These UFC welterweights have yet to taste defeat inside the Octagon. Relive some of Khamzat Chimaev’s, Shavkat Rakhmonov’s …

and still undefeated [Applause] the future and uh all right so here he is folks the burgeoning UFC Superstar kamzakshi Maya will make no mistake about it this man has taken the score by storm D.C he is self-motivated he is disciplined you can argue he’s the hardest worker in the room lifelong freestyle wrestler who realized a Swedish national championship he’s got all the skills man big opportunity for him to shine on pay-per-view tonight hey that was a fast takedown enjoyable incredible incredible I just started a new wrestling league when I first got the piano I hope my kids take people on that fans he shot as quick as any shot of shooting in a long time but Kevin Holland is giving him problems in the Bottom by just moving he’s got to keep moving it’s loud in here [Applause] Holland has closed the guard Furious start to this one as expected remember this is a five round fight yep and this is an incredible Pace that you might have to start this fight out with he’s trying to just overwhelm him right but he’s emptying the gas tank very early a lot of wrestling a lot of wrestling tremendous amount of energy off just three quarter Nelson somebody’s breathing heavy now but he’s sprinting let’s go to the Japanese oh it’s in there he’s got the darkness Kevin’s getting his left shin involved to create space Kevin’s a black belt so he’ll know how to handle himself here he’s been here before this is tight I think he’s slipping out he is slipping up oh but he’s back on the bottom again now he’s gonna hook the leg he’s got to run smoke not let him hook the legs he’s hooked the leg Kevin’s in real trouble [Music] [Applause] with him but he’s using a lot of energy here Holland really wins it now he might tap he looks like his right hand disposes of Kevin Holland ow George that dude hey to do that to Kevin Holland it’s black unbelievable and the way he did it the pace the speed the takedown everything you know what that is that’s just an ability that’s just knowing that the guy doesn’t have anything for you yeah the only way you empty the gas like that is just throwing I’m better than this dude and I’m going to get him out of there that’s why he’s such a terrifying Talent dude scary man he is the consensus Boogeyman of the welterweight division with the number nine next to his name making the walk for UFC start number five he is 16-0 with as many finishes and Megan a lot of his training Partners acknowledge how affable he is in the gym how great a training partner he is but man what they shut down door he approaches these fights in a cold blooded men shove caught Rock monov I said to Joe at the weigh-in yesterday when he flips the switch you can see it in his eyes and he has flipped the switch rahmanov in blue Jeff Neal out of that South Boston what [Applause] Neil’s gonna have to make rachman off respect him right away right everything he throws is right oh big connection for rachmano oh meeting the party too bad oh he cut him open that head kid cut him open Neil certainly willing to eat a shot to return two of his own well he he’s got to feel like he’s got to close the shooting here in this third and final round [Applause] he got stuck back what a fight Neo returns fire [Music] [Applause] oh it’s a fantastic shot oh my goodness these verbalization in the clinch wow oh my goodness right he may have been stalling a little bit earlier final minute foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] return fire he showed everything here’s Ian Machado Gary making the walk first fifth UFC appearance a perfect 4-0 and DC he has lived up to every single expectation placed upon him every confident word that has come out of his mouth he has lived up to that as well 5-2 player in mixed martial arts he has repeatedly said cardio is his main weapon but he’s got speed he’s got power he’s got Vision he’s got an appetite for MMA knowledge and trains every day with many of the best welterweights in the world so Rodriguez out of the South Boston black Machado Gary out of the Orthodox dances and what Gary center of the octagon d-rod needs to move his head off the center line as he tries to enter and those big looping shots will not get to Ian Gary He’s got to tighten everything up a little bit that’s the fat Kick Gary was talking about now look how he threw it to the body to shut down that left hand Jose Rodriguez that’s what he’s looking for Rodriguez had a fight with Gunner Nelson go away earlier this year [Applause] oh Rodriguez [Applause] that head kick Landing right on the money it’s just got to be it different Gary 12-0 how about the Irishman lands the high kick jumps on d-rod look man Daniel Rodriguez has been in the UFC for a while now and he’s never been done like this we have never seen him get wiped out in this way Ian Gary is a good fighter Danny Rodriguez had never been knocked out