These fighters said goodbye to the Octagon in 2023. Subscribe to get all the latest UFC content: Experience …
the king of Miami Jorge midal does not go out with a win but he does go out with this Showcase in Miami and uh that dude’s one1 man you got to tip your hat to game bread mozol for what he did and what he became at the latter part of his career he became an absolute star I mean he’s a legend he’s one of the craftiest veterans that ever fought in the sport one of the greatest personalities you know sometimes your favorite basketball play ain’t got that three-pointer no more your favorite quarterback loses that rifle I don’t feel the same when I get in here no more it’s been 20 long years I love all of you UFC came here 20 years ago and it inspired me to chase this dream for 20 years 50 some fights later hopefully I inspired somebody in here to go fight for theirs no matter what it is y p way Glover to Shar hangs up the gloves for good here tonight this career would have been exceptional even without a UFC title but he’s able to get that belt before he walks away Clover toar breaks through at 40 to it didn’t go out like that right fighting for a championship fighting and showing that grit and determination nuts unbelievable tonight is a perfect night to retire and to leave you happy forever she is the greatest of all time and she has distanced herself to such an extent that I’m just not sure anyone’s going to ever catch her I mean she did it all she beat everybody double jumping forever baby oh Lawler goes out with a walk off KO wow there are no fairy tales in fighting Robbie Lawler just living one right now he looked like the championship level Robbie Lawler he pulled out that performance from the Robbie Lawler of old this will go on as one of the greatest retirements in UFC [Music] history made you get chills every time he hit that curve he will go down in history as one of the all time great the Korean zombie lays the gloves down in the Octagon he will forever be Remembered absolute Legend a man who has carried a region for many many years and given his incredible moment who knows if anybody will ever do what she was able to do ever again the way she was able to hold both those belts in dominant fashion is the end of an era for the former UFC and Pride Grand Prix champ champion on behalf of everyone all the fight fans around the world we want to thank you for all the sacrifice the excitement the fines so ladies and gentlemen one more time show your appreciation for the Korean zombie ruthless Robbie Lawler Amanda Nunes or M lover toer and Joan thank you thank you thank you thank you for the members