This week Chael Sonnen stops by to break down the magic at Madison Square Garden for UFC 295. Did Pereira & Aspinall both …

and now this is the moment you’ve all been waiting for DC and welcome to a brand new episode of DC louana it’s DC and RC fromo Louisana Fight Night catch your right hook in your right eye change how you love Daniel come here and Ryan Clark The Champ are here with battle scar this Warfare louisi from to Angeles I could go one show without you going I’m Super Bowl champ when the mic’s on it’s show time DC and RC we winning Super Bowls and emies and Daniel got you B around the belly history hey I’m DC two division champ I ran the UFC cuz we asking this guy’s the worst I don’t know how you can do a show broke my heart Marshall all stars and we about that grounding P so be on guard and we going round for round cuz we want it all but there can only be one in the O DC and RC DC and RC DC and [Applause] [Music] [Music] RCN what’s up guys welcome to a brand new episode of DC and RC I’m Daniel Cormier that’s my man Ryan Clark RC what you doing my brother grilled cheese again every time I see you you eating grilled cheese like your mama never made that for you when you was a kid man what’s going on well one my dad Cooks not my mom so my mother never made that for me and number two DC I’m a creature of habit bro I’m out here in Mount lauro Panera is close I just order it over I get my tomato soup a grilled cheese and a green tea that is my post show meal maybe if you got a little stricter on your post show meal you be back down to your fighting weight well I’m G say this when I look at my face I see no problems and I like the way your mama run a household she do a real good job guys coming up on the show we GNA go back and look at UFC 295 Uncle CH joins the show to talk to us about the main event and um Ryan and I are going to draft our top fighters from the first 30 years of the UFC but RC last week I’m in Madison Square you know that City love me bro it seemed like every time I walk the streets in New York Alicia Keys just start playing in the background the whole city is just up on their feet when I walk the street hey every time bro but I’m in Madison Square history always gets made there RC D un for again I have a question I have a question did didn’t you used to work on Kobe Bryant’s detail like where they sort of just lock you in a dark room and you explain to the world sort of what’s going on in mixed martial arts yes have you forgotten how to do that because what the hell is this DC this this looks like a 5-year-old trying to spell their name in cursive can you tell me what you were explaining about Yuri prasa here here all right RC you ready so yes the former Champion is not traditional he is not what you normally expecting a fighter so what I’m telling you is most Fighters go up straight forward and they go backwards Yuri prashka is up down he’s left he’s right he’s switching stances he’s giving you fake jumping knees but the moment he went at Vulcan o deir and he landed the punch that knocked him out it was a classic one too RC so in all that craziness to to finish the fight was a one-w so essentially what I’m trying to do is show you how unpredictable yuu proska could be and that’s why it looks like that because you know what else is unpredictable RC a first grader trying to write their name in cursive you never know what you’re going to get and that’s exactly with you’re you see that RC you see that RC you boys a politi you see that RC hey DC I’mma tell you what you talked about Yuri moving up down left right but eventually coming straight forward that’s exactly what happened in this fight with Alex Pereira he was moving around it was him staying on his feet and I thought he confused Alex for a little while and then eventually the fight had to take place in the pocket and we saw a right and then a quick left hook by Alex Pereira put Yuri praska down and then elbows to the side of the head eventually took him out going back to that moment in Madison Square Garden you’ve been there for two of Alex pereira’s Championship wins what was the feel in the arena once once we realized or once you realized Alex Pereira again had gained the belt you know what was crazy it was when he came on the scene all night right so Yuri came dressed like a samurai Alex had on a big gold chain with a nice suit the crowd went crazy bro this guy has this Champion aura about him and it’s it’s insane to think because he’s just started my nephew and him said if I ever had to stand across the Octon from Alex Pereira it would be the scariest thing I’ve ever done they said he is scary for no reason Ryan the dude look at him he’s just staring he looks like Easter Island a little bit with that big old head and he’s just staring at Yuri Yuri doing all kind of weird stuff out there and Alex is just staring at him but the feeling was we are truly in the midst of something special this guy is a we’ve never seen this type of fighter before type of fighter and he’s doing it at a rate that is so unexpected and no one ever could have guessed that Alex Pereira could be who he is today in such a short period of time so it just felt special you could feel the magnitude of his accomplishment the moment yur Braska fell and the fight was over you know what was crazy about it to me was Alex didn’t look as aggressive as I’ve seen him in fights you could tell Yuri style sort of confused him and he was trying to figure it out but he has the great equalizer in Combat Sports and that’s power and when he touched Yuri it wasn’t one of those Falls where it’s like the guy hit me so hard he knocked me off of my feet it was the right connection in the right spot and it shut the lights out and then the elbows to finish him when we were watching this fight in live speed you could see a lot of tweets and a lot of people asking was this fight stopped too quickly and I saw it and I put it on the group group chat you could tell he was out with the elbow that knocked him backwards it just speaks to the power that Alex Pereira has in the pocket but let’s think about what this dude has accomplished in such a short period of time and then ask the question why one it’s because he because of who he was in kickboxing but more than anything it was because who his nesis and who his why was in the UFC his Nemesis and his why was Israel adna and it was Israel adna’s dominance that made us want to see Alex Pereira get that opportunity and all he did in giv every opportunity is succeed is Dominate and now to be a two division champ this early in his UFC career is absolutely phenomenal and to do it in the style he does it in this is one of the scariest humans I’ve ever seen in my life and I know for people like you DC for people like Yuri pratka that doesn’t resonate with y’all right but to me there’s like running backs and then there’s Adrien Peterson right there’s linebackers and then there’s Ray Lewis and so you think about people who play a certain position or who are involved in a certain sport that transcend the physicality of even a violent Sport and I feel like Alex Pereira is one of those guys and beating Yuri prashka just seem to that and I think already this guy is a UFC Hall of Famer oh he’s absolutely a Hall of Famer that that is not to be questioned this guy in 11 fights Ryan you know cha who’s GNA join us in a second he’s an orator of words and he will say anything he told me this might be the greatest amateur fighter we’ve ever seen because most times when you’re 9-2 you are just finishing your amateur career this guy’s 9-2 and he’s won two belts in one in the UFC in two weight classes two of the heavier weight classes his performance was so good to me because one in another fight he got taken down early and he was able to defend himself on the ground not get submitted he also forces you to fight fights that you know is not going to be beneficial to you you know having to stand with Alex Pereira at some point he’s going to find a way to hurt you whether it’s with those brutal leg kicks or with his hands he’s going to find a way to hurt you but you still are forced to stand with him he also is a guy that knows enough to counter and score right when he needs to because Ryan you spoke to your prashka style causing him some confusion that was in the second round he looked a little bit confused he looked worried he looked like he got hurt but as then when he’s hurt he’s still so so dangerous and when Erie had him hurt he went to try to finish and Alex was able to find that shot that put him down the guy is just phenomenal he’s one of the nicest people you know he’s one of the best fighters we’ve seen in a long time and he has done something that no one else has ever done in the UFC win two championships in two years two years he made his debut in Madison Square Garden two years ago with a double jumping knee to win two years later he has been the middleweight champ lost the middleweight Championship earned the UFC light heavyweight title shot won the UFC light heavyweight title it’s unreal and I don’t think it’ll ever be done again especially in this time frame okay DC I’m gonna I’m going to change this show right now this show is not the DC and RC show it’s the RC UFC interview show so I have two questions for you that I need you to answer all right here’s the first one okay with with Alex pereira’s dominance over over Yuri praska and us and getting an opportunity to see him withstand the grappling of yan bovit right what he did to Sea Strickland are we underestimating what Israel adna was able to accomplish in regaining the belt from Pereira can I say something bro one of the first things I said after the fight to our group message and another group message I’m in how did Izzy beat this dude that that when you ask that type of question about someone who is as great as ad asagna you know how good the person is that he beat I said how did he beat him because when you watch him fight he doesn’t leave holes I think we under we don’t put enough value in that win we don’t put enough value in the fact that Izzy was able to find that shot that finished him two times he did it in the first fight where he hurt him bad and then he did it in the second fight to Finish the fight so yes we do we should value it more but make no mistake about it he was winning that fight against Edna even the second fight he looked better than he did in the first fight against Edna and Izzy caught him to knock him out so over the course of their four times Izzy found a lot of success early in kickboxing and got finished Alex found a lot of success early in the last fight and got finished so it’s just two really Master strategist Master Strikers that find ways to end the fight but to answer your question yes we do need to put more respect on Izzy win over Alex Pereira you know and also when you look at what Alex Pereira was able to accomplish he now gets an opportunity to grab the microphone in the octagon and sort of call his shot even though people thought Jamal Hill would be the next opponent or the next Contender for the championship but DC based on his call out I feel like there was someone who may may or may not have a UFC show who predicted this my prediction is Alex Pereira beats Yuri prasa oh I forgot about perea right he he beats he’s not fighting Izzy again bro and he and Izzy and Izzy and Izzy comes out of Fant full retirement Izzy comes back and fights Alex Pereira at UFC 300 at 205 for the belt hey here’s the tweet it said Let It Go Let It Go hey he said hey you know my dog said he will leave you Frozen like Elsa is your aagna said Let It Go so it seems like you are correct they probably aren’t fighting but DC did I or did I not say that this would be a fight or at least something we were talking about for UFC 300 I am telling you Alex Pereira doesn’t want to be the UFC Champion he doesn’t he wants to haunt isra adna the rest of his life if isra adna goes to a dance party when he’s 54 Alex Pereira is going to be there if Israel adna has some if isra adna has kids right at the kids christening guess who’s going to be the priest Alex Pereira if Israel adna does anything for the hey bet this when Israel adosa goes into the UFC Hall of Fame guess who else is going to to be in that class Alex Pereira they are never Alex is not going to ever let Izzy do anything that he’s not involved in when you hear that call out after winning the belt at 20:5 what does that say about Alex pereira’s feelings about Israel adna he doesn’t like him at all and it tells me honestly the Rivalry means more to him than all of his accomplishments because Izzy’s down right now right Izzy just lost the belt he said he’s walking away Izzy’s down but Alex is trying to make him back relevant in the title picture because he just wants to fight him look Alex doesn’t talk English but he can’t say osia osia come to daddy that’s the only thing he says in English dude don’t speak a lick English but he knows Izzy’s name but I feel by doing that he gives Izzy power Izzy doesn’t have the power now when he was guy in the bar watching that aagna from afar Izzy had all the power he had all the juice but by calling him out he’s at home on his couch chilling Izzy starts smiling and says Let It Go I’m going golfing like he can play him that way and guess what if I’m at a RC I’m playing it that way because guess why Oklahoma State beat Oklahoma the other day we have played the betham Rivalry 120 times we have lost to these dudes 9 7 times we’ve won what 20 dog we’ve won 20 we have won 20 it’s not a rivalry bro them dudes just beat on us every single year and we won the last one and they going to the SEC if I’m the Oklahoma border of region Oklahoma State I’m never playing them again because I got the last one with LSU in Alabama man I’m taking that and that’s just what Izzy should do Izzy should say you know what no I know that it’s that bad for you so you going to have to live with that one you got to eat that one for the rest of your life I don’t care what you accomplish you never getting a chance to get it back I don’t know if Izzy has that ability but you and I both know Edna’s Petty he made fun of the Man’s children so if he that petty he’s gonna be okay sitting there and going nope you might have won three but I got the last one live with it def your belt I’m I’mma say this though too DC as dominant as Alex has been I think it says a lot about the how much he respects isra adna as a fighter as well how much he knows that that dude every time they stand across from one another is prepared to die in hopes of beating him because they’ve done it four time and you’re four times and you’re right he’s won three of them but they were all battles that Israel asna was absolutely game for I thought it was a cool call out I thought somebody missed the call out uh early on in the night but we about to bring in the king of call outs and that’s Uncle ch there he is Uncle ch ch Sun what’s up my guy how you doing what’s happening guys can I respond to that you know I loved the call and I think that Pier might have even said for UFC 300 but there was also something that kind of disappointed me RC before you had Daniel Cormier and Stipe or Daniel and Jon Jones you had Daniel and a young man named kale Sanderson this was in dual meets in front of nobody this was on ESPN in front of the entire world I I don’t bring that up to embarrass Daniel I bring that up to celebrate these were great memories these guys went on they shuffled weight classes they went on to be Olympic teammates together I would kind of like that celebration between pier and Izzy at some point I kind of like a shaking of the hands and bygones or bygones and go tell the story someday uh you know at your local bar having some peanuts I kind of disappointed me to be fair really chill I actually can’t believe that I thought you would have loved it you’re you’re the king of the call out you love a little pettiness you don’t like the fact that Alex on his night where he becomes the two division champ he’s going back to the one dude that has bragging rights over him in the UFC I most certainly do from a competitive standpoint not to mention they have a common opponent which is yon blov it’s like this story really tells itself I just thought they moved on as a matter of fact I bring up Daniel and kale Sanderson one of the ways they smooth this they changed weights and found a way to work together I thought that’s what Pier was doing when he changed weights kind of saying all right Izzy have your fun I’ll go up here we’ll both be great so when Pier pulled them back in yeah you know what I kind of thought guys you got to let this go I love the competitor them I think that’s how they both got to this point I thought the Elsa reference was wonderful it was Halloween a week ago my daughter went as Elsa so I got the reference better than most people but I’d like to see these guys make up In fairness J let me say this you watch these two guys and you see Alex almost Elevate Izzy on a night where like Izzy’s down right now but Izzy did win the last one chill if you’re at a Sonna are you happy that he’s calling your name but you’re never giving him a n if I ever beat Kel serson regardless of how many times he beat me I would never wrestle kale again he would have to live with that loss for the rest of his life if you’re Izzy are you fighting him again no and see I mean that is the part fellas that is so cool about a competitor like what drives these guys what gets them up how do they have this courage Alex Pier is an amateur if you look at his record he’s had a 10 fights if I’m wrong it’s 11 but he’s also had two main events at Madison Square Garden two different championships in between he’s beaten other world champions he’s guaranteed a spot in the Hall of Fame Alex Piera I’m not sure is any better today than the day he debuted and I know that could be debated but I think you’ll agree that it’s at least close he might have been able to win the World title on his debut he Lely did to us what Francis andano just did to boxing Pierre was largely first he wasn’t given the chance to fight for the belt but if you went back and told me he could he could have definitely won it on his first night yeah and that’s what’s amazing about what he’s done in such a short time in the UFC he was explosive from the minute we saw him I mean Joe Rogan almost bust the neck out of his black buttonup on that flying knee so I think you’re absolutely right but but earlier on that night Tom Aspen had one of those moments that announces to the world I’m him and he knocks out Sergey pavlovich in the first round and I felt like it I think many people felt he had an opportunity to say joh Jones it’s me and you we’re the two best in the world do you feel he missed an opportunity by not calling out Jones when he had the chance I think he was following the script I mean that what we were told a week ago is kind of a tough riddle we’re told we’re going to have an intrm champion which means we’re going to have a healthy and willing intrum title holder that’s going to sit ringside and watch Stipe and Jon Jones fight for an Undisputed belt 10 months from now look we fiercely adhere to whatever rules we make up on the spot in this sport but one thing we do know about inum titles is if the Undisputed champ returns you guys fight then RC get a little this we’re even told that Jon Jones and d and and St B whoever wins they’re both going to retire so imagine your Tom on the front row you wait for the interview as soon as the words I’m retired come out of your mouth you’re now elevated to Undisputed Champion without throwing a punch I think it’s hard you want to know something the RC you want to know who does have the power and who this is really on who’s a veteran that isn’t caught in his first big moment Jon Jones John Jones has the power to push everything aside and deal with Tom all I wish John right now is well he’s dealing with an injury we want him to get that better on a human level but when you do talk about whose call out can really move the needle right now it’s Jones calling out Tom yeah I I don’t and I don’t think he’s going to do that I don’t think he’s going to do that he said Tom congratulations on the interim title that was an awesome performance chill as I look at Jones’s tweet that seems to be the overwhelming thought now is that Tom Aspen look amazing he beat Sergey pavlovich in a round less than round he’s beating everybody less than round you and I were sitting doing a thing last weekend for one of our spons sponsors and we got to talk about Michael bisit who is one of our friends and he’s a guy that is very open we all talk for a living but he is very guarded with his with his praise last week he goes crazy with his praise talking about Tom is going to be the greatest heavyweight of all time after watching that last Saturday does it be does it appear more right to you that this could be the case and that Michael bisbing was not living a gimmick he was telling us the truth Michael Bisping does not spare the Lash Daniel he is not big on complimenting other people I’m friends with Michael Bisping and I’ve never been complimented by him so yeah it did mean something to me when he was doing this now I do think one person that was surprised surprised with all the success of Tom it does appear to be Tom he seems to be a pretty humble guy one thing that can bite a guy is when he doesn’t deal with adversity he finds himself in a fight that’s harder than he’s used to being in so some of these Knockouts could be a problem one thing about Jon Jones he gets credited for being so good and so techical Jon Jones is a tough so that people don’t understand that about him I thought him he had his bone sticking through his foot he wrapped it up in the back just to go to the press conference and told the ambulance you can wait for me that dude is a legit tough guy I think Tom is excellent I think he’s a wonderful fighter showing that grit you’re having a different conversation you know you look at what you the sort of layout you gave us right we’re we’re going to see Stipe and Jon Jones a guy like Tom Aspen could be sitting cage side and be elevated to be the heavyweight champion when you look at Tom Aspen and who he is and you spoke about some of that adversity the skill set though CH being light on your feet having that sort of power being able to Grapple does Tom Aspen have what it take takes to be one of those long riging Champs that me we may one day call the greatest heavyweight of all time he sure appears to the one guy that I just don’t know knows it is Tom look maybe this is his personality and being humble serves him best but the last time he spoke about Jon Jones He said I’m not ready for him in fact it was two fights ago it’s about 18 months ago but Tom’s exact quote was before I talk about Jones I need three more fights I’m not ready for him I think Tom is better than Tom knew he was let me tell you a real quick story I never met Tom so he comes up on the set of ESPN he does his piece with Brett okamoto I’m off to the side start visiting with his father who was also the head quarter man head trainer laid out the game plan I said hey are you guys out here alone or is your wife meaning Tom’s mother is she here I never met the man he says well he pulls his phone out says Tom’s mom’s at home she’s too nervous to watch him so she’s in bed I said you mean she’s in bed watching the pay-per-view or she was relaxed enough to sleep he said no she’s awake and he shows me their conversation the father sent Mrs Aspen a message and all it said is the lad done good tonight she wrote back she wrote back he always does and you know that emoji that’s like Z and she went back to sleep now I turn I couldn’t believe this this was a great moment that the father shared this with me I even said to him sir is this private or can I talk about he said you could talk about it I then start talking with one of his cornermen the cousin is a nutritionalist all the cornermen are good buddies that have been there from the beginning one in the corner tells me the only thing Tom’s better at than fighting is being a father I said why do you say that that’s the biggest but you can give a man why did you just say that to me we just met he said he has three children one has special needs he said the wife is not here because they could not find what they deemed as parents adequate health care so she stayed home she missed the trip she missed the moment she missed the spotlight to be with their children that meant something to me I know I’m off course but I wanted you guys in the whole world to hear that that’s amazing well that’s that’s actually that’s actually one of the things about Tom as all that stands out to most and that’s why people are drawn to him he’s a special type of human being and it sounds like his wife is too and his entire family but you’re talking about a a father who gave up everything to train his kid for that night chill so that reaction doesn’t surprise me the lad done good because when you train your son from eight to be the champion of the world a lot of times your kid becomes the champion of the world we have seen it from time and time again till from Carrie colad and wrestling to some the other great wrestlers we have seen before when the father makes that sacrifice that’s what happens but let me ask you this I sitting with MC mayor the other day and I said what’s next for Tom do you blow up the fight between Stipe and Jones or does this guy fight again do you see a world where Tom Aspen fights one of those guys shill or do you believe that we have our first time where someone defends the interim Championship well I’ll tell you this a little bit of a false narrative is that Jon Jones is scared to fight the next crew now one week ago it wasn’t Tom the big boogie monster on our chat boards Daniel was that that Jon Jones would not fight Sergey that’s the one to beat him well one week before that it was Jon Jones will not fight Francis Ando now today it’s John Jones won’t fight as I got to defend JN on this because when Sergey was the backup fighter Jon Jones told Dana White I’ll fight Stipe as plan if something happens to him I will fight pavich so it’s not a matter of if John’s willing to do it he already agreed to do it and I just bring that to you because the same thing goes for Stipe Stipe already agreed to beat pavich the organization elected to hold both of those guys Jones and and Stipe out so I think in Tom’s role he really needs to get busy really needs to go call for a fight surreal gun of course tried to get dibs on this and I can’t blame him but to remind you Tom asol flew all the way to Paris sat in the front row to get called out by sural when sural had that mic and he had the opportunity to share the fame he took it from Tom made Tom go back to the airport and fly home with no interview Tom ought to take it from him he ought to sit and check some of his options I don’t hate the idea of Tom versus stpe I don’t know why nobody’s suggesting it I don’t know why they didn’t offer steepe that fight to begin with or maybe they did I asked Tom I said Tom did they offer sleep a a fight he goes yes they wanted no part of it or or oh Sergey said that sorry it was Sergey said that they did offer a fight to miic and uh Stipe turned it down Stipe wants the Jones fight chill I’m going to kind of the producer telling me do something I’m going somewhere different you said you want to see guys wash their hands and be friends are you ready to wash your hands and be friends with Jorge mazal because Jorge mazal came at you last weekend and you I mean chill I don’t get it I don’t get it Uncle chil I’m not and can I shoot with you he hurt my feelings that came out of nowhere he said terrible things about me guys but you want to know the bad news they were all true he didn’t go lie about me it’s the truth that hurts and this guy known me 17 years like he really knows how to stick it to me and I was kind of trying to show him the playful side he challenged me to a fight so were you going to kick me with the are you allowed to kick with the leg that’s got the ankle monitor are they going to give you a a juice box from prison between rounds or a water bottle that’s playful he doesn’t have an ankle monitor he he’s not in prison these are jokes he was telling the truth about me that hurts hey nothing nothing stings like the truth chill I already know what you saying my boy listen you tweeted out your UFC 300 predictions you want to tell us a little bit about the card you have now I must tell you I got this from a guy named Tommy in the Bronx and he’s a source that I go to and Tommy’s pretty solid he’s extremely solid on anything to do with the Diaz boys and I just said Tommy can I put this out I’m not going to I’m just going to put out and see how people respond I’ll tell you guys what one of the big fights and I don’t think we’re going to do a spoof so many people think when they hear 300 that this is one of the times that Dana is willing to have fun like say bringing Ronda back or bringing Lesnar back if you wanted to just have fun you’d book mozal against gaii and you put up the bmfl I just don’t think that’s the direction Dana is going to go in Dana White is very disciplined that he never does a match unless the outcome has a potential meaning so I don’t think we’re going to do any kind of SPO I think we’re still looking at it I do think there’s a very good reason that uh Shawn is being turned around so quickly against DDP I think that they would uh like to see aagna come back and whether it’s a rematch with Strickland or that’s DD DDP versus uh Anna was so hot it was melting Airwaves they brought in Africa one guy was white one guy was black media didn’t even know how to touch this this thing was so uncomfortable but everybody wanted a little bit more of it I think they’ll try to Rehan that Feud if possible they me they missed the boat a little bit on that one Uncle CH that was one that needed to happen and it’ll happen at some point I got to be honest though that UFC 300 card let’s call it underwhelming I would CH I might not even buy the pay-per-view you I mean I’m sitting at the Octagon side right there for that I’m not trying to watch I’m not trying to watch I’m not trying to watch morab Mor Rob and Henry cejudo on the main card of UFC 300 while it’s a great fight that’s not one of those we need bigger fights especially when 200 had the fights that they had and 100 had the fights that they had yeah chill I’m I’m a little disagree there we’re going to bring a SPO fight somebody’s coming back we might wheel Brock Lesnar out there after all of his WWE success but somebody gotta be out there chill thank you for joining us man as always thank you you our friend of the show and we appreciate your time brother we appreciate you I’ve had it with you both goodbye RC he’s the best he’s the best RC let me ask you this though RC what should they do at heavyweight like what is the right answer to how they should handle the heavyweight division does Jones say you know what man I’m not fighting miic for legacy I’ll go fight the kid you know what’s what’s funny DC is I had a thought and I’mma ask you this thought and it may be stupid before the fight Sergey pavlovich seemed extremely dangerous and scary it almost seemed that now since Francis and ganu was was gone that that was the scariest man in the heavyweight division I’m not saying the best fighter I’m saying the scariest man and so when if you did offer Stipe that fight I think at that time it seemed like holy hell I don’t really want that fight I don’t want Sergey here is what I would do I would have to think that Stipe thinks or believes he could beat Tom Aspen I would think Tom Aspen even though he has this great record and he has this amazing finish I don’t think people fear Him in that way I’d make stie miic time Tom Aspen while Jon Jones is recovering and your hope there and I don’t even think it matters your hope would be that Tom Aspen wins that fight and that says to the rest of the world this guy is the real deal and so he fights Jon Jones when he comes back and one of two things happen Jon Jones submits himself and I think he’s already there see mins himself as the goat it’s no argument right I think it’s uh it’s him and khabib the Morgan medov right now he wins that fight over Tom aspadol we have no more questions and he could ride off into the sunset or he could defend his belt if he wanted to if Tom Aspen beats Stipe and beats Jon Jones you have one of two things that happen they have a rematch which everybody in the world would want to see or you have an Undisputed unquestioned heavyweight champion of the world and that’s what the UFC needs in that division again you know what’s crazy is like that would be so you got a lot of jobs the one I didn’t know you had was Tom Aspen’s manager or some part of Tom Aspen’s team because that’s just ideal for Tom Aspen like to get to get to be able to fight the greatest heavyweight of all time with the chance to win and if you beat him you fight who may be the greatest heavyweight of all time yeah Ryan that is that is you being Tom Aspen’s business advisor but the reality is that won’t happen that’s not I that’s not something that you think these guys would um agree to I don’t believe that Stipe says yeah I’m GNA go and fight this guy who is the interim champ he’s dangerous he’s tough and give a way of fighting John Jones where you know you get more money you when you yeah when you fight Jon Jones you get more money bro and it’s like why would Stipe at 41 risk that to fight Tom Aspen I don’t think it happens I think Tom Aspen is gonna have to wait and see and again he was injured right that that’s probably what was most impressive is that he said the moment he got the fight he got excited so he started training really hard and he tore a muscle in his back so this guy wasn’t even healthy going into the Octagon last weekend he’s a stud he’s a Savage every word you could use to describe a great fighter is what Tom asol is well all that happens there DC is you got to hope this you got to hope that Dana White has a conversation with Jon Jones and step Amic and says hey guys whichever one of you wins please don’t retire don’t retire give me one more fight I’ll break the bank for that one more fight and you get an opportunity to fight Tom Aspen where they could there could be some passing of the torch to where we really feel we have a heavyweight champion we want to get behind but of the real quick that would suck y that would suck RC that the only that that would be ideal because just like professional wrestling right when you’re ready to lose and retire you get pinned by the next guy to carry the torch yes in fighting it doesn’t always work out that way right Jones could fight Aspen and beat him and still retire with the belt so then it’s not ideal but at least you get the opportunity but if they fight each other miic and Jones and whoever wins and they just kind of walk away there will always be that lingering thought or question is this guy the real champ yep well DC it’s 30 years of the UFC we’re coming up on UFC 300 so we are about to have our UFC 30 draft corporate Jake what are the rules all right guys pretty simple we’ll draft from the UFC’s first 30 years five picks each snake draft so r c will go first then Daniel you have second and third pick and we’ll go until everybody has five picks each so RC who is your first pick okay let’s do it yeah so with my first pick of the UFC 30 draft I draft khabib n Noor medo that is my number one pick 29 and0 I am going with the eagle all right DC you’re up are we picking on Merit or business right because I thought for sure you was going to take Conor McGregor I thought you were going to take Conor McGregor man I just I hey DC can be honest go ahead I’m picking off a pettiness I’m picking off a pettiness cuz I know you’d want him so I just took him I’m being honest I didn’t even want him on my team I just took him so you don’t get him I wanted I be man I wanted I be damn man all right with my first pick in my draft I am going to take Israel ad Ofna I’m taking Israel atna I’m taking isra asna because he’s a long he was a long ring champion and he sold pay-per-views so he’s about as safe as they come in terms of business and fighting okay my second pick you got another pick is going to be George George St Pierre I’m taking George St Pierre who I believe right next to khabib is the greatest fighter of all time so I’m taking GSP okay all right so at number two I’m going Jon Jones I’m going Jon Jones at number two got to give me I think he’s one of the greatest fighters of all time he got some stuff with him he got some stuff with him that keeps him from being the greatest but you cannot knock what this man was able to do in the octagon and that level of skill at number three I’m taking Conor McGregor I’m taking Conor McGregor for the same reason DC you talked about israad asna this man is a double champ he was lightning in the bottle and from a business standpoint there’s no one that’s been better in the game than he has yeah my third pick I am going to take Anderson Silva because what Silva was to his time was unbelievable he was a long randing middleweight champion he still holds the record for most consecutive win start a UFC career so I am taking with my third pick Anderson Silva at number four my fourth pick fighting out of San Jose California by way of Lafayette Louisiana I am taking Daniel Cormier because when you’re the double champ the double champ gets chosen in the top 10 Fighters I am honestly picking my list uh RC based on a list that was just released for the top 30 fighters of all time so that’s what I was like right in this range here number six or seven so that’s why I’m picking myself okay at no so I’m on my fourth right at number four I’m going with Amanda Nunes I I I know that sometimes we get caught up in what the men can do in this sport there has been no more dominant Champion than what Amanda Nunes was in her fighting career she’s retired now and when she walked away she walked away to me as the goat of all women’s mixed martial arts now this is a hard one okay number five number five number five I don’t like I don’t like this one DC uh at number five and I know like to everybody else this guy the way he ended his career his Reign at Champion wasn’t long enough at number five though I’m going take the guy who made me fall in love with mixed martial arts in the UFC and that’s Chuck Liddell watching Chuck Liddell on those UFC greatest knockout CDs and DVDs you could buy from Best Buy is what got me into it bro sitting at home watching Spike TV and seeing him fight against Randy Couture and watching him fight you know Tito Ortiz like this was the dude that I said he is absolutely out of his freaking mind to walk in here with these long skinny arms this big old belly this wild fighting scy style and really just be a part of what made you love the sport yeah it’s a tremendous pick Chuck Liddell meant so much to the Mixed Martial Arts community and he still does today my fifth and final pick he’s a small guy but he was amazing bro this guy has the record for most title defenses at 125 lbs I don’t think it’ll ever get touched I’m taking Demetrius Mighty Mouse Johnson Demetrius Mighty Mouse Johnson may be the most talented mixed martial artist I have ever seen in terms of pure skill in terms of just his ability to learn his ability to improvise do you remember when he took that kid from New Mexico threw him up in the air and armbarred him on the way down yes Demetrius Johnson used to get a lot of FL the coldest move ever bro the coldest him up ever and armar him on the way down he called it the mouse trap son he called it the mouse trap his name is Demetrius Mighty Mouse Johnson so while he was just real good he still was also kind of cool like like he got a lot of flack for not finishing and he finished a lot of Fighters it was Ray Borg is who he did that too threw him up in the air arnard him on the way down he’s one of the best mixed martial arts of all time so ID put him on my top five list DC that’s a good list man normally I look at your list and I say that they’re terrible uh obviously I picked my first round uh pick purely off of pettiness and being messy and I’m comfortable with this I like my list my list is great your list is great as well I thought to go Ronda Rousey at 4 over Amanda Nunes but when I look at Amanda nunes’s greatness Amanda Nunes actually beating Ronda Rousey Amanda Nunes beating Holly home more importantly Amanda Nunez beating cyborg she was absolutely dominant in her career that’s why I went with her and Chuck Liddell made me fall in love with the sport so there was no way I was leaving him off my list emotional investment in the people means a lot to you that’s one of your terms right now you should make a t-shirt that says emotional inval investment you got a lot of emotional investment in my bank account yeah AB you got a lot of assets Time Jake cor Jake let’s get it all right guys following his massive head kick KO win over Matt fola who DC called corn Rola during the walk out benois St denique called out the likes of Justin gatei and Dustin porier DC tap in or tap out on S calling out top five lightweights I love it I love that he tried but it ain’t nothing but a pipe dream he not going to get neither of those dudes them dudes looking at Ben w s going I ain’t fighting this dude man because there’s just no benefit to it right now that’s why you see so many guys fighting between each other it was crazy to see Justin gatei give for the chance because nobody else would have so if he does have a chance to get one of them it’s Justin because he’s a psychopath and he’ll fight anyone but I don’t think he really gets any traction on that call out but great call out no yeah I tap out on this I mean the the the head kick was crazy you know you catch your opponent floating away from you you throw it at the right time catch him knock him out thought it was beautiful that don’t get you porier that don’t get you Justin gatei he’s going to have to wait a while for that and by the time he gets to that point I don’t even know if these dudes going to even be tripping about fighting Corp Jake what’s up guys Tony Ferguson has called upon former Navy SEAL and marathon runner David gogin to help train him ahead of UFC 296 the videos are quite intense so RC tap in or tap out on Ferguson’s call for help to Goggins you know what I tap in on it for this like turn over every stone Tony Ferguson understands that he is closer to the end than the beginning if you listen to David gogins or ever read any of his books you know the way that he focuses on being mentally tough and Tony Ferguson is a guy that’s already told you what he could do physically and showed you that now it’s about finding that extra Edge and if he feels having David gogin not only in his training camp but in his ear constantly makes him a stronger better man and better fighter I’m all for it I tap in on making sure you leave no stone unturned great call by the former interim Champion he wants to try to see if it’s going to change something for him he’s going to be in shape but I don’t know that the fatigue of our cardio is going to be the issue that’s not what’s wrong with Tony Ferguson it’s not that he’s not preparing himself right it’s just other things other reasons are why he’s losing and I don’t know if David gogins is going to be able to change that because dude the the the the weathering and the the the the beatings that you take in that octagon can’t be fixed just by mental approach and working harder in the gym it just takes something a little bit more and also I worry you know Goggins is he works so hard he don’t care how you feeling he’s going to make you work I hope he doesn’t beat Tony down and overtrain him corpor Jake now ranked number seven following his win over Derk Lewis jalon Almeida called out former interim champ sural Gan for a heavyweight contention bout DC tap in or tap out on Almeida vers Gan I tap in on the fight but again if I’m surreal gone I’m not doing that I am not fighting J and almea especially after I saw him take Derrick Lewis down 20 times over the course of five rounds surreal G is yeah sural GH is in a very unique position right now if Tom Aspen is the champion he’s a striker sural has a real opportunity to go fight another Striker don’t fight a guy that’s going to take you down over and over again tapping on the fight I don’t think it’ll happen I tap in on the fight I’d love to see it I’d love to see sural Gan give a guy like joten ala a chance but he ain’t doing that cuz there’s no benefit to it there’s no benefit to him like you just heard DC say that Justin gatei gave Raphael phiv a chance and people were surprised about that because fighting down doesn’t help you win championships especially when stylistically it’s not a great matchup for you so I tap out on this from a suran standpoint but I’d love to see the fight right guys over the weekend Dana White officially announced that he has booked the Las Vegas Sphere for the UFC Mexican Independence card next September RC tap in or tap out at the UFC in the sphere I tap in on it but didn’t the speak fear lose like $7 billion in like a month or something like that I can’t I can’t get like fired for giving you misinformation numerically I tap in on it because the one thing Dana White has always done is push the envelope continue to try to make this brand bigger better and different from other things and so I tap all the way in on this what could be more Las Vegas right now than fighting in the sphere I I tap in on it because Dana White loves challenges and that’s going to challenge him he’s not only going to get challenged trying to put on the show but by some of the big promises he’s making he said I’m going to put on the greatest martial arts show of all time that is pressure and if I know Dana he loves pressure and he loves challenges so I’m excited to see what they can do inside the sphere but could you imagine RC when these Fighters walk out if their home countries our home states are just floating around the sphere as they’re walking out it’s going to be sick all right guys lastly we’ve shown tag team MMA on this show but let’s up the stakes how about 3v3 RC tap in or tap out 3v3 MMA and who would your team be so it’s you plus two other people first off I tap out here’s why I tap out you’re not F to Club punch me homie like that’s that’s not skill it don’t take skill for me to be mixing with this dude and then get a a bomb upside the head I’ve been I’ve been in fights at Tiger land that’s not cool and my team would be Daniel Cormier right and number three would be Steven Seagal or that security guard guy the black dude that teach everybody self-defense that that would be my team I want people that go like grab fingers and stuff and like RC run that clip back that remind me of Club strawberries that this club called strawberries back in Lafayette when I was growing up we used to get down in there but that’s how the fights look you can’t fight in a three on three fight and look at that that brother with the red hair that brother big he look like he just want to punch somebody upside the head but then what I like most about him is he a little fat but he don’t care he’s sexy and he knows it watch him dance on him big boy you go start a fight after winning the fight then you dance on it look at that let all that you have to do you just have to tap out you had to just tap out one guy or knock out one guy because everybody else was still fighting is that how it works it’s just stupid you talk about my man body he didn’t got his appendage taken out he got a scar on his stomach man what type of what type of people are we getting inside the cage hey RC can I say something RC you and I were talking last week at Inside the NFL and we spoke about being important or pretending to be important and if you pretend enough you might get some unique opportunities you’re not smart because you pretend to be smart you’re a smart guy and you’re involved in a lot but last week you went to the White House right what did you do there well we went there to talk about College athletics uh mainly college football and nil being that the NCAA has been meeting with the president and his staff and we also talked about the working condition and conditions and the health conditions of some of these college students whether it be mentally or physically once they leave college and now they’re on their own I thought it was great conversation I thought they listen I thought they asked the right questions and I’m going to be honest DC I’m not a political guy right and I’m not a historian I’m sort of one of those dudes that’s from the West Bank of New Orleans and it’s like you get what you get and you don’t pitch a fit but when you’re in some of these rooms in the White House that because we got an opportunity to take a tour and they say you know most people see it as a museum you’re going to get to see it as a house and they’re walking you into these different rooms and they’re telling you the stories of how these rooms came to be this color why this China is in this room what this wallpaper is where or what happens on the lawn and you get an actual opportunity to go in the Oval Office where we probably spent 10 to 15 minutes talking to the president and president and him giving us stories about why the furniture was chosen why a pitcher was chosen why a bust was chosen like it gives you such a respect for history such a respect for the history of this country and N man it’s not perfect it’s not a perfect country but when you think about those that have come before you and laid some of the foundations so me and you bro me as a black man you as a black man could get an opportunity to sit on this show and talk about a sport that that we love and get paid to do it right get paid to do it to have those freedoms from where people have come from it was one of those great experiences and I hope and having those conversations with the president and his staff about not just controlling nil but allowing these players these young student athletes to continue to profit off of their name image and likeness no matter who they are to where it’s not just the top guys who get an opportunity to benefit it’s the 85th guy on the scholarship roster who was put in just as much work weekly and daily to be a part of that team you know I I I’ve been to the White House but um I went to the Senate and the most impressive room to me is that wrestling room they got in the basement they got a wrestling room in the basement dog of the of the capital building it’s crazy you got a wrestling room and RC RC I love wrestling so hey look at me look at me RC and look at my boys look at what came out yesterday let’s go I mean look at that the National High School team records came out last week night and look at him RC look at little Gilroy in the top 10 to start the year how about that RC how about that you see congrats bro how happy are you for those kids man and for those young men that they get an opportunity to know that they’ve worked this hard and now their work is paying off I mean it’s amazing right from all the college scholarships to now being recognized as one of the top 10 teams in the entire United States is is unbelievable big goals coming for this year a lot of work to be done but it’s amazing whenever the work hey year five is starting RC year five is starting right now our year six we lost the co year but year six from where we started 18 kids on the roster ton now we have 62 kids on our Wrestling roster look at Gilroy in the top 10 and living among the best in the country congratulations to all the kids now let’s get to work RC well DC y’all y’all remember now DC and RC every Tuesday wherever you get your podcast 12 a.m. midnight on ESPN 2 as well we love you guys we appreciate you Madison Square Garden was rocking DC was killing it my boy was all over the place and all he said was he had Alicia Keys theme music follow him everywhere that he goes catch us next week we love y’all