Brazilian Jiu-jitsu for Kids

Most people would like to be good in martial arts for their own best reasons with the world having countless types of this special body art movements. Most of these body and mind art tricks demand plenty of physical fitness making many individuals shy away even though in their hearts there always exist the desire to acquire one. Jiu jitsu solves this problem since it does not necessarily demand that you must be extremely strong to be equipped with it

Jiu jitsu is a martial art used in ancient times by the Japanese samurai having passed to generations and emerging to be one of the best martial art skills today. It consists of punches, ground-grappling, kicks, weapons and throws. Its techniques rely heavily on leverage rather than training to be so strong.Brazilians slightly modified this art a bit of their own version that is Brazilian jig jitsu, Helio Gracie developing it in Brazil emphasising mostly on ground-gappling and takedowns. Brazilian jiu jitsu proves the point that with proper techniques a weaker or a smaller individual can face and defend him/herself against a stronger or a bigger individual.

Every kid in the class lines up then bow to the instructor after which they warm up basically with sit ups, push ups squats also running. They then breakfall and roll plus a lot of stretching each having a patner practising each move taught. They also undergo games plus focus and concentration drills. They all line up at the end of lessons then bow’

This of course makes it simpler and efficient to kids compared to karate and taekwondo which have so much involvement of harsh training for one to be strong something most kids wont find amusing. Brazilian jiu jitsu not only used as martial art or sport but also a life changing activity which is highly beneficial to kids. It a very effective way of body weight management to keep kids body in better shape.

The good thing with the Brazilian jiu jitsu to kids is the unseen part like working on cholesterol and blood sugar management. Kids grow up healthy in many aspects as said before many of which not visible physically.

Brazilian jiu jitsu equips the kids with; good attributes like coordination, physical fitness, balance and strength. They also learn games and drills relating to movements an techniques of the Brazilian jiu jitsu something which require a lot of commitment to attain in karate and tekwondo training. They also learn focusing and concentration, accepting instructions, respecting their colleagues and team working. Every parent will love to see his/her kids developing with this amazing traits that Brazilian jiu jutsi offer in less effort as compared to karate and taekwondo. They also acquire sufficient self confidence and setting goals and also how to see them achieved

So wether the benefits is seen or unseen is much less to think of, what is so important is that a lot of positive transformation will happen inside your kid and he or she knows anything got in class is right there to be applied in real life.