Megan Olivi speaks with MMA legend Wanderlei Silva backstage at UFC 298 after he was announced to be part of the UFC Hall …
vanderlay what an unbelievable honor to get to interview you once again did you have any idea that this Hall of Fame announcement was coming no I don’t have any idea is a huge surprise and Mak me feel make me feel really happy when they were playing that video in the arena the Montage of all of your fights what kind of memories came back to you did any of those fights stand out to you the guy’s so close to making me cry I feel really happy when I saw all my moments know and and huge huge moment for me I’m so glad to receive the H of we’re so glad to see you inducted because you’re being inducted into the Pioneer Wing which really means you helped build this sport into what it is today we’re seeing a soldout crowd here in Anaheim does this give you Pride to see how far MMA has come really really really when I arrived here today I saw all a lot of people’s working all the Medias man congratulations for all of you guys you guys doing a great job know and and we Brazil I’m so happy to have all the informations really fast all the guys have a really good job thanks so much well and thank you to Paving this path for so many fighters to make this their career vanderly when you look back at your career is there a favorite fight of yours or a favorite moment in a fight I think in my my last fight in UFC when I fought against Brian Stone would be one one of the best moments on my career no absolutely understandable what did you think of them playing Sandstorm after the announcement that had to feel good right I feel good I feel happy today is a huge night for me I’m so happy and you deserve all of it vanderlay thank you so much for your time congratulations we will see you this summer in Las Vegas yeah yeah yeah thank [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you