Relive some of the best moments to grace the Octagon in 2023 on Part 1 of the UFC Year In Review, featuring some of the sport’s …

who is fighting unbelievably right now he sees no way first it’s by B is KN out to [Applause] see a super fight for the ages the number one versus number two pound-for-pound fighters in the world this is one of those scoring eventss that you will likely remember acutely where you were exactly when it went down deafening inside the RAC Arena as our Mega fight gets underway Alexander vovi is in the green with gold Islam makash in the black and gold here we go pretty good entry there by volkanovski oh big stick with a left hand by volovski we’re going to start seeing some of those shots soon I have a feeling well to imagine that Islam Mev has experienced a fight atmosphere like thisi don’t hit the floor with one knee they both sat each other down now nice knee from Mev now this is it this is the real fight here that’s not where you want to be if you’re volcanos this is the position where mahv can stall out the whole round if he wants to stay here and just grind the clock out nice wh look at Bowski back to the field lands a huge th this was the question if he gets taken down can he get back up the answer is yes he can look like MV landed a nice knee to the body a moment ago under three minutes now in round two and now it’s volovski forcing to take down and he’s really showing just how strong he is he really is I mean he’s able to twist that position right up and turn it into a 50/50 position let’s see if he gets his arms out of there yep and gets to space well he’s fights he fir with fire you’re going to be offensive it is that okay To Can Play That Game my friend volovski getting the better of these exchanges big thing I’ve noticed is you haven’t seen any Jabs land for volkanovski and that’s his oh counter left hand over the top there’s the power that Isam spoke about oh and now le for makash banovski momentarily Retreats remember when is done became the lightweight Chum it was because he knocked down Charles OA not because he took him down oh nice jab for makash and now a left hand nice kind of a stum from this L but it doesn’t matter hit the ground all the same so overhand left to a trip for vosi on that one and he’s really picking up the pace now wow [Music] almost great take down defense by to stay upright look around oh that’s how you time of take down amazing work and not against defense and I can’t stress enough what a an advantage that is for Islam you see look look B straight away going for it and look at the way he took the back I mean come on you have to appreciate that that was like a ninja like a python wrapping itself coiling around its victim he can’t allow himself to get frustrated or to let this thunderous crowd influence his movements because one little mistake and he loses his fight look at that amazing even if this fight doesn’t get finished I think we’re going to see it again for some reason this is definitely going to happen again look at this well if there is a fighter with a better cardiovascular base in the game than Alexander banovski I’m not sure I’ve seen him but bu could very well be down three to one here as we hit this Fifth and Final Round yes there’s a very good chance of that however they are close rounds f is in the fight to your point the cardio is ridiculous vinoski heading him off on the pressure typical nice hand mive right and he HS sits him down the fight for banov the biggest moment of the fight and this is one of his best clean positions he loves the ground and pound here watch for arm bars for mahv the entire stadium is on their feet Mev with guard closed eyeing the clock wow last of 10 from Bowski trying to steal the victory trying to seal the deal become a two-weight Division champion W awesome ending to a fight that’s how you end a fight what 25 minutes between Islam M and Alexander Bowski a standing ovation from the capacity clowd in BR Western Australia now Islam makash came in with the Target on his back had to di deep incredible incredible fight by both men Jud to score the contest 4847 4847 and 4946 for the winner by unanimous decision and still the Undisputed UFC lightweight champion of the world Islam M well Mexico is as proud a fighting Nation as there is in the world and no woman in UFC history from that great nation has realized the UFC title that is what is in front of Alexa Gro here tonight all right flyweight Championship is underway Alexa Gro in the green with white Valentina chevchenko in the black and gold befitting a champion oh beautiful spinning back Fist and left kick to the body oh Alexa caught it with that right hand but on the exit right she can’t stop because Valentina is still throwing Gro has landed a few punches already huge connection BYO she hurt right hand she hurt her with that right hand Joe feel like she’s gotten that left home too again just catching it with that perfect timing really is the timing right that guard is high and tight yet she still gets it through and you’re seeing it on the left eye oh made an attempt spitting back this back Tak it Sensational job by Alexa Gro with a minute to go oh she’s in deep that is getting tight but it’s on the chin Joe still on the chin she’s got the strength going smash her oh my goodness chevchenko keeping her wits about her not under the chin yet more of a crank oh she’s got behind the neck that’s still tight this is so tight that’s tight this is so tight that’s really tight I think she got it she got Alexa cross Champion submission by submission goodness Roo has shot the goodness goodness wow that happened fast John what the way she took the back Alexa crosso has stopped the rain Viva meico that’s Viva meico indeed and the most incredibly dominant rign in UFC Women’s flyweight history comes to an [Applause] end UFC Undisputed flyweight champion of the world [Applause] Alexa so here is the consensus greatest mixed martial arts athlete of all time and this is a born fighter Joe Rogan there is no overstating the competitive spirit and there are a lot of Fighters on the roster that are able to detach themselves from winning and losing for this man winning is everything and now we get to see the big challenge Jon Jones going up the heavyweight so many questions that are about to be answered Sid gone stoic as usual as he tries to be the first man to beat Jon Jones Jones has said all week he’s still moving like a light heavyweight John’s got the clinch and he’s got him down immediately that is absolutely huge so about a minute in Jones is able to get gone to the canvas we’ll see how G is able to respond here yeah that that is absolutely huge you see Jones trying to keep his weight back on the hips of siron he’s attacking the hips to try to flatten him up now you see Jones trying to get a hook in G’s got to try to Circle his back towards the right Jones does a good job of getting height here he’s attacking Guillotine he’s putting Jones He the greatest of all time and now the Undisputed heavyweight champion of the world what did he tap to it looks like he might have had the arm under the neck I mean it seemed like a quick tap John Jones back with style points tonight and there is no denying him now number one overall all time Jon Jones said all week that he felt like this was a glaring mismatch right he felt like this result was an eventuality and backed up all of those words with action and it did not take him long Jon Jones heavyweight champion of the [Applause] world the greatest of all time ladies and gentlemen John Jones my let’s go there is no question that Israel aagna is a great fighter and a great champion and greatness is often defined not just by victories but how one overcomes adversity and AD aagna has an opportunity to beat this man who appears to be unbeatable here we go boys the intensity of this rivalry is so palatable and palpable and felt by everybody in this mixed martial arts Arena chapter 2/ chapter 4 begins now you’re right John just I mean so much confidence I he tries the question mark kick front kick up the middle oh almost got hit with a head kick this is a scary POA when he closes the distance oh jab to the body and a right hand up top oh oh my goodness Iz he’s got to be careful land to the left beautiful left hook there by P Izzy took it well though adna needs to control these exchanges he should not just be throwing with p and he’s got to stay off the cage oh nice jab by aagna now he lands a big [Applause] right under three minutes here round two well everyone’s aware of the consequences when this guy left good right hand by [Applause] izy is he’s much more forward in this fight than he normally is he recognizes that he can’t be going backwards with this guy he’s too good at setting traps and when he sets his trap he just lets his hands [Applause] go now P stalking here late in the round there’s that that one hurt him that one hurt him he saw him buckle with that low kick he’s going to limit him to Southpaw again they H so D goodness he got him he got him can finally to win over Alex P who’s out homeold wow he did my goodness he got him bad oh my goodness oh my goodness wow oh my goodness Alexa did not respect the power coming back in his way and he paid for it oh my goodness it seemed when you got some inside information from the osna folks that they were going to try to turn that aggression around on P mission accomplished for the last style Bender that might be one of the greatest Kos I’ve ever seen in my life well he looked like his leg was hurt he was fading P saw it and just started to let everything go and Izzy put him out wow woo what a knockout what a way to regain your championship and finally break through in the series where you were way behind people Earth I hope every one of you can feel this level of Happiness just one time in your life you never feel this level of Happiness if you don’t go for something when they knock you down when they talk about you if you stay down you will never ever get that resolve fortify your mind and feel this level of Happiness as you rise one time of your life but I’m blessed to be able to feel this again and again and again and again and again back on top of the middleweight world and mission accomplished for the last style Bender they say revenge is sweet and if you know me I got a sweet tooth you already know this is enter the Lioness Amanda Nunes the consensus greatest of all time every time she steps in there she not only defends her Championship she defends that title as the greatest of all time every time she steps into the Octagon she looks to move the Finishing Line a bit further for anyone that hopes to achieve what she has we do not know what the future for Amanda Nunes holds Beyond tonight let’s go ladies fight the hype gies way to the action right here right now she just responded with a right hand there that land she’s got right DC she’s got to land something to get get her own confidence going here get some respect certainly cannot oh there’s a hand from Alana that’s what that’s what she needs beautiful then we can use that and you got to get after it I mean you’re in there with the best you’re in there with the goat you can’t just sit on the outside and let her have a good old sporing match with now a man is beating up the legs yeah that lead legs in rough shape inside and out oh beautiful combination by the champion under two minutes round two oh big knee right hand counter right from aldana oh el el oh huge elbow oh guys that that was rough how did that not open her face up I do not know did amandel land in the elbows yeah that was nasty oh huge right for nunz Al Donna’s got a chin yes she does and again nothing what’s frustrating right she has shown an ability to take the punches of Amanda [Applause] Nunes [Applause] and there it is figured we might get a heavy dose of wrestling from nunz late in the fight she goes out not only does she fight carefully she dominates round five o where that she’s done throughout the whole fight all Amanda nunz tonight and still will be uttered here shortly double jumping forever baby forever today I just on Sila in the def B so tonight is a perfect night to retire and then leave it happy forever I come from a small seity in Brazil the name isuka nobody know where it is in Brazil but I’m made it here I become a champion and the only Champion that’s Brazil having right now so Brazilian fight G together come got the Bel all right I’m leaving thank you ladies and gentlemen one more time for the greatest fighter of all time Amanda [Applause] [Music] [Applause] nunz