With UFC 298 fight week officially upon us, Matt Serra and Jim Norton invite UFC betting analyst Minty Bets on to UFC Unfiltered …

[Applause] welcome to UFC unfilter please tell me that’s on video I’ve never been happier I’m made for a podcast we’re dangerous listen to me we’re out of here all right Matt and I back together now the situation is a little reversed I am in home and Matt is with a nice uh Hotel painting behind him Yes Hotel I’m in Orlando and that’s where Rodolfo re do you say the H if it’s rodo viena that’s how I say it but I’ve also heard Rolo hadalo rol I never know because one announcer will say it one way and then Dom Cruz says it another way so I love his jiujitsu I think that’s amazing his head and ncho he’s got the most head and arm chokes in UFC uh history he’s got the record I mean I love that choke do you are you familiar with that choke Jimmy has Jedi Professor Mike Jay show teach you the head n j yes I did not he actually has me do it quite a lot uh it’s very I didn’t see him today we had to hear something to do but um it’s a very hard choke to get uh to get my head in the right position to press up properly like to get the right amount of Choke to know that I’m actually choking somebody instead of just making them uncomfortable you know who’s phenomenal with that choke you Mrs Sarah sorry honey I don’t wanna I can say it now because she’s not gonna fight MMA anymore her head N Choke is money I thought she was gonna win this fight by head N Choke it’s not easy like once you get the position like somebody can survive for a while if your head is too high like if you’re not if you’re just not pressing in coming up prop that’s how I’ve done it wrong how you listen I used to get that with 16 ounce boxing gloves on it’s all the leverage of how you distribute your weight on that kateed artery it’s not about the arm squeeze right when you put your body behind it you distribute your weight it everything’s on that top arm and that closes the other kateed artery so your arm is closing already the already one size their own arm just like a triangle that’s why they called besides a head and arm choke they also called the arm triangle like yeah when you boom when you so it has the same mechanics of a triangle but I it’s one of my favorites so I think it’s funny that it’s one of my wife is very good at as well well I would just answer the phone if you attempted that on me who’s call who’s on the other line when you try to make that call I’m guessing the Grim Reaper oh yeah the Sandman the sand man had comedian we had comedian um arri shaffir on that time remember I love arri shafir yeah’s a funny man and uh he trains 10th Planet he trains with Eddie Bravo and he was telling us about that joke defense so we did it in studio if you remember correctly did it work for him it did not Sandman was on the other line he had to answer yeah it’s very uh it’s a hard one to to do I’ve been told that I have a I’m good I have a good head and arm I guess when I lock it in properly but it’s getting there I still miss it a lot too I still do it wrong my weight is wrong I can feel that it’s up um if you hear like my family just went to go shopping they went shopping you know and that’s good because I like I like to chill we went to Universal all day yesterday okay my daughter’s birthday we had a good time 15 I’m was starting to feel like grownup a little yeah yeah she’s getting there and I’ll tell you man my kids are so good when I was 15 I go hey mom sleeping over at Jimmy’s not you Jimmy but Jimmy MCL and I would just walk the streets I would walk the streets we’d be at like uh we’ just go to a uh like a school like an elementary school high school whatever like three we like make a thing like let’s try to stay a weake all night and then just like go it was just I don’t know my kids aren’t like that thank God Jimmy you think about when you were younger and then think about how the you’re alive now yes I I think about that even through adulthood um you know how that uh how certain things broke and I fell to the floor you know you just you realize you’re really lucky to be where you are um against our own crazy or self destructive or whatever way so yeah I imagine being a parent is terrifying that whole thing I just brought up about and I start off with like if you hear I was talking about my family leaving to go shopping if you hear something go off and I have to jump out a scene my you know I had a belly ache last night oh no so we went to for my daughter’s birthday over at Universal Studios there was like an Italian place on the way out nice place fivo or some like that we went there delicious I had some raviolis delicious and then I ordered also a brick oven pizza like a little like not well a personal that pizza margarita I was so looking forward to it Jimmy you know my tummy I had such a I had a I was in the bathroom at that place for like a half an hour so I ate the Ravi I did not eat my pizza so that is what you’re gonna hear in the background when you I’m gonna jump out of scene just shut it off because my wife put in the oven okay this is all let’s talk about some fights well let me ask you a question now don’t have to answer this but when you’re in the bathroom oh Jimmy I’ll ask you this even though it’s personal but I’m curious I I’m open book are you constantly or having a hard time very good question Jimmy now look sometimes it’s at the door it is it’s knocking it and I guess what you better answer the door because it’s coming it’s coming through sure so there’s times it’s like yo I just get there like yo I gotta unload and then it’s that scene at a d D yeah like and then you other times you feel like that you sit down like and then nothing comes out and you’re like this is and what happens with that is it’s you’re like oh I gotta go and you feel like the convulsion it’s almost like the of dry hacking Dr but with your ass but then also you go to get up and leave after like all right I didn’t have to go and all you’re like oh no that Phantom feeling yeah it wasn’t in the chamber now all the pushing all the squeezing I loaded the gun I loaded the gun JY so no now it’s in the chamber so now I’m about to leave I wash my hands I’m about to go back to bed or wherever I am oh no now I gotta go back in so imagine my biggest fear sorry is if I am out I get out of a bathroom and I gotta go right the back in B quick so if somebody’s out there waiting they might be like yeah what the so that’s like one of my biggest fears yes it’s a it’s a weird thing when the toilet for me it’s more pissing than but it is a weird thing when the obsession with I’m going to have to go to the bathroom and not be able to for whatever reason is harder than pissing I mean that’s a more frustrating thing um do you have a Squatty Potty at home no but dude I basically do you know my version of a yoga session in there no but I bet you that in public Jimmy sorry in public not the case sometimes I I can’t like when I’m home alone I’ll get up and I’ll sit there and touch my toes and stuff like weird stuff like you know what I mean but I can’t do that at a stall you’ll go in you’ll see me on all fours in a b they’ll be like what’s going on in there you know what I mean why don’t you get a those squatty potties they do help I mean it might not be a cure but it can’t hurt and I found it helped me a lot it for some reason that position helped it’s not going to make it any worse I love how the first five minutes we just discussing my I don’t care good I think people want to know this is a problem for people what what do you want about the fights you know what happened you know her man said up said fer all right we Hado VI we’re gonna be talking too soon minty bets is coming out we’re going to talk about gambling it was great Dan e gay congratulations holy what a right hand knockout fely that was scary yeah very scary he hit him a second time too back to my ass I’m only yeah back to your ass Gregory Rodriguez hats off to you uh very tough Brad Taris I thought he was going to fall in the first yeah I’ll tell you that the power of Robocop and he dude if you seen a shadow him walking in dude he he does he is the yeah um what do you call the uh what’s that that view of somebody when you call the um don’t make fun of me the outline the um the Shadow the uh what’s the word cutout uh the outline silouette he is the suette thank you Jake thank you he’s the suette of RoboCop really yeah he is but he is so got that was a that fight a lot of fights on paper they don’t deliver that fight would uh yeah and Taris Brad tovaris did deliver because yeah because Taris is Crafty he’s well rounded he was taking away the takedowns for the most part uh he did get taken down but he well with that he was Landing his own strike standing up he was quicker but RoboCop man Gregory Rodriguez is so powerful yeah he took some where and he has a good chin because that that first right hand he took when he was landing and then um Gregory was landing and you seen Brad D verus basically get off the line instead of going straight back he went to the side and did a straight right and Gregory actually you it almost like somebody paused him for a second yeah and you seen him but then he got right out it what’s funny about that is it doesn’t make Robocop uh Gregory doesn’t make him guny it gets him more channeled in and those one twos down the middle if that connects on anybody in the middleweight Division I mean they’re trouble and he and I like that he Blends in the takedowns more where it’s like all right and I’m really quick on the floor tarz they’re saying all right he’s minimizing the um the damage because he’s controlling that the one do a two-on-one with the wrist of um Gregory but not only that he’s also taking away the control where Gregory cannot in half guard use shoulder pressure and and dominate with position he’s taking away the controlling arm not just the Striking arm the only problem is when you do that you have to work to get your own own underhook otherwise all you’re doing is surviving pretty much you know what I mean and stalling all right that’s some MMA well let me ask you too this uh because Rod RZ is uh I I wouldn’t mind seeing him against uh hadalo Vier I think would be a fun fight to watch because you look at petan who Vieira beat uh Arma pjan it was a really really a good fight but he has a decision Split Decision win over gregio Rodriguez like that would be an interesting fight to watch it would be and also another interesting point is I didn’t sing in a while Jenny I dare you to do something wait wait come back come backies my computer’s glitchy I like a lot what a day yes the Super Bowl did you enjoy the Super Bowl it’s we I was I know you don’t like I’m not a huge fan like I used to be I watch so much more UFC than anything now uh but when it comes to the Super Bowl it’s a fun hang with your friends I went to the comedy seller I was here with Colin and Keith and Voss and everybody’s eating pizza you know what just snacks watching the game and you’re watching typically the two best teams and you know there’s so much at stake so the excitement level is a lot higher it’s hard not to get caught up in it um first half was more of a defensive game still really entertaining and then in the second half third quarter especially into the fourth quarter then went to overtime unbelievable game uh you’re watching you’re watching the two best teams who do make mistakes but very uh the Chiefs one they make very a few mistakes what’s that that’s the Taylor Swift team yes Travis Kelsey is her boyfriend is a tit and and I was uh rooting for the Chiefs I hate the 49ers long story um but it was it was like two really well- coached teams and two really two quarterbacks and and just two teams that don’t choke Under Pressure two teams that know how to play when you know they’re when when they’re when they’re up against the clock um how to manage the ball with clock management I mean there was so much really really smart playing and it’s almost like if you’re not a UFC fan and you find out that again Jones and Stipe are fighting you know there’s so much at stake in that fight it would be hard not to enjoy it or to watch two guys who are so good go at it it would be hard not to enjoy it I think that’s how the Super Bowl is for a lot of people when it’s the fourth quarter and the game is tied with a field goal with very little time left and it goes to overtime and it could have actually been over uh if an extra point hadn’t been missed um it’s hard not to get excited especially now that the rules are changed and both teams get to touch the ball it used to be first score sudden death and then it was uh I think uh first score sudden death only if it was a touchdown uh if it wasn’t a touchdown only a field goal the other team would get the ball and then the rules keep changing and now both teams get possession in the overtime it was really good Matt it was very very exciting in the overtime San Francisco scored first they scored a field goal and then um uh the Chiefs came back and and got a touchdown it was really really exciting one of the best you know what’s interesting about that whole thing you don’t care at all about it you no no no no no with my ADD I was listening and then at some point I was I in my mind I just go into like little people on tricycles and stuff and in I’m just a I don’t know what’s the the matter [Music] with we Sam tripy on the other day and talk about a trip he is hysterical he’s when was he in when was he in was I with was I hear in Sam was on no you were not on how could you you you would have remembered him no I like Sam I really like Sam actually had Phoenix on last week oh okay yeah I like Sam very much Phoenix caraval who’s always and I’ll tell you what a pleasure she is as a co-host I mean I love her to when we geek when we geek out I mean chemistry on like a on on a a professional level of 12 yeah absolutely like sometimes I’ll say I’ll just talk and she’ll finish a sentence I I think that’s really great I hope it continues uh now let me say this about um wait wasn’t Sam on with you and I too Jimmy I feel like like like a guy that that’s trying to make like a girl jealous and a girl does not give a and the girl is going oh you should hang out with her again and you’re I’m say I’m trying to be like I had so much fun and you’re saying yeah yeah you guys are a good couple that type thing well not you know in other words you just don’t care well I mean I’m secure if this ended tomorrow you wouldn’t be upset not money that’s not true I would be I would I like doing the show very much I like the money and I love doing it with you I have fun with you it’s a fun show to do I get to talk to my friend about fights I get to talk to Fighters I mean what the else am I going to do this is great this is so much fun did you embedded um I did not no not this week was crazy I did 10 like seven eight podcasts in La it was very very busy every day I was filming stuff it was crazy I’m looking forward to the uh ILO vers uh bulanowski fight oh my God yeah it’s Saturday it’s this Saturday right I believe it is man he he’s something else uh yeah Tor yeah exactly Ilia is just uh I mean he’s he’s he he are he his mindset he’s channeled in he is he it’s he has all the makinging of being the next big thing I mean look at him look at him he’s just look at his look at his fights uh and I worry a little bit abouty but I mean he did say because I don’t know because when he took that last fight he said he was drinking a lot or drinking more than he should but he did say he was coming off a C I’m wondering if it was because he was inactive because he was off of a surgery because he said normally he would have been more in the gym I remember he talked like fighting his demons with the whole the mental part of it because he has a beautiful family yep he has um it looks like a beautiful life and sometimes as a fighter you really only only have really like it’s such it so defines you that your your one true happiness is when you’re fighting but you can’t fight forever so I don’t know I worry a little bit I hope I hope he but he looks like he’s getting he’s back to like you know might make well let me ask you Matt before I forget I don’t want to forget two questions one what one is what like you probably your whole identity is wrapped up in winning and losing too so if you lose the fight you’re absolutely nothing and you’re worthless and if you win you’re somebody uh but when you say the last fight do you mean this last loss to makev um you said he wasn’t in the gym as much as he should have been oh yeah he wasn’t even on the last embedded uh you’d hear him saying it oh okay yeah and when he took the fight he was you know that back then he was like drinking every day he was like you more than he should and sure it was like out of the normal like active rest type thing like he was normally he would have been in the gym because of a surgery he wasn’t in the gym so and he was drinking more he was kind of like not doing anything he basically took that fight off the couch did he did he take he took surgery right he got surgery right after Rodriguez yeah yeah exactly okay so and it is funny though because you see him fight a guy like um like Rodriguez and he’s so he’s such a good kicker his legs go everywhere that you wouldn’t think that he would also getting kicked in thee the next fight by Islam because he’s probably so used to taking away those head kicks but then again when you seen him get kicked his hand was up I mean it wasn’t like it it’s just the name of the game sometimes well Maka probably they probably knew the last thing anyone was expecting was Islam to finish him with a head kick so maybe they worked on that thinking that he’ll never see this coming he won’t expect it but volkanovski is win or lose he’s one of those guys who’s just he’s a murderer and he takes fights like he took that fight against you know in a higher weight class uh to the champion on short notice and then he’s coming right back down to fight toor who’s 14-0 like he just doesn’t seem to ever want to break or want an easy fight so I mean I hope Maka I mean I hope volkanovski knows the respect and the love of the fans he has and anyone who knows anything about fighting he’s one of those guys that everybody just has complete like Frankie Edgar when Frankie Edgar lost it didn’t matter it didn’t change announce how people felt about him speaking of Frankie edger I got to hang out with Frankie edger in Toronto when we were shooting or looking for a fight and I me and Frankie get along very yeah he’s a great guy I consider him a friend so you know I go hey dude I go we had such a blast when I did his when I went down I took a road trip I did his podcast he does with uh the champ the and the champ champ and the champ or one of them champ the champ and the with him and Roger Matthews we I had such a good time me and my my late friend Hulk he was on there and uh he was fun and we had such a fun time such a great memory and um I go dude I go man I had such I heard such good things feedback when I did that show and uh we did so well you never invited me back what the know Frankie Goes man I just don’t want to he goes I just don’t want to bother nobody because I I’d love to have you back so I basically invited myself back on Frankie’s show so I’m going to be on there in March he he then he texted me he goes yeah come through and and so I think we’re gonna do something in uh in March when my family’s away I’m gonna that’s nice they go to visit my sister-in-law in Texas so I’m gonna probably go do that show and then I’m gonna do Joe’s show again I’m do Rogan show again in April so that’s cool me the whole crew Thomas and John R yeah yeah yeah podcast hey we got a uh we got a a commun from Jake I did not see this and uh thank you for reminding me that Sam was I knew Sam was on our show and I interacted with Sam I really like Sam tripy um you said that uh cejudo fired uh his coach on camera um and I did not see it is it fake or real Matt you know Co he calls him Captain coach Eric yeah I call him a little pork bite I like to tease him because he made a fat joke about me once and he’s he did I didn’t care for with his shirt off and personally he should keep the shirt on he’s losing some he’s a little fatty but um anyway it looks like they had that planned out for the camera they Jake believed it Jake no no they are they did it for the world and you know listen Henry’s a cringey he’s a very talented guy but he’s so he’s just can we see it yeah you should it say well he basically just tells him like look I have to they definitely spoke about it beforehand oh Jake bought it Jak it but no no Jake thinks it was real I know Jake does Jake’s a good boy he’s very gullible boy just because you know why because ER the guy um the piggy wouldn’t have took it so lightly uh watch and he’s basically like okay that’s like oh that’s why every that’s why the Piggy’s the man because coach piggy knows that you know it’s about the fighter but meanwhile coach pork bite he he’s just being you know he’s getting camera time he just is it like this dude you’re fired I I I I have a feeling I know it’s be stupid it’s it’s I’m not saying it’s stupid I’m just saying Henry’s doing it to try to get some Buzz for the fighters he’s like look I’m gonna simplify my coaching staff or something and I’m getting rid of everybody that attributed My Success he is so unbelievably dedicated and focused I hate second place but I know them mistakes that I made well cap I didn’t want to talk to you and like the whole team man you’re with me for my last Olympic trials you’ve been there for me but as of right now I just want to let you know man that for for this Camp dude I’m getting rid of specific coaches man much you included dude sometimes you too close to somebody and people just get too comfortable the goal has always been the same for you to be the greatest combat athlete of all time and to me that was a dream come true this is why this man is the goat coach the most unselfish human that you will ever be Captain Eric Alaris now can we say Matt by the way this this Vulcan which we’re talking about Alexander volan uh this tor uh Main Event how about the comain event Whitaker against Paulo Costa yeah I really want to see that fight and of course Jeff Neil Ian Gary oh wow as the featured bout and our good friend uh speaking speaking of cejudo morab who I thought of this morning actually as I got into my Uber and the guy had a Georgia flag hanging uh and and Roman uh cop love against Anthony Hernandez is the opening fight of that card it’s crazy how good this card is McKenzie Duram man alos is the main event of the prelims talk about Robin shudo um this the deal people look at Oh Henry shudo the Olympic this and that the the champ the double champ what the whatever the he is listen yeah he’s good he is good very great fighter yes but if you look at morab and you look at those two losses dude he could easily have an undefeated record in the UFC’s on a nine fight winning streak yeah I I believe I got that right and and and he had the one fight with Frankie size who uh it was if you watched that fight you you tell me who you think won I mean it was ridiculous and and he had not not to mention he was getting over Co with that or the whatever the he had but he still won that fight I don’t give a but and then there was this fight the controversial one when he would have won but he was caught in the choke and when it you know what I mean that one was that Ricky Simone yes and that fight he was all over the place he became a way more his fight IQ went up way more he gave him a lot of positions in that fight where he wouldn’t have done that so he’s a a way better fighter now he could easily be undefeated in the UFC if it wasn’t for those two fights and those two fights are are controversial so you’re looking at a double champ vers you know a guy that’s literally could be undefeated in the UFC in a in a crazy division so hey man I think it’s Mor Rob’s time if you hear shuto he’s firing his coaches he almost like he’s trying to get himself amped up for this shake himself Shake whatever it is lose shake the cobwebs out you know Matt on what you’re just saying about morab those fight the thing and this for for Alain too Alain was 12-0 and he lost two in a row and then whatever happened after that he did drop one to morice but he wind up after the Marice lost winning uh nine straights so including Marice it was 11- one in his next 12 uh so it’s it’s crazy how that those two losses in a row which could have broken him didn’t break him so maybe those losses for morab were good if he truly took something out of them which it seems like he did then they weren’t bad losses um you know you know what I mean he wound up uh if if he goes on a nine-fight win streak after the loss it certainly didn’t hurt him hey man he’s never looked better and he is just channeled in he’s living the dream that and he deserves to if you see where he came from he’s fighting in the UFC doing construction for most of his career up until not too long ago right now he’s living in Vegas yes I do miss him sure but you know it’s always about the man in the arena and he’s really he just deserves to be where he’s at he’s living the dream of just and first of all holy is morab coming out of his shell on the social media he’s funny he’s really funny oh man he did a thing with oh his latest thing with with Henry where Henry’s like shaking out figara when he’s smacking him down hitting his ass and next thing you know Mor Rob’s looking at oh dude he puts together these clips where you really get to see the sense of humor it’s I don’t people aren gonna know what Benny Hill is but it’s almost like that kind of oh yeah sure it’s like a just he’s got a very good sense of humor Mor Rob and it’s showing yeah in these little skits he’s doing on his Instagram and on his soci social media so uh he’s very funny Rob and everything that he’s doing yeah I’m happy for him and he’s also but again he’s the guy who has to wait for the big fights the same as Leon Edwards did who’s just a guy who goes in there and he’s not saying anything crazy or stupid uh so he’s one of those guys that he gets the shot when he is when they can’t say no anymore because he’s he’s no one wants to have to fight him and he’s not saying anything so nuts um by the way another fight I’m looking forward to M Marcos rer deim against Justin TAA that’s another great fight that’s on the prelims um this this card this uh UFC uh 298 is an incredible card let me ask you some sure buddy uh also wait a second Michael Johnson really quick before I forget oh yes that fight started off I don’t have let me get my notes up that fight started off where uh hold on let me get my thing up so I can mention everybody and darus flowers Darius flowers I I you know I liked the kicks in the beginning Darius was I’m like all right he’s keeping at range and then he’s gonna look to work you know his jiujitsu but Michael Johnson as that fight progressed he just you’ve seen the fight IQ you’ve seen the guy that’s the veteran because he just put he chained it together and I really um liked his um in the corner with his coach what the is the name I love the guy the big Dutch guy fck I’m sorry Anthony not Anthony who’s the big Dutch in come on don’t make me what the hell is name I don’t know who you’re thinking of I’m not it’s not an I’m I’m having a a brain fought right now what the hell is that name it’s gonna bother me guys hold on I’ll fight I’ll find it really quick he was in the corner and he also was in the corner for um Robocop and I know him so this is even making it worse he he used he coached the black zillions back in the day what the hell man hold on I know him the big tall used to be a kick boxer uh why dude I’m I’m having a real bad brain F yeah it’s okay I’m I’m as soon as I hear it I’ll know it too it’s um come on Jake the producer help me out here it’s uh shoot I he’s so good Peter Henry Henry hoof that’s who it is Henry hoof don’t look into it I got it holy that take me a long time yeah uh I oh he’s awesome he’s a awesome sorry uh Longo always does it but uh I lik what he did first of all RoboCop working with him uh thank you uh RoboCop working with Henry is awesome and because not only that like around they look like the same size or around that and uh it’s a perfect guy to work with and um who was I just mentioning Michael Johnson he’s been with him a long time and he told him Jimmy between the second and third round he goes look in the past this was I like this I always like hear some Corner workk Henry goes in the past you’ve lost fights that you like that you should have won in this round you stay basically stay alert don’t basically don’t it up now is what he’s telling him and he didn’t he did he did he stayed this was one of the best Michael Johnson versions of Michael Johnson’s that we’ve seen because when he’s on he’s on and he just looked mentally and physically there his hands are fast I don’t know how old he is now but his 37 he’s 37 dude his hands were fast than there you know and uh I was really impressed with Michael Johnson I was Michael Johnson is one of those guys and nobody wants to be the gatekeeper but he’s one of those guys that has just seen um oh minty is ready as as a guy you have to get through so I I love Michael Jackson uh Michael Johnson and I love seeing him uh still fight yeah let’s bring in minty bet um by the way is Rulo coming in today or no he’s late for some reason might not make it we’re not sure yet we’ll see if he does he does if not we’ll reschedule I mean it’s all good miny bets tell me about miny Betts well she’s big on gambling uh and uh places bets and I guess is an odds maker I’m not exactly sure I don’t uh I don’t Gamble and I don’t know much about it however I do want to talk to her about the Super Bowl because I will say this my friend Rich Voss took the over on the points which was 47 a half and after overtime the final score was a total of 47 points so I believe people missed it what was the final score Jake it was Sixpoint difference you 19 22 20 25 20 uh oh 2522 right right it was 1919 going in overtime um which is 47 so he missed the over by a half point and I’m it’s staggering how these odds makers and how these guys that know how to handicap fights it’s such an art that I have no comprehension of Jimmy my first question question is g to be how ironic is it that your name is myy Betts and you got into being a sports analyst you have to say that right he does UFC I coincidence dude you gotta open that let’s bring her [Music] iny hi had the craziest question I had to I had to shut it down right away okay what’s the question well he thought it was ironic name bet said you got into becoming a sports analyst and then I told him Jimmy it’s not he totally straightened me out I’m sorry my I’m stupid I didn’t know it is okay because DC thought the same thing I use it uh it is my stage name so let me ask you do you handicap because I was just telling that I’m so fascinated by people who understand gambling on this level because I just don’t and like for instance uh the Super Bowl was the over was 47 and a half right and and my dumb friend who is a terrible Gambler he’s everything that Ace Rothstein made his living on Rich Voss took the over and it goes in and it’s they miss it by a half point and I just don’t understand what it is you guys do that that how do you understand how to how to handicap these games the way you do it’s just staggering to me well look I’m much newer to the gambling space than Yanni the Greek is okay but I have been betting on sports since I was 21 I’m 30 now and there is no perfect method but let me tell you the sports books always win they have these algorithms they have these systems and models that they just they just cannot lose and you know they’re not right all the time but man um a lot of the times when when we gamble like Yanni and I we go off of line movements and closing numbers opening numbers so it’s a lot of numbers is how we how we do things not so much analytics or Trends or stats but it’s all about the price that you know these teams or these Fighters are set at so it’s it’s it takes years and years and years to learn it um and there’s really no no perfecting it honestly what can I what does it that mean line movement like just the betting line like the odds is that pretty much the odds I just don’t gamble yeah yeah yeah so it is pretty much the the odds so let’s say for example Le I don’t know um let’s just say the Chiefs and the ners okay there wasn’t much line movement there but let’s just say the Chiefs opened as dogs and let’s just say the Chiefs opened as dogs and a lot of money is coming in on the other side the the Niner side um so you would see the line move in favor of you would see the line move in favor of the ners so I I don’t really know how to explain it and I have the flu I’m so sorry so my mind is not not 100% right now but uh yeah there’s a lot of line movement and when sharp money you see a lot of sharp money on a certain side the line tends to move the opposite way so I really have to show you a graphic to make understand I got I have a simpler question okay because I’m a simple man M let me ask you something how did you you started with baseball and football how do you even get involved with this I was your how were you just involved with sports at an early age or watching with your folks or something how did you get involved with this line of work yeah so I uh was born and raised in Las Vegas never left so I’ve always been surrounded by gambling and sports betting and my dad was a big Sports better um when I was 21 I was very broke as most 21 year olds are um so I wanted to make a little extra money and I loved football so I just started betting on football I started learning about baseball and uh you know I made a little bit of a little bit of cash then and so I decided to to go a little further and and just make this my my career I guess but it was totally by fluke I I started a Twitter back in the summer of 2019 just posting my baseball picks and then one day I got an idea to do a video pick of just myself s giving out pcks it blew up overnight and the rest is history um as for UFC specifically I really didn’t get into betting UFC until the pandemic because that was the only thing that was on sportswise than horse racing a NASCAR um so yeah I I I fell in love with it over the pandemic and and learned more about it and I just absolutely love it and I’m so lucky to to work for UFC now what is the hardest sport so sorry what is the hardest sport or the one that’s frustrated you the most with making picks or the one that’s been the most unpredictable or or just the hardest one to to figure out honestly baseball baseball is a sport I just do not like and it is so hard to predict and I find myself the least profitable in the MLB even though it’s the longest season um I find myself getting burnt out really fast and it’s just there’s so many analytics that go into baseball specifically compared to NFL NBA MMA um so yeah MLB is definitely the toughest do you now which one do you en well now you’re working for the UFC but which one do you enjoy the most I did you like the foot you said baseball’s might be your least favorite to watch correct the one that I like work yeah the the sport I enjoy watching and betting on the most is honestly the NFL and I had a pretty good NFL season um but man I tanked I tanked in the Super Bowl I had the ners I had the ners preseason to win the Super Bowl 10 to one meaning if I bet a $100 which I did I bet $100 on the ners to win I would have gotten ,000 return to me but I lost man I lost that’s okay I mean it’s that’s a hard one to go from the beginning of the season and I only like long shots and and one problem is like I was I was a Cowboy fan when I watched football but now it’s mostly MMA and I find that I can’t enjoy the game if I have anything like at stake do you do is there anything that you won’t bet on or any game like it this is one I just love to watch I have too much fun with this and if I gamble on it it’s gonna upset me yeah college basketball college basketball is so fun to watch but I always get it wrong and I don’t even bother unless it’s like the sweet 16 and the elite eight that’s when I’ll bet on it but yeah college basketball is one that I enjoy watching but will not bet on it’s just you can’t bet on college kids you can’t trust college kids how about betting with your heart oh I’m sorry Matt betting with your heart or your head I always bet with my heart and that’s why I lose are you good at betting with your head not your heart I am indeed and a perfect example of this was this past weekend with Loma Luni um the only Thai Fighter in the UFC at the moment and people were like oh well you’re just betting on her because she’s tie you’re tie I mean you’ve let it known all week that you just absolutely love her and I’m like yeah I do love her but I knew she was going to win she was the favorite for a reason and most of the time favorites win and yeah so I did not bet with my heart in that one but I I do a pretty good job of making sure that everything is Right betting wise and it’s not my heart that’s making the pick and if I do ever think that it is a a a situation where I’m a little biased then I will absolutely lay off I think uh I think power SL it’s a hard one yeah it’s gonna be all right if I know who goes first I know who I’m betting on there’s a good chance they might be the Victor I wonder how that works now is there a St statistic on who wins after the SEC after the first try who wins like is there like is it it like in other words the person who goes first is that usually the Victor in those things okay so there’s a very big misconception that the first Striker typically wins but they only win like 51% of the time I don’t know what the updated number is from this past weekend but it’s not all the time that the first Striker wins so that’s big that is big if it’s 5% that’s almost oh that’s almost half little over yeah but that’s wild I I I would have thought I would have bet that the guy who goes first it would have been a bigger uh um percentage right of them the Victor being but that’s wild that that that really changes how you look at it because I really thought the guy who goes first is it is wild and you know after the coin toss typically the odds change so let’s just say Striker a striker B let’s say Striker a wins the coin toss his odds he automatically becomes a bigger favorite but for for what reason because people have the misconception that the first Striker wins all the the time so and we ought to do this thing too I because Matt and I both have a hard time making picks although Matt is more likely to make a really smart pick like he took Jones to choke uh sirel G in the first round which nobody else alive Matt the only guy alive who took that and it would you mean Matt makes some amazing picks I would like to see some of your picks for the upcoming uh for 298 and Matt and I will probably do our picks on uh on Wednesday so we have something to do before the fight and then maybe in a couple of weeks we can actually talk it over and see who was right and it’s it it there’s really no shame in picking them wrong either because they’re all you know one wrong move with the a left comes in and you’re out so I’m curious as to who you’re going to take um in in this upcoming you want to do some car some fights from the main card yeah let’s do the main card let’s go through the main card all right let’s start Let’s see we should we start now with the uh how do you like to do it do you like to save the best for last or do you like to just go right with the main event first let’s do Main Event first and then go down okay Toria Alexander volkanovski for the featherweight Championship Tor 14-0 of course volkanovski 26 and3 but two of those three losses recently were to makev um what do you think so Alexander volkanovski opened as a minus 192 favorite let’s say a a two buck favorite back in November that means he was a pretty big favorite now the line is plummeted down to basically a pick him Alex volkanovski is a very very small favorite of minus 112 now there’s a lot of noise from vul’s loss to makev back in October that’s gotten a lot of public betters on The Toria side now the question is and the narrative is is is Alex volkanovski mentally and physically ready to go to defend his title I mean there is you know he’s aging we know that but he’s an anomaly he’s an absolute tank now Ilia Toria is hyping himself up to be the new champ already lots of people have fallen in love with ilot Toria I love ilot Toria these are two of my most favorite Fighters but I don’t know vul has yet to have back-to-back losses and Ilia has not had a loss yet not saying he’s due per se but statistically he is due I mean if we look at his level of competition it’s a lot lower than Alex’s so I’m on the Alex volkanovski side I think his price as pretty much a pick them is a great number and I mean I I honestly don’t see how Alex loses unless he gets finished can I say I really agree with you like because you said said something too that I say a lot people become doe and it’s not because of superstition it is just on this level of competition fighting with so many things can go wrong so many injuries in Training Camps so many things can happen against guys who are the best in the world um you’re not going to go and defeated forever I mean you know with some of the khabib John J it’s such a rarity so you’re du to lose sooner or later it’s just the odds are so yeah I agree with you on that um uh that’s a great way to look at what do you think of uh Whitaker against paoc Costa as the uh as the co-main okay may I ask did you guys think this fight was really going to happen because I did not think I mean with Paulo Costa it’s always so up in the air I really did not think he was gonna fight and I’m I’m still kind of holding my breath for like a last minute like pull out here but I believe Robert Whitaker is the rightful favorite here um if we look at his track record he’s only had losses to the champion to the current middleweight champion drus dupy and two losses to the former middleweight champ Israel ad asagna now we haven’t seen Paul Costa in the Octagon for over a year and not only has he had that inactivity but he’s also dealing with those injuries and the recovery and man I don’t know Robert Whitaker is a $2 favorite here and I think that is absolutely great value I like Robert Whitaker to win this one and I can only see that number climbing so I would probably throw Whitaker in a parlay or I mean if if you’ve got the money just bet him as a $2 favorite all right and what about now this is this is such an amazing C the uh the Fe bout which everyone loves Jeff Neil uh he’s always in a great fight Ian Gary 13 and0 I love that there’s two undefeated guys on this card and Ian Gary has had so much in publicly made of his personal life which may or may not mean anything you don’t know how that’s going to affect the fighter uh I do think it affected adna against Sean Strickland a little bit I think once in a while these guys it gets to them not always but look they’re people um what do you think of uh Jeff Neil against Ian Gary number eight Jeff Neil and number 10 Ian Gary people might think Gary is ranked higher because of the fact that he’s been so talked about but Jeff Neil is number eight right I honestly might stay away from this fight just because of all the personal issues that Ian Machado Gary has been dealing with now I am surprised how big a favorite Ian Gary is because I really like the Jeff Neil side although Jeff has been streaky in his last several fights um he’s only closed as an underdog once in his UFC run and that was most recently against shafkat rag manov now we know sha cot has has the potential to be the next Champion here um but Ian has closed as the favorite in all of his UFC fights and he’s won all of them with an average closing line of minus 500 which is a huge favorite so you’re getting a really big discount with Ian Gary here as a What minus 245 favorite so there is value on the Ian side but if I had to pick I’m going Jeff Neil oh interesting I think Jeff should be the more aggressive fighter and I expect him to to land the more impactful shots and defend against the Hits and The Kicks better than Ian so that’s why I really really like Jeff Neil here now how about uh this fight that we’re greatly looking forward to morab duales against Henry cejudo number two morab of course number three cejudo and I do think morab is deserving of a title shot I understand the Cheeto Shao Mali history but I think absolutely morab deserves it what do you think of this fight he wins this then shoot he’s got be undeniable yeah I also like the morab side now this is a really interesting odd flip here because morab actually opened as the underdog and now he’s a minus 200 favorite um cejudo now plus 165 underdog now it’s difficult to tell how cejudo will perform because before his fight against aljo he was lasting in the Octagon in 2020 now both these guys phenomenal wrestlers but Mor Rob is 8-2 straight up as a favorite here while Henry cejudo is only three and2 as a dog although profitable I like Chances with morab better and I also like this one to possibly go the distance so I would bet I would assume that this total is set at two and a half rounds I would bet the over here so morab and the over yeah I think I definitely think unfortunately it’s not five rounds I think that even further I mean Henry I’m sure is cardio but not I think morav is better at Cardio than than uh anybody else alive uh and now the opening fight of the card uh Anthony Hernandez against Roman kopov great fight kopov has look so good uh 12-2 11-2 um I can’t believe Roman is unranked uh what do you think of that fight yeah this one obviously doesn’t have much star power um as the opening fight for the main card but it’s it’s an underrated fight this is going to be a really fun one now there’s not been a lot of Lind movement here again because of the names but uh to the Casual in public fans and betters it’s not a level of vul and Toria but there’s still a lot of value now we know Hernandez to be a great Grappler and kapov great kickboxer both guys are finishers but they can also get finished now I really don’t know what to make of this one however I do lean the Roman side and I do lean under two and a half rounds I think someone gets finished in this one all right well look uh minty we will definitely have you back in a couple weeks if you want to talk more about uh I’m curious as to like Matt and I who are just picking hey this guy that guy are you actually doing research um to see how much it helps and how much it doesn’t help because fighting is so unpredictable um but where’s your Twitter is minty bets on Twitter and also where can people see you and find out what your picks are yeah absolutely so um on UFC Fight Pass I am on a show called on the line with Yanni the Greek uh and Nick and Fitzy uh we give out our picks for every Pay-Per-View fight uh and you can also find me on the ESPN plus broadcast for UFC fight nights at the Apex I’ll give out my picks during the live broadcast awesome good talking to you and uh please come back again soon we’ll we’ll talk more about the about about the fights and uh and and see what how Matt and I did in our picks thanks for having me all right take care minty [Music] bets um yeah mant it looks like HF verier is uh not going to make it I’m assuming something came up it happens we’ll do them another day I mean uh he just comes off a huge win he’s busy he’s busy I’m in Orlando too it’s a shame because he’s in Orlando I was gonna make a whole big thing about that go yeah I’m here too yeah yeah maybe you can go meet up for coffee or something not now I was gonna ask I was look I’ll treat the assai after that but not now just kidding he’s busy listen congrats to him though I love J Jens Jimmy my day is gonna be like this is what I plan on doing my family’s out shopping which is fine because I don’t shop I’m gonna go on my balcony and I’m gonna have a party I’m I got my headphones what are they called again the um the nice ones beats beats yes yes so and I feel like I’m gonna this is what I’m gonna do as a wild man I’m gonna rent the movie or buy probably rent Maybe by uh Napoleon good choice because I’m a short guy no no no but I never seen it I heard I heard it was I heard it was good was it did you see it didn’t see it no all right good talk listen your day I got just uh Wednesday night at The Fat Black Pussycat every Wednesday for February and March I’ll be doing my hour there I have gigs all over the place uh for my tour uh New Jersey Isa sold out Connecticut there’s like 20 tickets left that’s almost sold out but I got Dallas Houston Austin I have Portland uh I have Saratoga Springs I have Buffalo I have Pittsburgh I have a tremendous amount of cities Tampa Florida uh Houston go to Jim norton.com Oklahoma City I have Kentucky I’m going everywhere so go to my website if you want to come see me and uh thank you to minty bets and Hado VR I’m sure we’ll get him another time he just got caught up and um we’ll do our picks on Wednesday man I want to see how we do against minty bets please Jake keep score that because I see that you’re keeping score now I would love to see how we do against Mindy and I also want to say congrats to Jack Ranson we will see uh Joe uh fer back again of course’s he’s a badass and that was a close fight yeah congrats to Dan eay and uh man what a nice card I’m looking forward to talking to you in a couple days bro I’ll probably a better tan have fun on vacation Budd I’ll see you soon thank you Jimmy goodbye everyone thank you [Music] oh