Olympic Gold Medalist turned controversial King of Cringe, Henry Cejudo, looks back on his 11-month journey of becoming a …

let’s do it [Applause] [Music] baby do it Henry let’s go it’s Legacy time this is your moment let’s go h [Music] r [Music] Messer let’s go within that year I beat Demetrius Johnson on August 4th TJ Dillashaw on January 19th of 2019 and eventually becoming the Triple C on June 8th of 2019 defeated Mar Marias Yours Truly King Triple [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] C losing to Demetrius Johnson the first time was uh was a humbling experience for me and there’s nothing like being knocked out in front of 25,000 people and seeing Big John McCarthy wave his hands knowing that you just lost and he pretty much this man just broke you it just put another chip on my shoulder like I’ve never had in my life any other fight I will say it’s it’s because of the belt but because of the way Demetrius Johnson grabbed a hold of me and the way he had his way with me it was no no longer about the belt it was about him hey what’s up how are you what’s up do hello how are you’s up how you doing [Laughter] bro it was it was a little awkward here because uh you know I’m getting ready to fight this dude and you know Ali’s always you know trying to stir up the pot a little bit a friend of me he’s a friend of me he wants to be my friend but he’s my enemy go introducing Henry yeah I was super cool because I had my coach come out with me my childhood coach who who knew how important this was for me so he came out with me for this fight [Applause] m b you can just feel the electricity when Demetrius came [Applause] out you know he’s like a superstar he’s like the guy that’s coming in and uh you know he he’s the Elvis of uh probably not only the W CL but the UFC at that time my preparation with Demetrius Johnson the second fight was uh was different the things that I used to traditionally do I had to get rid of so I went on a quest I traveled the world I traveled to Holland for striking I traveled to Brazil for Jiu-Jitsu I traveled to Thailand Singapore to some of the greatest gyms out here in America cuz I was out on a quest to defeat the men that beat me to me it was to me it was personal the 2008 Olympic gold medalist in Freestyle Wrestling a 2018 inductee into the national Wrestling Hall of Fame here is the number one ranked flyweight Contender Henry shudo as I was coming out there you can tell when your coaches doubt you you can feel like a sort of a doubt and I said the only way to beat this man we have to have composure being you know fighting Demetrius Johnson the second 10 because I know that I cannot overreact for everything that doing and with that the UFC flyweight Championship is underway but then right here this is where where he hit me right on the peronal nerve and I remember my leg just going numb I think about what I told these coaches said Remember the key to winning this fight is composure as my ankle continues to keep rolling like my leg’s pretty much asleep but yet it’s it’s like a li like it’s a weird situation it’s like as sleep but you can feel the nerves and everything crack little bit better on that foot now well it looks better now well cejudo said composure was the key tonight some early adversity for the Challenger I tried to not show him anything that I was doing and slowly but surely my my ankle started recovering and I was able to uh to pretty much survive that round take down oh Henry cejo landed a good left hand there there we go good action by Henry shudo right in that second I remember thinking to myself how great is my story going to be when I defeat this man literally just so many different techniques coming at you when you fight Demetrius Johnson and Daniel’s right so much to worry about it’s not just kicks and punches he’s uh even though I’m an Olympic gold medals I know Demetri Johnson believes he could take me down beautiful trip inside all trip that was nice at this point I got to win the round like this is all about control score Henry score those knees that I’m throwing at his shoulders right now that’s what want me that second round yeah we got a fight let’s pressure him and about halfway through let’s start looking for the take down live for these moments Henry yeah you’re right I live for these moments my coach my coach said it right round three cejudo came out Southpaw now back to the Orthodox stance landed a sharp right to the body and that’s because DJ’s fighting with a little more pressure now he’s going a lot more forward into cejudo my ankle is still not 100% recover you know what I’m saying even though I’m hurt I cannot show this man anything oh so hudo did crack him oh look at this gets the clinch oh nice thr back beautiful nice throw by the beauty about it man it’s like I met my poison because as soon as I do a nice move Demetria Johnson has something to offer for so I think it’s cool when you realized you’ve met your match hard knee to the body and look at this rolls again you see beautiful takedown with the with the beautiful escape from [Music] Demetrius all right gentlemen fourth round let’s go Demetrius Johnson and Henry cejudo who has now arrived at a fourth round for the first time in his 15 fight mixed martial arts career I mean did you see that did you see that beautiful did you see the change in the position there he hit the shot changed the angle with the head I mean that is high level wrestling there by Henry cejudo having Demetrius Johnson the ground now like to me it’s all about control it’s all about just keeping him down not necessarily focus on damaging so much to me and T about you know conveying to the judges that I’m winning this fight DJ wasn’t doing almost anything on the ground whereas Soo was still offering actual danger standing up yes hey you’re doing a great job let’s go H we don’t get tired we get hungry let’s burn the castle let’s burnip and I’ll never forget it there too though my coach gave me motivational speech about burning the ships taking the cast so he says this this is this is what you work for your whole life you know this is time to get what’s yours to what you believe you deserve very well could be 2 two here Henry cejudo he’s got himself in a competitive fight with potentially the greatest fighter of all time and it all comes down to this one round big for Johnson to be back good Left Hand by cejudo that one got Johnson’s attention I even knew that even at this time Demetrius Johnson was going back a little too much again I go back and I think how is it that I can convey these judges I don’t got to convey the crowd I got to convey these judges getting Demetri Johnson to go backward pumping my fist I think that’s what uh ultimately would want me the they want me to fight so Demetrius Johnson and Henry cejudo Go the 25-minute Distance has Henry cejudo done enough to rest the belt away from the longstanding flyweight King Demetrius Johnson ladies and gentlemen after five rounds we go to the judge’s scorecards for decision oo I remember thinking to myself I’m about to beat this dude for the winner and new UND Jesus man I just got to chill just thinking about that it wasn’t just about it was about dethroning the man the the Boogey Man that I thought of ever since he beat me well this was unquestionably the greatest flyweight championship bout in the history of the sport congratulations on an unbelievable spectacular Victory the new champ ladies and gentlemen Henry zudo to be able to hear and knew was uh it was emotional it was emotional because everybody was looking over me like I was a 5 to1 Underdog against Demetrius Johnson there and the whole fight was okay we know is going to beat Cody and we know that Demetrius Johnson going to beat you know Henry cejudo but I says I’m going to beat Demetrius Johnson and then I’m going to call out the winner of TJ and Cody which knew was going to be TJ Dill show and America is all about Winners Joe and uh the winner of this next bout Joe I want to fight that guy I want to fight the winner at 135 lbs I deserve it yeah just green that’s it I truly am a gold digger and I think that was the biggest thing because the whole hype was always about uh Demetrius Johnson and TJ Dillashaw like I was completely they completely rot me off like in whichever which way uh you want to cut it slice it and dice it thank you man I’ve uh there’s a bit of there’s a lot of admiration that I have for you man just I want to let you know you’ve been you’ve been a big inspiration man I said that during the video man so any negative that you ever hear from my heart man I I look up to you bro thanks man appreciate it buddy yeah special man it was special because it’s almost like one to make my call out with the with TJ Dillashaw to be able to make history but two to be able to talk to Demetri Johnson backstage and uh man I mean I think that video says it all man I was just on Cloud9 at that [Music] time I believe the the reason why the fight didn’t happen 135 pounds there are actually a couple reasons Dana why was thinking like a businessman like I don’t know if this weight division is even worth having I I don’t want to get with the 125 lb division there’s a lot of good great Fighters and I said no bring them down I’m going to double dip I’m going to be 125 lbs and then eventually I’m going to go up and I’m going beat him at 135 lbs what’s going to be the strategy to fight a guy like Henry who’s dealt with the speed of a Demetrius Johnson he hasn’t dealt with my movement he hasn’t dealt with me mixing it up I’m going to knock out Henry cejudo I’ll take that belt he’s been begging me to take that belt off his shoulder it’s too much weight for him you know like gold medal’s light this UFC belt’s got a lot more lot more weight to it I’m going to take it right off your shoulder you better be careful what you wish for man I’m going to I’m going to stop you at whatever way you want man 135 lb 125 lbs it’s the Golden Rule man a guy with the gold makes a real Olympic champ UFC champ I want your belt that belt is coming home to Phoenix this TJ actually want to fight me I’m the one that called him out does he actually really want to fight me did you see any hesitation in my answer whatsoever I don’t know how you want it TJ but you’re going to get it man ass up face down steal my Lin steal my Lin trying to steal my my my combos as well run right through you no I’m a different fighter but you know that I I can tell your respect yeah I got respect for you tell goist I can’t wait to take that till I’ll take it off you and then I had to whip out the snake that’s for the king of C kind of came about it was that snake right there that changed [Music] everything yeah and and this and the same reason why I even started the Persona and the character was because he knew like maliciously that if he was to beat me that Dana White was going to literally scratch the division because TJ wasn’t planning on staying at 125 lbs I knew that the flyweight division was in Jeopardy and I had to do something to resurrect that first fighter to the scale the two-time and reigning UFC bantamweight champion TJ delaw and his opponent an Olympic gold medalist and the ring defending Undisputed UFC flyweight champion of the world oh my God I felt so strong here I don’t think there is one camp that I felt this strong like my body I just felt so [Applause] good he almost had a grin where he he really wanted to laughing it was very sincere and genuine but so was my so was my stup because I knew that it was strictly business I wanted to go out there and let him know that I ain’t your friend man this is personal and on Saturday night you’re going to see what’s going to happen with a Brooklyn New York backdrop it is a historic night oh my God this is one of my most favorite fights honestly Brooklyn was super cool man fighting in New York City HRI hudo is the American dream this young man had to fight for everything that he has done and look at where it’s gotten him when people think the hurdle’s too high henr hudo Stacks him on top of each other and that grew all my beard for the first time and that’s that’s kind of where the the bad boy kind of started coming about the super fight is upon us beautiful body kick and right hand for Henry cejudo but I pressed him right away I had no I did not let him load hey there you go boom that kick got to him and that right hand that first kick actually daed him finish him sho’s got him did you hear Daniel I a got to trou for that finish him big right from shudo now I’m just being patient literally going after that chin I didn’t wind up my punches I’m attacking that chin as much as I can oh he got a B Henry shudo knock TJ Dill round one God it fell so good getting on top of that cage and say it’s over who the messenger message sent tonight I haven’t seen him compete this well since he won an Olympic gold medal unbelievable tied for the fifth fastest knockout in UFC championship history and still the Undisputed UFC highweight champion of the world what was special about that fight too that was the first person to to receive that UFC Legacy BT the new era of generation of Fighters is what made that uh what makes that bout special because I was the first one to uh you know to strut it Demetrius Johnson in the rearview mirror and tonight you make quick work of the UFC Bantam way Champion TJ Dillashaw this is one of the biggest singular wins in UFC history this Victory and I said it before it was much bigger than me this victory was for the flyways I was able to beat one of the greatest of all times man I’m just I’m it’s surreal it really is ladies and gentlemen your champion Henry cejudo that victory was beautiful because not only okay now only do I have Demetrius Johnson in my rearview mirror but also TJ Dillashaw these are the two guys that have been considered the best of the LA divisions of all time the electricity that I was feeling the energy that I was feeling I just felt like I couldn’t be stopped and for me to go out there and to able to take them both out in that fashion man that’s uh that’s a story of its own [Applause] oh like you know I felt like Alvis man Alvis in the building how do this feel right now surre real surre real it’s but in reality man I work hard I do a lot yeah nothing like celebrating right with the team man that’s when you really uh this is when it’s special man when you we in the locker room and all your coaches are with you say UFC world champion H congratulations congratulations brother crazy yeah thank you brother and then kab gives me a call to congratulate me we going to carry his back next time hey now you pick up the bag Olympic champion he said K is’s going to pick up my bag Olympic champion I’m [Music] sorry oh man that’s the the agony of victory man like I love the fact that I was able to upset everybody’s plans the way I feel it as as someone that’s been you know it’s accomplish something in in in two sports is it’s more of like that emotion that it gives you man like that rush like I don’t think there’s a drug on planet Earth that can give you that that adrenaline man that happiness so to me it’s a graduation of emotions that you tend to feel and that’s what makes those Victory is extremely special [Music] the first time that I found out that TJ uh you know tested positive for epos it was like I was kind of sick to my stomach this could have really sent me to the hospital like we ain’t hitting a baseball this isn’t football we got pads like this is we have a 4 o glove and this dude literally has bad intentions it took me a while for me to kind of get honestly to get over it it just felt like hey man this isn’t this isn’t fair man this is there’s a reason why people get suspended for things like [Music] that so when I got offered to fight Mar maras for the 125 PB for the vacon uh belt when it comes down to accomplishment it’s something that I’ve always wanted even though we’re a part of the same management it’s personal he’s leaving on the point that he’s a finisher that he will finish this quick this like that and he’s he’s not a finisher he never been why is he going to be now and especially against me you see that stuff makes me laugh dude cuz they eat their words I mean you guys have any idea what I’m going through too I got a cape I got a crown I mean I’m getting ready to pop out all these props so what I have in there I have a a mouse for Demetrius Johnson I have a a snake for TJ Dillashaw and then I I got a rabbit for magic Maron Marias yeah be ready be ready they get off playing this is all a joke huh we’ll see Saturday we’ll see Saturday sorry ma’am like but they look Dana’s loving it man I know he misses the cringe SC homie and then my main training partner Bruno de Sila he got into his skin said you’re about to lose to a flyweight Rel just try to War I had no idea any of that stuff was going to happen I always tell my team let me do the talking like you guys should not be getting involved like it’s just me and uh you know that but that’s just what friends [Applause] [Music] do it’s like somebody’s killing me right oh man now now it does get a little personal for me you know what I mean I start to shake I start to look at him in the eyes is because I’m going after this guy that stopped his last three opponents all in the first round like nobody lasts no more than two minutes with Marlon Marias the winner of this fight is really the best in the world at 135 pounds live from the United Center in Chicago Illinois this is UFC 238 cejudo versus mice there’s like it being the main event pay-per-view Chicago Illinois so here is the UFC flyweight Champion Henry shudo moving up to try to become a double Champion tonight ooh that first kick oh my God I was forced to switch stands if you watch this whole first round I almost went back and I thought about the Demetrius Johnson fight like just his combinations alone like what the power that he was throwing like he got my respect real quick the speed with which he throws those legs is incredible so he’s already starting to feel the damage of the morice kicks and a lot of people don’t know this in that first round the last 36 seconds of this fight I completely blew my shoulder out see I threw a jab I missed the jab and I completely blew it out when you back up you got to meet him in the middle when he throws you throw so now my coach is telling me like hey you just got to bring the fight B because they knew that I can’t use my wrestling The Game Plan before the fight was to wrestle this dude we’ll see if cejudo can do what his coach has asked here early round two he’s asking him to move into punching range but the problem that I see is I don’t think he has an advantage there either right now I’m trying to keep my composure but I’m I’m really starting to get pissed off here like I’m really like I’m really starting to get angry walk him down march him down with your hands andry with a punch yep oh and as soon as I catch him with that right hand I knew I knew that the game was about to change cuz he’s letting me in on the fight tide starting to turn a little bit here that’s zuda right good uppercut oh hit kick Henry shudo has decided it’s not going to be a slow PA big knees from shudo knees to the body to the body to the head like now I’m just like okay man now it’s now it’s my turn now it’s my payback those were big knees by Henry this is a total different round oh my goodness this is how you answer if you’re Henry cejudo just make it a fight oh big right hand by Henry’s a little hurt people thought he hurt you was like no it was just a matter of me like releasing you know you knowing that the round is over but I’ll tell you what Henry sud is a hell of a chin yeah he’s so tough man these Arizona boys are tough but I loads up a lot of power Marlon is throwing a lot of power I knew you throw that much power and you’re not accurate with it you’re going to get burned so who do I want able to get MCE down mice greets him with a body shot oh nice combination I like to analyze a lot of fighters in the first round like their facial expressions and then within the second third and I you Mar wasn’t okay man now because this this is a very different Marlon maray in that first round and he’s eating some big knees to the body I knew that I hit that kidney and he just didn’t want none no more oh he’s get submitted he’s not even fighting the hands though Joe but I also know this is a rest period for me right here so even there I’m going to stay there I’m going to allow him to carry me a little bit Marin Marice is exhausted Marice is a compromised fighter right now he’s getting beat up I know he’s just got no energy left oh big big shots from Henry he really can’t do anything he’s exhausted he can’t even defend himself this fight is about to get stopped oh big elbows from cejudo oh man I thought the referee was going to stop it oh he is that’s it what a comeback I mean what a comeback I took him to a Stratosphere that he’s never been to before from that first round it looks like the loss was inevitable Henry turns it around completely in the second round and then stops morice in round one he was getting outclassed by Marlin morice completely changed it and finished him and the third round you see but we can hug it afterwards like it’s no first I think I probably even apologized hey man I’m sorry about all that go my name is triple see Olympic champion flyweight champion of the world and now baton white champion of the world I have the greatest combat actor of all time and I just stole the title for the best power forp fighter too watching my fight with Mar Marias it feels good because it really was uh I was the underdog once again I was the underdog with Demetrius I was the underdog with TJ and now I was the underdog with Mar maras which a lot of people expected him to knock me out get him a second belt hen oh look at Dana man Dana struggling to uh to hold those two belts you did that with no legs your legs are [Music] done this was on Monday night that I rolled my ankle so I literally had a high ankle spring and M Marias and their team happened to hear me scream so they knew something was up so I think the whole game plan for them was to kick my legs this is what his ankle looks like this guy gu overcame the shot the shots I don’t know what what he has inside his heart is is just unmatchable two belts on the D table people he said in the presser that he is confirming Flyway to say did you guys hear that she said Dana White just said the flyweight division stays ladies and gentlemen flyways don’t die baby we multiply hey guys we’re coming for it we got a couple guys in the flyweight division Henry’s teammates are in the flyweight division it’s good news damn I’m a Hall of Famer man you been a Hall of Famer come this is just more this is just more gold what you think though Dominic know was that’s that’s really who I want I’m already you see how I am I’m already thinking of my next victim it just became the greatest pound-for-pound fighter of all time the only Olympic champ to win a flyweight title of beat the the greatest of all time beat TJ Dillashaw and now he beat the most dangerous bam way to win the 135 lb and get that triple champ status what I remember the most in that f with Mar maras is the fact that what I had to overcome to beat this damn tank that just wouldn’t stop throwing power wouldn’t stop kicking my legs you know this is all a battle of will it was the feeling of understanding what a near-death experience feels like and then to eventually overcome it man if you have the true desire and the will you will find a way to win I’ve been Henry’s right-hand man since 2004 the first day he touched down at the Olympic Training Center since the first day I met him I knew he was special his work ethic his determination While most people see chos as a pit Henry cejudo sees chaos as a ladder the road hasn’t been easy but the destination has always been the same and Henry cejudo never lost focus of that goal to become the greatest combat athlete of all time you guys already know he’s a double UFC champ gold meds he’s a legend but for me man he’s he’s my real brother you know that’s everything for me I really appreciate you brother you your means a lot thanks so much andry uh it’s been a fun ride just um when state titles national titles uh Olympic gold medal to UFC titles the path to to everything you have done has been it’s been a fun Journey for me um just want to say thank you thank you for everything H Henry [Music] yeah I I would not be in the place that I’m at today without my mother my mother instilled my heart work what what what it truly means to be dedicated to to something and we struggled as a family financially but there’s one thing that we’ve always had and that was love love and support from each other my support system is uh it’s second to none so thank you to my mother thank you to my fans and thank you to my family and to my to my wife anak Carolina I would not be able to do this without you guys I am officially retired but there is one fight that is calling my name and that’s then that’s to make history Whoever has that bout at 145 lbs like that’s that’s who I’m going to be after I don’t care if I’m 37 38 I will find a way to get that belt h [Applause] m I hope to be remembered as uh as somebody that gave it the allw as somebody that uh that fought through adversity and that overcame as an Olympic champion as a flyweight Champion as a bantamweight champion but I I’m not the greatest wrestler of all time I’m not the greatest mixed martial artist of all time but I will say this I am the greatest combat athlete of all time