‘Tis the season for giving! And here at UFC Unfiltered, our Christmas gift to you is this BONUS EPISODE of UFC Unfiltered with the …

[Music] welcome to UFC unfilter please tell me that’s on video I’ve never been happier I’m made for a podcast we’re dangerous listen to me we’re out of [Music] here welcome to UFC on filter today’s a special episode airing on Christmas Day and it’s so funny as I was talking I was just reading a message from my old trainer who I used to date who’s telling me I can see that you haven’t been keeping up with your dieting are you okay really she telling me I’m fat she’s right I’m fat I know it know that I mean she sees pictures of me on social media that came out wrong how dides she know that yeah I’m not saying you’re fat no she’s right I am fat I am I was just with you the other day and I don’t think you were fat but I did want I did want to poke you little B I did want to go and I don’t blame you stop it I know but I I I’m aware that I’m a fat so um I no I am it’s okay I’m very I have to be truthful with myself I can’t pretend it’s true um have my food has been very bad your face doesn’t look bad your face doesn’t look bad no but I mean look I can see my neck I know what I look like and I also know I’m training harder than I’ve ever trained doing Jiu-Jitsu Muay Thai I’m I’m working out harder than I ever did when I first got married became I became a little a little pork bite yeah that’s what it is let’s bring in steo who I have not seen in a while um you’re not a pork bite I’m sorry no see it’s funny on Jim and Sam steveo was in one morning but it was a day that I was flying to California so I missed him I’m happy to get a chance to talk to him get him in here man yeah bring in steo who’s a real fight fan too and and uh who’s just one of the most entertaining people ever I mean I’ve never met anyone who didn’t like steo he’s a comedian man yeah he just stand up a very interesting Storyteller there he is hey Steve yeah did am I yep we’re on we’re Lucy gooy over here where are you is that your house this is uh my new property in Tennessee wow man awesome why Tennessee you Nashville um somewhat close to Nashville about an hour out um why Tennessee sorry what’s that and was there a reason you like did did you have an affection for Tennessee or did you just like the property um well my lady and I wanted to open up an animal sanctuary kind of our life dream um vny um and uh can’t to see if this Bluetooth works see we were looking for a lot of land oh okay now what is what does that consist of you just get a bunch of animals that are uh not wanted and you and what kind of animals we want farm animals and all kinds of them um and what what it consists of what it looks like could be a number of different things but uh you know that’s what we’re about it it was um the time that we chose to look at properties in Tennessee was when the UFC Fight Night with Corey sandhagen and Rob fun happened in Nashville Good Fight Cory sanh well I mean a lot of people would push back on that man people say yeah because uh that one um he uh tore a tricep something or other and he just laid on Rob font for the whole five rounds yeah but that’s Rob font’s bad that’s not Corey Sanden I’m saying Cory Sanden is a beast and he made that look why why especially if he’s got a torn what do yeah if whatever he torn if why should he stand up and do the old you know fist guy like Rob font if he could just take him down and just hold them down I get it I get it but check this out um I was also at Madison Square Gardens oh um for the the the pareira fight Tom Aspen and Tom Aspen yes and Pereira um and I was sitting next to Cory sandhagen so I’m talking to Corey and I say to him H yeah dude uh I was in he said something about about fighting uh I was like I was like yeah I was in the arena at in Nashville and he says to me he says oh sorry man apolog that’s nice that’s nice right he apologized for that fight and then I said to him I said come on bro think of it this way there’s no other sport in the universe where someone’s goingon to give you a hard time and say dude you were just trying to win right that is funny true that’s very true you’re just trying to win any other sport like if you win that’s the objective and it’s a good thing and and then there’s and then there’s and then there’s MMA where you have to win and you have to do do so in in a fashion that excites the audience and meanwhile what people don’t realize is that when you’re nursing an injury it’s miraculous that he pulled off a win when you have a serious like you hear fights sometimes a guy break his hand in the first round and and I’m like why is he not punching and he’s I broke my hand in the first I’m like Jesus I was annoyed at him for a boring fight and he’s fighting with a broken hand right 100% for sure and then there’s uh Michael Chandler who I just spoke with a couple days ago um who has lost fights but his his stock has just risen so dramatically because of the entertainment value that he offers yeah he’s such an animal when he fights even like gatei even when gatei loses a fight doesn’t like you want him to win but he fights so it’s such a hard fight and so brutal that you’re always like I love this guy and I’ll watch him fight whether he wins or loses it doesn’t matter right but who who did g lose to except for uh kab and ala ah poier lost to poier he got that one back yes he did get it back yeah got that one back he got that a b who was his first L was it uh did he lose or be Eddie Alvarez was his first fight or did he who was his first L he was like 15 and when he came into the UFC and I don’t remember who his first loss was I think Mike oh God who did he fight the uh Michael Johnson was that his first fight I’m forgetting the name of who he he beat Johnson he did it was his first fight in the UFC I think yeah yeah and James Vick he put unconscious that was and that was I’m not saying it was funny but James Vic was James VI was talking about his punch drunk James VI was very very disrespectful and uh I remember I remember when I I met gaii at uh I think it was the Izzy Tory fight in uh in in Glendale Arizona and I said to him uh just how much uh how satisfying it was for me to see him knock out Vic and how classy he was in defeat or in Victory you know like it’s that you know just the way that he said that after he knocked out James Mick he said like hey man you know he said some things that I took pretty personally you know like he he was candid about it but in a really class way and and I love that man kind of like Leon just was you know after this fight where he he was open about that it bothered him and some guys don’t want to show you that and I like when Fighters talk about things I love when Fighters admit when they were afraid because it’s like you’re not human if you’re not afraid and some guys like oh my God was scared shitless or it makes you feel like wow all right it connects you to them a little bit more because I don’t know there’s something very honest about it right yeah I super agree and um I I just think that uh that the the class and sportsmanship is um it’s it’s for me it’s it’s very uh I I don’t know I I just I love it I love it and um to hear Dana talk about how when Colby was saying those vile things um that that that the uh that the pay-per-view buy spiked by like 25% like like it was it was like 100% like visible that these vile things being said were like in like in real time translating to sales like just demonstrating that trash talk absolutely sells fights and um part of me thinks that’s just kind of a shame a little bit in a in a way yeah it’s also he look he didn’t say the same things but Ali taunting uh Joe Frasier calling him an Uncle Tom or going to his camp saying he sucked or what he would do to Sunny Liston I mean it it made you want to watch him get his ass kicked and hey you have to pay the same whether you like the guy or hate him to watch the fight right and and and and speaking of which um I’ve very publicly maintained that um that Colby Covington is uh among if not my favorite the fight fighters um like like just I I I maintained that I’ve always loved disliking I’ve been so engaged in disliking Colby Covington yes that he’s at the very top of my priority list for like excitement in and getting ready to watch him fight and I think that um me feeling that way and then after this last performance like both before and before during and after the fight I I think that I’ve uh I can’t say that anymore I think that uh I just I think that that I’ve kind of lost that uh yeah lost that passion for like like go like it’s not fun to dislike Kobe after that I feel like you know it’s so funny you said that was a great way you put it I been so actively engaged in disliking him I think you said but that’s a great way to put it it’s like he’s one of my favorite Fighters because I don’t like him and I I’m excited to watch him fight cuz I guess want to watch him lose or or I understand that and that’s how a lot of people look at him but after this last one it was like it was so douchy um and like ah even though it does work it did increase it by like you said 25% so it’s hard to say don’t do it because it worked and other guys are gonna do it because again you make more money hey I got a question I got a question for steo and I might I don’t know if we went down this road before we just our last episode we had um Brad what’s Williams Brad Williams yeah Brad okay yeah you know Brad sure comedian comedian uh I want to know and and again you could answer this you know a lot of guys get on when go from one career and then they and they get on by The Comedians because they they go for one career and then it’s like something goes wrong or something or or whatever with that career and all of a sudden they’re like all right let me try my hand in comedy actors do that sometimes when all a sudden they get either canceled or something happens like all right I’ll do I gotta I’m a comedian now you my friend never on I don’t remember at least I didn’t hear it I don’t know how it was when you first started it but it seems you are universally in this commu in this in this community the comedy community you’re accepted you weren’t a try to try to fit in type of guy you wannabe why is that steo why is that why AR people give you that bread and schlob treatment Steve will answer and then I I have an opinion to it but I want to hear Steve’s first go ahead my my first reaction is to say thank you for the kind words um that uh it really um is appreciated um my second reaction is that uh I want to say like come on man get real like uh have you seen have you seen the internet you know like there’s you know like there’s no such thing as being universally accepted and no matter what you do no matter what you do if you’ve got if you’ve got even the tiniest little profile then you’ve got haters that’s just how it is you know so there there are absolutely um examples of individuals who never never did want to accept me in comedy there there are people who still to this day don’t want to accept me in comedy and um that that that’s never going to change I think what what has helped is that number one um my approach to it has been authentic you know I think that it it helped that I wasn’t out there just trying to tell jokes about airplane peanuts you know like I was I was bringing what like what I’m known for and what I do and and and taking advantage of my rich experience in life and and making making comedy of that and then as it’s as it’s evolved um I’ve taken it and and made it a multimedia thing where I go out and I do the craziest stuff ever make that into comedy and then I do a show where after each bit I play the video of the bit I was talking about so I’ve made it my own I’ve made it my own and for all of my touring I did comedy clubs for 11 years before I graduated to theaters and the the comedy world is basically like train tracks and we’re all just like following each other around the track so when you get to every venue you hear about every other comic that came before and if you’ve got a bad reputation everybody knows it and if you’ve got a good reputation everybody knows it and um I think that I I did well by you know taking it seriously being professional putting on a good show and and I developed a good reputation and that’s helped um but yeah still still I got haters yeah you you’ll have everyone will have haters you can’t avoid that and there are some Comics that consider themselves purists but it’s not it’s just another reason to complain about somebody else the majority I mean every every bit of it I’ve heard has been good about steveen it’s because like the word you use was genuine and that really or authentic and it felt like a natural extension of what you were doing before anyway you were funny on the radio uh you were always an entertaining guy you were a naturally funny guy it didn’t seem crazy when I heard that you were doing standup it didn’t seem like why would he do like you’re doing stuff that comedians are scared to do like when actors get into it a lot of times actors come from a world that we think is like just not the same or or like oh you’re just trying to make a few dollars you were out doing things that everyone considered crazy and you were funny when you talked about it so it just seemed like a natural thing it it felt like yeah he belongs here doing this and and the fact that you did it authentic I think uh it was a great choice of words because I think that’s why people just liked you because it was like yeah Steve is just going and tell him stories about like and there’s stories about things that people want to hear about it’s your life what is another comic going to go up and talk about throwing himself through a PL class like that’s your life I can’t talk about that yeah well to thank you as well for the kind words um I think all said that the uh the people who describe themselves as purists and protective of the art and they don’t want Outsiders coming in it’s not that they’re purists it’s that they’re operating with the mentality of scarcity they feel like if somebody comes from another realm in comedy that that person is actively taking food off of their table that if this per if this person is if steo comes into comedy and has success then there is less success for that person that’s that’s the the mentality of scarcity and then there’s people like Rogan who have the mentality of abundance you know he’s like hey man like I Rogan told me I wish my mailman did comedy because he’s funny you know like everybody you know and the thing about it is that everybody can just not worry about uh even having an opinion because it is such a democratic thing I mean there is nothing more lonely than being on stage with a microphone if you are not delivering to that audience what they have come for like if if it’s not working then you are in a world of loneliness and hell and you’re just not going to last you know when you I was gonna say when you first started out before you got your footing was there some nights when you’re like all right I better go back to having somebody some sharks do you ever think about I have to go back to doing some weird because this might not be for me because everybody bombs I mean I’m sure oh yeah oh yeah and I I bombed in in utterly spectacular fashion I mean I mean I’ll watch you through it like super Cliff Notes my my first time performing in a comedy club was 2006 so approaching 20 years ago I it wasn’t I wasn’t supposed to do standup I like somebody asked me to go to the commented club and do one of my stunts on stage and I I was all messed up on drugs and alcohol and I said yeah sure and I showed up I was all messed up on drugs and alcohol and uh when I walked into the comedy club I had no game plan and I looked at the stage I looked what was going on and I thought man the craziest stunt that I could do would be to get on that stage and not do a stunt but try to make people laugh talking and and it was just like oh I could just feel the fear of it and I was like I gotta do that I gotta do that that’s the crazy stunt and so I waited for my turn to get on stage and I came up with one joke you know they they brought me on stage and and I got on I said hey everybody I’m in the mood for a does anybody want one and you know like uh the the crowd laughed I got a little laugh like the overall feeling was that they were excited to see me they were they they they were rooting for me because they just wanted to have a good time yeah and and that that was like and and I told my one joke and maybe I bullshitted for a couple minutes I got the off and it was favorable experience and um and then I I before I left that night I scheduled my return I was like man this is I’m an attention for man I I was soaking it up I was soaking it up I was like oh dude they you know and and before I came back I I I wrote up like jokes you I wrote up like a 10 minute set I performed that when I came back and it went reasonably well I videotaped it put it on YouTube and I was like that’s it for that material and then it came back a third time thinking I was just a natural and that I was just good at it and I got on stage without material prepared and that’s when I found out how lonely it is to not deliver and it traumatized me hey steo I people seen you get injured and and do all this stuff I just recently watched a clip of you where you almost died let me remind you what this was because you just put this out the other day it was at Old Dirty basted tribute and you oh let me tell you something know what I like about it you don’t you don’t you don’t even try to be extra like saying listen I was Brave during this you’re like hey man I was my pants could you please just let us know exactly what I’m talking about let the audience know please what I’m sure for sure um I was uh I I had a relationship with um with Method Man from from you know we work together on my show wild boys I’ve yeah the Wu tank Clan yeah the Wu tank Clan I had been just a huge fan of Old Dirty Bastard and um and you know 2006 uh I mean dirty I think it was uh 20 like late late 2004 when OD passed and um 2006 there was a big it was called Rock The Bells this huge vble and um the wuang plan was headlining it and it was like all day like just the biggest axe Cypress Hill and all all this great stuff and I was there all day just getting drunk and um I just learned this trick where like I had two tricks I could do the standing back flip and I could this other trick where I would get naked and flop my junk back and forth and then jump up in the air and catch it and a man position and then and then like I combined the two tricks into one where with the Manina then I would do a backflip the whole time and land my backflip with the Manina and so I was excited about it and and and I’m like they’re gonna do this old dirty bastard tribute like a tribute to his memory and uh and and I’m like and I I see meod man and Riz a backstage and I’m like yeah like I want to get on stage like as a tribute to be I’m going to get dirty naked I’m going to flip my journey I’m going to like and so they bring me on stage and and with the whole routine Clan old dirty bastard’s mom the whole thing and I just just I just strip naked and flip my junk around and do a backflip naked and um you know nobody could even believe it and then you know it was just like what is this guy doing and then like they start playing Dirty song and everybody but about like maybe half a song after this like the the wuang member rayin just stopped everything sto he grabbed me by the neck and dragged me to the front of the stage and he said I did not appreciate that and you’re gonna apologize or I’m going to jail for knocking you out and this like um and there was nothing tough about me in that moment go was like I’m s you know it was a thing and um you know it’s one of uh many examples of my life when I got it wrong you know sure and I think I think that um I I think that the world is uh entirely too full of people who are just wrong and won’t admit it you know and um can I just say though you you didn’t have bad intentions you were you meant yeah you’re trying to be funny you watch the clip you could tell but but I was I I used to fight in the cage I was nervous for you I was like Oh my he like he had him by the like the back of his NE he’s like get over here he’s like and where’s his mom I apologize to his mom I’m like holy he’s not getting out he’s not getting out what did she say how did she accept your apology was she okay with it she I mean yeah she wasn’t uh she was she was very very forgiving and and gracious like her son was old dirty bastard so it’s you know she has a sense yeah but I mean hey you know what like uh I got that one wrong I get a lot of things wrong I just got done uh recording an episode of my own podcast where I I acknowledge you know that just on a press run that I just did like I man I struck out on a number of podcast experiences and uh I offended some people I I I embarrassed myself like in different situations and I and I acknowledged every instance of of of that every H that I perceived that I took and uh and then you know that’s that’s how we get better in life is we uh we take criticism you know we uh we acknowledge when we came up short and we move forward as an improved version of ourselves did you ever talk to rayquan again uh I didn’t I reached out and he uh his reps politely declined on his behalf for me to speak to him hey hey I’ll I’ll take this tell rayquan to calm down all right tell him I said rayquan easy buddy Easy Come on think anybody I don’t it’s been it’s been a long long time I don’t think anybody’s particularly concerned about it anymore I’ve knowledged that uh you know i’ I’ve acknowledged everything that needs to be acknowledged I feel and you know I think my my side of the Street’s pretty clean when did you reach out did you reach out I I uh man like it was it was at some point like um because I had met the man on my podcast I had Riza you know we we reached out um you know it to see if he he he would come on um he declined um like the sense that I got was that uh that doesn’t make a lot he just doesn’t want to talk about it and that’s fine okay yeah that happens you got enough friends steo you got me and Jimmy yeah I love it let’s talk more about fighting man I don’t want to I don’t want to stray away but thank you I I I genuinely appreciate the uh the kind words about my comedy and um and and I should mention that that my my latest it’s my third comedy special is has just been released and it’s live at sto.com Okay I uh it’s it’s called sto’s bucket list and it is a it’s a bunch of forbidden stuff that I would never have been able to do for Jack gas um you know because for legal reasons for uh some of it’s like legitimately triple x rated and um it’s uh it’s multimedia comedy special which shows things that go further than jackass it could and it’s uh it’s exciting and I love it how much further man you’ve been doing some weird on that show right dude do you know what an epidural is where they put a mle yeah I got man wait an epidor wait is this when you when you when you with the water up your ass no no no that’s an enima yeah I’m sorry I have an Ena story after this go ahead it’s epidurals when they put a 4-in needle in your spine and inject a drug into your spinal cavity which renders you paralyzed oh I got idor for my when I had a back issue but go ahead so yeah the guy this this doctor is dressed up as a clown puts a 4inch needle in my spine injects the drug in my spinal cavity rips out the needle and I take off running to see how far I can go and uh and then how how’ that wait wait how far did you go I went further I ran space I had to turn around and come back and then all sudden your legs go yeah yeah then I Collapse and uh and then my buddies start doing experiments to determine the level to which I’m actually paralyzed and um it’s it absolutely goes further than jackass and um you know there a lot it’s a very wild forbidden and uh and fun multimedia comedy special and again it’s at Ste Ste bucket list it’s also it’s also got um I like to say the who’s who of the UFC Hall of Fame featured in uh in there with with the great Iceman Chuck Liddell we go through we go through all of these different um like colorful creative ways to try to give me cauliflower ear and um oh dude and and uh and and we didn’t pull that off so then I went to Ronda Rousey and um you know she spent the day trying to give me a cauliflower ear and then that didn’t work and so then I went to the great the greatest of all time uh Mr John Jones and um he he uh brought the hammer down very literally he put his current uh Championship UFC belt laid it on my ear and and my my ear was on this workout machine the belt was on top of my ear sandwiching it and he took a hammer to the belt and he blasted and and it like literally exploded my ear open like with a big chunk hanging off and and he he cut that off with scissors which was the uh the craziest moment in in the whole show did it work your ears look fine yeah it uh you know that like um some people just don’t get cauliflower ear I don’t have it that bad I’ve been training a long time I don’t have it that bad my wife’s getting a little bit I go ah honey it don’t matter you got hair you could always I like it though my wife’s been tra hey did you guys ever get an enema I I have yes sure Jimmy just gets it for pleasure I sure do if I’m I’m a bad boy I get one yeah hey you know when I was fighting at 155 uh I Jimmy when I was fighting at 155 I had trouble getting down to that weight because I’m kind of big bone you know even though for a short man so they said there’s always been that thing well you have how many pounds of meat sitting in you and if you get an animal you can so I hey dude if I got like five or six pounds of the pork in my belly or something I will love to flush that out if I could make weight easier so I went to one of these things and dude I list that’s it sounds like what you got was called colonic hydrotherapy which is another level it’s another level past this doctor he I don’t know where he went to school but he looked kind of like a mad scientist there was this thing and they showing me with the the they put this tube I do it myself where they hand it to you and you actually insert in your ass right now I told them I go doc I go you know it’s making he started to turn it these knobs and he show me this picture Contraption and he goes all right he goes you know you’re going to feel some pressure and then you just have to just like relax so I’m relaxed I I’m feeling like I’m gonna have to like do a number two he goes well that you could do it right like there like it comes out that’s what dude all I know is it’s like in one of those movies when the nuclear power plants go dude that I started having it was like a damn out my ass when it start to oh doc a board Mission he took it out I had to put a towel around me and duck walk to the bathroom where I exploded so that dude I basically took on the bed that I’m in the office after I’m dying I’m I’m I’m trying not to laugh because it’s hysterical so they charged me like I don’t know how much it was so I basically played to take a on this I didn’t do sh dude it just gave me a I had a all over the place I didn’t lose any weight and I called Longo dying in the car afterwards he had Longo had to pull over he had to pull over he was driving I was crying I go dude I took a on the bed but anyway those enemies they’re not they’re awesome they are awesome did did did did you cut weight with it I mean I had a nice movement all over this guy’s I don’t think they’d ever let me back in that place right I mean I think that they like let’s talk about about uh ways of cutting weight I was I asked Michael Sandler um like 16 O is a pound a pint a pint is a 16 ounces so presumably if if you uh take out a pint of blood that’s a whole pound towards making weight of course that’s GNA deplete you it’s not gonna help you but then if you put it back in now that’s illegal but talk about blood doping or something what are you talking about you’re gonna you s might you s of might be gone steo but I don’t think I agree with these weird methods you’re talking about here okay but s work with me hypothetically okay I’m not I’m not condoning cheating on any level but just hypothetically as a as a as a a function of curiosity um if uh if if if you’re if you’re fighting for that last pound you know you just you got you got to cut that last pound let’s say you get you get a uh you know take out a pine of blood yeah then then you make weight you put that Pine of blood back in it’s your blood you take it out and then you put it back in there’s no drug that like I there so so like you’re not GNA uh trigger any kind of a drug test yeah and um you know like and and it does Michael Chandler explained this very well he said that um when uh the you you take out the blood and it’s got like all the the you know nutrients or whatever in it and then you work out really hard your body creates more of those uh those things and then when you put the blood in you have like like hyper elevated everything so maybe it does it would trigger up it does do something yeah if it’s if it’s all that for a pound you might want to invest in a sweatsuit instead of going to doctor take my blood out put the blood back in mix it around dude sweat a little bit I don’t know it sounds a little bit out there but hey I mean it’s interesting and I think that we have answered the question that that um your your your levels would trigger something you would get caught [Music] yes hey did Chandler mention to you when he’s uh when he’s fighting or anything or did he give you any uh I don’t know when did you see him I saw him two days ago and and you know now given that we’ve got a little bit of a time lag yeah we absolutely asked him you know what’s going on with the with with the Connor situation um it uh it he he he described that for the first time in I believe a 15y year professional fighting career that um he’s actually got time to spend with his family and to pursue business stuff I think that what what he’s saying is that there have been um unint unintended benefits to um frankly Holding Out for the the con fight you know we all know we all know that the UFC you know by contract the UFC has to offer you so many fights per year and it’s up to the fighter it’s up to the fighter whether they accept those fights or not and clearly um you know Michael chandeler has not been AC accepting those fights because a Conor right is just an exponential of whatever you earn from uh it’s an exponential of whatever you earn from a regular fight and um and he said that uh that it’s not like he’s not training it’s not like uh you know sure the time that he’s taking off like he’s spending it like he’s staying in shape it’s it’s worth it to him to get the B but he also acknowledges that if he’s Conor he doesn’t want to fight my Conor doesn’t want to fight Michael Chandler I think that’s a tough fight for Connor and when they signed on to do uh uh to coach ultim fight I was like I was surprised because that’s a tough fight for Connor because he’s such a squat great ground fight I I was surprised he took that fight and he hasn’t right and I mean Michael said that it’s built into their ultimate fighter contracts that that uh this supposed to be a fight so I don’t know there kind of a breach involved if Conor doesn’t uh fight Michael Chandler but uh Michael Chandler gets it you know that um that uh you know that that an ats3 is H is Tony Ferguson and I think that we can all agree that the Tony Ferguson Conor fight is is not it that’s that’s that’s an ad has three that would be compelling I’d rather see Conor gatei I think Connor would be at 170 at this point but that’s the fight I’ve always wanted is Connor gatei uh I don’t see it happening at this point but I mean that’s a fight I would love to see it’s the exact same problem as the Chandler fight it’s like you want to be in the frying pan or the fire yeah yeah it’s a tough fight too of course but as a fan that’s kind of the one I’ve wanted to to see thing is Connor likes the he likes the um the spotlight you know he likes to be out there but with all the money he has to step back look at his training footage look at his training footage he’s back to he lost all the weight he’s he’s training like uh he’s in the usada pool right well he was that the yada is no longer right right understood understood let me ask you about a couple fights that we got coming up already set uh UFC 297 Sean Strickland versus dracus dup dup dup yeah what do you think of that I like that Sean Strickland man he’s just a breath of fresh air or some kind of air he’s just I like I like his nuttiness I like his honesty I think he’s a success story from where he came from and sure I like it I like the honesty with this gentleman I mean you get a little bit of that uh you know Anthony Smith vibe that you know he like humble beginnings you know small town guy except he’s just like he’s strong Strickland I’d be interested to know what the what the odds are on Strickland dupi can you guys bring that up because I would have dupi as a favor yeah I don’t know I’m looking at dup’s uh obviously he’s I mean he’s beaten Whitaker Brunson Darren til Taris he’s beaten some really good Fighters um right I I think like I If I’m the odds I’ve got dupi as a like minus 150 favorite maybe maybe even minus like 180 something like that he ever did five rounds Strickland Strickland’s the favorite yeah Strickland minus 135 favorite okay my money’s on on dupy and I’ll tell you why um the way that caner blew through Strickland the way that Pereira flatlined Strickland um I you know and and and he’s got he’s got all the fundamentals you know he’s the he’s fundamental he’s I just don’t like um I just don’t think that uh he he’s got that that knockout power I think that that D is gonna have more power and I think that Sean Strickland the way that he shocked the World by beating Izzy yeah I don’t want I don’t I don’t want to undermine Sean Strickland but I do think that it’s worth mentioning that whatever the story was that Sean Strickland was talking about Izzy with the dogs and whatever that was going on like that really really affected Izzy Izzy was just like whatever the the story about Israel of Sonia with dogs was I don’t even know what the story was I just know that that really really I I believe that absolutely eradicated is his ability to to to function at the highest level he one thing about strick that fight with uh with caner was a split decision that was a good fight a good five round fight uh I mean Pereira caught him but I mean he did I give respect to anybody who can go the distance with cider because he does he hits like a cement truck uh and it was a split decision so um all right fair enough it does depend on who I hate to say it like because I sound like I’m trying to be a sports guy whoever can Implement their game plan but I mean if dupi catches him dupi could probably knock most people uh out and if Strickland is able to slide away and just stay away and frustrate him he has a very good shot uh but yeah I guess if Dy catches anybody they’re in trouble I mean if he catches almost anybody proba drop him I just I just think that that that that that Israel fight Strickland just just walked him down he just walked him down and he just never went away never went away and and Israel never got aggressive dupi is going to get aggressive that’s I think dupi is going to be wild plus he’s gonna be just aggressive he’s gonna be powerful and and I uh for for all of Strickland’s fundamentals and and uh and his gas tank he certainly got the gas tank um I just picture dupy being so wild and so all over the place that something catches them and you know maybe I’m wrong I’m wrong all the time and I I’m terrible at picking fights dude and d and you know the is draus had gotten surgery in his nose I think or his sinuses because they said he was breathing at such a low capacity and that he got tired and he breathed with his mouth open but they said he just couldn’t breathe but that’s where Strickland’s gas tank would come in if he’s able to tie him up and frustrate him a little bit for the first couple rounds does it matter uh C can he get him into later rounds and do it I don’t know but I can’t wait to see that fight um I mean I find Strickland so I just I like him in the cage and out of the cage I like listening to him he just doesn’t give a and so I just enjoy him what do you think of I Echo all of that I Echo all of that I think that uh you just never know what you’re gonna get with him and he’s just so like uh you I heard somebody describe the difference between you money and me money and like and Sean strick acts like he’s got me money yeah what do you think now what because you’re bucket list what are fights that you would want to see in this next year like already booked uh stricky uh uh volkanovski Toria and om Al ver is going to be a great fight uh their second fight what is one that you would really like to see that you don’t know if it’s going to happen um I mean the uh the question of uh Islam wants to go up to welterweight and take on Leon Edwards um I know that Dana said that he’d like to see Islam stay down at 155 um but uh when you look at at at Leon Edwards at the options for who Leon Edwards is gonna fight next you’ve got um shop cot Rock manov and um you know as exciting yeah but there’s Bal and Sh you know and as exciting as that is to the the Die Hard fighting fans you know I saw comment on social media that said that if if Bal and Leon Edwards is the next um you know welterweight championship fight that it it may set a record for the the low the least interest or you know among whereas Islam versus Leon Edwards I think would be a would would it’s a super fight it’s a champ champ situation I think uh Islam kind of had so from from I think there’s there’s more money in the UFC there’s more Buzz there’s more excitement if if we let Islam go up to 170 and fight Leon that’s my opinion and you’re right it is a business I mean and they do think of that like as much as like I would love to see balal get it or they may be thinking like well what’s going to sell more and yeah that is the way they think too as a business right um so uh so so so there’s that what what else do I want to see um I mean like it’s whatever patty patty the bad’s next fight is is a really exciting discussion I mean he he looked so good against Tony Ferguson and I think that um we’ve just seen we’ve seen a great deal of improvement in Patty the baty number one um he’s not um putting on all that Pudge in between camps you know like he he’s seems to really be taking his career seriously in a way that he didn’t before like it was a big joke to him like look at me like I had him on my podcast I had Patty baddy on in between camps and we literally stopped off and bought a scale and you know I do I do my podcast in the van and and and we drive the van to the guests so like that’s the whole thing the wild ride so we we had we had the F everybody got on the scale and he weighed I think 205 wow he 205 like I mean and and he did it unabashedly he literally did that and props to him because that kid is absolutely like you know what you see is what she get that you know he’s really uh he he’s he’s very authentic but we like I think that he’s he’s taking his uh training seriously in between camps he’s not putting on all the weight I think that the uh that the whole debacle with Ariel helwani and uh the aftermath of his decision against Jared Gordon you know it was kind of a bad week for him and I think that I think that that was Patty the baddy going through the attendant Growing Pains um that come with like becoming a a star you know I don’t think I don’t think you can become a star without having some kind of growing pains because all of a sudden you’re bestowed with the power and Prestige influence and it’s it’s hard not to take advantage of that you know and um I think that Patty like very publicly stumbled a little bit with his with his growing pains and I think that I think he came out the other end of that with visible humility I think that he grew from that so I think he’s I I see Patty as a better fighter a a healthier fighter and a better person and um and I think just everything that he did in that fight with Tony um showed showed growth I think that he’s he’s ready to face a bigger Challenge and whoever Patty gets next that’s a very exciting question speaking of growth I want to point out this and I wanted to do this the other day you know a lot of people gave to meatball uh Mary mccan all right because she lost her fight and she got submitted and you know you know since then what she did she went and she went in that Polaris and she got a nice beautiful arm lock and she went to a grappling event and uh I’m not sure if she even up to a level she might have got a belt also too as far as I got a brown did she get a brown belt I’m looking at her Instagram now but uh she went and she lost she got submitted she got embarrassed she went she attacked her the weakest area which was a grappling and then she just won a grappling match I just want to say you know props to Molly mccan on that because she got a lot of she got a lot of uh because she was getting a lot of attention which was I think warranted because she had a beautiful spinning knockout spinning back fist elbow knockout and then she had a couple tough matches with the grappling and she attacked it and now she made such uh improvements in that area and uh I thought I think we’re gonna see uh a lot a lot of her next year I just want to give her some props for that yeah think that’s great the mind what I have right there sorry no no my bad I was I was terrible right there but yeah I’d love to see that too and I think that her being so kind of uh closely linked to to Patty and like the hype around both of them like uh that yeah who’s next for Patty who’s everybody wants to see him run it back with Jared Gordon but does he take that fight like when you SC I mean look maybe he takes that fight and knocks Jared out in the first round or jar just he just W jar jar had a big win had a big win uh and let me tell you the kid he fought was he undefeated Matt uh give us the last fight of Jared Gordon please put that up there for us producer yes definitely it wasn’t an easy fight yeah we had him on right before yeah yeah but Marco Madson that’s right was yeah I thought it was that Mark Madson and and yeah for I know the the first round KO but was what was uh madson’s record wasn’t he like undefeated in the UFC was he 12 and0 at the time or had he lost the fight already I don’t remember come on Jake sorry he was 12- one at the time 12 Jared Gordon man dude huge nuts this kid yeah you know what I mean he can’t listen he had a lot of demons he battled in life and he’s winning and uh I wouldn’t mind seeing that one run back you know I like that um and you know like I’m a recovery guy too so you know Jared Gordon Jared Gordon being a clean and sober guy you know like I think that the entire world is is in agreement that he got robbed on that decision nobody I don’t think anybody thinks that Patty won that fight and I would even include Patty in that I think we’re honest you know so so there’s that I think that that the that Justice that the right thing would would be to see Jared Gordon run that back with Patty but justice but there’s Justice and then there’s business and and and I just like you know again I I I respect jerich I just I I just wonder if there’s not a there better better fights and especially when you got the business pattty the B do you want you know like how about this you know who’s been hot is uh is Bobby green now Bobby green didn’t didn’t he just Bobby green just he got Jaylen Turner that was a bad a bad knockout the ref i’ take that back i’ take that back and he got he kept getting beaten up for 30 seconds while he was unconscious that could shorten your career right there yeah not your Bobby green Bobby green cannot fight in 2024 that that that knockout was that bad take a year off you tell him to take a year off after that his brain needs a year I think that like maybe at least a few months few months yeah everything everything that Bryce Mitchell was saying thank you for not hitting me again thank you for not hitting me again he’s awesome and I’m tell you that that Josh emit uh you know he was such a classy guy too yeah wasn’t there one more before we end this wasn’t there one more knocked out that fight where the guy back where where the fighter backed off to who did anyo Round Tree Kalo Round Tree May K Anthony Smith yeah where he I love when Fighters again sometimes you don’t know you’re in the heat of it but once in a while you know he knows and he just wants to punch him again um and I like when they all like mazal when when he went to go hit after that 5sec knockout me and then he went to hit him again you know and then he said it was super necessary it was not not necessary I I agree with that like you know we see it all too often punches that don’t need to be thrown when Fighters are out yeah unless unless of course it’s Kobe Covington then they stop him I’m sorry I don’t yeah I’m not even gonna I’m not even gonna back that don’t back you’d be bad if you backed that but I’ll back that I’ll like to curb stomp him American History X I’m sorry I’m sorry guys marry Mary your special is on uh sto.com I I love you man I think you’re you’re one of the most entertaining people ever you do things that I would never dream of doing and you’re funny on stage so uh congratulations man I’m always happy to see you do well yes I appreciate you both uh it’s an honor to be able to be back on with you guys I I love the UFC more than than is healthy like I’m just I’m I’m nuts I’m nuts for it and um anytime you guys reach out uh I’m all over it man like I can’t wait to talk to you guys again have a great holiday buddy thanks for coming on and you’re always always a pleasure hey for sure Merry Christmas everybody and thank all right take care Steve Ste and uh Matt uh that does it for us Steve is great he’s just I could talk to him for three hours he’s an amazing guest yes Jimmy Jimmy and thanks for having me over your house I can’t wait that that episode comes out it was a delight yes and they’re going to do more of them so hopefully we’ll get called for another one and I’ll be skinnier Jimmy have a a phenomenal holiday you too and thank you to Steve Merry and happy happy Jimmy yes take care buddy and if you want to check out what I’m doing go to Jim norton.com for my dates if you want to see what I’m doing if not I understand goodbye bye everyone team mat you’re the best [Music] jimm