The NFL Draft kicks off today so on this episode of Good Guy vs Bad Guy…DC & Chael are drafting their Ultimate Fighting Teams …
here’s a question Daniel would you rather give up your double champ status or have Ryan Garcia as your roommate for the rest of your life oh I’m giving up double champ I am not rooming with Ryan Garcia for the rest of my life no way no how [Music] what’s up guys welcome to a brand new episode of good guy bad guy I’m Daniel forier that’s my man t sunon t p so for the record you are not rooming with Ryan Garcia you’re not rooming with Ryan Garcia at all you’re rooming or you’re giving away all your accomplishments right every Championship everything you got to give them all back you got to give them all back before he Shacks up in the room next door I’m not I’m not staying with Ryan Garcia they say you can work yourself into like real life I feel like he worked himself into real life but he got lucky and it worked out because he could have been the biggest clown on the planet but the reality is it worked but that was last week’s news chill Ryan Garcia beating Devon Haney was huge but we got some big news in our world as the UFC has now announced that UFC 304 is going to be in Manchester England look I am a massive soccer fan or football as we call call it in my community right I love watching the the English Premier League I love the Champions League chill but for me going to Manchester now is about going to watch two English Champions defend their championships as I believe cha Tom Aspen fights and Leon Edwards fights what was the first thing that you thought whenever you heard that news okay and I like what you’re saying I also think that we’re gonna have both guys now that isn’t announced at this point in fact Dana White announced uh Manchester he announced a date he announced when tickets go on sale he did not announce anybody on the card which I got to tell you is absolutely incredible I mean I really do like when this happens because I enjoy speculation more than the reality and let me tell you this the reason that this is so important okay there is a belief in our sport that Tom Aspen is not going to be able to cash in that golden ticket known as the inm championship to take on potentially John Jones in the future I don’t buy that I don’t buy that at all I think you need to take a real good look at Aspen real good look at who the opponent is and I do believe because don’t forget an hour after Dana made the announcement of Manchester and the speculation of Aspen uh started to come around that he’s going to be the first ever to defend an interim Championship one hour later Jon Jones announces I’m back Jon Jones is in training camp he took some pictures he posted on his Instagram Daniel there’s such a thing as a coincidence but this is a little bit too perfect and when everybody’s trying to say that match will never happen I’m not in that category I think it does happen and I think this defense of Tom aspal and his potential opponent really matters it’s not going to be Jon Jones I hope you’re not saying are you trying to tell me right now that you believe that Tom Aspen’s opponent is Jon Jones CH is that what you’re saying no no I don’t I don’t believe that fact I think he’s going to take on Curtis plays but what I’m saying is the idea that defending an interim Championship doesn’t matter and doesn’t eventually play into John I don’t think it’s right I think that Jon is attempting to build that Jon is having his own fun that John is laser focus on steti miic I do not believe with any part of my being that Jon Jones leaves this sport without settling this piece of business that he currently has with Aspen you know chill I get it I get what you’re saying but I think that Tom Aspen and this is for me right there are some guys right Curtis blades just had that great fight against jilon almea he won so obviously he is a contender him and Tom have history of the injury the only fight that Tom Aspen has lost belongs to Curtis blades but let me give you this one if I think Tom Aspen’s opponent how about Sir Gan right think about when Siro Gan was the man when SRO Gan was fighting for the championship the interim Champion Tom Aspen went to Paris France the first time we ever held an event there rockers crowd going crazy serial fights of masterful fight against taiu iasa Tom ASA is in the crowd waiting for his moment CH we’ve now seen this two times we saw sha Ali do it to morab deales V in Miami it did not not make him get the fight even though Shawn tried to like kind of not noell him he still ultimately is getting the fight Tom Aspen is waiting cha for his moment Siran no sells him doesn’t let him in in the Octagon goes and says he’s Beyond Tom Aspen he he’s too big to fight Tom Aspen Tom Aspen becomes the champ chel says the same thing to Siro Gan so now sir Gan is the guy that wants to fight Tom saying to him no no no no no remember what happened in Paris that is the type of stuff chill that’s enough for me like that’s enough for me to go I gotta see these two Petty dudes fight because they’re both so petty that when they got the power it’s like the dude that owns the football in the neighborhood chill and and when he doesn’t get picked first he grabs his football in his kicking te and he goes home that’s why I want the fight because they’re both Petty and they both deserve each other because they both roll around in the mud and they both messy yeah and D I love the way you laid that out because I have the same interpretation as you I think that Aspen got his feelings hurt Aspen wanted something from sural and when sural had the opportunity to give it to him which only meant to acknowledge his presence that’s all he had to do Tom laid out the plan he laid out the blueprint he flew uh you know to a different country he did the whole bit all he needed was acknowledged and surreal didn’t give him as much as that all of a sudden couple months later outside of Madison Square Garden Tom has a belt and now sural needs him I like the pettiness where Tom all of a sudden says I’m I’m not going to fight with you Daniel I believe that the problem is if you do bring surreal back you now if he wins you put a belt around sural if J Jones is agreable you’re going to do a rematch with J Jones and I think that’s I think that’s too tough after the the the performance that surreal gave or did not give I I just don’t think there’s any scenario where they redo that match and you would run into a big risk if you put the belt around him well the problem is the problem with this is is John said he’s fighting Stipe and he starts talking about retirement so in reality if he has to be taken at his word chil it doesn’t matter who fights for the belt right because he’s not going to be there to fight the next guy the most that we got from Jones in regards to him potentially fighting Tom Aspen was when Tom walked up to him at that event kind of grabbed him by the arm John was like keep doing your work and then we’ll see what happens down the line but there is no clear indicator that John is gonna stick around and fight these young guys I would love to see it I would love to see him in there with Aspen I would love to see him and there were guys like not sirro Gan because we know how that played out but guys like Curtis blades and guys like G Ela guys that have the ability to try and push him because here’s the deal CH you and I could probably agree on this right in Jon Jones’s Prime Tom Aspen jot Ela Curtis blades Sero all these guys it would almost be laughable the thought that they could compete against him right but it doesn’t seem like he’s in his prime anymore so I would like to see him compete against those young guys as he starts to kind of filter out of his PR uh Prime sorry to see if they can compete with him because as he has taken a step these guys are phenomenal so I believe that him sticking around would be good but first aspo has to defend the interim Championship like you said we very rarely get that but what you got to imagine though is Leon Edwards will be on the card too and Leon Edwards is not an interim Champion he’s the Undisputed Welterweight champion in the world it’s going to be B Muhammad these guys that fought once it was it was a no contest because of an eye poke what do you make of that fight and does that is there a better option because there’s there’s always been these talks like people tend to want to push balal Muhammad off and not give him what he has earned but is there a better option at w to wait for Leon that one no no no no there’s not if if Leon’s going to defend the championship it’s got to be against blal as long as there’s no illness and or injury between the two of them I checked with with both camps as early as yesterday they both said they’re fine however they don’t have this deal done they are rumored they believe it’s in the talks but I’m just sharing with you like that thing is still dangling and I got to just back up one step to Tom aspal if you put Tom aspal against sural gone and sural gone gets the jump on him make no mistake you just retired Jon Jones in that very moment if Tom Aspen goes down Jon Jones does not return Beyond uh Stipe and I I just really want to make that point to you it’s fairly important in my opinion that he is in their opposite Curtis blades and and there’s a lot of politics there’s a lot of things that go behind that they have unfinished business Curtis blae is The Only Name that Aspen has said and Aspen did say you beat me and I want to fix this one regardless if it was by injury or not I I I just want I want you to really understand the problem if you put sural in there and sural has success but even if those guys did good business sh they did Big Business Jones and seral did Big Business could they do big business again or because of the way it played out you don’t think anybody would really tune into it again no I I certainly do listen if it’s a cash grab and that’s really what motivates John yeah of course I would too your job as the champion is to take the biggest paycheck against the easiest opponent I’m not saying that John would have a problem with that I take JN at his word that he’s fighting for legacy I take JN at his word that he thinks he’s got one guy still left that could uh raise a question which is stee Mio as soon as that’s done there’s going to be another question question looming that he it was unforeseen and that is this young man out of England called Tom Aspen if you bring aspal down though that conversation is done you put surreal back on top John’s already faced him he goes out on top you know it’s very interesed in regards to this fight I love Leon Edwards in England chill the last time he walked out in London crazy to reception he got because if anybody deserves to be treated like a star it’s Leon Edwards because his Road to becoming the champ was not easy he had to win 10 fights he had to go undefeated in 11 fights before he finally got an opportunity and then he had to get beat on by kamaru Usman for 24 minutes no no no he won the first round then for about 17 minutes he got beat on by kamaro Usman landed that knockout in Utah went back to England to defend the championship and more dominant fashion but the reception he got when he walked out to that octagon crazy because the first time he fought in London chill he got booed and they they cheered for gunar Nelson because gunar Nelson was more known than Leon Rocky Edwards at the time so if there’s a guy that deserves to be playing in front of a crowd that loves him it’s Leon Rocky Edwards now one of the things that always plays a part in these fights when we do International fights is when will the fight happen in Abu Dhabi they Ure that on pay-per-view they get the fight in prime time in Abu Dhabi so then we are given a midday fight in the United States in England though they’re making it prime time in the United States chill 3 a.m. is when these guys will be fighting have you ever had an experience where you’re fighting in the middle of the night because I know as a broadcaster what I have to do to try to flip the clock when I get in these places whenever we have those fight cards that are going to be in the middle of the night have you ever experienced that yeah Daniel only one time when I fought Jon Jones I left the locker room at a quarter past midnight the pay-per-view window was open until uh 1:00 a.m. now I happen to be a night owl I liked it I I in fact when I was training I used to do my second workout about 11:00 p.m. it was a run and a lift it was something that I could do on my own without a coach or teammates but that’s when I felt my best let me tell you a quick story though when I did The Ultimate Fighter three in Brazil opposite vanderlay Silva and don’t forget MMA is the number two sport in the entire country of Brazil only behind soccer so the amount of fans that they have is so massive Daniel they would do these things and it would end about 2 or 3 in the morning you could not get anywhere on the freeways and the roads in Brazil because so many people were returning home from the parties that they had watching these fights so it kind of does matter where you go and when you bring up Manchester Manchester is the Rave capital of the world it’s not like these guys are going to have to set their alarm to get up they’re ready up J I remember once I fought listen to this name you might know it I fought a guy named so Pele in like my third professional fight I went to Australia I went there two days earlier middle of the night we’re fighting I’m yawning cha I’m falling asleep on the the the the table Bob cook walks up to me with a cup of coffee and goes you better drink this coffee because you’re going into that fight and I remember taking a little sip of of coffee but the moment I started to get closer to the actual competition something woke up in me I didn’t need the the coffee there was a natural boost of energy because they say when we’re in extreme situations sh we have something that kind of awakens right when people are faced with impossible odds they tend to find ways to overcome and I think that’s what happened to me I think that’s what going to happen to these Fighters but as a broadcaster I’m usually trying to flip the clock in Abu Dhabi because they’re saying hey you’re calling the fights at 7 pm our time which means it’s middle of the night in the country so what do I start doing CH I start to you know what I do CH I take sleeping pills during in the morning and I stay up all night I don’t even go to bed I’m like a night out in Abu Dhabi so I’m staying on American time because I know that I need to treat this as if I live here so you got to acclimate to the place that you’re in I think it will be a factor I think it’ll be a bigger factor for the guys that go later those athletes that go on Tuesday a fight week like normal you got to go early you got to go for two weeks that is what we always did in wrestling and that is what what I always did in fighting when I fought in a different time zone two weeks is what you’re going to need to try to acclimate if you want to treat this fight as if it’s happening at a normal hour yep yeah Daniel I’ve heard it I mean I really can’t personalize it at all I had coaches in college where if the national tournament was going to be in the east coast we lived in the west coast I went to University of Oregon where we would train at different times to try to simulate the session I really didn’t get it man I thought it it was Overkill but that’s personal I have seen it work with other guys for example Fabricio verom versus Cain Velasquez in Mexico City that might be one of the great examples verdum went out there 30 days early he acclimated now that wasn’t to a time change that was to Elevation but the principles in the point is the same I think that might have cost Kane a world championship but I just offer that is an example it’s something that you would remember something that the fans could relate to you know the the time does matter if you’re used to doing something my B I got to tell you man I really don’t get it my body I’m whatever time the clock says that’s what time it is if I get somewhere and the clock says it’s it’s 10 p.m. it’s 10 p.m. but I know a lot of other people it really affects them you’re lucky you’re very lucky you’re very lucky of that’s a thing you’re very lucky of that’s a thing because that don’t work like that for everybody but yeah Kane’s situation was very bad I couldn’t even spar with him when I show showed up three days before the fight I was so exhausted because of the altitude now CH shano Ali is a big name and mixed martial arts him and Ryan Garcia who we spoke about early in the show now are talking about a boxing match that’s exciting how excited are you chill or does it even interest you the idea of sha Ali going over to fight Ryan Garcia is Ryan Garcia that valuable and asset because he won the fight over Devon Haney I would have to ask people why they find that interesting and I know that there’s an answer I don’t want to tell somebody they shouldn’t like something but it is a little bit confusing if I was to go back to 1993 when they first set that octagon up in Mobile Alabama people were absolutely captivated by the idea of having such a a open format to do combat and now those same exact people want to go back to all the arguments that we made and successfully made over 30 years take all uh the opportunity and skills away and just have pugilism and it’s just one of those interesting things for me we never see these crossovers the only time this has ever happened is Mayweather versus McGregor and I have personally never lived through anything that was where the truth was mold more than that fight those guys did not make the money they pretend to it did not do the pay-per-views they pretend to They begged to do a rematch and the benefactor right in the check absolutely was not going to do it again and I only tell you that it’s not like this is a great idea we tried to do it with Tyson Fury and Francis and agano it bombed everybody got crushed on it I don’t know why are we keep going back to this concept if Garcia and om Ali want to fight I would watch it for sure but what would they be fighting for what title would they be fighting for what weight class is it is that even interesting I I don’t know man I like what om Ali does I want to see om Ali versus nagam medov after he gets done with morab just by example like om Ali calling out guys in different weight classes maybe you know going up to 45 and starting to talk about these conversations for Ryan Garcia and I man I don’t really get it I can just listen to you go on it I I love it I love because I see you processing through like I don’t understand you’re trying to make it make sense to you but you can’t it’s like you’re trying your damn this to make this make sense to me but it doesn’t like here here’s the deal I like that sha Ali said two sick performances before because now it seems as though Ali finally cha is taking note of what he should do he initially said I want to fight ilot Toreo right now fans gave him a ton of backlash he said okay I thought that’s what you wanted but sure I’ll fight my weight class now he’s saying maybe a boxing match is out there for me but to make sure he doesn’t get the vitrio that he got last time he goes after I fight two more times and defend my Championship so I think that he has now at least taken note of the environment surrounding him and he’s not just saying things not not believing that there will be he will catch Flack Ryan Garcia sha Ali is fun as an idea my thing is this though is there really that much money in boxing where shauni will leave his championship Reign to go fight against Ryan Garcia these are 100 40b Fighters these guys are not the names from the past that fought in those middle weights that were making millions and millions of dollars what is the licens in Fe going to be what do they share whenever it’s done my biggest issue with this though is that it’s always the MMA guy having to go to boxing but we put boxing on this pedestal as if you’re guaranteed to make all this money and I just don’t know if these guys are making the amounts that they think they’re going to make when they get out there sure I think France has got a lot of money when he fought Tyson Fury I don’t believe that the ticket sales probably match the money that him and Tyson Fury made that the pay-per-views match it but they went and did it over in Abu Dhabi they did it in Saudi Arabia where the money is vast if I could say it in that way so yes there are instances where it works like that I just don’t know if it will be much more value than Shan Ali fighting someone in the Mixed Martial Arts cage Jill yeah I I don’t really understand it either I mean listen I have a big problem with with the claim that Francis and G made a whole bunch of money if you’re given money that is very different than making money right if you if you’re given a percentage and it’s prosperous and it’s something that could be uh repeated and sustainable that’s very different than charity where somebody gives you money not for nothing now secondly and promoters always miss this it’s one of the many reasons that promoters have a very hard time jumping in the space and competing against Dana White what are you fighting for now if you want to go back in history there used to be very important reasons that somebody with in your tribe Andor Village was good at fighting because somebody from a different tribe Andor Village came over they could take your life in your land it was a very big deal now as the world became more civilized eventually a promoter wanted to turn this into a sport and he created something known as a belt he threw a belt out and got guys like you and me to suspend and sacrifice their entire life to try to have that darn belt the point that I’m trying to make when you have big fights you have a big disparaging Gap in winner versus lers loser what is at stake is the question so nothing is at stake if Ali goes to take on Garcia regardless of the outcome nothing was at stake there’s no title there’s no rain there’s no personal Grudge there’s no fuel there’s no undefeated record the MMA guy goes back to MMA the boxing guy goes on with boxing nothing is and if something if somebody doesn’t have something to lose you can’t have a big fight you know what the big the bigger issue for me is this if sha Ali wins then he doesn’t want to go back to MMA look at what’s happening with Francis that that’s the bigger issue for me right if it does work and he goes off and he fights boxing and he makes all this money chill they don’t want to come back I bet right now Francis and ganu after making what he made to fight Tyson and Anthony Joshua will have a very difficult time going back to the pfl and making five seven million it’s just the truth so sure these ideas are fun if we want to run the wrist chil of losing these guys uh for a really long time or getting him back ja damage because right now I love Francis but that Tyson Fury fight elevated him but then in the way that he lost the last fight it damages him a little bit right because it made him seem like an amateur taking on a professional boxer so there’s some risk in that and uh I don’t know that I love it so much but yeah two I mean Manchester’s going to be sick two title fights I would imagine are going to be on the card and Sean Ali versus Ryan Garcia as an idea is fun I don’t know if the risk is worth the reward to me so I think I’m tapping out on it all right CH while I may be out on that fight what I’m into is what we got next Air what we doing all right guys the NFL draft kicks off tonight on ESPN that’s why we’re holding our very own good guy versus bad guy Ultimate Fighting draft you two will take turns drafting four current or former fighters to join you in the ultimate battle against one another since DC has more losses on his record because well chel is undefeated and Undisputed DC you get the first pick oh my goodness you’re right I mean it would seem like the guy that has all the uh the wins should pick second all all right for me I got my first pick and my first pick [Music] is Jon Jones I didn’t want to do it I gotta take Jon Jones I mean chill I gotta take Jon Jones Chill I just have to do it for all the reasons I’ve said on a number of occasions if I’m taking a guy that could sell T pay-per-views and can fight I’m taking John Jones because I’m not doing just business today CH I’m getting the guy that I know will win at the top of his division so CH with my first pick I’m taking John Jones with all the distractions and all the issues I’m taking Jones all right and I got to tell you obviously I would clone myself and then fight myself five different times but since that’s not the way the draft works I’m going with DL tank Abbot the first MMA fighter that I ever met in person the first MMA fighter that I ever got to train with this was out on the campus of bringham Young University where I was a freshman Mark Schultz was the head coach and tank Abbot came out because he was getting ready for something called the ultimate ultimate where he believed in the semi-finals he was likely to draw wrestler Dan s I’m taking tank Abbot as my first pick wow pretty good pick CH all right round number two with my first pick in the second round cha I am going to take the one and only George Rush St Pierre because hey if we’re talking fighting not many people did fighting better than George St Pierre CH so I’m taking a guy that not only became the champion but won the championship and defended it multiple times and then on the way out cha as a final kiss hey chill you know how they do you know how they do politicians on their way out they give a couple kisses as a final kiss he went upper weight class and became the middleweight champion of the world so if we’re talking fighting George R St Pierre has got to be on your list so my second pick is George St Pierre George St Pier is the greatest to have ever done it at an agreed upon weight class at an agreed upon date and at an agreed upon time I’m going to take a guy that will do it with no agreements needed Michael Bisping I’m not a bar guy I’m not like a club guy oosh oosh oosh we don’t really even have those in Oregon I happen to find myself in California with the lovely Miss Britney we’re out there in a club I see Michael bisp at the bar ordering some drink he wanted four of them and I don’t even know what they were called but the bartender refused to give them Michael bis being told the bartender a word that’s all he said he said a word while pointing outside the two of them walked outside as I observed the entire thing they came back in in less than 10 seconds Michael had that order filled and the bartender refused to take his money I don’t know what happened but I’m taking Michael Bisping okay CH as we get into round number three because that’s how this works right I’ll walk up up to the thing I’ll be with the commissioner as I get ready to pick my third pick here’s what we got Jill as we get into round three you start to look around the board and it’s still super Elite prospects I’m I’m GNA give you a little bit of recency bias I have to because we’re talking about fighting right the Ultimate Fighting Championships I saw a guy a couple weeks ago that showed you what fighting is I’m going with the BMF Champion the Blessed Express choo choo has not left the station and with my third pick I am taking Max bless Holloway chill you wanted to hey you know what’s crazy when I was watching that fight with Justin gatei I popped like everybody else when he said right here right now but this is not a one-time thing he’s done this multiple times he did it against Dustin porier he did it against Justin gaii he did it against Ricardo llamas he just does it he loves fighting and why wouldn’t you love fighting if you’ve got the head the size of a freaking watermelon and you can’t get dropped I’m taking Max Holloway with my third pick man I’m building a great team Uncle CH you better pick it up hey Max Holloway is great but I think that size Matters I’m gonna go with my favorite fighter one of the ones that inspired me the most the king of the streets Marco huaz and Marco who was is the one that showed us all that you could have skills standing and skills on the ground that was almost a forbidden fruit at one point in time if you were a karate guy and tried to go into a Jiu-Jitsu school by example there was a period of time in the 90s where you had to have a note you had to provide from one Sensei to the other that you had permission to go in Cross train Marco H broke that rule much like Bruce Lee did he innovated the sport in my opinion the ultimate fight that I ever wanted to see that I never got was Marco HOAs versus Don fry ultimately I am going with Marco who was great pick J that’s a great pick now here now my fourth pick is a bit of an odd one right because it it’s a two-part pick right and that’s just kind of how it works right all right first I’m gonna take the last emperor Fedor arilia nko because you’re right heavyweights do matter and what he did during his time especially in Pride was second to none but I’m going to hedge that chill and I want to look at you as I tell you CH I am taking uh Fedor milia n as the lead leader of my last pick of the entire roster of Pride including vandalay Silva Quinton Rampage Jackson sh ganua Ricardo Arona Kevin randomman Mark Coleman I am taking the entire Pride roster from back in the day as a they got I’m sorry they got thrown in into the deal I traded up in the draft ended up taking Fedor and they put the entire Pride roster with him so that’s what I’m doing at pick number four CH what do you think of that pick I like it a lot I am going to see your number four and I’m going to raise you a hoist Gracie and I will tell you today’s guys you might be noticing a theme that I’m going back to yesterday but Daniel the way I interpreted the question it said Fighters I I don’t know really a more of a group of Pradas and fake tough guys than today’s Fighters me you miss weight by two pounds all of a sudden your opponent doesn’t want to do the fight I see guys pulling out a fight a month early they tell you I’m not going to feel good a month from now there’s not even a doctor with a crystal ball that could tell you how you’re going to feel a month from now boy Gracie meanwhile got up and he walked outside four different times against four different guys and there was no weighin needed he didn’t even know who the opponent was until the other matches a play out because they had a straight line bracket I am taking hoist Gracie that is a pretty good team jail it it it’s a bit of a yes to year uh type of Team you know with Marco hulas and and hoist and Tank Abbott but look at DC’s Ultimate Team I mean Jon Jones George S prier Max Holloway and the entire Pride roster chill tell me that’s not a team just be honest tell me that’s not a team oh that team is nasty I mean I even have a feeling I know who your fifth pick is going to be you got a great team there but you got a you do got a team of Sportsmen I got a team of Fighters yeah it’s a it’s a great it’s a great uh group of Fighters and I love pride and pride Never Dies you know how I used to say that all the time right Pride Never Dies so Pride never dies in chill history is always present and on this day in MMA history a certain bad guy walked to the Octagon at UFC 159 to take on Jon Jones Chill what do you remember about that night and uh like you said right you would have took that belt if the referee would have saw that broken toe huh Daniel I gotta tell you and maybe I didn’t get an A in math class but I think that we’re both one pick short on our draft I’m happy to move on though let’s talk a little bit of Jon Jones What I remember about that night I thought I could beat him I had gone through the ultimate fighter with him and most athletes that are really good are not really tough and most athletes that are really tough aren’t really good you could win an Olympic gold medal or a UFC Championship just being better than everybody or tougher when I had done the ultimate fighter with Jon Jones I trained twice a day every day till I was dripping wet and sweat and ex absolutely exhausted he never broke a sweat a single time and I thought I could outwork him we locked up at the beginning of the fight and you got to understand for this fight I it was my first time at 205 lbs I had a higher juice concentrate than Tropicana okay he pushed me across that octagon like a vulval into a Mac Truck and I started looking for a way out that’s just the truth that was like being locked in a cage with a bear I’m glad it’s over that’s the only fight I have ever lost or competition I have ever lost where I did not want a rematch I did not need a rematch we’re good you have proved your point young man enjoy your run it’s always funny too because I think that’s one of the things about Jones you don’t realize how tough he is right you put him in some tough spots and he always seems to rise to the occasion that’s the one thing I took from our experiences like I put him in some tough spots and he never he never wavered he just kept fighting now chill last week we said we would take fan questions so a has a fan question for us a what’s up all right this question is from Christian 23903 in 10 years what two active Fighters at the championship level like y’all could you see hosting an MMA show together on ESPN similar to good guy bad guy chill I’m going to go with Lal Mohamad and he’s going to be joined with none other than sha Ali and my biggest reason Daniel is they’re already getting their feet wet these guys are understanding in the entertainment era they’re understanding the importance they’re understanding that from a monetized standpoint they’re going to be called to work three times a year and the only thing they can monetize is their performance that’s the only commodity that they have but they are extending that they’re breaking those rules they’re getting out they’re branching out they’re bringing in their own audience they’re embracing social media I think those things are very smart and I frankly think both of them are very good at it I think it’ll be a different pair right kamaro Usman is finally starting to understand the game right he started a podcast with Henry cejudo they do a phenomenal job on their podcast and I think Shaun Ali I think we’re gonna see Shaun Ali and kamaro Usman hosting the show together I think that is going to be good because you’re gonna have two yes you’d watch it because it’s two varying opinions two different type of personalities and two guys that’s saw the absolute top in the top of the sport so I think you’re gonna get sugar and Usman as an ESPN show down the line in 10 years as kamaro Usman will probably host the show with sugar Shan on out that was a good fan question but guys anytime ask us anything just jump in the comments sit at the chil and I and we will answer these questions on the show find the show every Monday and Thursday ESPN MMA YouTube and wherever you get your podcast we’re also on ESPN 2 at midnight Eastern on Mondays and we kind of it usually just is on at times in the week so look for your boys on actual television but son and I’m Daniel Cormier until next time guys peace