Rewatch top moments from this year’s UFC Hall of Fame ceremony honoring the 2024 inductees and honorees. Subscribe to get …

All Thank so very much Welcome ar here Las Vegas for2 UFC hall of induction to of re trad trop sign entry to H ASC H of jaet camente de me abençou com muito mais que eu imaginava que eu sonhava pesser agade também todo pessoal doc que me ajudou 16 anos fiquei noc 16 atado com muito carinho e amor pelo todo mundo do UFC muro estou aqui hoje é graças a você conquistei trou minhas vitórias meus títulos meus prêmios é graças a você você é o maior Casca Grossa que eu conheço você é oor mais valente que eu conheço cara parabéns eu tenho orgulho de ser seu irmão e eu quero convidar você a vir aqui comigo receber esse prêmio que esse prmio é nosso V aqui por favor [Música] ande come up here when it comes charity has to Be It has to be from you it has to be Something That God leads you to It can’t Be It can’t Be One of those things you just write off you give the money to someone and you just Forget About it It’s got to be personal you got to have relationships you got know who you working with and you got have accountability and and so with that Being said that’s all continue the work we done you if wasn’t the Idea love your ne as yourself i wouldn’t be here I wouldn’t care about a whole lot to be honest with you if it wasn’t for that with that Being said It’s Not it doesn’t Happen outside of Jesus I Just Can’t I Haven seen Any else I have seen Hope that is neverend ien never runs out I noten hope except outs of Jesus so today my Mage Is this get to know him thank you guys thank you for having me it almost is like Rin and repeat here we are bunch of Fight fans Fight capital cameras a show to save and Here Comes ch What did they introduce me as when i came out here By The Way I was talking to my goodling son Over Here doing a little Shadow bo this guy’s getting Ready For the the 2036 Olympic Games you Might want to keep your Eye on that What did they introduce me as The American Gangster the show saav the showstopper What did they say God Damn were you all falling asleep up here then they Bring Me Out here to induct me into the hall of Fame well it Sounds like to save the hall of Fame but I know what you all Thinking god I hope this Guy stays oh we Miss that Guy ch p undefeated an Undisputed Beat a Champion from every organization there’s ever been Pride UFC Strike Force Bellator King of the Cage Gladiator challenge i be the guys down the Rumble at the rosel I Beat every Guy that’s on the Stage tonight they got a monitor in the back there’s One of them back there that disagrees with it they can Walk up here and we qualify that Statement right now but before we go I really came here to Remind you of One Thing hard times don’t last eu nunca pensei que ISO ia acontecer realmente é uma grande honra reconhecido por tudo que a gente fez pelo esporte academia quando a Trein academia academ acemo uma técnica muito realmente muito [Música] agressiva e quando eu estava lá no meio de mais de 300 300 alunos eutin muitos caras que eram muito melhores do que eu e eu nunca achei que eu realmente eu ia conseguir chegar aonde a gente chegou vees nem tenho palavras agradecer SA o suporte de todos vocês muitos de vocês já me acompanham por mais de 20 anos Então olha Do fundo do coração Muito obrigado thank you thank you guys wow Too Young for but guys than for coming yeah one more everybody whenever you are Fighter an artist Scientist businessman you name it every Craft requires discipline Should Be With You The very last you know and if someone tells you again that you don’t Deserve something that you can’t do you Just do It you Just do It Right whenever you R Fall keep doing your [Música] was aure Thank you so much I G the thank you guys thanks thanks for the support and I love you all I love you all this isn’t something I dreamed about in fact something shouldn’t even Happen I was to call myself the und overachiever I Should Never Been a Champion was all the hard work prti theg su me was more about anything it was a sub to succeed there so many people Who help me along the way so many people Who their love and Faith in me dedicated themselves help me achieve everything I Did I love all you guys that are here with me tonight you mean everything to me I was bless sied hard work determination and Bel it cared me to the UFC to UFC championship as an undersized lightweight and carried me to the hall of Fame Kids Believe In yourselves That belief Goes a long way your old Man’s proof thank you all with that we present to you the UFC hall of Fame Class of 2024 thank you all for coming out we see you Saturday Night Live back here at tmob thank you all for Being here for the UFC Undisputed Leader in Combat Sports