness my career got cut short at the top of my career I wasn’t at the top of my game in my mind in my heart I never lost to a foe I lost to the diverticulitis I felt like I was cheated out of my career in the UFC that chapter of my life I didn’t like the way the chapter ended and I kept flipping back and of moving forward I couldn’t live with that decision I picked up the phone I called Dana White and said listen um if there was any time for Brock Lesnar to come back it would just make sense that uh it would be for UFC 200 Brock Lesnar is back size strength speed power Brock Lesnar is a legitimate freak athlete this is a guy who stopped Randy Coture for the title in his fourth Pro fight heavy tile the line is Lesnar is trying to finish it’s over I feel like Brock Lesnar has a second lease on life as an MMA fighter and I want to see what this freak athlete is really capable of and I think Mark Hunt is the absolutely perfect welcome back party for Brock Lesnar I understand that uh to become the the elite of the elit got take chances and R so July of the night um I’m knocking Brock Les his face off oh markon is one of the greatest Strikers to ever compete in the heavyweight division Maron is a top 10 heavyweight Contender a guy who has beaten some of the best fighters in the world and a guy who has absolutely legitimate one punch knockout power the the profile of this spider is huge this is going to be a fight you know the better person will stand up Victorious tune in to to he Brook but you be saying my name after the fight he’s going to try to knock me out I’m going to try to take him down it’s fighting people I don’t have to sit here and build this fight I’m still the toughest so around baby can you see me now can you see me [Applause] [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] my the super Samoan Mark hunt the second oldest active fighter on the UFC roster Dan Henderson 45 Mark hunt 42 years strong coming off a performance of the night against Frank M three minutes one second that’s all I talk knockout first round 3 minutes 41 seconds knockout first round in Melbourne Australia against big play yeah two first round Knockouts in a row and Mark hunt also in those fights was in excellent shape and you know he kind of rededicated himself after St miic loss it didn’t feel like he was in the kind of condition they need to be did some work down at AKA Thailand in preparation and uh when you talk about heavyweight Strikers this is one of the first guys that you mentioned former K1 Grand Prix Champion legitimate one punch knockout artist very good takedown defense and that makes for a very interesting opponent for Brock Lesnar’s [Music] return born in New Zealand he has lived in Sydney Australia for many many years the bright lights never bother Mark hunt he won his Grand Prix title in K1 in front of 65,000 fans tonight 19,000 in attendance sold out Team Mobile Arena the state-ofthe-art facility in Las Vegas that’s super Simone Mar [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that man is the ultimate alpha male and if you’re wondering about the Canadian flag he has built himself Joe a virtual compound in the province of Saskatchewan and he comes in looking in the best shape of his life the 15th UFC Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar if that’s what you think of when you think of a UFC heavyweight champion you think they would look like that but nobody looks like that that’s the craziest thing about Brock I’m very very curious about his performance tonight very interested to see this cuz physically he looks outstanding I know he went through a great training camp for this I know this is something he’s been pring preparing for quietly for a long time he looks calm and in place tonight five times Brock Lesnar fought in the main event of the evening defended his heavyweight title on two occasions but the last time we saw Brock was at UFC 141 four years 6 months 9 days ago Brock is back our taale of the tape for this our com main event of the evening 38-year-old Brock Lesnar for 32-year-old Mark hunt Brock is much bigger 63 to 510 and a 9 in reach Advantage Brock Mark Bruce Buffer ladies and gentlemen this fight is three rounds in the UFC heavyweight division introducing first fighting out of the blue Corner a striker holding a Record 12 wins 10 losses one draw he stands 5′ 10 in tall weighing in at 264 and 1/2 lbs fighting out of Sydney Australia presenting the number eight R heavyweight contender in the world Mark super Samoan H and now introducing his opponent fighting out of the Red Corner a wrestler holding professional record five wins three losses he stands 6’3 in tall weighing in at 265 and 1 12 lb fighting out of rega s skatan Canada presenting the former UFC Heavyweight Champion Brock [Music] L and when the action begins our referee in charge Dan merata Dan merata our referee the number of combined pounds in the Octagon for Lesnar versus hunt 530 and that does not count Dan M leata yeah Big Dan’s no lightweight himself not at all and you’re going to need someone that big to get these guys off of each other Lesnar hunt here we go Mark H said Joe if he can’t get me down in the first round he’s getting knocked out Brock showing Southpaw for a moment Brock staying on the outside staying cautious custom gloves for Brock triple XL he’s looking for that opportunity for the Tak down got to look out for the knees got to look out for that counter [Applause] uppercut and Hunt kind of scooching down a little bit Joe anticipating a possible takeown a possible shot from the national champion from the University of Minnesota 106 and5 in his Collegiate wrestling career so far very cautious approach by both men look at that leg kick by Brock and justifiably so Joe somebody’s getting knocked out well one thing about Brock throwing leg kicks is he doesn’t have to worry about being taken down yeah or not as much whoa swinging a Miss if you listen to the many interviews that Brock did in the last couple of weeks coming up to the you know he really did tell not just like a competition story more of a life story and why he returned and and I love listening to him talk about the Legacy that he wants to leave inside the Octagon This Is A Dangerous Game he’s playing yeah because he’s he’s playing the timing game with Mark and the more time goes on there’s a single he’s got the leg chasing him down he got a hold of him Mark hunt holding the fence great job by Dan merliot Brock’s got to hold those legs you see how quickly you see how quickly he went across the Octagon this is how he finished Frank Mir punts starting to get up [Applause] though but if Brock can just control you the amount of power that he can generate from short distances good takeown defense so far [Applause] though this is Brock’s world but again Mark hunt has very good takeown defense and if he can slow Brock down keep this kind of fight going on and also we have to factor in the amount of adrenaline dump that Brock is going to be experiencing hasn’t fought in 5 years it’s a big event for him Mark Hunt’s been very very active and he’s always calm Joe he’s lifting him up and he’s got him down on top of him inside control with a lot of time bad spot for Mark hunt [Applause] terrible that is one big dude and he has sub Mission skills armed triangle choke against Shane Carwin back at UFC 116 [Music] you want to talk about carrying your opponent’s weight this redefines that expression it does and Brock is just outstanding at riding guys too and being able to make them carry his weight very difficult to shake him off once he’s on top you but all hunt has to do here is survive the next minute which is a very difficult task with those mailbox siiz hands coming at your head the knee good knee to the body by Lesnar roock looking for it again hard shots by Lesnar and from the other side hunts in big trouble he’s a big looking for the finish right here and Hunt scrambles back up to his feet and he’s up and Lesnar looks for another Tak down immediately and he gets it and he gets it right into full Mount 20 seconds ladies and gentlemen we are in Brocks World Mark Hunt’s going to hang on here the round’s almost [Applause] [Music] over big round for Brock Lesnar here we see a big take down for Brock Lesnar here’s some nasty ground and pound that forced a scramble out of Mark hunt he was eating some bombs here all right you’re keeping them guessing so I want you to keep look like you’re going to fake the shot and then jab all right fake the shot and Jab just move like you’re moving hit the leg again two of the best from the state of Minnesota move exactly like you’re moving right you’re just when you’re wrest turke anle breathe get breath this is all you know just like that this next round all right he’s going to try to come out with something big be ready okay be ready be ready for [Applause] something Beware of the knee if Brock looks for for that shot again Joe looks for the double look for a knee a well time knee potentially from [Applause] [Applause] hun Mark hun is going to look to launch a bomb on Brock Lesnar here especially if he can somehow or another Cox Brock in a standing still it might be that big overhand right or the uppercut or or anything depending upon how he feels Brock is moving Lesnar trying to use that jab to keep distance and there’s the overhand right in Brock head saw come and had it blocked 15 to one significant strikes going to talk about global icons Brock Lesnar well what’s interesting is Brock Lesnar doesn’t need the money he doesn’t need the fame he’s doing this to test himself he’s doing this cuz he doesn’t feel like he gave it his all during his first tenure and and Joe it was because he got sick yes exactly so he feels like he was cheated yeah feels like something was taken away from him and he never realized his full potential there was no quitting him his health quit on him for a while lost 40 PBS at one point with the [Applause] diverticulitis he’s got to be real careful as he’s moving back he’s moving back slowly and Mark hunt can time him if he senses that Brock is slowing down nice sprawl very nice and this is where it gets good for Mark hunt if he senses that Brock is slowing down or that he’s not moving away quick enough that he’s being lazy about his exits hunt can explode and catch him and if Brock can’t get hunt down and hunt starts getting comfortable with these exchanges then things can get really ugly well we’re at the Midway point of the fight hun has been on his feet this entire round but he hasn’t really landed anything but he certainly is threatening [Applause] yes Lesnar began training MMA at age 28 ducked under he got the single but hunt got right out of it Lesnar only the second fight fighter in UFC history to win a title in his fourth professional fight the other the Hall of Famer Randy Couture who Brock beat at UFC 91 see this is just not the game that Brock Lesar wants to play he does not want to play the be on the outside game especially like right there looked a little tired looked a little flat footed taking some big deep breaths feeling fatigue and Hunt is calm and relaxed and moving forward hits him with a small left hook to the body [Applause] that win at UFC 91 was the night that Lesnar became the UFC heavyweight champion this is great for recovery for Mark hunt that’s one thing for certain and he got up pretty quick after the end of round one after carrying Brock for most of that first five [Applause] minutes Brock is extending his hand it’s not a punch he’s like palming him on the forehead he might have hurt his hand I mean the Way’s Way’s doing that yeah he just threw a jab there with those big hammer punches and the hammer fist on the ground and pound Joe he ducked under that he’s looking for the single here you roock hanging on here very uneventful round so really anything here big in the last 20 seconds could win this round conceivably 15 now Lesnar won his Collegiate National Championship 16 years ago the [Applause] the dominant round one anybody’s round [Applause] two okay breathe first thing I want you to do is breathe okay breathe hey now hey trust your hands a little bit all right jab jab cross and then fake that shot he’s waiting for you to try to shoot but try to walk him into the cage all right try to walk him into the cage tooing your head up come up high on good breath now big breath big breath good watch you five more minutes watch you want so you do you do the work you got it [Applause] guys come here come here come here here you both got two war and we both out a fight the fight fight back off Community I’ll take a point away let’s go basically what Dan merata said was fight or I’ll take a point away bring it boys well he he’s cautioning Brock and he’s extending his fingers and Mark hun I believe in grabbing the cat for sure cuz he did it twice in round one and Dan literally knocked his hand off the cage the first time Joe see this is the game that Brock doesn’t want to play standing right in front of Mark and Mark is going to come at him with punches that he doesn’t see coming and there’s a shot he’s got the single can he complete it tremendous amount of energy he’s exerting here he gets it fourth Tak down for the former Champion he’s in Mount he’s in a great position here to finish the [Applause] [Applause] fight can Mark hunt get [Applause] off this is a terrible place for Mark hunt right now yeah and this also allows Brock time to rest control the position big punches from Brock good defense by Mark hun but Lesnar is still scoring Joe yeah and Mark’s not even excuse me Brock’s not even trying to pass he’s holding on to that left leg of Mark hunt sort of clamping down on it using it to hold the position [Applause] he’s got his legs crossed over Mark’s leg he’s really there’s nothing holding him here in this position other than his choice trying to get back to the full mount in a great position of control all right half [Applause] guard looks like Dan was about to Ste them up yeah or Mark H might have been at least danth might have been reaching towards that [Applause] fence and again Brock is holding on to that leg Mike it’s it’s not really like he’s in half guard because Hunt’s legs are completely wide open hunt defending himself so far Midway point of the third and final round arm triangle now he’s in full [Applause] mou full mount with plenty of time to go and Brock keeps looking for that arm triangle he’s looking for it on the left side oh man big ground and pound from Brock oh oh these are hard shots Mike it’s one tough Samoan right there Lesnar pouring it on is Maron intelligently defending himself he’s just getting the left side of his head punched in right now and Brock’s kind of holding his head in place there’s not much he can do there under 90 seconds remain Paul Lesnar and again Brock keeps trying to push that arm to the side of his neck to secure an arm triangle or head and arm choke big punches and he’s beating him up as he’s doing this doesn’t take much when you’re Lesnar merata might stop the [Applause] fight less than a minute to go [Applause] here pretty much the only question now Joe is Will he win with a finish or with a decision certainly trying for the [Applause] Finish utilizing the Turk that the wrestlers like body body head is corner is saying there it is 20 huge round three for the former heavyweight champion he wants to finish in [Applause] [Music] style [Applause] Marty Morgan Greg Nelson with Brock Lesnar the most eventful moments in the fight were here the Tak down the ground and pound and you know we we got to see the strong rest wrestling of Brock Lesnar and the toughness of Mark hunt but what it looks like to me and you a decision for Brock Lesnar and pretty impressive Victory when you consider the fact that the guy hasn’t fought in 5 years been doing pro wrestling comes back and beats a top 10 heavyweight big sense of relief I am sure as well for someone as visible as Brock Lesnar cuz he was in there against one of the greatest knockout artists in combat history a healthy Brock Lesnar fighting tonight at UFC 200 time for our official decision here’s Bruce Buffer ladies and gentlemen after three rounds we go to the judges scorecards for a decision all three judges score this contest 2927 for the winner by unanimous decision BR [Applause] Lesar I’m here with the winner Brock Lesnar Brock first of all what does it feel like to be back and what did it feel like to beat a top 10 heavyweight after all these years off oh man it it took me a little while just to to to get acclimated I I can’t words can’t describe it thank you everybody thank you so much Brock this is something that you’ve been thinking about for so long working towards for so long where is your mind out at now after beating a guy like Mark hunt who is a a big heavyweight Contender you’re right in the mix with one fight ah man one day at a time I’m Jo I’m so happy to be in here one thing I do want to do America a shout out to the men in uniform that protect and serve this country from from sea to shining sea from one white boy to all nationalities we got to stand together people Brock congratulations and welcome back sir Brock Lesnar ladies and gentlemen that’s a different Brock way different Brock told Joe one day at a time one day at a time but this is a great day his wife Sable what a moment for Brock Lesnar and as I mentioned a sense of relief for one of the most dangerous individuals we have ever seen we are now set for our main event of the evening five rounds of fighting for the UFC Phantom Weight Championship as Misha Tate fights Amanda nunz Misha Tate of course is the champion right now with Holly Holm as the number one Contender Amanda Nunez is the dark horse in the division she is very dangerous she has all kinds of power and she also has a very good Brazilian jiu-jitsu ground game so the the whole division is in an excellent place right now with really highlevel competition in the women’s 135lb division Misha Tate since her title fight versus Ronda Rousey has won five straight including her win over Holly Holm to become the champion but tonight she takes on an aggressive Brazilian confident that she will leave Las Vegas with the UFC bantamweight belt but that champion Misha take a Pioneer in women’s mixed martial arts whose perseverance in that title winning fight against Holly Holm was just the microcosm of her entire fighting career Mesa Tate 17 career wins Holly Holm a perfect 10 and0 Misha can get this to the ground things can get very interesting Mesa Tate in the Holly home fight came in with an unbelievable game plan she got the neck in the second round took her back started to put the choke in and lost it when she got the choke in the fifth round she didn’t let go when the chips are down when all is on the line Misha tape delivered Misha looking to lock it in I thought I had to be like a pit bull on a bone she wasn’t getting out of that one wow Misha Tate she put her to sleep Misha Tate is dominated she’s the number one female badass out there Misha will go in and she will fight to the Finish she is the most dangerous woman in the world other than Ronda Rousey Misha Tate is the Undisputed women’s bantamweight champion of the world and now she will have the opportunity to defend her title against one of the most dangerous female Bantam way fighters on Earth Amanda Nunes has some serious power Amanda Nunes looks better every time she fights or stand up or groundwork N is a beast NZ has done it I have all they do is to beat youa I’m really excited about this fight because Amanda Nunes truly does believe she can beat Misha Tate and become Champion nobody think I can beat Misha but I’m going to prove everybody is wrong Amanda is just another faceless woman that’s standing in front of another goal of mine and I have everything that I need to beat her already I think Mish is a great jump she can take a lot of damage Ste move on the fight yeah I can take damage and I can come back for you and still beat you I think this fight’s going to boil down to Pure willpower and determination and she can be broken and I think I’m the woman to break her Rhonda have had time H have her time Mish I have her time I think now is my time and I’m going to take the belt in my mind I still have a lot to accomplish this fight is going to prove again why I am the champion and why I’m the best in the world [Music] he [Music] born in Bahia Brazil the lionist Amanda nunz she moved to American top team after her fight with Kat Zano at UFC 178 the only loss she has experienced in the octagon a black belt in Jiu-Jitsu a brown belt in Judo and a fantastic finisher her first four UFC wins where by first round stoppage Joe she is vicious and she certainly is good with the moniker of lionis as Amanda Nunes the Challenger yes in her fight since she moved to American top team have definitely been her most impressive particularly her victory over Sarah McMahon she caught Sarah with a big punch H her badly showed smooth and explosive striking and then finished Sarah on the ground and before that stopping Shaya Basler in the first round was also a very dominant and vend very Amanda nunz esque performance when we see her at her best she’s quick Dynamic she has lethal striking and as we said a very highlevel black belt on the ground average fight time 6 minutes and 12 seconds second shortest I think I know who has the shortest fight time in the women’s bantamweight division the most Brazilian champions We have had at one time was back back in December of 2013 for Junior dos Santos Anderson Silva Jose Aldo henon baral and tonight Amanda nunz wants to become the first female champion from [Music] Brazil [Music] [Music] been so we [Music] what sticks out the most of all the conversations that Mesa Tate has had with the media coming into this title defense is that she said I will compete fiercely and fiercely defines Misha Tate it certainly does and this is an incredible moment for Mesa Tate for her as we said before she was thinking about quitting the sport just a little over a year ago now here she is the women’s Phantom wave Champion coming off of a spectacular submission victory over Holly Holm and headlining the biggest pay-per-view card in the history of the sport she said her first six fights Joe she fought for free longest signed female Strike Force fighter when she beat Sarah McMahon she suffered a broken left orbital bone in two places still hung on for victory and she beat the woman who beat Ronda Rousey Holly Hol to win the title here in Las Vegas at UFC 196 fellow fighter Brian caroway Brian caroway Mesa Tate have been together forever they made make each other better people they certainly make each other better Fighters and Misha continues to grow and improve as a fighter and I think it’s going to be interesting to see what her confidence is going to be like as a champion now coming in here defending her title and having that victory over Holly Holm which sort of substantiated substantiated what she felt in the first place that she is a champion that she does have Championship caliber potential inside of her she has realized that potential now she wants to to defend that title and Define her Legacy Ryan Caro Misha Tate moved here to Las Vegas fulltime a time ago and since that point we have seen the entire game of Misha T improve evolve and [Music] explode our tail of the tap for this our main event of the evening Misha Tate the champion one year the Elder of the Brazilian Challenger who is 2 in taller and will have a 4 in reach Advantage here’s the veteran voice of the Octagon Bruce Buffer ladies and gentlemen this is the main event of the evening sectioned by the NADA State athletic commission chairman Anthony marnell executive director Bob Bennett Commissioners Francisco agular skip avansino Pat London ball and Michonne Martin our three judges scoring this contest at octagon side are Adel bird Chris Lee and Jeff Mullen and when the action begins our referee in charge of the Octagon Herb Dean and now this is the moment UFC fans watching around the world have been waiting for live from the sold out T-Mobile arena in Las Vegas time five rounds for the Undisputed UFC bantamweight championship of the world introducing first fighting out of the blue Corner a striker holding professional record 12 wins four losses she stands 5′ 8 in tall weighing in at 135 lbs fighting out of Miami Florida by way of Bia Brazil presenting the number four right bantamweight contender in the world the Challenger Amanda the Lioness new and now introducing the champion fighting out of the Red Corner a mixed martial artist holding a professional record 18 wins five losses she stands 5′ 6 in tall weighing in at 134 and 1 12 lb fighting at Las Vegas Nevada presenting the former Strike Force bantamweight champion and the raing defending Undisputed UFC bantamweight champion of the world Misha cupcake [Music] [Applause] T all right we’ve been over the rules protect yourself with all times follow my instructions going to have a clean fight touch gloves and let’s do this Mesa Tate is the champion Amanda Nunes is the Challenger and tonight the 10th main event for the women who compete in the Ultimate Fighting Championship backto back title fights this one at 135 here we [Applause] go nunz in the Brazilian colors black shorts and top for Misha tape nunet is a very difficult opponent she has very fast very powerful strikes there’s a nice leg kick and on the ground she has a very high level Brazilian J2 black Bel is very slick on the ground very strong so it’s going to be interesting to see what kind of strategy Misha Tade employs outstanding Striker Amanda Nunes we talked a bit about all the stoppages she has ended 11 of her 12 wins nine of those drill by knock out she’s got a lot of snap to her punches and kicks explodes moves in very quickly if there has been any critique of her in the past it’s been that she tends to fade in the later rounds and there’s a take down by Mesa Tate and nunz scrambles to her feet Tate holds on to the [Applause] single and and she’s out who nunz started training in karate at age seven Misha started wrestling at a young age and she utilized those two takedowns to earn the belt that she so desperately desired for so many years against Holly Holm another thing to take into consideration is how many times Misha Tate has fought five rounds m Tate has been there done that and this will be a new experience in a championship fight for Amanda nunz very first career title fight first five round fight for Amanda Nunes Joe Amanda Nunes just missed an illegal knee Amisha was still down nice jab nice right hand another nice right hand she stung her with that one Mike [Applause] absolutely oh nice jab beautiful jab by Amanda and this is what we were talking about with her striking snap beautiful speed oh nice right hand comination Misha’s in trouble Mike she is in trouble Nunez she slip but still delivers Misha is retreating she got tagged she got her B oh my she’s down she’s in big big trouble trying to finish her here Misha is trying to cut it out but she’s in trouble Mike she a knee plenty of time to go here 220 on the clock more punishment Misha is busted up and Amanda new lot of blood Mike feels the belt around her [Applause] waist man’s got her back here Misha’s got to use really good defense here but this might be the best thing for her she eats a hammer fist though Big Shots by the lionist huge first round for the Brazilian she’s got her back she’s got one hook in trying to finish she’s got the choke hit it’s all over Amanda Nunes is the first female Brazilian UFC champion wow wow unbelievable what a dominant Victory by Amanda Nunes she busted Misha Tate up and finished her off and barely took any damage in the process it was a beautiful performance by Amanda and everything that we had said about her potential and where her strengths lie that’s exactly what she showed nasty snapping punches and kicks beautiful movement nasty ground and pound and the the black belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu that we talked about she heard it with that very first jab Joe what a crazy crazy division this women’s bantamweight has turned out to be boom look at that right hand stunned her with that Nunes Moves In For the Kill there’s another right hand and Misha was on full survival mode here and Amanda just sticking her sticking her with that jab right hand over the top had her in all sorts of trouble here just busting her up Misha’s legs gave out and now Amanda takes her back sinks that arm under the chin and that ladies and gentlemen is a wrap we have a new women’s bantamweight champion spectacular performance by Amanda Nunes and the celebration begins Amanda Nunes Brazil’s first female champion she finishes Misha tape by rear naked choke her third career submission win all three rear naked choke time for our official decision here is Bruce BFF ladies and Gent gentlemen referee Herb Dean is called a stop to this contest at 3 minutes 16 seconds of the very first round declaring the winner by submission due to a rear naked choke and new Undisputed UFC bantamweight champion of the world Amanda the Lioness new what a [Applause] [Music] moment a lifetime of work reaches a pinnacle tonight thank you thank you so much thank [Music] Youk I am here with the winner and new Champion Amanda Nunes Amanda that was a Flawless performance you you showed beautiful striking you finished her off in the first round give us your thoughts on the fight man you know every fight have things to change to walk on to both all the time and I’m me kind of fighting I always have to walk something on and try to make it make things happen in my life and oh m is stough opponent everybody know that I respect mot and I’m the new Champion how does that feel oh my God 10 years in my life working hard for this moment in my life and now I feel amazing now I’m going to back to Brazil to visit my family my Grandma thank God still alive she watching this moment W for you one year see my family you know wait for the best moment to back to Brazil to see my family now I back I’m going to go back to Brazil and bring this with me Amanda take a look at the big screen and enjoy some of your work cuz you had beautiful technical striking tonight you hit her with some big shots had her hurt followed up and we able to finish her off on the ground once you stung her with one of the few punches in the beginning What were what was going through your mind when you saw her hurt the first thing when I I saw she already a little be hurt I control myself because I know she’s come back strong in the next round but I make sure I touch her the right spot she cannot come back anymore this has happened Amanda it was a spectacular Victory enjoy it congratulations you are the new champion and it was an honor to call your fight brail Al [Applause] my sister right there can you bring her here please my sister right there hey let my sister coming UFC have a new Champion right here come here thank you so much Dan White Loren Jesus I text D white and tell him Dana I’m going to be your Champion believe in me he did it tonight I give him the back look at thisa I’m your Champion congratulations Amanda Nunes ladies and gentlemen all right I’m here with Mesa Tate Misha give us your thoughts on the fight and tell us what what was the game plan coming in here tonight yeah she’s a very fast starter very dangerous in the first round and and she caught me fair and square you know this is what I’ve been saying about Amanda she’s a very dangerous fighter and uh you know I made some mistakes obviously I got a little bit careless and uh it cost me cost me really big Misha you’ve been here before you’ve regrouped and you’ve come back stronger than ever where is your mind at right now what is your thought process you know right now I’m going to go up to Ontario uh Canada I’m going to write some Power Sports I’m going to get my thoughts back together I’m going to regroup for you know maybe a week and I’ll be back in the gym I always come back stronger for these kinds of things so thank you so much to everybody who came out here and as a supporter of mine I love you guys thank you so much it means world to me that you guys are here supporting me and and I will come back I promise you I will come back stronger for this I always do I’m sure you will good luck to you Mesa Tate ladies and gentlemen the former Champion Misha Tate classy as always humble and defeat and she will come back better Amanda Nunes though owns this night as she leaves with the bantamweight belt the executive producers of the Ultimate Fighting Championship Frank fertita III Lorenzo fertita and UFC president Dana way our supervising producer Zach candido tonight’s show produced by Bruce Connell directed by Anthony pasquali G Orono Cain Velasquez looked outstanding Jose Aldo Frankie Edgar to the Brazilian wins again and he has a Bel and he has Conor McGregor in his headlights she won last night and what fights we had tonight DC what a weak Anderson Sila two days notice Anderson did what he could but DC embraced the grind and defeated the greatest of all time cowboy was ready for the return of Brock the whole world was ready for this icon to come back and he used his wrestling something he’s been doing his entire life to beat the super Samoan Mark hunt then it was time for our main event of the evening Misha Tate the champion Amanda nunz the Challenger and Brazil leaves with not one but two belts from here at UFC 200 for my partner Joe Rogan Mike Goldberg saying so long until next time we see you right back here inside the octagon yeah