Tune in to the UFC 30th Anniversary Q&A with guest fighters Belal Muhammad & Umar Nurmagomedov at 8am ET / 5am PT on …

that’s it kamaru Usman Usman switch South and that will do it Brothers teach and that is it down and the ball to superlative some guys are absolutely strong enough to complete this from Mount but it takes a ton of strength and pressure the sign struggling to breathe I can hear it here from the desk well as far May able to finish this they don’t come much bigger than haer Hassan look like a t there kamaru Usman comes up huge for the black Z just excellent top transitions here he felt that left arm come over his head he immediately started to work the arm triangle choke and just believed it and stuck with it and it takes tremendous physical strength to finish it from this position and kamaro Usman possesses just that and we could hear here cagide how hard it was for Hayer Hassan to breathe and eventually he had to tap her he was going unconscious Kamar Usman is an extremely strong man interesting way to start the fight for Usman South ball Rocky Leon Edwards very good hands and he’s looking for that front kick straight up the middle immediate clinch by Usman let’s see what kind of takedown defense Edwards has here nice knee to the body by Edwards Usman winner of five straight and that doesn’t count the two victories he had in the house very good right now Joe the heat of the action it would it would have helped him to have a monitor to look at oh Usman with a big for the head kick Edwards trying to work again in close range with those knees intense back and forth battle a lot of grappling both men so far good condition nicely done by Usman third take down for Kamar Usman well you see Usman why didn’t he throw a hook in there and just try to go for the choke Joe you know a lot of Jiu-Jitsu practitioners will wonder that and say he didn’t want the Finish Well that’s not true you’re also controlling the position and trying to punch the guy till he goes to sleep it’s a mixture it’s a different approach and that’s what Neil malanson takes to and that’s what Usman did tonight he controlled the position instead of throwing the hooks in and going for the submission and it caters to his strength all right here we go Bo you ready get it off here we go green trunks for Usman white trunks for Yakov Usman the fine wrestler that we’ve talked about the last 10 minutes Joe has five career wins by knockout five of seven so dangerous in this position as well he’s going to try to step over with his armar he’s trying he’s in a position to attempt it but they go the distance kamor the Nigerian Nightmare we’ll see if Kamala Usman can do just that he’s in the green trunks warley Alves is in goal just over two minutes here to go round one oh big right hand lands for alvz closing the distance here really good defense so far from early you can see now starting to get caught with punches that’s how your wrestling opens up striking Kamar doing a nice job now making it tighter as he pushes up up towards the top of the head to lift the chin more final seconds we’ll see if Alves can survive so Alves survives but all kamaru Usman down the stretch the for the winner by unanimous decision kamaro the Nigerian Nightmare it is shut now Usman taking a page out of Jon Jones’s book there he’s in the green trunks Sean Strickland in what Strickland stands straight up chin straight up body straight up he’s hurt Sean Strickland has never been finished this his 20th Pro fight tonight A finish though would certainly be oh oh big shot from Usman oh Hammer fist on that [Applause] eye [Applause] looks like usman’s got the head tra big body shots to Strickland’s going under there with his head to try to protect himself and to to try to initiate the Deep half this is one yeah he’s so good at faking those takedowns and then coming up with the with the punches but what he brings to the table and Strickland’s trying now kamaro the Nigerian Nightmare o can heat just like the the brothers teach and that is it that is it there is the finish that has eluded kamaru Usman little bit sit in the pocket he wanted this knockout and there it was he was just getting in there trying to force this knockout he had to make a statement bam he Landed It Usman did not care if maice hit him he wanted to brawl he wanted to hit this man he wanted to put him out put himself in some dangerous positions to get it and he earned what he put himself there for he got that knockout because he forced it all business kamaru Usman and on the other side Emil Mech he’s been waiting for this for a while as well Usman comes in low and Mech throws right away and right down to the ground this is not what Mech wanted oh or is it wow no way that would be super impressive if ml Mech can pull off a guillotin here in the first round but kamaru seems to be relaxing not freaking out here kamaru Usman three-time All-American and a national champion wrestler at the University of Nebraska Carney see how Camaro is angled that’s what he wants and Mech knows what he needs to do to win this is what I’d like to see more of from Mech but we know Kamar is intelligent fighter he’s not going to just there it is nice in oh for the winner by unanimous decision kamaro the Nigerian Nightmare o kamaru Usman is in the green Damen Maya is in the gray another attempt from Maya stuffed by Usman no chance there backs out if he even tries to pull Guard from here he has more minutes to work but nice moves forward with a right throws a big looping right hand over the top on FS1 stream it live as well on foxb go big right from Usman lands knocks Maya to the ground Hammer Fist from Usman as he looks for a big moment first time in this fight M has really been in trouble and Usman looking like he wants the Finish not backing up left elb [Music] gas tank for Usman looks impressive in his first five rounder but he’s been able to Pace himself well too he hasn’t been pushed to the point of that he’s had to go past his limits it’s been fought at his Pace he’s been the one deciding when he wanted to attack when he wants to defend [Music] Camaro randos is in the black kamaru Usman is in the white we are underway that’s what you get for being a Champion heavy action in the center he’s got to Circle and stay off the fence it’s a huge part of his Camp got to be successful doing that and Usman dips levels 90 seconds into this one a big taked down to start things off returns him to the feet th is has to Circle back to the center he can’t stay here against the fence he’s angling well but his back is still to the fence see his nose open up a little bit Usman not scared to go right back into the pool with the uppercut forward Doan Jo’s heart of a warrior which we knew he was but this night will belong to the Nigerian Nightmare kamaru Usman Usman is in green Tyron Woodley in the black and gold befitting a champion thing about Usman is he can do this all all day yep and it’s one of his strengths he has incredible cardio might be the most conditioned welterweight on the roster with respect of course to the champion Woodley but Usman using that jab Dom to get inside and working here in the clinch again he’s also consistently working that body and he’s shifting to the weak side he walked away bcut that always hurt two more he’s hurt Woodley’s hurt guys Woodley’s in trouble here big uppercuts the end could be huge punches looking to finish it here Woodley’s trying to get his respect back but he can’t oh they’re both hurting Woody hurt bad though look at this Woodley showing the heart of a champion as he absorbs these power strikes from Usman huge uppercut more Shots by Usman Woody looks out on his feet to me that’s it we got a new champ folks Africa unite kamaro Usman has done it Inc he has dominated Tyron Woodley tonight Woodley comes over to congratulate the soon to be new UFC welterweight champion and new UFC Undisputed welterweight champion of the world karoo the Nigerian [Applause] Nightmare him trying to it back to his [Applause] feet comington in a r and trible coming to the L kamman B just a cannon straight down the middle sits Kobe down Kobe’s in survival mode here and look at the second one boom now usan seeing everything now Kobe’s in big big trouble here boom staggered Hammer Fists good stoppage I mean he’s down there holding with the damage that he taken to that point that was a great stoppage midal is in the red trunks Kamar Usman in the black and gold champ speed mazal slle he’s got to be careful with that that’s the problem against the wrestler throwing in low kicks they’re going to catch it they’re going to take you down this is bad for mazal so nicely is out and up about 90 seconds into this one Usman attacks the body oh he’s got the hands together there it is thought about a guillotine for a second but then abandoned who’s he’s got to suck him away from the fence that fence right now is Jorge’s Lifeline when he gets up he’s going to look to pick him up now he’s going to take the back yeah there kamaru just methodical and trying to close him down and break him down final 10 seconds of this most anticipated UFC 251 Main Event midal touches the body there it is but for much of the fight kamaro Usman at his suffocating best and still the Undisputed UFC welterweight champion of the world not allowing Usman to [Music] get huge from this could be the beginning the end it’s over it’s over oh look at bur surviving Usman switch southp and that will let’s look at this again jab from the right side yeah he switched up The Stance right the power hands in front now crazy crazy look at that boom just completely rocks him with the jab and he showed some new things in this fight he work with Trevor whitmann and he said in the Jorge mval fight first of all let’s acknowledge that in the Jorge mval fight he broke his nose shattered his nose two weeks before that fight didn’t tell anybody took on short notice to do that didn’t have to do that after the fight they examin him they go you got a broken nose like oh yeah I had that before the fight this time he was able to fight for round one and he still feels is good and confidence fighting WR [Applause] too and the ball to superlative with a huge [Applause] shot here it is oh my God oh my God that is so perfect oh my goodness hey when you’re literally the perfect right hand and look he is out completely cold there’s no question whatsoever look at that look at how limp he is when he goes down body went Li perfect punch he tried to wake up look watch after it hits boom look it he’s out cold look you see him try to get up he’s trying here hammer and the hammerfist shut the lights out for good a rematch nearly two years in the [Applause] making Kamar Usman buying to successfully defend his belt for a fifth time against the Challenger Kobe Covington Covington in white Usman is in the black and gold befitting a champion another Factor could be there it goes trying to make CT pay for the first attempt got to hold the net look at this and and honestly even that right Usman with a great takeown defense but even that for Kobe Covington is a win yeah seems to be a power and also strength discrepancy comington now cut underneath his right eye it’s that rare balance that Usman possesses where he he’s got strength but he also has cardio he keep a tremendous Pace oh my goodness beautiful body shot there by Usman nice take down a it by Kobe [Applause] oh heavy kick late from the champ he threw that one with all of his power look like Covington caught him on the way in a little bit Kamar Usman and kobby Covington and still the Undisputed UFC welterweight champion of the world oh