UFC legendary Hall-of-Famer, Matt Serra looks back on the year he made the comeback of a lifetime: winning season four of The …
one man [Music] [Applause] walk that’s a familiar [Music] pick [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the in 2006 it started off with me going to The Ultimate Fighter house on season four The Ultimate Fighter the comeback and it ended in 2007 with me getting one of the biggest upsets in UFC history and winning the UFC Welterweight Title vers George St [Music] Pierre [Music] when I got approached with with being on The Ultimate Fighter season 4 I fought on a card with with with guys that were on the season one of The Ultimate Fighter with Diego Sanchez and and some of these guys that were on there and it was so the crowd the way they reacted to them I knew that man these guys are just so popular that it’s crazy that they getting all this attention I seen what this show did for those for those Fighters and I thought I missed the boat with it to be honest look at you you come here on your H it going I’m not the first one to yeah it’s been all day’s favorite [Applause] subject it’s you want to do the show yeah man you do for sure you seen it I yeah it’s my my favorite show I’m not just kissing ass I want to do this because of course you see what happens to the other yeah man and some do not that great and they still getting you know I’m walking in a Lobby next to him the coming up for a holograph about to PO they go right next to Josh whatever his name you know you be kidding me I’m like the game a while what the Diego what are you saying I don’t understand a word this guy I think you I think you understand everything and I think you’re enjoying it I think I think you going tell these people when I leave how much you enjoyed [Music] it that’s a home run right there hey man so you a bad you guys are all the good cop I knew I had let me tell you so I seen so of the other guys in the the and stuff talk into a trust me home run I’m making you a day right now home run fo of me all right go back to go to sleep with the of the guy yeah yeah I knew it went well you know I’m pretty good with the uh with the verbal Jabs and whatnot so I knew it went very well I I remember walking out of there feeling confident that show season for the ultimate fighter that show literally changed my life so I’m I’m happy that uh you know I was on that show season 4 The Comeback oh look at you all right all right what we’re doing here is we’re taking guys who fought in the UFC before and we’re climbing up and and getting to a certain level and they fell off for some reason why did they fall off and here’s a chance to come back and regain That Glory this season there are no team coaches both teams will get the opportunity to train with some of the best mixed martial artists Randy goor George St Pierre and Mark delr and these are just three of several mixed martial arts experts we’re bringing in to help you the two guys that walk away in their weight class the winners will get a shot at the title [Music] go man come on if anyone has taking the leadership on team gr I have to say it was Matt Sarah he’s got them leadership qualities and uh I have no problem with Matt Sarah taking control over the team I met Matt before and he brings a lot of energy to wherever he’s at different sty makes a time go by quicker and you don’t think about what’s going on so uh man I’m glad he’s on my team and that’s that’s that’s great but I never tried to take that role I believe we discussed everything with each other equally you know but I don’t know maybe I’m the loudest that’s what it is what do we do when he has the arm shy grab your bicep put your knee up his no shy we just went over it Shan get that on the hook and the circle away I was excited when I found out that shy Carter was going to be in the house I was upset when he was on my team cuz I wanted to kind of fight him right away because he did he was at that point uh the only guy to ever finished me I want you to listen to me okay yes sir you got to commit to your hands you commit to that you’re going to be right in that clinch and dance once you once you did it the one that we told you the body lock you put him on his ass could you do it again for me he put me on that ass with the body Liney I need you to do it again seconds do it again yeah baby shy [Applause] Carter it you hear me Rich good fight Rich it really does make a difference who your corner is when you’re fighting and who would have thought that you know Matt Sarah would eventually be you know training and coaching shony Carter Matt has almost become the team captain and he shony owes a lot to Matt for winning that fight he was the in the worst shape out of all of us when we got to The Ultimate Fighter house I just remember being really proud and happy for him when he did it we all were what makes it so so interesting The Ultimate Fighter is uh usually you know who you’re training for so I wasn’t thinking about who I’m fighting for if I win this thing because you know out of eight guys in my weight class one guy’s got to win three fights so I had three guys I had to beat to get to that shot so I was just going to concentrate on whoever was next in front of me [Music] I knew fighting Pete Sprat in my first fight out of all the other welterweights that I could face I knew Pete was the most dangerous standing he was extremely explosive he has a a win over Robbie laa with uh leg kicks he and he kicked Robbie’s leg off so I knew that I didn’t want to mess with Pete standing I wanted to get him to the floor which you know is really my realm being a black belt and J [Music] jit all right gentlemen here we go you ready you ready let’s get it keep keep moving keep moving baby if that knee was an inch to the to the right it would have been Square in my face and who knows if I would have been able to I might have been decapitated the mount you got to love ju Chas [Applause] what talking about you f your heart out man winner do the strikes so Tap Out match zah I’m very fortunate to be sitting where I am right here and having the success I have in this sport because if you zigg when you should have zagged it’s a whole different fight it’s a whole different career in some in some instances so you know I consider myself lucky in some in some circumstances but uh I wasn’t even thinking about who’s next I was just thinking this was a just fantastic day and I was happy with the way the fight [Music] went all right gentlemen what you came for you ready are you ready let’s get [Music] on that’s it this your game baby take your time take your [Music] time these were extremely hard shots I was hitting shy in the beginning of this fight which really swelled up my hand Big Time shy not the best athlete or fighter but has a very high fight IQ and he fights above his ability if that makes sense right here look at this the damn back fist again and here’s that throw that I wanted him to hit on Rich Clemente he hits me with it there’s my thank [Music] you I thought I won the round but it was close get come on gentl let’s go let’s go CH it’s so funny watching this fight because strategically now I feel I would have just knocked him out if I would have belied in just my standup like I did eventually for the title but again that’s how you raise your fight IQ you know what to do from here there you go so slippery so slippery wow my round five more minutes get it on come on guys what to do go for the pressure there you go there you go you see whenever I throw strikes I was hitting him I should have relied on those strikes more you go look good get on top get on top it at least I learned from my mistakes and then get taken down [Music] again Matt Sarah will’ll move on to the finals and face Chris Li I took it one fight at a time and here I am you know one step away from getting that title shot and uh I plan on doing it bringing it back to Long Island baby bringing it back oh that’s nice but at the time it felt fantastic to get Redemption with shy and uh you know that first fight was was a bitter pill to swallow where I was dominating and it was my debut and I never had a loss and the way I lost was just rushing in and getting back Fist and so to get that Redemption it it just was it was it was fantastic when I got home after season four it was about getting prepared to fight Chris Lidle in the finale when you if you win this Ultimate Fighter I remember like you get a shot of the title and you get some nice cash and you get a car and if you lose you don’t right and even though I was one shot one fight away from earning a a title shot I still wasn’t thinking of the title shot I was engaged at the time right and I remember I was doing this thing to get married you have to do pre they have to do through the church me and my wife we go to these couples’s house with a bunch of other couples you talk about it it’s it’s sucks right but anyway afterward me and my wife were at a diner and we’re talking about our future and we were getting married and and she really wanted to be a stay-at-home mom and I knew I just knew that I could make that happen if I win this fight versus Chris Lidle I wasn’t even thinking of the title shot I was thinking if I win this fight we could make it work you know I mission accomplished so far I was I was in the finale and we had just one fight left to win we welcome you to Las Vegas live inside the beautiful Hard Rock Hotel and Casino this is The Ultimate Fighter finale well one thing is for certain Matt Sarah became the leader of The Ultimate Fighter is my wife absolutely trem mendous matchup the winner gets a title shot against George St Pierre ready ready and we are underway I haven’t watched this fight in a [Applause] while by mat vicious foot stops by Matt Sarah Chris Li doing a good job avoiding take down so far I didn’t want to burn myself putting him to the getting him to the floor cuz he’s he’s hard to get down very strong and powerful 56 that’s sah just continuing to press him strong and powerful at 56 wow this is an amazing amount of energy these guys are spending Sarah doing a great job really trying to work that foot stop yeah he’s Landing that over and over again see this is the big theme of this fight is Chris feeling he does well cuz I’m not getting him down but I’m me feeling like I’m doing well cuz I’m dominating where the fight is Chris SL looking to take Matt Sarah down Sarah very comfortable on his back close guard kind of open now trying to get those feet together but Sarah a black Bell and jiujitsu very comfortable now closes the guard again I’m going to isolate his right arm in a second by grabbing over my leg oh I’m already grabbing over my leg he class his hands together he can throw an El plotting here put his foot across his face he’s got an armar submission here well looks like’s going to be able to pull out of this Sarah back up SAR to Super look how pretty my wife is round number two and a shot at the Welterweight Title Matt’s got a very good punch there a b right hand he’s been working very hard with Ray Longo on his strikes and you see Improvement very compact guy oh he’s really trying to come with that right isn’t he good foot stop by Sarah and again Sarah’s got to hold the Chris’s right arm I think he’s going to try to distract him don’t overlook the foot stops game of control so far here in our welterweight finale and then mat goes to the take down it’s a very strategic fight I know it’s not a bond burner but it’s a it’s a strategic fight I knew that Chris Lidle was very well-rounded and you know just moving with him in the house I knew in in a 15minute fight he might be hard to submit but I felt I could best him on the floor even if I didn’t submit him I feel I could outpos him and I felt that was the key to Victory this round easily could seal it no question this the back fist it made him get it made him come towards me that led to this taked down that possibly won me the round in the fight it’s kind of iic that a back fist is what really made the difference in this fight he can make something happen here I feel I’ve been stood up way too quick on this look at this you got to take your time I get his guard open I pass I’m passing the half guard watch this there he goes the legs are separated tightens him back up again immediately now look I’m going to stand up for of really Herb Dean and I love Herb Dean but that’s kind of BS took me a while to get him down he didn’t earn that stand up that’s got to hold that arm again see him shifting his hips I think he’s going to try to look for that twep again got to do something again I feel positionally I’m controlling where the fight’s going so much is on the line here the two co- captains if you will a team putting it all on the line here tonight I definitely feel like should have got the nod but it’s interesting with the judging ladies and gentlemen after three rounds we go to the judge’s scort cars for decision Lester Griffin scores the bout 30 27 Sarah L TR scores the contest 30 27 Li there’s a picture when I win this with my hands up from a a newspaper in my town decision and now the welterweight winner of the ultimate finale man the teror Sarah I felt bad Chris is a is a good guy I felt bad for him but uh I was extremely happy though congratulations you are The Ultimate Fighter comeback winner first of all Chris the man you know I respect him so much and I just sport my hardest you know and uh you know I’m happy brother man sorah ladies and [Applause] gentlemen that’s beautiful man Memory Lane that was huge that was huge cuz I felt with that like my wife you know we could live the the life we wanted to live now I’m I think I’m getting emotional cuz I saw my wife jumping up and down on that thing and I know we talked about our future a lot you know that was a huge moment for us together me and my [Music] wife you know I remember starting my camp with George for George um early right away I clocked in a lot a lot of hours of sparring I remember that but smart sparring like I remember Ray Longo because we knew the game plan going in we knew going into this fight that George St Pier for better not better Fighters I’m I’m a I’m confident in my fighting ability but better wrestlers so for me to try to get George CET to the mat in a five round fight and keep him there and submit him I knew was GNA be unlikely so Ray Longo really made me believe in hey man we have to take our chances on our feet and he doesn’t he’s not going to even see it coming there’s a funny thing that happens when Matt sah gets in the ring all of a sudden your game plan what you think you’re going to do he kind of does something he has to have some little quality that changes it you know Lidle couldn’t get to him Carol perisian stuck his head where it didn’t belong he got dropped with a right hand BJ pen ended up on the floor so I think if uh George St Pierre is going to take Matt serite and he sticks his head where it doesn’t belong or he gets a little greedy I think Matt Ser is going to take advantage of it I see this fight going I tell you I think GSP is going to come out he’s going to get a little aggressive he’s going to test Matt to see where he’s at see if he’s going to shoot on him I think he’s going to find Matt ser very hard to hit I think after you know mat gets his offense going I think GSP is actually going to look to take this fight to the floor I think GSP is a guy doesn’t like to get hit at all and I think if Matt hits you he is going to hurt you he hits a lot harder than people give him credit for it will be the icing on the cake to a very nice journey and it will be the greatest feeling in the world walking out of that octagon with Matt sah bringing the title back to Long [Music] Island you know again the biggest thing with my camp with training for George St Pierre was uh I knew my game plan was going to be a himmer me that was the mindset the mindset was George St Pierre or myself one of us is getting taken out so having that mentality going into it is very freeing because you don’t have to worry about did I win this round am I gonna no you I I knew I was going for broke I personally loved being the underdog I did I grew up on like the Rocky movies are like they’re my movies I loved I I love the role of the underdog I suit that role better than the dominant Champion it just is my role I felt I was born for it so for me to be the underdog in this role I relished it I loved that everybody thought I was going to take a beating and people were really scared for me I mean it really felt like us against the world like my little team myself Ray Longo henzo Gracie like our little team against the world cuz I don’t think anybody thought I had a chance to beat George for the first time in UFC history we have made our way to the Lone Star State and the sold out Toyota Center and beautiful Houston Texas we are set for UFC 69 George Rush St Pierre has still an athleticism like we’ve never seen before his opponent tonight Matt Sarah has a huge opportunity to be a champion Matt Sarah can make this a fight he’s got to be perfect he’s got to be very intelligent his cardio has got to be excellent but he has the tools to make this a tough fight and shock the world you you will tonight be the defining moment of Matt Sarah’s career welterweight Championship is on the line Matt Sarah does have I remember Ray Longo had me coming in on the taller opponents with double and triple Jabs and then when I did get to them I would start on the body and end up on the head he goes he goes hard he’s got to get inside of St Pierre be careful of the kicks the explosiveness also Ray Longo had guys feeding the same kicks that George does they had Fighters feeding that to me over and over again at one point in this fight he kicks low kicks high kicks low and it’s like it’s like I seen it all coming it was crazy that’s credit to Ray Longo as a trainer it was just muscle memory when I was blocking these things looking Matt now he seems to be changing levels and throwing nice body shots nice big right hand right hook to the body again with the body shot because close to my height guys kind of have to shoot like time uppercuts cuz they got to kind of punch down so that’s where the height helps nice leg kick saying I ready buddy and we see Matt body body body nice right hand by Matt s Superman punch oh I like that no one talks about the Superman punch he’s doing a great job Matt Sarah guys is is a lot harder to hit than you see he’s got good avoidance he’s got good head movement he’s got good body movement comes in at good angles Sarah there we go back doing a better oh he I remember when I heard him to stay on him he h him again he heard him again I lined this one up nice to his credit though he’s trying to get up Sarah buckles St Pierre St Pierre down again Sarah is trying toeter Lord he’s hurt him three times in the last 60 seconds is believable Sarah unbelievable champion of the world that was incredible wow you know we talked about his punching power before that is incredible unbelievable [Applause] woo Matt Sarah has shocked the world unbelievable this sport is so crazy you just never know what’s going to happen it’s impossible to predict wow speechless unbelievable ladies and gentlemen declaring the winner by KO that the teror [Music] [Applause] S you said before this fight you were going to shock the world Matt Sarah UFC welterweight champion of the world brother how does that sound I said when I I went to Ultimate Fighter house that I was bringing this back to Long Island New York I wasn’t lying everybody in Long Island my fiance and I love you baby the new UFC walked away champion of the world Matt the Tera [Applause] [Music] Sarah well that’s what you call a good day in the office I lived my Rocky movie right there you know and it was even better than rocky because Rocky went the distance I took this guy out and mixed martial arts is cool in boxing so one day they’re gonna make a movie of [Music] this so in this year I ended up winning The Ultimate Fighter getting the upset of the century versus George S Pierre and winning the Welterweight Title and then most importantly getting married to the love of my life oh what is did you get in touch with my wife for this how’ this happen babe did you know about this he’s so pretty honey oh look at that [Music] guy a look at that ain’t that cute the teror SRA 14 years later three kids still married living the dream if I had to do it all over again the preparation for the fight the way it went down I would do it exactly the same way I wouldn’t change a thing if I’m remembered as being that Underdog with fighting the great George St Pierre and and having you know and getting the victory you know I like that that’s fine proving the you know that you could defeat the odds I’ll be remembered as the underdog with that that’s great6 2007 that year was the best year of my life married the love of my life shocked the world inspired Millions I I threw that in there fantastic [Music] year